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I am being followed


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I agree with you about the improbability, but not the impossibility, of the purported tracking via some unknown loophole. Aliens needn't tell us how they kidnap us to probe our innards because they don't do it. The military needn't tell us how they use ELF waves to molify the otherwise inquiring minds of hapless citizens because they don't do it.

Similarly, I needn't disclose how it is that I coordinate my minions to police the forum
and this shadowy follower needn't reveal how s/he tunnels through SL's servers to track the OP's every movement using mechanisms known to no other.

Sometimes nefariousness is effortless.

Credit where credit is due? Pfft!

Can you blame me for being nefarious?

Of course you can!



Oh fine, just blurt it out! Who needs secrecy when you're so nefarious? Tra la la.

You have no idea how much work we do behind the scenes to mask your obvious meddling. I just typed that as 'maddling', btw. I'm coining words.

Snugs and I will have more to say about this, you can be sure.


ETA bolding, or boldly go, or oh nm

Lordy, she's at it again.

Dillon, you and the others might want to consider unionizing. She's got her eye on new Halloween decorations and you can bet she'll try to pry the money for that out of your paychecks. Don't let her weaken your position by devaluing your efforts. Masking maddling is surely difficult and tiring work.

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Snugs McMasters wrote:

Lordy, she's at it again.

Dillon, you and the others might want to consider unionizing. She's got her eye on new Halloween decorations and you can bet she'll try to pry the money for that out of your paychecks. Don't let her weaken your position by devaluing your efforts. Masking maddling is surely difficult and tiring work.


So many threads, so little time.

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Are they still following you? Why would they follow you anyways? Did you have some relationship with them? Was it some kind of... romantic triangle? Did you get your SL client from a reputable source? Or... was it on a burned cdr with 'secondlife' handwritten with a sharpie? Have you tried doing multiple jumps to different sims in a short period of time? Are you absolutely sure about the attachments? I'd take them all off, including the huds... and burn them.

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

branigon wrote:

I said to this person " oh youre tracking me are you well ok where am I know then ?" said that after I tp'd to a random sim and they still found me

There used to be an exploit where
could be gleaned from an IM session, that was 2008, and surely that hole has been closed by now.  The fact that the OP noted they were in IM with the stalker reminded me of this exploit.  

Was that the one where the advice was to tp to several sims in rapid succession and the person couldn't follow then?  I remember reading about something like that back then on the forums.

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Awe Thor wrote:

If such an exploit was possible, do you really believe that the originator would be so stupid as to explain how it was done, in public, for free?

given the nature of most amateur hackers (and pros wouldn't bother), yes. They're in it for the notoriety, the glory.

And most of them aren't bright enough to realise that bragging about crimes is likely to get you arrested.

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jwenting wrote:

Awe Thor wrote:

If such an exploit was possible, do you really believe that the originator would be so stupid as to explain how it was done, in public, for free?

given the nature of
amateur hackers (and pros wouldn't bother), yes. They're in it for the notoriety, the glory.

of them aren't bright enough to realise that bragging about crimes is likely to get you arrested.

I have highlighted the critical words in your post.

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  • 5 months later...

hmm unbelievable branigon. Don't make me out to be some weirdo stalker! YOU KNOW the truth! To answer your question which you already know the answer to...and since you have made a personal issue public, you knew that I had mapping rights as you also had for myself and my alt. I don't have any super powers other than women's intuition, and anyone with a little computer savvy can work it out. You freaked out about this not me, which seemed curious as it only happened once, (once was enough) Your profile stinks, the phrase 'funny that the accusers are almost always the ones that are guilty as charged and give YOU a hard time to hide their own indiscretions' springs to mind. So puzzle solved folks, no funny gadgets were used, which is I think what you really wanted to know branigon.

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Interwebz rule #234:

If someone complains about some random thing some unknown person is doing randomly in an unknwon way to them... Its not wise to come into that 5-6 months after the fact and say "Oh Hai, that unknown person was me, all this anonymous drama that nobody needed to care about or remember or hold against anyone involved me."


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