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Busted For Trolling

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

There are some "good" Christians that have been
for years. They can hope and pray as much as they like. Make threats? Different story.

One is never a follower of Jesus / Yeshua Christ if they advocate or pray for ANYONE's death. But then, followers of Christ and Christians have little in common save for Christians usually wanting to wipe out followers of Jesus' teachings...

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

One is never a follower of Jesus / Yeshua Christ if they advocate or pray for ANYONE's death. But then, followers of Christ and Christians have little in common save for Christians usually wanting to wipe out followers of Jesus' teachings...

This doesn't make sense.

Awe . . . realises it's CatCat, which makes sense.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

I think Pussycat may be hinting that only those who worship
Haile Selassie
are the true "followers of Jesus' teachings" and that anyone [ETA:] else calling themselves Christian is... not.

Well, that's pretty bizarre, bigoted and fascist.

Awe . . . like most religions

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Awe Thor wrote:

Do you think there's any possibility of a retrospective prosecution for

It would be interesting to see if one could prosecute an anonymous avatar for threatening another anonymous avatar. Nowhere in your example was a real person threatened. Of course one could make the argument that "avatars can't die" so it has to be a RL threat. A court of law may disagree however.

Perhaps someday there will be an avatar court, not to be confused with a kangaroo court...oh wait...


PS To quote the avatar you copy, that quoted text could be FIFY so it can't be real. As far as I or anyone else knows the poster of the quoted text made that up to harm someone else. It must be tough sitting on the sidelines with an original avatar being impersonated by a forum author.


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Suspiria Finucane wrote:

Awe Thor wrote:

Do you think there's any possibility of a retrospective prosecution for

It would be interesting to see if one could prosecute an anonymous avatar for threatening another anonymous avatar.
Nowhere in your example was a real person threatened.
Of course one could make the argument that "avatars can't die" so it has to be a RL threat. A court of law may disagree however.

Perhaps someday there will be an avatar court, not to be confused with a kangaroo court...oh wait...


PS To quote the avatar you copy, that quoted text could be FIFY so it can't be real. As far as I or anyone else knows the poster of the quoted text made that up to harm someone else. It must be tough sitting on the sidelines with an original avatar being impersonated by a forum author.


How amusing! You seem to have reversed your previous position on this issue. Or perhaps you don't remember demanding all sorts of action, via LL and the RL authorities, for the "death threat" you claimed was realistic portrayed in a forum post archived in my friend Pep's blog (sadly, now in hiatus - NOT haitus).

Awe . . . thanks you for your compliments on his ability to impersonate accurately a god of the Forums


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Awe Thor wrote: ..... my main account's
blog of Pep (
fortunately, now in hiatus - NOT haitus).

Awe . . . thanks you for your compliments on his ability to clumsily continue as
impersonate accurately
Fallen Fool of the Forums



Don't worry .. you'll share his fate soon enough ... give it time.  :robotindifferent:


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TDD123 wrote:

Awe Thor wrote: ..... my main account's
blog of Pep (
fortunately, now in hiatus - NOT haitus).

Awe . . . thanks you for your compliments on his ability to clumsily continue as
impersonate accurately
Fallen Fool of the Forums



Don't worry .. you'll share his fate soon enough ... give it time.  :robotindifferent:


I think I can safely say that you have effectively obscured whatever message it was you wanted to transmit, Willhiam.

Awe . . . believes in transparency of expression, which seems rare in these forums.

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Awe Thor wrote:

TDD123 wrote:

Awe Thor wrote: ..... my main account's
blog of Pep (
fortunately, now in hiatus - NOT haitus).

Awe . . . thanks you for your compliments on his ability to clumsily continue as
impersonate accurately
Fallen Fool of the Forums



Don't worry .. you'll share his fate soon enough ... give it time.  :robotindifferent:


I think I can safely say that you have effectively obscured whatever message it was you wanted to transmit, Willhiam.

Awe . . . believes in transparency of expression, which seems rare in these forums.

The message is : what goes around, comes around.

End of line. :robotindifferent:

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Whuups Dillon this was meant to be to Botham umm wait... no.. aww.. I can't be bothered listing them all 

But no one knows who god is aconfsd.gif Everyone knows who you are the second you post ahehe.gif

That doesn't happen to any god lol.

I forget who exactly outed you as I have never really been one for the feeds.

