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Orca Flotta wrote:

Ok, I see the whole discussion two-fold:

Of course the OP came across like a right **bleep**, no question about it. But otoh being overly sorry for the poor ppl who can't afford a decent PC is rather shortsighted as well. M
aybe they are just too poor to buy a decent PC because they are blowing away all their money on drugs, hookers, sports cars, children, fashion, house, exotic vacations, giant TV screens and nonsense like that. Let them get left behind.


I might be going out on a limb here, but I believe there is simply a matter of different interpretations on the bolded above.

Me, personally, it doesn't offend in the least. Probably because it takes a bit more for me to be insulted. Ok, most of the time it does, lol. Sometimes I fly off the handle as easily as anyone else would, or could. (not that I believe anyone really did, of course).

I can fully understand why some might be offended at the statement. It's an interesting mix of things on that list. For some, I think we'd all agree are probably somewhat frivolous in the grand scheme for many people, if not most. Yet others, aren't, and many probably don't consider them nonsense. Children, and house, might fall under that category.

What one person finds frivolous or nonsense, another might not. Different strokes and all that. No need to take everything so personally. Sometimes it's easier said than done, though. I'm quite certain every one of us has gotten offended at something others see no reason to be offended by. It happens. Tone isn't easily perceived over the net, no matter how hard we try.

I can also understand why Orca said it, though. One person's opinion isn't always going to match another person's. It's very easy to take cues from context and apply our own definitions when we've nothing else to go on, like body language and voice. Everyone does it.

I still do believe that some people have an ability to make others' plight seem little, because it's not one they share. They may not always understand why something that to them seems minor, but for others is really a major letdown(at best). They also may not understand why their own words might come across harshly. There are some posts that seem more "screw everyone else, I want what I want". There are some posts that come across to me as "if I can't get better service, you shouldn't either". Always two sides to a coin.

It's also quite simple to tack on just one word or phrase that will make our posts seem more aggressive than we probably intended. It could also easily paint us as an aggressive person. In this case, it might be the word nonsense. Semantics, picking apart a post based on one word, but I wouldn't believe anyone who told me they've never done it, lol. Even if the intent to seem aggressive, or actually be it, doesn't exist, it's easy to feel that it does when you're reading from another perspective.

Sorry Orca I only replied to your post so I could quote that one tidbit. It's really just a general post for the thread, not necessarily directed at just you, or really anyone.

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--1/ i didnt insulted you, saying your sentence is pathetic is not saying YOU are a pathetic person. You say im maybe stupid, so i guess you are wanting to step on another lever of cordiality, that, im sorry, i refuse to go... 

Wrong. I don't step nowhere, I just post my opinion. And I'm way too lazy to look up cordiality, Trin, this is a forum, so saying my post was pathetic is basically the same as saying my person is pathetic.


--2/ i wont go either in the "victim-aggressor" game with you... Stop playing to be the victim here , you are not. and i wont play your aggressor role.. Im sorry for you... Maybe we can take all the history of your posts and mines and look who is the usual harsh one. 

I'm never a victim and I don't play one, neither in world (where it really counts) nor on this forum (which is insignificant). All that counts here are statements. And yours was offensive.


--3/ i may assure i dont "give a fart" (your words) about you. So please stop this paranoia...

Huh? Me paranoid? Where did you get that from? Can't you read?


but at the contrary of you, i pay attention to who is writing the post i m reading. For the main raison, it helps me to get a better understanding knowing more about the point of view the post is said. In the writen communication we dont have the look expression, face expression, body language etc.. so we are missing a lot of important factors for communication.

Wrong again. These factors should be totally ignored! Nothing is more powerful than the written word, no matter who said it.


Knowing who wrote the post, give me some pieces of information about what wrote this person about the topic in the past (if i happened to read these ones of course), about other topics, sometimes some infos about rl (gender, age range, nationality.... ), what likes or does this person in SL etc..... Of course, im not doing an investigation about who is writing.. but sometimes knowing a lil more about the point of view exposed, give me a better understanding of what is said in the post... You seem to have a big lack about this and this may explain why you often seem to get wrong what ppl say.

It's no lack, it's a chosen technique in order to view posts as uninhibited and neutral as possible. Let's imagine my arch enemy posts something ... and I find their post to be very clever, what then? I'm able to judge the post on its own, regardless of what an @$$ the person is inworld or in other topics. Are you?


Now, since, you seem to have on your side (contrary to me) a firm idea about what i am.. and so you seems to think im rude with you or stupid, let me remind you some lil facts.... (ive already mentioned i have a gooooood memory, obviously contrarily to you)

I don't have the faintest idea about what you are. I don't care what you are. I found your post to be very aggressive and mean spitited. Please read our own post again, in which you say you "expected" something like that from me ... or something in that regard. Now see who's blinded here. And who has  a firm idea of who or what I am.


you think im rude ? 

