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Near useless profiles

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So the TP option is hidden away in the current LL viewer. Ty, Qie. It doesn't make any sense to me, but I've now found it.

Everyone has been very helpful - well, almost everyone :) I now have the Firestorm IMs displaying in a sensible way, and I've now seen the TP option from the IM box in both the the current LL viewer and in Firestorm. Brilliant!

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When "Web Profiles" were introduced I did a thread, Arthur Miller's "The Death Of A Profile", that did not get much attention at the time.

Shortly after that thread, Torley did a thread, INTERESTS? In MY Web Profiles Tab? Early questions & answers,  in which I raised the issues again.   In that thread he agreed with me and said he was going to take up the issues.  Whether he ever did I don't know.  If he did, he obviously was ignored.

One thing that really bothers me about the Web Profiles is that when they were introduced the talk was that Legacy Profiles would eventually go bye bye, that LL was only supporting them because of the transitional period for Viewers.

If Legacy Profiles ever do go bye bye, you can kiss Profiles good bye as a means to share "Your World, Your Imagination" with other people.  In their current iteration, Web Profiles are clunky, buggy, unintuitive and a waste of the pixels they use.  Just like CHUI, it was designed by people who do not use SL and outside of their pay check I wonder if they even have an interest in it.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Usually, it's no big deal when a profile fails to load but there are times when it does matter. One of them is when you want to TP someone you are in an IM with. The obvious thing would be to right-click the name and select 'teleport' from the options. But teleport isn't an option, so you have to select to view the profile instead and teleport the person from there. If the profile won't load, as often happens, you're reduced to doing a search for the person and taking it from there. Bloody ridiculous design.

Huh? You've always been able to teleport someone from the Viewer 2/3 IM panel. It's a right click option siince at least the CHUI viewers and before that there were buttons in the side panel under the large icon of the avatar.

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In the old viewer, if a person has "only friends can see my online status" enabled, then only friends can offer a teleport to that person's profile, as well. 

No idea if that is still the case.

Rather than ask someone to 'friend me' or alert them to that fact, I just do as my last post suggested.

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Phil ?

Do you think 4 pages of a thread bec you want to spy my profile is a reasonable thing ?

And who the hell is this other Trinity you are talking about ? you swore to me i was the sole Trinity in your life and now what ? 

you maybe couldnt find any plane to Paris last week,  but i may even cross the Channel swimming for coming to your house and make a huge tantrum ! :smileyvery-happy:

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Awww that's good then.. get the dinner ready ill be there soon then....

you wont be disapointed lol... catalan tantrums are great ones :smileyvery-happy:

And get ready for reconciliation then...:smileywink:, althought we have a damn hot temp, catalans are usually not spiteful :matte-motes-inlove:

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Awww that's good then.. get the dinner ready ill be there soon then....

you wont be disapointed lol... catalan tantrums are great ones 

And get ready for reconciliation then...:smileywink:, althought we have a damn hot temp, catalans are usually not spiteful :matte-motes-inlove:

So while French Men have an unearned (and hence undeserved) reputation, you are telling us it IS true what they say about French Women?

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Awww that's good then.. get the dinner ready ill be there soon then....

you wont be disapointed lol... catalan tantrums are great ones 

And get ready for reconciliation then...:smileywink:, althought we have a damn hot temp, catalans are usually not spiteful :matte-motes-inlove:

So while French Men have an unearned (and hence undeserved) reputation, you are telling us it IS true what they say about French Women?


not all french women... only catalans one.... french or spanish btw lol.... we are catalans before being french or spanish....

/me wonders if after the journey till UK, she will go and make a tantrum on Mars....."After all, im still on vacations, so why not travel a lil ?"


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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Awww that's good then.. get the dinner ready ill be there soon then....

you wont be disapointed lol... catalan tantrums are great ones 

And get ready for reconciliation then...:smileywink:, althought we have a damn hot temp, catalans are usually not spiteful :matte-motes-inlove:

So while French Men have an unearned (and hence undeserved) reputation, you are telling us it IS true what they say about French Women?


not all french women... only catalans one.... french or spanish btw lol.... we are catalans before being french or spanish....

