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Do people really care?

Rya Nitely

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Medhue Simoni wrote:


On the other hand, I do believe in copyright, because this is only an agreement between 2 people.

It can be an agreement between all kind of parties, between two businesses, between a performing artist and this audience, between a writer and/or publisher and all librabries in a country, between a band and a television station, between a university and a photo studio, and so on...


*edit: Actually it is not an agreement at all. As an owner of copyrights of certain works you have possiblity to make agreements about the use of your rights with all possible kind of parties, or to sell (parts of your rights) to persons or other legals. .

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

‘The part that bothers me the most tho, is people or creators being accused of things that there is no proof for. There is much more harm to be done in falsely accusing others than the benefit of protecting some game company's ripped content.’

then this

‘To get back on topic. I'm actually for allowing any1 to publicly shame any business in an open forum. This would much better impact the IP issues. No1 would want that kind of attention. The shame alone would stop 90% of it.’

You really should decide where you stand before you start posting.

On your first point - There is obvious proof of content theft in SL. And nobody pointed a direct finger at anyone. If you think I did IM me and give me the name(s). If you can’t give me specific names then stop insinuating that there has been finger pointing.

Then your second statement sounds very much like a contradiction of your first. But I don’t agree with your ‘publicly shaming of any business’ because as you pointed out in your first statement, this could be dangerous. I might hint at wrong doings but I would never directly name and shame, or give enough hints to out anyone.

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Oh I get it now…I am so thick sometimes. I see now what Medhue and Dres have been trying to say (and that person who IMed me inworld).

I was pointing my finger at the merchants/creators who KNOWINGLY use stolen content. Well, how could I? I’m disgusted at myself. Let me make this public apology.

I make this public apology to all those merchants and creators who knowingly use stolen content. I apologise if I have upset you by my comments, and for pointing a finger at you. Now wipe those tears out of your eyes, and take that snarl off your face and go about your content thieving in peaceful enjoyment. Let us all say no more on this sensitive and upsetting topic.

I certainly wasn’t finger pointing at people who are unaware that they are using stolen content, and these innocent people would not feel the finger was aimed at them.

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Rya Nitely wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

‘The part that bothers me the most tho, is people or creators being accused of things that there is no proof for. There is much more harm to be done in falsely accusing others than the benefit of protecting some game company's ripped content.’

then this

‘To get back on topic. I'm actually for allowing any1 to publicly shame any business in an open forum. This would much better impact the IP issues. No1 would want that kind of attention. The shame alone would stop 90% of it.’

You really should decide where you stand before you start posting.

On your first point - There is obvious proof of content theft in SL. 
And nobody pointed a direct finger at anyone. If you think I did IM me and give me the name(s). If you can’t give me specific names then stop insinuating that there has been finger pointing.

Then your second statement sounds very much like a contradiction of your first. But I don’t agree with your ‘publicly shaming of any business’ because as you pointed out in your first statement, this could be dangerous. I might hint at wrong doings but I would never directly name and shame, or give enough hints to out anyone.

Sometimes, I think people choose to read things however they want, instead of what was clearly stated. Please read my words carefully. I try to choose them carefully.

I was clearly talking about false claims and judging without any proof at all. That is much different than knowing and having proof, and then shaming some1. When I say to shame some1, I'm implying that the facts are all in. Why would you shame some1 without the facts? To make yourself look bad?

As to your suggestion that the things you pointed to have obvious proof, then why in 6 pages is there no proof? You publically shamed every1 that was selling Halloween stuff. You even insinuated that some1 made masks that are an IP infringement. What masks are these and how exactly are they ripped or some infringement? The mask was the only thing you pointed to directly. Just because you think they are, does not mean they actually are. I went and looked, and I couldn't find more than a few items that might be questionable in everything labeled with the Halloween tag. So, because a few might be, somehow all these people are Rippers, or we should all be on the look out for ripped halloween stuff? It's completely ridiculous.

