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Phil Deakins

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Phil Deakins,


I presume you are searching the old archives looking for evidence that Pep wished cancer upon someone.


You might (or might not) recall that I was directly involved in the "cancer" incident. Ah, good times!


Anyway, sorry to burst your bubble, but it was Rhonda Huntress who wished cancer upon Pep. In fact, she subsequently clarified that she really really meant it.


Pep had recently lost a friend to cancer (and Pep is the first to tell you not to believe everything you read on the internet, but let's assume it's true)  so it seems rather unlikely that he would be wishing cancer on others.


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I'll suck it up when I know for certain that I was mistaken, and the memory is too strong for that.

In the meantime, you won't kill this thread like you did the other one, because you'll be talking to yourself, and I imagine even you would soon get bored with that. This is my last post to you on this subject in any thread. You can keep your opinion. I won't help you.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I'll suck it up when I know for certain that I was mistaken, and the memory is too strong for that.

In the meantime, you won't kill this thread like you did the other one, because you'll be talking to yourself, and I imagine even you would soon get bored with that. This is my last post to you on this subject in any thread. You can remain deluded. I won't help you.

Kill this thread? It would be doing the forum a favour, since it was a pointless one in the first place, asking a question which was only necessary because your cognitive functions have become almost terminally degraded.

You won't ever admit that you were mistaken, of course, even though you were. That would be admitting to yourself that your inhabitation of a fantasy world has extended from SL to your real world. Or perhaps you will also invent a memory that I admitted you were right (as if!) which will comfort you that you are not actually descending into insanity - inaccurately of course.

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Laurin. Let me be clear once again too :)

What I remember is different to what you remember. I've already said, more than once, that my memory may be inaccurate and, on the strength of that, I actually apologised for bringing it up. But it doesn't mean that my memory is inaccurate. It only means that I accept that it may be. It's a strong memory so I'm reluctant to accept that it's wrong.

You are right that he kept on  and on about it afterwards.

I just looked at the page that he linked to again. I like Mari's quote - "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." - G. B. Shaw :D She was suggesting not to rise to him, but to ignore his barbs. I thought it was very applicable :)

I also noticed that it wasn't his comment about Rhonda's legs that set her off. It was that his nastiness drove a friend of hers right out of the forum.

There's some interesting stuff on that page.

Anyway, I haven't relinquished my memory. I've only accepted that it may be mistaken. It may be that he only did what I said he did on the odd occasion, or he may not have done it at all. He was certainly very slow to deny it. It was only after he'd posted several times about it that he actually denied it.

Unless someone is going to spend a lot of time going through all the old threads after the initial outburst, nothing is going to be proved one way or the other, so it's best to let it drop. The other thread is locked and this one will be too if it all takes off again, because I'll ask for it.

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That's fine with me if you want to get it locked, Phil.   This thread is pointless as you are mistaken and I see you will not admit it to yourself.  I remember you very well, also, and how tenacious you can be in arguing a pointless argument until a thread gets locked.

I am going to have to disagree with you about what precisely set Rhonda off as neither of us were in her head, and neither of us can be sure.  I do of course remember Amara leaving and was also saddened by it as were all the participants in the Undying.  Whether it was that or the linebacker comment that provoked the explosion, who knows.  It may have been Pep calling Bran chubby in FC chat or Elora saggy at every opportunity.  Who cares.  Everyone who frequented the Undying knew what Pep was like, yet no one else responed in such a manner.

I understand that you have a great dislike for Pep and I think I also understand your reasons and that you are not alone in that regard.  I would request that you also understand it is not a unified position about Pep and he does have friends.  As one of those friends, and a fellow old forumite I can assure you he poked, he prodded and he annoyed, but he never wished harm on anyone.   It's my guess that he didn't immediately deny it because the notion is absurd.

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I'm not doubting your memory, Laurin. I am doubting mine but not enough to decide that it's wrong. I'm still thinking that you didn't see everything. You may have done, but I'm thinking you may not have done.

Rhonda herself posted the reason for the outburst in the page that pep linked to, so I'm on safe ground there :) She deleted the outbursts (several of them) but she didn't delete this. This is what she posted:-

It was not his little barbs.
It was what he did to someone you called a friend.
She is gone now, so it is not like it can ever happen again

The "she" was Amara, as you thought, and the "you" was Jerboa. The outbursts weren't caused by the 'thighs' barb, although that probably added to everything else. They were caused by what he did to Amara.

You are right that nobody else responded in such a manner but others did respond in support of Rhonda after she wrote the outburst. It was just that others wouldn't have written such a thing themselves. Also, nobody wrote in support of pep. That whole part of the thread was written against pep's behaviour.

I know that pep has friends in this forum - very few, but they do exist. To be honest, since they know what he does, it doesn't speak very highly of those friends, imo.

I also know that he was trying to drum up support from outside the forum (I really did get messages of support from people) and it's my guess that's how you and someone else arrived in these threads out of the blue ;)

Incidentally, I know what Pep will do now - what he's known for doing - so I've already asked for this thread to be locked before it takes off.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I'm not doubting your memory, Laurin. I am doubting mine but not enough to decide that it's wrong. I'm still thinking that you didn't see everything. You may have done, but I'm thinking you may not have done.

Rhonda herself posted the reason for the outburst in the page that pep linked to, so I'm on safe ground there 
She deleted the outbursts (several of them) but she didn't delete this. This is what she posted:-

It was not his little barbs.

It was what he did to someone you called a friend.

She is gone now, so it is not like it can ever happen again

The "she" was Amara, as you thought, and the "you" was Jerboa. The outbursts weren't caused by the 'thighs' barb, although that probably added to everything else. They were caused by what he did to Amara.

You are right that nobody else responded in such a manner but others did respond in support of Rhonda after she wrote the outburst. It was just that others wouldn't have written such a thing themselves. Also, nobody wrote in support of pep. That whole part of the thread was written against pep's behaviour.

I know that pep has friends in this forum - very few, but they do exist. To be honest, since they know what he does, it doesn't speak very highly of those friends, imo.

I also know that he was trying to drum up support from outside the forum (I really did get messages of support from people) and it's my guess that's how you and someone else arrived in these threads out of the blue 

Incidentally, I know what Pep will do now - what he's known for doing - so I've already asked for this thread to be locked before it takes off.

Why are you spending so much time researching what DID happen - I gave the links to it remember, and could have explained all this hokum, as well as the truth of the matter, but why drag it all up again - and apparently none at all digging up ANYTHING that might support the delusions you have invented as accusations?

If you are insisting on disinterring historic antagonisms, Pep would like to plead guilty to criticising Rhonda's avatars thighs, preferring a movie star's knees to Elora's, and being disgusted by 3Ring's coprophilia. Oh, and posting a very artistic image of a dead cat floating in a pool of raindrops, and a photo of a REALLY BIG spider which frightened Treasure. He regrets that last one.

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