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Busted For Trolling

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:


Here's what was said TO ME in one exchange, Melita. It took place during a discussion about gay rights, specifically about the lack of workplace protections for LGBTQ persons. Direct quotes:

"just kill yourself now _____, or whatever your gay moniker is...nobody cares anymore"


"lol, I thought I told you to go kill yourself..lol..isnt there some electrical cord in a garage you can use to end your misery?..ours too?...eat the crud you shovel loser....hope you dont get fired next week because of your sexuality...lol"

Please explain to me how that's comparable to "oh go jump in the lake" or "ooh I'm so mad I want to kill you".

I can see your point of view here as those things aren't comparable in the sense that the two sets  people have diffrent mindsets. One actually meaning to do harm and saying it with sincerity and the other not meaning it with senserity and more jokingly. The issue is that the two set can have the same result. When things are said over the internet especially (probably more so) there's an issue of misinterpratations which obviousally happen (as shown with my response to melita who then took my misunderstanding quite badly) these can lead to situations where the person whose reading it can take it the wrong way. So in that sense the can end up tragically comparable in results. I'm not saying you can never say those things. I'm also not saying I've never said those things. I'm saying you should be careful when doing so especially on the net. The attitude well I never killed myself over it can be considered somewhat flippant in the sense that some people have even over the jokes. Basically while I don't think being overly politically correct is the answer I think that common sense and sensitivity toward others (aka a gray area between saying whatever and over political correctness) is what we need to strive for.

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Free Speech Maybe?

But still he said he was going to commit acts of terrorism, its bad enough we have movies like "RAMPAGE" which is basically the same thing he talked about giving ideas to people about commiting acts of terrorism then ending it except the fact that in the movie the bad guy actually gets away with it. Could say the same thing about Explsoives in those movies/shows like 24, and SPEED, yes its just a movie for entertainment, but it gets people looking and just using the search engine and torrent searches you can come up with some pretty amazing ideas for making such things, while some videos on youtube for example are just kids experiments anyone who can actually make the other illegal things can use that innocent device the kid showed them how to make for bad things if peeps understand what I am saying.

Think about the movie Rampage for example, The reason the guy in the movie went on a killing spree is because he was sick of society,  You know what? I got sick of society in Second Life, I took revenge on every person who ever wronged me, and their friends who helped them. While its the virtual world same difference only thing is that in Real Life someone who thinks like the movie rampage where it be in school for example one day might just loose it and really if their father owns a gun take it to school and use it then end it.  And to be honest I got the laughs giving those no good for nothing griefer innocent acting people paybacks, and I wasn't the only one either they honestly deserved it of course this is Second Life though. And how I channel my rage was back at the people who messed with me, and others I know they drew first blood. Sure in the end some griefer finally got me, but I am still here aren't I, and no I am not the only one.

Why do you honestly think PN Griefs sandbox's? Its because they feel that Linden Lab has wronged them mentally so they come back to grief Second Life, Crash peoples sims and not care about getting banned because they feel it will cause Linden Lab loss of profit? Will it, absolutely in the long run some people will quit Second Life. Now question is does it resolve anything. The answer is no. When I do something.  I do it for revenge and I spend my time on the internet not in the real world for the most part only between friends RL thats it.

Something to think about, If someone actually becomes to the point where they have nothing to live for, don't care about if they get killed by the Police, or the SWAT real life, and are complete fed up with Bullies in School, What do you think might happen one day, Perhaps if U.S Schools want crime to stop happening they should take more security precautions, and not only this, but rid the schools of bullies, hey it happens When I went to school it was filled with racism, Violence, Bullies, and if I had to personally stay around that, one day I might have just lost it the same as these other kids at school and someone would have got harmed or worse.

In general I am just saying if you want to understand the triggers of Mental Behavior both in games like Second Life + League OF Legends, + Real Life and peoples attititude, hatred, you have to understand what fuels it and makes people just snap one day.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwGFea7JuFw The movie does have a good point :3

Now maybe he was just trolling Okay? But trolling about acts of terrorism like this I would take it damn seriously if I were law enforcement because eventhough he did not commit the crime he still deserves just as the other kid to get mentally evaluated trolls have types of mental disorders too or at least some people do.