What I see constantly, are people making excuses why they won't create or chase their dreams. Reality has little to no affect. They chase ghosts instead of dealing with the real problem. It's akin to drinking their lives away. They want a crutch, something to lean on and say, "See, it's not my fault." I see this Ripped content thing, that comes up periodically, as just such a crutch. Is there RIPPED content? Sure! Is it everywhere? Definitely not! Is this something for any SL resident to to fear? Not really! No more than any other things in SL.

Let's look at this rationally. What is the % of ripped goods in SL? 5%? Most likely not. My best guess is probably around 1%, and even that is questionably high. So, we have people willingly allowing 1% of something to taint their outlook. Sadly, this kind of attitude is prevelant in society today. Hey, what is the point of doing anything, as some1 will just rip it, or they'll rip something better. Right?


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I admit it... I have a problem (I've always heard that admitting to having a problem is the first step in solving it)... I simply couldn't resist taking a little peek back in here to see if anything was being said that was actually worth being discussed (unfortunately, I never seem to get around to that second step).

As it turns out, there most certainly was...


Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

...Dres *finally unsubscribes from this thread*

... runs in and decorates Dres like a Christmas tree, six weeks early.

Cuz he'll never know.


AH!!!  I caught you!!!

But seriously, have you ever even considered that I may have already been dressed as a Christmas tree?  Perhaps I simply find wearing pine needles, shiny balls and flashing lights incredibly comfy... so much so that, when lounging at home, I wear them year 'round.

Would it surprise you to know that when I'm feeling particularly sexy, I might put on a skirt and throw on some angel hair?  Maybe some tinsel and a disco star, when I'm feeling playful?  Hell, I might even string together some popcorn for that retro/vintage feel.  Oh! the possibilities are endless.

Anyway... now that we have that settled, I have to run.  I've got a date with a very cute gingerbread man who just happens to have a really sweet candy cane.

...Dres *might get a good flocking tonight, if he's lucky*

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Nice! So, let's sum up the ending here and highlight your ridiculousness.


  • I jump into the conversation, pointing out the fact that you are making fallacious claims against creators without any proof of your claims.
  • You then try to discredit me with your interpretations of my statements.
  • I reaffirm my position.
  • You accuse both Dres and I of ripping.
  • I ignore your last ridiculous claim, and point out the irrationalities of your claims and the harm it does.
  • You give up!


I'm sure that most regulars on the forums have seen me be the nicest guy in the world, and seen me be pretty brutal. IMHO, there is a place for both. I'm all for people having and expressing their opinions, but there is a line when it comes to accusing merchants without first proving your case. I don't care what the perception might be, as perceptions are not facts. If you are going to accuse people of ripping, you should, at the very least, post an image of that product in the actual game. How hard is that? I've seen it done before in the forums, and it was a hardy debate about if the product was actually ripped. My conclusion was that it was ripped, and I have no clue who this person was that was selling the car. Nothing was against the TOS in the forum, as the creator's name was never brought up. I'm sure others looked up who it was, but I seriously didn't care who it was, as it doesn't matter to me.

As far as your last claim, I'll just say that, I hope it shows how much of your opening statement was grounded in reality. I spoke up against this kind of rhetoric because I feel it truely hurts the community to insinuate that there are ripped items from other games everywhere, or that SL merchants are just rippers. If there are cases of ripping, I'd love to see those cases debated in the forums, with wireframes and all. No TOS needs to be broken, and no merchant has to be directly outed. This is the responsible way to handle ripping in SL, IMHO.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

But seriously, have you ever even considered that I may have already been dressed as a Christmas tree?

If you'd already been dressed like a Christmas tree, I'd not have decorated you, right? You were dressed as a garden variety Colorado Blue Spruce, and the only dates you'd have attracted in that outfit would be squirrels and cardinals. One of those would go for your nuts, the other for... well from what I've seen of the Catholic Church, you'd have done alright with a cardinal.

So, I'll take a little credit for your meeting this gingerbread fella.

Don't get crumbs on the sheets!

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