No. Not even your post was rude. It was personal, aggressive and offensive tho. It was indeed aimed at my person, admit it. And it showed a basic lack of understanding on your side.


So let me quote this words from YOU. :


Oh, Trinity, you got me so wrong.

My post wasn't aggressive at all. It was just straightforward, not dancing around the pudding. It's pretty normal speech behaviour where I come from (northern europe)."

Now, just change Trinity by Orca and change the (nothern europe) by (south europe). You'll get my answer to you..

if this is your normal speech behaviour for you and where you come from, there is no reason for you feel offended when someone use the same speech beahaviour than yours, eh ?



Or are you just the only one allowed to feel offended by other, while you think its normal to answer everyone with rude answers as you do ..?

I don't even understand the concept of rudeness or why many people seem to see rudeness all arouhd them, sorry.


This was quoted from here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Not-sure-you-want-to-read-this-its-pitif...

A great example of your usual empathy and how you care other feelings....


I'm very empathic in RL, a little bit less is SL and I downright refuse to show any empathy within the boundaries of a discussion forum. That's the worst place to let empathy get in the way of good judgement and proper arguments.


So as i said, i wont play your poor lil game victim/agressor, i usually neither enjoy to be the victim, neither the agressor...  but i want to make some things clear here....

And yet you did it again! Just now syou did it.  I'm not playing any game, I just call it as it is. I posted a halfway serious post and you responded like a banshee, scorning me for voicing one small part of an explanation why some people  might not have money for a decent computer.


considering the posts without the poster is IMHO a big mistake and gives you only the half of the meaning...

No! Quite to the contrary. There is only one meaning, it's the written word. Anyone not able to express themselves in that form is at the wrong place when joining an internet forum.


You probably missed also the parts where i say im really happy to see the SSB coming, ive been one of the first one applauding the project... 

Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. It really doesn't matter. All that mattered was the moment you posted your reply to me  and showed how badly you  misunderstood me.  And that although I only use simple and clear words.


But yes, i cant be totally happy bec this party will exclude some of us.. and i dont think its correct to come here in the forum singing happily about this or, like you did, insult the persons who will have to leave SL... 

Hah! I didn't insult anyone, period. I just gave some possible, and less possible, explanations of why some people don't feel like upgrading their hardware from time to time.


Your paranoia seems to display a hybris... really i may assure you dont have enough importance for me for i "have some personal problem with you".  I just had a problem with what you said in your post and the way you said it.... There is a big difference.

Ok, that's fair. That's how people should treat forum posts.

But your post was full with personal attacks who were 100% wrong. You disregarded your own "Orca isn't important" rule but wrongly diagnosed paranoia for me. I wonder where you got that idea. Ever dealt with a paranoid person? I met some, and logically enough they both where from Texas :smileyvery-happy: (here's an emoticon for you, as you obviously need that extra visual help to judge in what spirit I made that remark). I can tell you from experience it's no fun dealing with those type.  

Okay, to bring this thing to an end since I'm bored with the topic: I'm a fair maiden, funny and totally free of any bad character traits ... except my sillyness. I assume you're the same. We're just talking different languages when it comes to forum discussions. My way is far superior to yours :smileytongue: but you might see it differently. So be it.

Peace out.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

My way is far superior to yours :smileytongue: but you might see it differently. So be it.

Peace out.

I wont waste more time discussing with you... You think your way is far superior, that s great for you ! And for your information, i dont use to positionate myself as superior or inferior of others.. its not the way i work... i keep thinking ppl on a equality basis but just with different history, pov etc.... But if you enjoy hierarchy, pls do ! This is not my cup of tea, sorry, im anarchist....

I really dont mind you think im agressive or stupid or whatever else... this is not a problem for me, since i am not and  the more you display from you, the less im interested about what you can think about me... 

The fact ill keep answering everytime that i ll think you or any other one is unfairly insulting other ppl, has nothing to see with you.

enjoy your "superior" day ! 


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Sorry Orca I only replied to your post so I could quote that one tidbit. It's really just a general post for the thread, not necessarily directed at just you, or really anyone.

Ugh, Teri, had you posted that a little bit earlier I could've spared all the work on my reply to Trin. You see it exactly right and contrary to Trin and me you even found the right words. Talking about semantics; I purposely used the term "nonsense" to express some lightness in my opinion. I really can't care less at what people are using their money, but if they don't feel spending some on their tools I'm not showing much understanding for them if they are dropped out of SL. Also I should mention, again, that SSA is supposed to help those with weak hardware, not to scare them away.