/me wonders if after the journey till UK, she will go and make a tantrum on Mars....."After all, im still on vacations, so why not travel a lil ?"


I will get the Tantrum Pole ready for us to dance around.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Awww that's good then.. get the dinner ready ill be there soon then....

you wont be disapointed lol... catalan tantrums are great ones 

And get ready for reconciliation then...:smileywink:, althought we have a damn hot temp, catalans are usually not spiteful :matte-motes-inlove:

So while French Men have an unearned (and hence undeserved) reputation, you are telling us it IS true what they say about French Women?


not all french women... only catalans one.... french or spanish btw lol.... we are catalans before being french or spanish....

/me wonders if after the journey till UK, she will go and make a tantrum on Mars....."After all, im still on vacations, so why not travel a lil ?"


I will get the Tantrum Pole ready for us to dance around.

Lol, keep the pole safe for the after tantrum... you know... catalans tantrum are like huge and scary storms.... if you get the pole in the middle, no matter its a tantrum pole or not, i m afraid it will be a broken pole after the tempest lol ....

well just an advice... you do as your want.... i need to call the airport to know when they can get ready the rocket plane for me. For now, i m just wearing my swimsuit, i have to cross all the Channel for the going to Phil's make a first tantrum....I wont be able to log in the forum, the whole time i ll be crossing the channel... i dont think ill be able to get any internet from the middle of the sea :smileywink:

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I use the LL viewer for me and, for my alt that is simultaneously logged in when I'm logged in, I used to use Phoenix, which did the old style profiles - very quick and reliable. But I've had to change that one to the Firestorm viewer so I only have access to the web-based profiles now, which are utterly unreliable.

I use the Singularity Viewer which is the closest I've come to the old Phoenix.  I prefer it over Firestorm run in Phoenix mode.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

@ Phil: I'm not using LL viewers since 07, I never ever used anything  web based and I had nothing but joy from the oldstyle inworld profiles as delivered from Phoenix, Firestorm and
my fave viewer right now; Singularity
.  I TP people also directly from IM window and radar.

I know why LL went the way to put everything on the net: it's to be more welcoming for the facetwit crowd.
Not a wise move if you ask me, since these people mostly don't "get" SL  at all and can't log out and take their business to "social" sites fast enough. Wasted effort and a step in the wrong direction by LL.

(Bolding mine)

Another vote for Singularity!  I've posted a couple of issues on their version of jiras and had an answer within minutes, or a half hour at the absolute longest. 

As far as the facetwit crowd - totally agree. 

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Phil Deakins wrote:


For my alt, I used Phoenix, which used the old, reliable profiles, but with SSA, I've had to change to Firestorm, which now only uses the unreliable web-based profiles.

So, are you saying that Singularity currently uses the old reliable profiles and is SSA compliant? If that's true, I may have to go to that one for my main avatar (me).

You can change Firestorm to look more like Phoenix, including the old-school profiles:

I tried that but I still prefer Singularity.  Even in Phoenix mode there are way too many extra "features" I don't want nor need that I find too "cluttered" in FS.  One thing I HATE is that I always kept the camera controls in the upper right corner of my viewer.  (For those who will likely come along laughing that I still use the camera controls - yes I know how to use the key combinations...for some things I just prefer the camera controls.)  In FS in Phoenix mode (or probably FS in general) the cameral controls are HUGE!!!  Additionally, they are attached to some big box with tabs of more useless info.  A friend of mine sent the workaround for that, but it involves downloading files and adding some code somewhere so, heck with that.

Back on point - if you like FS, you might try Phoenix mode if you haven't already.  If you like LLv3 then the extra stuff probably won't bother you.  As for me, I prefer simplicity.

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I'm not a fan of Phoenix or Firestorm, or even the use of 3rd party viewers at all. I'm happy with LL's current viewer, which is the one I use for my main avatar (me). I used Phoenix, and then Firestorm, for one reason only - the Edit box has a button to get an object's UUID, as do other TPVs, and that's something that is frequently useful. LL viewers have never done that. Apart from that I've been perfectly happy with LL's viewers, except the V2, of course, but their V1 was still ok during that period. So I'm not looking for an alternative viewer, or a Phoenix-look Firestorm.

