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It seems impossible to do anything in my life right now. 
'Can't get a job because my ID is missing, can't move out 'cause I don't have money, can't volunteer because I still need an ID, I just finished college, my mother won't help me file a police report for my ID 'cause I don't know how, and a bunch of other little stuff that's annoying and a little saddening... I'm just generally sick of feeling stuck.'
Quoted from one of my earlier replies. 

I'm feeling lost. 

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I'll take sorting out my life as a consideration, because I really haven't thought of it before.
Thanks for the advice.

You've been here long enough to post three times. And I haven't spoken to you until just now. 
So you've had no reason to still be here. If I bore you, leave. 

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My reasons for 'being here' are my own. Don't post a thread when you are reluctant to expect any comment. I post as much as I like where and when ever I like.

Perhaps your boredom dictates and controls you ; it will not do the same to me.  You have been asking for suggestions. You have been given many and those include the ones you might not want to hear. Your boredom, however, is of nobody's concern and is hardly a fatality to you. Don't act like anybody should try to 'cure' your condition.

Get your own act together.

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Thanks but I'm in england and I want my mother to give me information that she actually has. 
She won't speak to me about it. 
And I'm ending this thread, I got what I wanted and a few sarcastic comments to coat, so I'm done.

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You wouldn't be the only anthro there. Go along and chat, make yourself useful and I am sure you will be welcomed. The people there are nice and fun. And I am sure your abatar will get lots of compliments and generate nice interest. There is no harm in trying anyway.

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This might be an odd response, but I gather from your previous answers that you're quite frustrated. I've been there. I'm not going to tell you to quit whining and just fix it already, because frankly you already know that's what you need to do, lol. We all do that from time to time. We know what we need to do, or how to figure out what it is we need to do, we're just reluctant, ok probably too lazy is more applicable in most cases, to actually do it.

So, while you're figuring out all of that rl stuff, and what to do with yourself there, maybe I can offer a suggestion for sl.

You said you're a grouchy person, and, you're very frustrated, I can see that. I don't see the club scene as being the sort of place someone like that would or should go and actually enjoy themselves. So have you tried something more, alone. I know being alone is probably not what you were asking for, but it might be a good idea. I went through a phase like that once. Hubby was out of state for a while and I was just kinda...blah...about everything. For all sorts of reasons, none really relevant here. Then I found a sim where I could destroy things. It's surprisingly fun. I found sims where I could shoot people, shoot NPCs, zombies, things like this. Good way to get my frustrations out. Then I built my own targets, of sorts. They weren't, and still aren't, fancy by any means. I usually have to take them somewhere relatively empty, where I am allowed to run their scripts-so I don't ruin anyone's experience while there. They're pretty heavy load-wise. I practice with them on an OS we have too(where there are no other people and the only load is to my own system). I build them up, have fun shooting the crap out of them, then start over. It probably sounds childish. A lot like building with blocks, knocking them down, then re-doing it, again and again and again. Sometimes I build ones that literally blow up before they repair, that can be real fun. But it's a great way to relieve stress, lol. Give the objects names of everything annoying the hell out of you. They don't have to be nice looking, so you don't have to engage your more artsy side. Hell my targets are usually plain old prims with some color added, or random textures I already made, lol.

Of course you can do that in rl too, but it will probably require more work than you're currently willing to give. Sl is the lazy way, and is my chosen method when I get uber frustrated.

Most of my friends have come and gone in sl. Some I'd even consider family, and still do. It happens. It's not fun, but it does happen. For a while I would get easily frustrated simply because NONE of them were around, like, ever. Then I realized that even when they were, I didn't really make much of an effort myself. So, a bit pointless to be angry about it. Unless I want to be angry at myself, and come on, who wants to do that.

Everyone else already said what I would have said, before reading your responses. But I can clearly see why few, if any, of them would work for you at the current moment. You're stuck in frustrated mode and it's going to make everything irritate you on some level. This is why I suggest finding something to point that frustration at, and basically tell it to screw off. There are TONS (ok there were, I'm not inworld atm to search) of sims made for just shooting and blowing things up. I've been to ones entirely empty too.

There are also sims with things like mazes, puzzles and such. When you're a little less frustrated, those might be a viable option. They're kinda fun and sometimes way more fun when you're alone. At least that way if you get pissed off, you're not directing it to anyone else. I like places like that sometimes. Even times when I am frustrated beyond belief. You'd be surprised how one utterly and annoying puzzle you can't seem to figure out, can help ease frustration. I know, it doesn't seem likely, but, sometimes it is.