BTW, housing isn't nonsense at all. I'm living in a house as well, it's even our own and fully paid. Big surprise here. But it's cheap, small and nothing to bragg about. Also we don't have a fat plasma TV, no fancy cellphone, a rusty scrapheap of a car, no fancy furniture, a barely functional kitchen and not much luxury at all. Most people would find our lifestyle to be hippie-ish and nothing to aim for. Well, we can do with what we have. Maybe that's why I am able to get a new spare part for the computer every now and then.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

My way is far superior to yours :smileytongue: but you might see it differently. So be it.


Then it also should be noted and written, that there's no superior quality to your moist flatulent lack of sympathy, which you apparantly confuse with lack of empathy. :robottongue:

Can I get an "Amen!" ? :robotindifferent:

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I wont waste more time discussing with you... You think your way is far superior, that s great for you !

You didn't see that smiley did you?


And for your information, i dont use to positionate myself as superior or inferior of others.. its not the way i work... i keep thinking ppl on a equality basis but just with different history, pov etc....

That's too bad. Didn't you know ppl aren't  equal in all matters? Maybe in SL I am in fact superior to some others, also in academics. But I'm far inferior when it comes to other stuff. I'm a sloppy housewife, a lousy lover, a bad builder, a tasteless dresser, a reckless driver, a bad cook ...


I really dont mind you think im agressive or stupid or whatever else... this is not a problem for me, since i am not and  the more you display from you, the less im interested about what you can think about me... 

Good. Now you're finally talking with some sense. My job here is almost done.


But if you enjoy hierarchy, pls do ! This is not my cup of tea, sorry, im anarchist....

Cool, I'm an anarchist as well. But since anarchy doesn't work when humans are involved I settled for the next best thing and became a socialist instead.


The fact ill keep answering everytime that i ll think you or any other one is unfairly insulting other ppl, has nothing to see with you.

Luckily I only insult bad and/ or stupid persons. And Texans for that matter. It's one of my many pet peeves ...


enjoy your "superior" day !

:matte-motes-inlove: Thank you! :matte-motes-kiss:

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Then it also should be noted and written, that there's no superior quality to your moist flatulent lack of sympathy, which you apparantly confuse with lack of empathy. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_robot-tongue.gif" border="0" alt=":robottongue:" title="Robot tongue" />

No, wrong. I can write books about the difference. But it's true I don't feel much sympathy for others. Not in the  forum, since I hardly know anyone posting here. And the forum is the wrong place for sympathy anyway. But I can offer some empathy as far as opinions expressed in the forum go.


Can I get an "Amen!" ? **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_robot-indifferent.gif" border="0" alt=":robotindifferent:" title="Robot Indifferent" />



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Orca Flotta wrote:


No, wrong. I can write books about the difference. But it's true I don't feel much sympathy for others. Not in the  forum, since I hardly know anyone posting here. And the forum is the wrong place for sympathy anyway. But I can offer some empathy as far as opinions expressed in the forum go.


Oh really ? :robotindifferent:

Empathy is not stating over and over again rudely, that you are free to express your unsympathetic attitude ( Not giving a wet fart about others, not caring what anybody else thinks or says, avoiding reason in your survival of the technological 'fittest', blah ).

In your own words : Academics, Schmacademics.


Can I get an "Amen!" ? **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_robot-indifferent.gif" border="0" alt=":robotindifferent:" title="Robot Indifferent" />



You already had your "So be it.", therefore forfeiting another one. That line wasn't actually meant for you.



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Oh jeeze, another useless discussion. :smileysad:

Let's make it short. You misunderstood my postings all the time so I won't go into depths and won't try to clarify my POV again. But let's just say I'm not avoiding reasoning for reason is the main point of my being here. And I care very much about what everyboidy else thinks or says ... if they have reason on their side instead of diffuse, unreliable and often illogical emotions. Believe it or not, I stopped caring ... until I stumble about personal attacks against my person. Then I need to set the record straight. I can take a lot of abuse but what I just can't stand are false accusations. I'm always kinda disappointed in how weak all those attacks are. I'm so imperfect and weak myself and leave a lot of room for attacks on me. But people are always jumping at the wrong target.

And I don't believe in the survival of the technologically fittest, it's just a cold fact I learned to accept. What that got to do with academics will probably forever remain your secret.

"So be it" doesn't equal "Amen". Maybe it needs more of empathy and not just semantics to know the difference between an "I'm not really happy but please go ahead" and a positively joyful glee. You find my way of posting unsympathetic? I think I'm doing quite well with my very limited vocabulary ... but go ahead, mix and mismatch opinions and think of me whatever you want.

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If you could just contain your "Uebermenschliches allzumenschliches" as  a so-called anarchistic socialist and actually stick to facts instead of opinions that heavily bear on personal arrogance and the rejection of the well being of others, you'd have a point.

You're not being attacked at all. You are being confronted with your own postings and opinions.

And this one's for brevity's sake.