That must be soooo frustrating for you to be rendered irrelevant yet again.

But hey! It's ok... on the feeds, no one can hear you :)

The spanish one still rules supreme in the history of SL fora.


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

The spanish one still rules supreme in the history of SL fora.


"The Spanish one" was but a mayfly who skittered ephemerally across the surface of a summer puddle

Awe . . . in comparison with the ageless continued presence of the Leviathan of the Deeps, aka the Prince of Whales.

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Yes but you are missing the point as usual

He was very funny indeed.

The reception the Spanish One's interventions got here always reminded me of those god-awful Victorian 'freak' shows, in which the mob doing the gawking and deriding was a thousand times more grotesque than the poor soul fate had been unkind to.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

It's too bad the people who encourage fragile people to commit suicide and the like, aren't punished.

Who's to say who's "fragile"?

I'm often "encouraged" on certain forums to kill myself, as both a member of a group ("KIll yourselves, gays!!!") and personally ("Don't you have a spare electrical cord in the garage that you could hang yourself with, _____?").

Now I don't think I'm particularly "fragile", but those people couldn't know one way or the other.

I know of an SLer who somewhat regularly "encourages" people that she disagrees with politically to kill themselves. And this is somebody who rails against alleged "trolls" and "bullies".

Hopefully you can see the difference between a figure of speech and someone actively encouraging suicide. For instance, the time(s) on the net when a person was on live webcam, threatening to kill themselves, clearly in despair, and the others in the chat room laughed and egged him on - so, he did.

But I was actually thinking of the case in which the bullies knew the victim. They knew she was depressed, they even used real life information against her in their bullying campaign. And, she hung herself.

It seems you are being at least a bit flippant about that possibility. You may be tough with a lot of life experience but there are many instances in which the bullies know they are dealing with a fragile personality and it only activates their latent sadism. To them, that person is a toy and if they off themselves, to the bully it's just an example of the Darwin award. They will even say things like that.

As internet law fine tunes, laws that already exist regarding newspaper and telephone will come into play more often. I think that might be what Dillon was alluding to with the original post or theme of the thread. For instance, I don't think it's sought very often but theoretically people on a forum, even though anonymous, can potentially be held liable for libel against other persons. The same would logically hold true of terrorist threats, bullying, and harassment. The law just hasn't caught up yet. The www is still the wild wild west.


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I think I understand now.

If I was "fragile" enough to actually consider and perhaps act on the "encouragement" to kill myself, it would be tragic and the people who "encouraged" me should be "punished".

Otherwise, their "encouragement" is just a "figure of speech".


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Melita Magic wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Not sure how I was being flippant. Nor how being told that as a gay person I should kill myself, and by what method, becomes a "figure of speech".

Oh come on.

At no point is encouraging someone to kill themselves a figure of speech EVER. You never EVER know what someone is thinking. I had a friend whose friend killed themselves they didn't even suspect the person was upset like that because they always seemed so happy. To assume that we kpnow someones mental state is great folly at best. Suicide isn't a game. I can almost understand it in person as you can sorta tell if the person is joking. though it is a sick joke at best. But over the internet or on a forum it's very hard to tell if someone is serious and it's deffinatly enough to push someone over the edge. You honestly can't tell if that's going to happen so that kind of "figure of speech" should NEVER EVER be said to someone on the internet. It's simply not funny and very ignorant.

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Melita Magic wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Not sure how I was being flippant. Nor how being told that as a gay person I should kill myself, and by what method, becomes a "figure of speech".

Oh come on.

Now who's being flippant?

I would really like an explanation of how someone telling someone else that they should kill themselves could ever be consider a mere figure of speech by any rational human being.  As far as I can tell, there's no difference between what Griffin described and the scenarios which you described, except for the fact that Griffin is still around to give the description and those other people are not.


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Oh please. Stop with the overloaded arguments and twisting what was actually said and with the emotional rhetoric - all three of you. If you're not going to discuss things in a calm and grown up manner? What is the point?

Yes it was flippant to reply to my post about people being bullied into committing suicide, with what someone once said to a group in a chat room. There actually is a difference between a figure of speech like "oh go jump in the lake" or "ooh I'm so mad I want to kill you" vs. actively encouraging someone to kill themselves, and an actual terrorist threat. 

I made the distinction because that is very pertinent to the original post. The intent, the seriousness and the actual level of threat involved. As well as the actual language used.

