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Where are all the heroes?

benku Cain

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Having 8.5 years or so of experience upon Second Life, I would like to consider myself something of a Veteran.
I've been around, as they say, I've been in tight nit groups of various types, from trollers to builders.

But for months to years now, i've been mostly occupied with building, creativity, specifically in mesh. inbetween playing other games and Real Life™.

but over the time i think sometimes, SL is a social game, I can't be the only person out there who actively uses SL for Art that enjoys the social aspect also.
So i set out looking, when i get the urge to brows the vastness of SL, for incredible mesh builds, or mesh builders to reach out to, groups and societies of active, like-minded people...

Sure i find sandboxes, there's probably 500 or so sandboxes now/left on SL, the majority of which are however empty, or filled with people who have little interest than a quick stop experiment/unpacking goods. 

Don't get me wrong, i'm not conceited enough to consider myself among the 'elite' or what have you, I enjoy what I do, and while the professional life of art would be nice, for today I like to keep it on the level and enjoy the act of creating what I do.

Thusly i come to the forums, the central hub of noise and spam looking for answers, and like-minded individuals, who may even now be alone in their isolated parcel, wondering if anyone else out there is interested in the same thing.

Are there groups of people actively enjoying, collaborating and building?  or even individuals doing the same, Somewhere out there?

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I began SL in 2007 and really enjoy meeting others who have been in SL even longer. :)

As to your question: when I build I have to be alone because I am not a multi-tasker so I can't even chat with someone while building.  I give whatever I do very intense, directed thought.  As far as sandboxes, I haven't gone to one in a long time since I just throw a platform up on my parcel to build.

There is a group in SL (at the moment I can't recall the name) that is a dating group for builders and creators who are often alone while building but would like to meet other builders for social purposes.  If I think of the name of the group I'll come back to post it.

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Others have given you good suggestions for finding other builders, but I wanted to comment on your lament re: empty sandboxes. I would think that the advent of mesh had a lot to do with this, because as I understand it (not being a builder myself), a good deal of the work in making mesh creations is done outside of the SL environment. In other words, many builders just can't stand around building together like in the old days....creating has become an even more solitary activity than it might have already been, due to the tools now being used. 

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As mesh is almost entirely an out-world creative endeavor, it seems logical that you're not finding mesh groups creating collaboratively in-world. When I joined in early 2008, I greatly enjoyed prim building with friends. Several of us would gather on a sim to push and stretch prims to build whatever we imagined. While that can still be done, the appearance of sculpties and particularly mesh seem to have segregated building into the haves and the have-nots, or between on-jobsite creators and factory prefab importers. Although the importer may have created the factory prefab, that creation was not a shared experience. 

I've toyed with dusting off my expensive 3D creation tools to make mesh for SL, but if I did, I'd be further separating myself from the shared experience. I'm pretty sure nobody else creating mesh here is using Ashlar Cobalt. And if I did fire Cobalt up again, I'd probably send the output to a 3D printer, not to SL, because SL is actually a dreadful place to realize the sort of 3D things I usually create . One hundred years from now, my RL 3D creations will still be around to reflect a bit of the life that created them. Nothing I've created in SL will survive.

While moving creation out-world allows access to highly sophisticated design tools and perhaps better creations (the jury is still out), it also changes the social dynamic of creation, pushing it back in the direction of solitary endeavor. While seasoned 3D designers, and the tech people inside LL might find this alluring, it's not what Philip Rosedale sold us years ago. Moving creation out-world also introduces more upload markets for creators, potentially eroding whatever allegiance they may have to SL.

I haven't followed the Builder's Brewery crowd in years, but you might join their group and see if there's a mesh contingent.

Good luck!

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To embrace the all that comprises SL, one must partake of its many variables.

You are selling yourself short to think that creation is strictly limited to building.

May I suggest perusing the machinima forum from time to time?

Which is the realm of some creative heavyweights.

I just tag along but this (which is temporary) will take you to a developing super hero love story lol


Totally W.I.P


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

The OP is talking about & to talented & creative people.

The community has been aware of your "contributions" for years now.

Longer in fact than your name indicates

(tip - rugby isn't creative nor is it considered art).

\o_ *waves


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

The OP is talking about & to talented & creative people.

The community has been aware of your "contributions" for years now.

Longer in fact than your name indicates

(tip - rugby isn't creative nor is it considered art).

\o_ *waves

On the charge of failure to appreciate performance art, on a deep and complex level: GUILTY

Obiter Dicta: Who are YOU to decide what art is? Add an f and it's smelly wind. Remove a t and it's a pirate ejaculation.

© The Judge

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