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Google chrome OS

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i have a new HP lap top. Its a chrome OS. I have downloaded both SL and the Firestorm viewer. It did not create a desk top icon of either. I see them in my files ok. So i know they downloaded. But how do i lunch the programe so i can sign in? I get this msg for Firestorm;

If you wish to install Firestorm on your desktop menus, we no longer do this by default. Instead, run:

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Free yourself from those evil clowns at Google and install a proper Linux, of which Chrome OS is just the little **bleep** brother anyway.

For starters I can highly recommend Linux Mint with Cinnamon desktop. Using it myself with no problems ... and I'm the most ungeeky user ever.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Its too bad no one at secondlife has realized that chrome OS is here to stay--its now in 60,000 + stores throughout most of the world. I have been using chromebooks as my primary computer for 2 1/2 years (I was on the pilot program) and have not missed windows computers at all. I hope that in the near future an app, or a thirdparty viewer, or a link through a browser will be available to access secondlife. I have three chromebooks and my Google chromebook Pixel has enough graphics to handle it (it has the same amout of pixels that the macbook pro retina does).

So yes I do believe that chromebooks are real laptops--actually I believe that they are better (just my opinion).

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WolfGeek wrote:

Its too bad no one at secondlife has realized that chrome OS is here to stay--its now in 60,000 + stores throughout most of the world. I have been using chromebooks as my primary computer for 2 1/2 years (I was on the pilot program) and have not missed windows computers at all. I hope that in the near future an app, or a thirdparty viewer, or a link through a browser will be available to access secondlife. I have three chromebooks and my Google chromebook Pixel has enough graphics to handle it (it has the same amout of pixels that the macbook pro retina does).

So yes I do believe that chromebooks are real laptops--actually I believe that they are better (just my opinion).

Your statement got me curious so I did a little reading.


Out of curiousity I looked to see if World Of Warcraft supported it.


"Chrome books are not gaming systems.  They're fine systems but they are just not designed to be gaming or really even high end performance systems."


From what I read, maybe you could get SL to run with Chromium.  But Chrome OS is not designed for gaming.



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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Care to giggle at what the Google (Evil Plan #7) machines 
do?  Since I'm only really interested in proper computers I never bother to check out these toys myself but it would be nice to know for the next person who wants to use an etch-a-sketch.

ROFL at etch-a-sketch.

(I'm a desktop PC kinda gal myself.)

ETA: @Perrie - thank you :)  Just as I hit the post button I was wondering if the Chrome books/whatever run anything like EQ, WoW, etc. since my old PC could run them well when it was struggling with SL.  You answered my question.

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Hmmm, that wasn't meant to apply to Google thingys specifically but to the fact that so many people get all upset that there isn't support for their machine when their machine clearly doesn't meet the system requirements.

These things - smart phones, tablets, netbooks, etc. - are great for what they do if what they do is all you want.  It is silly to expect them to be able to do more than they were designed for though.  The speakers won't match a hifi, the screen won't match a big TV, the graphics power, memory and storage capacity won't match a mainstream computer (of whatever reputable brand/OS).  Pick the low end of each of those categories and you've got a smart phone (pocket power, no problem), pick the top end and you've got a gaming rig (raw power).

In the middle (tablets and netbooks; even a lot of mediocre laptops) you've got *meah* systems that are just 'fine up to a point' and that point is roughly where desktops were in the mid 90s.  In other words it's taken 20 years for useful power to shrink that far but in the mean time the mainstream market - let alone the leading edge - has also moved on.

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It would be nice to be able to get into secondlife again--even if it was scaled down verzion that works through a browser. ChromeOS does support web gl and even if the graphics are not as good--it would still be nice. I am currently using smeet and I know its not as good as 2nd life or Imvu (which is not available either) on what you can do but at least its 3d.


Anyway one can hope for the future.

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WolfGeek wrote:

...Anyway one can hope for the future.

Absolutely.  As these type of machines become more and more popular so there is more incentive for hardware and software developers to invest in them and so the machines get better and the software gets more efficient.  Sooner or later they'll meet in the middle and, with the fashion driving things as it is I'd think sooner rather than later.

Don't know about SL itself though.  So many people have tried to make a better rival and, in various technical ways, have succeeded.  None of them have ever come close to the versatility and population of this buggy, laggy, behemoth though.  LL are concentrating on things for the iPhone and other gadgets at the moment, which is good news for you, but have seemed to lose even more interest in or direction with SL, which isn't.  Hard to tell with LL though.  They've never been into communicating about or promoting SL much.

My feeling is that 'Son of Second Life' will be born on portable devices and be very much easier to use than SL but more limited.  Time will tell.


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  • 1 year later...

I agree. People need to understand that these device were created for a sapific reason. I have been using linux Opensuse and Ubutnu for years and I don't miss that other OS at all. I have never had any problems with the linux clients FS or LL. They seem to work better on an OS that has good memory management. However LL should be willing to have support for SL on any device. True you wont get the same experince on a smartphone as you would on a desktop with 8 gigs of ram quad core processor  and a couple of TB HD. However something would be better than nothing.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

With an HP Chromebook 2, you'll get really bad performance if you do it my way, which is using crouton to install a linux with kde or some other desktop environment.

That worked on my Toshiba -- it ran, but it was dreadfully slow, even on the lowest graphics settings.

I actually really like my chromebook, and often switch over to full linux when I need it;  ergo I'm considering buying a used chromebook pixel.   If I do, I'll try it out on that just to see and post back.  I would imagine it would work better with that hardware.   But with the low specs of most chromebooks, it's not really worth wasting your time if you enjoy the graphical side at all.

Here's another potential workaround, though I don't know if it will work.   I've heard that some (and increasingly more) android apps can be run on chromeOS.  I'm not sure what can and can't, but check into that, as there's a decent android viewer, Lumiya.  It may work with lower specs.

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