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If you could just contain your "Uebermenschliches allzumenschliches"

Huh? Wotz dat sposed to mean?


as  a so-called anarchistic socialist

That's nonsense in itself. There is nothing like an anarchistic socialist. In fact socialism is exactly the antianarchistic way of organizing a society and a economy.


and actually stick to facts instead of opinions that heavily bear on personal arrogance

So because I'm arrogant (guilty as charged) I can't stick  to facts? Maybe it's my knowledge of facts and my logical way of thinking that make me so arrogant.


and the rejection of the well being of others, you'd have a point.

And because I don't care psycologically for the wellbeing of others I don't have a  point??? Woah, you're showing a very selective and narrow-minded way of discussing, don't you think?

I don't reject the wellbeing of others, I'm very much for everybody's wellbeing. Socialist, remember? But if everybody is supposed to be well but some people are still whining about nothing my sympathy for them and their imaginative cause is on a minimum level. I betcha that half of the guys shouting they can't afford a new PC have bigger houses and much better cars, even a TV, a brandnew microwave, better clothes, maybe even kids. So why should I be overly concerned about their wellbeing?


You're not being attacked at all. You are being confronted with your own postings and opinions.

No. If Trin had opted to confront me she had brought up some counter-arguments instead opting for a 87% emotionally criticism of my language and my alleged state of mind.


And this one's for brevity's sake.

Oh, I didn't know that. Doesn't matter, since I'm not a religious person and also in the modern world there is very much a difference in meaning between the two sayings. When I say "so be it" it means "I can't help It so I leave it alone". I surely don't mean "yes, father!"

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Orca Flotta wrote:


but at the contrary of you, i pay attention to who is writing the post i m reading. For the main raison, it helps me to get a better understanding knowing more about the point of view the post is said. In the writen communication we dont have the look expression, face expression, body language etc.. so we are missing a lot of important factors for communication.

Wrong again. These factors should be totally ignored! Nothing is more powerful than the written word, no matter who said it.


The written word is powerful indeed but it can very easily be misinterpreted without hearing voice inflection, seeing the person's face, etc.  That is the reason emoticons were created to be used when the internet became a medium for interpersonal discussion (chat rooms, forums, and now in world venues).  I have misinterpreted the "tone" of something a friend has said in world and generally ask for clarification so I don't misinterpret their meaning and inadvertently take something the wrong way.

Since you want to bring up geography (did you ever hear the phrase "Don't mess with Texas?" *Grins*) to me, an American living in the South (not the "deep South" - there is a huge difference), I find, in general, the written text of some people who live in England, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands to come across very bluntly and arrogant.  (There are parts of the US where this is common as well, but I digress...)  From watching British comedy shows I sense the British as being very understated and matter of fact in what they say.  When conversing with British friends, if something is said that could be taken as curt or a put-down if said by, oh someone in Texas ;) I stop and realize that, as Trinity mentioned, knowing the person (a friend of mine) where they are from (thus realizing the way they phrase things may be a bit different than where I live) and often the gender helps me realize that is their mode of conversation and no offense is intended.  The same with the Germanic countries.  I have great friends I've met in SL from all the above-named countries, for some reason all male.  All of them have the same demeanor in their "speech" (ie. texting in SL) that, before I knew them better I was thinking, "Ok, who died and left you in charge?"  I think I've even said something similar to at least one of them...lol.  Now that I know all of them way better, again, I realize it's a cultural thing.

Bottom line - the written word alone can be taken different ways by different people depending on a host of variables.

Edit: Typos

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TDD123 wrote:

Orca Flotta wrote:

My way is far superior to yours :smileytongue: but you might see it differently. So be it.


Then it also should be noted and written, that there's no superior quality to your moist flatulent lack of sympathy, which you apparantly confuse with lack of empathy. :robottongue:

Can I get an "Amen!" ? :robotindifferent:

Amen!  (Excellently worded rebuttal, btw!)

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Gadget Portal wrote:

Oh, the things I could add to this thread...

Oh hai!  I've been wondering how you've been restraining yourself from commenting.  Of course I would respond and pretty soon you'd be calling me a doody face.

Edit: Typo


I restrained myself from commenting even longer... do I get a prize for that? :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Gadget Portal wrote:

Oh, the things I could add to this thread...

Oh hai!  I've been wondering how you've been restraining yourself from commenting.  Of course I would respond and pretty soon you'd be calling me a doody face.

Edit: Typo


I restrained myself from commenting even longer... do I get a prize for that? :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:


This presents a bit of a conundrum: Gadget posted first saying, in essence, he was restraining from commenting but by so posting was, in essence, commenting.  Now you say you have been restraining your comments longer than Gadget so if we look at the fact that Gadget posted before you on this thread, you are technically correct but this is a more indepth situation than meets the eye.  We have to ask the crucial three questions:

 Edit: Clarification

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