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Melita Magic wrote:

Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Not sure how I was being flippant. Nor how being told that as a gay person I should kill myself, and by what method, becomes a "figure of speech".

Oh come on.

At no point is encouraging someone to kill themselves a figure of speech EVER. You never EVER know what someone is thinking. I had a friend whose friend killed themselves they didn't even suspect the person was upset like that because they always seemed so happy. To assume that we kpnow someones mental state is great folly at best. Suicide isn't a game. I can almost understand it in person as you can sorta tell if the person is joking. though it is a sick joke at best. But over the internet or on a forum it's very hard to tell if someone is serious and it's deffinatly enough to push someone over the edge. You honestly can't tell if that's going to happen so that kind of "figure of speech" should NEVER EVER be said to someone on the internet. It's simply not funny and very ignorant.

Except that wasn't what I said Madeline. Way to emotionally load things.

I'm sorry but his saying thos things did NOT bother him when I was talking about cases in which people WERE bullied into suicide is a bit narcissistic. And you're turning it around on me to claim I'm the one who said saying those things is nothing? Isn't he the one who implied so?
I interpreted what he said as something along the lines of 'Sticks and stones...I've had people tell me to kill myself and it didn't bother ME' - yes, to me, Madeline, Griffin, and Dres, and whatever other sock puppets - that's being flippant.

I suggest you go back and read what Griffin said, because, as far as I can tell, Griffin seemed to be agreeing with you and adding the point that, when someone says something like that, to a complete stranger on the net, they have no way of knowing whether or not that person is in a weak enough state to actually take them up on their suggestion.

Then, he went on to state some examples of what people have told him that would fall into that category, while pointing out that he wasn't that fragile, but suggesting that the statements told to him were just as incendiary whether he was or not.  There was absolutely nothing flippant about it.

The fact that you seemed to take issue with what he said, exposes more about your own insensitivity to certain people's misfortune that anything else.


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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:


Here's what was said TO ME in one exchange, Melita. It took place during a discussion about gay rights, specifically about the lack of workplace protections for LGBTQ persons. Direct quotes:

"just kill yourself now _____, or whatever your gay moniker is...nobody cares anymore"


"lol, I thought I told you to go kill yourself..lol..isnt there some electrical cord in a garage you can use to end your misery?..ours too?...eat the crud you shovel loser....hope you dont get fired next week because of your sexuality...lol"

Please explain to me how that's comparable to "oh go jump in the lake" or "ooh I'm so mad I want to kill you".

Because that wasn't as it originally read here and I can't read your mind. I can only go by what was posted. because I was talking about people who had already been bullied, in real time, one by people they knew and who knew them to be depressed, and had committed suicide over it, and I thought you were talking about Second Life chat group trolls. You had said one remark was to the group and one was to you, both sounded very immature and very much hate speech but, the intent - was it the same. 

It does sound like I misunderstood YOUR intent, which, really, this whole thread seems to underscore what Madeline just said which is that misunderstandings are too easy on the internet. 

Ugh, I'm very exhausted but was trying to say from the start, that words can be used as weapons and have been in the past. That it's possible for a trolling and a threat to be the same, and I gave instances. 

When you said "who's to say who is fragile" that seemed to set a dismissive tone to me. I do apologize if that was not the intention. There are too many instances of people playing fast and loose with other people's lives and feelings which do end in tragedy. Some of those have happened via internet or because of web cam. I'd include the guy whose web cam was aimed at him without his consent and the result was his suicide. 

I agree with the point that hate speech and "go kill yourself" should never be said. I don't even like the phrase "get a life." Every person living has a life, and every life has value.

Anyway the first way you quoted htem didn't sound like the way you just said it Griffin...even if those did take place in SL those are way beyond the pale. 

My point about a figure of speech is that oftne people say something ilke "go take a long walk off a short pier" or "go jump in the lake" or even "I could murder you" but don't really mean that. To me it's important to distnguish tone language and intent precisely so as NOT to trivialize when someone does mean it and does hurt someone. 

Griffin the person who said those things to you sounds mentally ill...and yes now tha I have seen the ful l quotes thoes could have deeply upset someone.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

I interpreted what he said as something along the lines of 'Sticks and stones...I've had people tell me to kill myself and it didn't bother ME' - yes, to me, Madeline, Griffin, and Dres, and whatever other sock puppets - that's being flippant.