Hobbies can include anything from getting a new pet, to sim hopping, finding new rl places in sl that you've never seen before, wandering aimlessly, going to an arcade or amusement park, various sports in sl(there are TONS, even if you hate sports, some sl ones are actually a lot of fun, way more than their rl counterpart). Hobbies don't have to just be what you'd do in rl, or artsy sorts. The world of sl is so much larger and more accessible than the rl one is for almost all of us. Go bungy jumping, fly a plane into an ocean, ride your bike on the freeway/highway, sit down at the zoo and talk with a gorilla, visit art museums and make fun of what some think is art(not to their faces of course-and yes I know that sounds mean :P ), take up gardening, go surfing, parachute off the eiffel tower-or even anywhere totally and utterly inappropriate(as long as you're not messing with other people. I do this all the time, but I never mess with others, I just randomly jump, freefall for a bit, then open my chute). There's not a whole lot of limit to what you can do in sl. The problem isn't that there's nothing to do, it's that you're stuck in perpetual frustration so anything you do seems not worthwhile and boring. Gotta get out of that part first, maybe something you haven't yet tried, or haven't tried in ages will help.

I don't recommend going out to meet new people until you sort yourself. That would be one suggestion, of all of them, I'd say is the absolute worst. You're not likely going to come at them with your best foot forward and will be more likely to drive them away. Then you'll just get more frustrated. I also don't recommend an sl job, until you're less frustrated. You won't find peace in something like that.

Taking a break might help, but it might not too. It will only help if you've something else to fill your day.

Here's a link for your ID, you said you're in England, so that's where I looked. It may or may not help, I can't say, I'm not on that side of the pond. But it's probably a better starting point than trying to talk to your mother.


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Kniffelig wrote:

Thanks but I'm in england and I want my mother to give me information that she actually has. 

She won't speak to me about it. 

And I'm ending this thread, I got what I wanted and a few sarcastic comments to coat, so I'm done.



I hate to say this, dear...but just saying you're going to end a thread, doesn't end it. Unless you actually go and delete the entire thing..:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

I feel very sad for you. As many others have said, we've been there. I was away from SL for a few weeks because I just got tired of it all...I still get that way every so often. It happens. Don't let it drag you down farther. What I did when I felt that I wanted to get away from it all (and this may sound weird) was that I found a pretty garden and just hung out there. No one could find me unless I wanted them to and I could just take in the calmness and serenity of the surroundings.

Another suggestion is that you could create a new AV and start over. I've done that a couple times (Tex is actually my first ALT and I have one three others as well). It gives you a chance to try new things...new personality...new gender, maybe?

One thing does bother me about your post...you say that your partner in SL is your RL partner. Why isn't he helping you out..not only in SL but in RL as well. Your Mom won't help get your new license..you feel you're too stupid to do it yourself..where the f**k is he in all this? Why isn't he stepping up and helping out? If he's out of town or away on business or something...they must have telephones where he is. I don't necessarilly buy that you're completely alone...but, it's not for me to say.

Good luck with whatever you decide. YOU are the only one who can solve your problems...but you don't have to do it alone. Get help.


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Tari: Hobbies can include anything from getting a new pet, to sim hopping, finding new rl places in sl that you've never seen before, wandering aimlessly, going to an arcade or amusement park, various sports in sl(there are TONS, even if you hate sports, some sl ones are actually a lot of fun, way more than their rl counterpart). Hobbies don't have to just be what you'd do in rl, or artsy sorts. The world of sl is so much larger and more accessible than the rl one is for almost all of us. Go bungy jumping, fly a plane into an ocean, ride your bike on the freeway/highway, sit down at the zoo and talk with a gorilla, visit art museums and make fun of what some think is art(not to their faces of course-and yes I know that sounds mean ), take up gardening, go surfing, parachute off the eiffel tower-or even ...



(No idea how to quote)

It always sounds like soo much fun! And then SL reality hits..





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mypixlalt wrote:

Tari: Hobbies can include anything from getting a new pet, to sim hopping, finding new rl places in sl that you've never seen before, wandering aimlessly, going to an arcade or amusement park, various sports in sl(there are TONS, even if you hate sports, some sl ones are actually a lot of fun, way more than their rl counterpart). Hobbies don't have to just be what you'd do in rl, or artsy sorts. The world of sl is so much larger and more accessible than the rl one is for almost all of us. Go bungy jumping, fly a plane into an ocean, ride your bike on the freeway/highway, sit down at the zoo and talk with a gorilla, visit art museums and make fun of what some think is art(not to their faces of course-and yes I know that sounds mean ), take up gardening, go surfing, parachute off the eiffel tower-or even ...