What he described was a general hateful comment made in a group chat, NOT to him in particular, as well as what could also be described as a bigoted or hateful remark. It is not the same as adults systematically manipulating a fragile and depressed teen girl who they actually knew in real life, into hanging herself. It is not the same as being on live chat with a person who is saying they want to kill themselves and telling them to do it. 

Frankly, attempting to sandbag your position by bringing sexual orientation into it is a bit much. Has absolutely nothing to do with what I was talking about. 

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Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Not sure how I was being flippant. Nor how being told that as a gay person I should kill myself, and by what method, becomes a "figure of speech".

Oh come on.

At no point is encouraging someone to kill themselves a figure of speech EVER. You never EVER know what someone is thinking. I had a friend whose friend killed themselves they didn't even suspect the person was upset like that because they always seemed so happy. To assume that we kpnow someones mental state is great folly at best. Suicide isn't a game. I can almost understand it in person as you can sorta tell if the person is joking. though it is a sick joke at best. But over the internet or on a forum it's very hard to tell if someone is serious and it's deffinatly enough to push someone over the edge. You honestly can't tell if that's going to happen so that kind of "figure of speech" should NEVER EVER be said to someone on the internet. It's simply not funny and very ignorant.

Except that wasn't what I said Madeline. Way to emotionally load things.

I'm sorry but his saying thos things did NOT bother him when I was talking about cases in which people WERE bullied into suicide is a bit narcissistic. And you're turning it around on me to claim I'm the one who said saying those things is nothing? Isn't he the one who implied so? I interpreted what he said as something along the lines of 'Sticks and stones...I've had people tell me to kill myself and it didn't bother ME' - yes, to me, Madeline, Griffin, and Dres, and whatever other sock puppets - that's being flippant.

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Here's what was said TO ME in one exchange, Melita. It took place during a discussion about gay rights, specifically about the lack of workplace protections for LGBTQ persons. Direct quotes:

"just kill yourself now _____, or whatever your gay moniker is...nobody cares anymore"

"lol, I thought I told you to go kill yourself..lol..isnt there some electrical cord in a garage you can use to end your misery?..ours too?...eat the crud you shovel loser....hope you dont get fired next week because of your sexuality...lol"

Please explain to me how that's comparable to "oh go jump in the lake" or "ooh I'm so mad I want to kill you".

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Melita Magic wrote:

I interpreted what he said as something along the lines of 'Sticks and stones...I've had people tell me to kill myself and it didn't bother ME' - yes, to me, Madeline, Griffin, and Dres, and whatever other sock puppets - that's being flippant.

Except that's not at all close to what I said.

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Melita Magic wrote:

Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Not sure how I was being flippant. Nor how being told that as a gay person I should kill myself, and by what method, becomes a "figure of speech".

Oh come on.

At no point is encouraging someone to kill themselves a figure of speech EVER. You never EVER know what someone is thinking. I had a friend whose friend killed themselves they didn't even suspect the person was upset like that because they always seemed so happy. To assume that we kpnow someones mental state is great folly at best. Suicide isn't a game. I can almost understand it in person as you can sorta tell if the person is joking. though it is a sick joke at best. But over the internet or on a forum it's very hard to tell if someone is serious and it's deffinatly enough to push someone over the edge. You honestly can't tell if that's going to happen so that kind of "figure of speech" should NEVER EVER be said to someone on the internet. It's simply not funny and very ignorant.

Except that wasn't what I said Madeline. Way to emotionally load things.

I'm sorry but his saying thos things did NOT bother him when I was talking about cases in which people WERE bullied into suicide is a bit narcissistic. And you're turning it around on me to claim I'm the one who said saying those things is nothing? Isn't he the one who implied so? I interpreted what he said as something along the lines of 'Sticks and stones...I've had people tell me to kill myself and it didn't bother ME' - yes, to me, Madeline, Griffin, and Dres, and whatever other sock puppets - that's being flippant.

It's not emotionally loaded it's the truth. Sorry I miss read what you said. No reason to get so defensive. A simple you've miss understood would have sufficed.


Rereading everything I wouldn't say he's being flippant per se he's just going by his own experiences. It's not flippant so much as ignorance. And I mean that in the least insulting way possible. It seems as though he perhaps has a hard time putting himself in the shoes of others thus a comment like that. But perhaps I am reading that wrong as well.

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