Except that's not at all close to what I said.

Which is why I was careful to say that was how I interpreted it.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Not sure how I was being flippant. Nor how being told that as a gay person I should kill myself, and by what method, becomes a "figure of speech".

Oh come on.

At no point is encouraging someone to kill themselves a figure of speech EVER. You never EVER know what someone is thinking. I had a friend whose friend killed themselves they didn't even suspect the person was upset like that because they always seemed so happy. To assume that we kpnow someones mental state is great folly at best. Suicide isn't a game. I can almost understand it in person as you can sorta tell if the person is joking. though it is a sick joke at best. But over the internet or on a forum it's very hard to tell if someone is serious and it's deffinatly enough to push someone over the edge. You honestly can't tell if that's going to happen so that kind of "figure of speech" should NEVER EVER be said to someone on the internet. It's simply not funny and very ignorant.

Except that wasn't what I said Madeline. Way to emotionally load things.

I'm sorry but his saying thos things did NOT bother him when I was talking about cases in which people WERE bullied into suicide is a bit narcissistic. And you're turning it around on me to claim I'm the one who said saying those things is nothing? Isn't he the one who implied so?
I interpreted what he said as something along the lines of 'Sticks and stones...I've had people tell me to kill myself and it didn't bother ME' - yes, to me, Madeline, Griffin, and Dres, and whatever other sock puppets - that's being flippant.

I suggest you go back and read what Griffin said, because, as far as I can tell, Griffin seemed to be agreeing with you and adding the point that, when someone says something like that, to a complete stranger on the net, they have no way of knowing whether or not that person is in a weak enough state to actually take them up on their suggestion.

Then, he went on to state some examples of what people have told him that would fall into that category, while pointing out that he wasn't that fragile, but suggesting that the statements told to him were just as incendiary whether he was or not.  There was absolutely nothing flippant about it.

The fact that you seemed to take issue with what he said, exposes more about your own insensitivity to certain people's misfortune that anything else.


Certain people's misfortune? I figured the insinuation I had some sort of bigotry would be next.

Sorry but his original tone seemed to almost mock what I had said, he's said he didn't mean it that way, I've replied to that, and apolgoized for the misunderstanding. Also the full quotes shed different light on things. The original telling left out where it happened, what was the conversation about and what in full was said. The original telling sounded like some kid mouthing off to him. We've all been trolled online...that's not the same feeling as being blasted. 

I'm not even gonna dignify the insinuation part Dres. Think what you want to.

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Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:


Here's what was said TO ME in one exchange, Melita. It took place during a discussion about gay rights, specifically about the lack of workplace protections for LGBTQ persons. Direct quotes:

"just kill yourself now _____, or whatever your gay moniker is...nobody cares anymore"


"lol, I thought I told you to go kill yourself..lol..isnt there some electrical cord in a garage you can use to end your misery?..ours too?...eat the crud you shovel loser....hope you dont get fired next week because of your sexuality...lol"

Please explain to me how that's comparable to "oh go jump in the lake" or "ooh I'm so mad I want to kill you".

I can see your point of view here as those things aren't comparable in the sense that the two sets  people have diffrent mindsets. One actually meaning to do harm and saying it with sincerity and the other not meaning it with senserity and more jokingly. The issue is that the two set can have the same result. When things are said over the internet especially (probably more so) there's an issue of misinterpratations which obviousally happen (as shown with my response to melita who then took my misunderstanding quite badly) these can lead to situations where the person whose reading it can take it the wrong way. So in that sense the can end up tragically comparable in results. I'm not saying you can never say those things. I'm also not saying I've never said those things. I'm saying you should be careful when doing so especially on the net. The attitude well I never killed myself over it can be considered somewhat flippant in the sense that some people have even over the jokes. Basically while I don't think being overly politically correct is the answer I think that common sense and sensitivity toward others (aka a gray area between saying whatever and over political correctness) is what we need to strive for.

Yes that first line is exactly what I meant, thank you. Who it has to do with was not the point. Intent and tone is more the point. Also in the cases I was thinking of the bullies knew the victims and their weak spots. Just how to hurt them most and they did. 

You got exactly what I meant, thank you.