As a result of this thread, I now have Firestorm providing the old-style reliable profiles (I mostly use my alt - Firestorm - to views profiles) and, as a bonus, I have it doing sensible IM displays instead of the silly default arrangement. Another bonus is that I've been shown that both the LL viewer and Firestorm provide a TP facility from their IM boxes, so there's no need for profiles for that. This thread has been a big winner for me.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

I tried that but I still prefer Singularity.  Even in Phoenix mode there are way too many extra "features" I don't want nor need that I find too "cluttered" in FS.  One thing I HATE is that I always kept the camera controls in the upper right corner of my viewer.  (For those who will likely come along laughing that I still use the camera controls - yes I know how to use the key combinations...for some things I just prefer the camera controls.)  In FS in Phoenix mode (or probably FS in general) the cameral controls are HUGE!!!  Additionally, they are attached to some big box with tabs of more useless info.  A friend of mine sent the workaround for that, but it involves downloading files and adding some code somewhere so, heck with that.

Back on point - if you like FS, you might try Phoenix mode if you haven't already.  If you like LLv3 then the extra stuff probably won't bother you.  As for me, I prefer simplicity.

I use the cam controls a lot too, lol. I'm not sure why your camera controls in fs look huge or have anything else attached to them, though. My cam controls box is the same size it has always been. It offers a few newer features it didn't have before, but the box size is no bigger and it isn't attached to anything. I always keep it in the same spot too(botton little bit to the left oy my center) and it's never more obstructive than the old one was. I'm not sure what tabs you're talking about either. Could you explain that a bit? You and I may be talking about the same few new features, but I'm not sure, so I'm curious. I prefer fs in phoenix mode too, even though it does offer some features I rarely, if ever, use. The UI layout and sizes of things is the same as it always has been for me and that's important when I'm having a difficult time seeing things, lol. I already know approx. where to click for the things I do use.

Back to the topic, I also prefer the old profiles. That's why I was glad phoenix/fs has always offered them. I hate the wat the web profiles look. Even though you get both in fs. I think my attachment to the old profiles might be more nostalgic than anything else, though. Ok that and already knowing where everything is and how best to see it. This is why I don't go with official viewers, especially if they make any amount of change. I'd be entirely lost and have to re-learn where everything is and how best to see it. Then I'd have to forget everything else I've already gotten used to. Which prob sounds weird to most people, but not being able to see things properly can make adapting to changes really difficult.

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I use the old-style profiles in Firestorm, and they behave just like I remember the old style profiles from before the web based profiles were introduced.  Which is to say, pretty useless in a crowded room. At least when right clicking on an avatar.  Been this way for many years.  One of my favorite Emerald/Phoenix/FS features is the radar, specifically because asking for the profile from the radar is much more apt to work than right clicking on an avatar.  (in a crowded room, I usually hang out in crowded rooms, so that is what is important for me)

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Rhys Goode wrote:

One of my favorite Emerald/Phoenix/FS features is the radar, specifically because asking for the profile from the radar is much more apt to work than right clicking on an avatar.  (in a crowded room, I usually hang out in crowded rooms, so that is what is important for me)

That is my #1 favorite feature as well!  I use it a lot. (Singularity has it as well; seriously, I need to work for them...lol.)

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

I misunderstood then...you seemed to be interested in looking at Singularity earlier in the thread but then said you were using FS but didn't like the web-based profiles so I suggested the Phoenix look.

Maybe it's a British-to-American translation quirk.

No, you weren't mistaken. Earlier in the thread I was interested in Singularity because the viewers I'm using didn't do what I wanted, but then people told me how to get what I want from both the LL viewer and from Firestorm, so by the time you posted I was satisfied with what I have already. The LL viewer's profiles are so unreliable as to be almost useless but, since its IM box does provide a way to TP someone, albeit hidden in normal use, without having to open their profile, it'll do for me. For profiles, I mostly use my alt, which is on the Firestorm viewer.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

another bonus for you Phil : you'll get me soon in your home for the tantrum.... 

well still the half of the Chanel to cross... mffff.... I should have better taken a boat....blah.....

edit : typo

Take your time, Trinity. I'm off to bed now so you have plenty of time to finish crossing the channel and make your way north before I get up again :)

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