(No idea how to quote)

It always sounds like soo much fun! And then SL reality hits..




Huh, lol. It is, and can be, loads of fun. What sl reality are you talking about?

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Ha hey!

The things you listed sound way better then they actually are, well IMO.

Vistiting an amusement park or zoo sounds great but it's usually empty and made of old builds. As far as I remember my last trips at least.

Parachuting off the eiffel tour sounds great but it's over in like 10 seconds and wasn't fun at all, well unless you're drunk or doing it with others..



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mypixlalt wrote:

Ha hey!

The things you listed sound way better then they actually are, well IMO.

Vistiting an amusement park or zoo sounds great but it's usually empty and made of old builds. As far as I remember my last trips at least.

Parachuting off the eiffel tour sounds great but it's over in like 10 seconds and wasn't fun at all, well unless you're drunk or doing it with others..


Oh, I see, ty for clarifying.

Well, I still say.. 10 seconds of fun is usually better than 10 seconds of misery, or boredom, lol. Myabe individually they're not all that great. But an hour, day, week even, full of them might be. I gathered from the OP that being around other people probably isn't the best thing right now, I could easily be wrong. That's why i suggest things one can do alone, lol. When I'm grumpy, I don't even want to be near me, much less anyone else, lol.

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kick on some music and learn to create stuff..

there are tons of tutorials and forum threads on how to do it..

that is if you haven't already..


break into your creative side..

whatever that may be in..there are tons of different ways to be creative here..


creating can be a lot of fun if you take the time to learn it in the area you are interested in =)

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I think I'd like to try out some 'blowing **bleep** up.' I really do. 
I tried venting my frustration in video games outside SL, for one night, and now I'm even more frustrated because something on my computer is very **bleep**ed and there's not a fix for it yet. So, basically, all my games are temporarily unavailable. 
Did you have any particular places in mind? Any of your favourites? 

I think I just stick to clubs because it's familiar and yelling at my laptop about how such whores and assholes some people are, is very relaxing. Sorta.

I've always been unsure about some things in SL, particularly shooting things and puzzles, because I get huge lag pockets. I don't want to anger myself more because of lag.

My ID is a 'leave to remain' thing. The 'yeah, you can live here, immigrant' pass. My mother has one too, so I know she could easily [well, not easily, but she's got info on it.] help me save my ass from being deported. Not only that, she took a citizenship test that requires you to learn the laws and such for that kind of thing anyway.

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It's more of uh... pass to ignore those who are being rude, sarcastic, or general **bleep** wrinkles. 

Before all my frustration decided to ooze out my every orofice, I bought a nice skybox, where I built basically a forest setting. It was calming and I love to be there. Added some underground tunnels to amuse myself too. But... everything started annoying me. 
I thought about making an alt... the only thing holding me back was that I would still very much want to be an anthro and my first time around, I was lucky enough to meet friends that provided old but fantastic looking avis for free. Literally hundreds of them too. I just don't want to be stuck with bad anthro avis forever... and I don't want to try to spend vaulable money on an alt too. I'm low on funds all the time as it is. 

My partner has just sorted out his own life. He was on the streets because his mother was a **bleep**, got stuck in a hostel, and finally his grandfather gave him a place to stay. Then he had to go and sort out money and benefits and such. 
He's helped mostly by keeping me from getting too frustrated and giving me a shoulder to cry on when I have an emotional-woman fit. 
I don't think he knows much about this stuff either, so I don't really wanna drag him in it. 

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  • 3 months later...

I know this is discontinued, but i do have a very important suggestion;

I am at a hospital visiting my mother who is on life support and not expected to make it. She was air-lifted from our home town to a major metropolitan city. I had to leave home in the middle of the night to make it here and had no time to spare to log into Secondlife and alert my group of what was going on or announce my absence. I am now on a guest computer at the hospital. I'm in the groups section now hoping that there is a button or something that will allow me to make a group notice without logging into my SL browser to do so. I'm logged into the website with my valid username and password, veryifying who I am. Would it be that hard to include a feature to make notices in your groups out of the viewer?

Suggestion: a feature that access and create notices from the groups website

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