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Melita Magic wrote:

Certain people's misfortune? I figured the insinuation I had some sort of bigotry would be next.

Sorry but his original tone seemed to almost mock what I had said, he's said he didn't mean it that way, I've replied to that, and apolgoized for the misunderstanding. Also the full quotes shed different light on things. The original telling left out where it happened, what was the conversation about and what in full was said. The original telling sounded like some kid mouthing off to him. We've all been trolled online...that's not the same feeling as being blasted. 

I'm not even gonna dignify the insinuation part Dres. Think what you want to.

Insinuation?  Bigotry?  What on earth are you talking about?  Honestly, Melita, I can't figure out if you really believe the crap you're spewing or if you're just trying to pick a fight.

You misinterpreted Griffin's post and, in turn, ended up seeming to belittle the threats made to him.  You can't damn threats made to some people, while calling threats made to other people "figures of speech" without coming off sounding insensitive... I don't know how I can state this any more clearly.


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Some of the biggest proponents of SL trolling and bullying of singular individuals come whining to the forum about how much of a tough time they've had LOL

That's a bit rich.

Wouldn't be your attractive & endearing personalities by any chance now would it? or possibly your proven records in the public domain ^^?

I imagine if that's what your like here and particulary on the feeds, everyday people would call open season no?

Reap what you sow funnily enough.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Certain people's misfortune? I figured the insinuation I had some sort of bigotry would be next.

Sorry but his original tone seemed to almost mock what I had said, he's said he didn't mean it that way, I've replied to that, and apolgoized for the misunderstanding. Also the full quotes shed different light on things. The original telling left out where it happened, what was the conversation about and what in full was said. The original telling sounded like some kid mouthing off to him. We've all been trolled online...that's not the same feeling as being blasted. 

I'm not even gonna dignify the insinuation part Dres. Think what you want to.

Insinuation?  Bigotry?  What on earth are you talking about?  Honestly, Melita, I can't figure out if you really believe the crap you're spewing or if you're just trying to pick a fight.

You misinterpreted Griffin's post and, in turn, ended up seeming to belittle the threats made to him.  You can't damn threats made to some people, while calling threats made to other people "figures of speech" without coming off sounding insensitive... I don't know how I can state this any more clearly.


You don't need to state it more clearly. I understood the first time that you said I am insensitive to "certain groups" - that isn't accusing me of bigotry? What is it implying then?

You know nothing at all about me or you'd know how ridiculous that sounds to anyone who does know me.

Don't want to rehash what I have already said, so will leave it there. As I said...think what you want to.

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Melita Magic wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Certain people's misfortune? I figured the insinuation I had some sort of bigotry would be next.

Sorry but his original tone seemed to almost mock what I had said, he's said he didn't mean it that way, I've replied to that, and apolgoized for the misunderstanding. Also the full quotes shed different light on things. The original telling left out where it happened, what was the conversation about and what in full was said. The original telling sounded like some kid mouthing off to him. We've all been trolled online...that's not the same feeling as being blasted. 

I'm not even gonna dignify the insinuation part Dres. Think what you want to.

Insinuation?  Bigotry?  What on earth are you talking about?  Honestly, Melita, I can't figure out if you really believe the crap you're spewing or if you're just trying to pick a fight.

You misinterpreted Griffin's post and, in turn, ended up seeming to belittle the threats made to him.  You can't damn threats made to some people, while calling threats made to other people "figures of speech" without coming off sounding insensitive... I don't know how I can state this any more clearly.


You don't need to state it more clearly. I understood the first time that you said I am insensitive to "certain groups" - that isn't accusing me of bigotry? What
it implying then?

You know nothing at all about me or you'd know how ridiculous that sounds to anyone who does know me.

Don't want to rehash what I have already said, so will leave it there. As I said...think what you want to.

I didn't say certain groups, I said certain people and by that I meant Griffin... because, last time I checked, Griffin was a certain person.  If you read any more into it than that, then you only have yourself to blame.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

The fact that you seemed to take issue with what he said, exposes more about your own insensitivity to certain people's misfortune that anything else.


And then

"I didn't say certain groups, I said certain people and by that I meant Griffin... because, last time I checked, Griffin was a certain person.  If you read any more into it than that, then you only have yourself to blame....Dres"

And you are the one Dres who instead of calling Griffin by his name, for some reason chose to say "certain people's misfortune" (not "a certain person's misfortune") making him part of a larger group (than one person.) Which group - avatars? When he'd just discussed homophobic taunts?

"Exposes" is a strong word Dres, (what was I supposedly exposing about myself?) and "certain people's misfortune" does not seem to be referring to one exchange Griffin had (which in its first telling was vague and not worded the same as in the second telling.) It seems to be speaking to a much larger idea than that. 

So you weren't calling me a homophobe then...great. Thank you. 

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I neither insinuated that you were homophobic nor did I even say anything about anyone's sexual orientation at any point in this thread.  It simply doesn't matter in the context of this discussion... which leads me to question why you keep bringing it up, over and over again, ad nauseum.  You've already explained how you interpreted what I said and I've already explained why you were wrong... as far as I'm concerned, there is absolutely nothing left to discuss on the matter.


P.S.  You're welcome.

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Oh yeah the "hit squad" scoffs. I looked at that page for.. oh gee 10 seconds?

Why is it you and your ilk, (not a reference to orientation choices), spend untold hours documenting the results of the scenarios you deliberately create?

Then whine about it ad nauseum when you are the new mop to wipe the floor with?

You conveniently forget, (of course), you gleefully joined the lowest in targetting an innocent party.

Is this why you reap what you sow in real life?.

Purely an innocent, led astray by the non contributors - no doubt. :smileysad:

Your choice and yours alone.

Adds: And what if I and others had not stepped in to return the favour?

The pain and hurt so deliberately inflicted has been negated with pure love and support

People with feelings = 10/10 cowards & thugs = 0

Thats real life for you aclap.gif

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Oh yeah the "hit squad" scoffs. I looked at that page for.. oh gee 10 seconds?

Why is it you and your ilk, (not a reference to orientation choices), spend untold hours documenting the results of the scenarios you deliberately create?

Then whine about it ad nauseum when you are the new mop to wipe the floor with?

You conveniently forget, (of course), you gleefully joined the lowest in targetting an innocent party.

Is this why you reap what you sow in real life?.

Purely an innocent, led astray by the non contributors - no doubt. :smileysad:

Your choice and yours alone.

Adds: And what if I and others had not stepped in to return the favour?

The pain and hurt so deliberately inflicted has been negated with pure love and support

People with feelings = 10/10 cowards & thugs = 0

Thats real life for you

Have you ever tried a novocaine enema?  It's the perfect supplement for koolaid deficiencies.


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Oh yeah the "hit squad" scoffs. I looked at that page for.. oh gee 10 seconds?

Why is it you and your ilk, (not a reference to orientation choices), spend untold hours documenting the results of the scenarios you deliberately create?

Then whine about it ad nauseum when you are the new mop to wipe the floor with?

You conveniently forget, (of course), you gleefully joined the lowest in targetting an innocent party.

Is this why you reap what you sow in real life?.

Purely an innocent, led astray by the non contributors - no doubt. :smileysad:

Your choice and yours alone.

Adds: And what if I and others had not stepped in to return the favour?

The pain and hurt so deliberately inflicted has been negated with pure love and support

People with feelings = 10/10 cowards & thugs = 0

Thats real life for you

You know what, Maryanne, I honestly pity you and your ilk, because you seem to only have the ability to see things in black and white.  It's as if for you, people are only either good or bad and never the twain shall meet.  Oh, I can image that it might be an easy way to categorize people for someone without the brain power to be able to process any more complex a method... but I'm sure that this is not the case for you.

No, I'm positive that you have the capability to see people as the complex individuals that they truly are, instead of some stick figures that can easily be assigned to whatever predetermined character concepts you've created in your head.  Why you can't seem to be able to do this, I have no idea... but it must be a very sad way to view the otherwise, beautifully hued world in which we live.


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The ability to see the truth in people is not multiplied by the number of alts one controls ahehe.gif

Nor is it enhanced by the number of like minded who adopt the group harrassment mentality.

But after 2 years or so of epic fail, do keep trying. Like.jpg

Edit: Due to continual regurgitating of "same old" and the inability to do anything other than parrot 

I will leave "the crew" to the feeds :smileyvery-happy:


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