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Who's ready for the Server Side Baking!?

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Kelli, its not about graphic performance, but, Czari would explain this better than me, for some old computer systems cant make work any viewer younger than V1.

I know, like you, i had hard time to understand, but sadly, its true.

Since im not a comp techie, i got the thing but i wont be able to explain in detail. I hope Czari will come back here and tell it better than me.

But from what i know, because i trust my friend, its not about preference about V1 UI but just because some comps cant make work any other viewer than V1. I guess that if these ppl would be able to run younger viewers, since all this long time, they would already be doing it.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:


-- i would create a skin layer all grey (if i cant see my avatar other than grey , there is no reason for i allow others to see me fine) or even better, i have a wireframe skin from meta-body in my inventory, i would wear this one, that way noone would complain about me bec im naked.


Hehehe. For those who remember of the "missing image skins" days:




I uploaded a imagem of a newspaper and used that as skin, just for fun :-)


[edited to add] Yes I still have that:



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LOL the old missing suit was a real fashion statement in its day since so many people sported it from time to time.  I remember it well and wore it myself on more than one occasion.  It seemed all the rage, especially when worn with your hair and shoes stuck on your a$$.

I always wanted to make a T-shirt in RL that had MISSING stamped all over it and wear it out an about in RL.  I pictured going into the grocery store and seeing someone in the produce dept drop their bag of tomatoes and fall out with laughter.  It would be one way of finding out who was a SL resident at the time.  :smileywink:

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

LOL the old missing suit was a real fashion statement in its day since so many people sported it from time to time.  I remember it well and wore it myself on more than one occasion.  It seemed all the rage, especially when worn with your hair and shoes stuck on your a$$.

I always wanted to make a T-shirt in RL that had MISSING stamped all over it and wear it out an about in RL.  I pictured going into the grocery store and seeing someone in the produce dept drop their bag of tomatoes and fall out with laughter.  It would be one way of finding out who was a SL resident at the time.  :smileywink:

Now I am tempted to get a shirt made with a picture of myself and captioned, "If You Have Seen This Person Please Call...................."

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Kelli, its not about graphic performance, but, Czari would explain this better than me, for some old computer systems cant make work any viewer younger than V1.

I know, like you, i had hard time to understand, but sadly, its true.

Since im not a comp techie, i got the thing but i wont be able to explain in detail. I hope Czari will come back here and tell it better than me.

But from what i know, because i trust my friend, its not about preference about V1 UI but just because some comps cant make work any other viewer than V1. I guess that if these ppl would be able to run younger viewers, since all this long time, they would already be doing it.

The issue to which I think you're referring is re: SEE2. (At this point if anyone wants more info about that, it's easy to find online.) PCs without SEE2 capability, such as the PC I was using up until three days ago, could not use any viewer that was mesh-enabled.  It doesn't matter how light the viewer is or if it has a v1 interface.  I kept having people tell me they thought I could use CoolVL viewer on my old PC because it was a "lighter" viewer.  I directed them to the CoolVL viewer website that states a PC has to be SEE2 enabled to be able to use it.

There are two issues at play re: older PCs:

1. PCs that can run mesh-enabled viewers but, due to older CPUs and GPUs, have to stay on low settings.

2. PCs that do not have SEE2, thus cannot run *any* viewer that is mesh-enabled.

I haven't researched SSB enough to know how it would affect PCs that fall into the second category.  My guess, based on the bit of info I've received, is that an avatar on that PC would appear gray (or a cloud - I get mixed up which side can see what) to other avatars and would appear gray (or a cloud) to themselves.

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This sentence is so pathetic and so reactionary, that i prefer to avoid to answer to this. 

Totally taken out of context, like you did, it could appear as pathetic and reactionary if read with a feeble and mean mindset, yes. I was only referring to people who really have other priorities in live than their SL performance. Well, they shan't complain about SL's technology passing them by.


We already discussed about this topic, you seem to live in another planet than mine..  I was expecting such post from you in this thread, but with this sentence you went over my expectations... 

Well, I'm from planet earth and rather uninhibited by anything. I have no mission and no agenda but was just trying to level out opinions. And I can't remember to have ever discussed this topic with you.


I bet all the ppl who cant afford a new pc for keeping their presence will enjoy to  be insulted by your sentence.

I don't give a wet fart if soemone feels insulted by my opinion. Let's take a look at the computer that is needed to run SL before we say there are ppl who can't afford a decent SL-able PC: my own laptop is from 2006, a first gen dual-core with built-in Intel graphics. It never ran SL great but it can handle all available viewers. I can see mesh and will be able to enjoy SSA as well. And guess what, machines of that generation cost you a whopping 12 US$ on Ebay. If you can't afford that you indeed have other priorities and I won't be too sad to see you leave. I guess they won't be too sad if I can't join them in other stuff they do because I can't afford a new car or a new bbq for my garden just because I blew away my little spare money on computer stuff.

I don't know what I ever said or did that turned you into such a hostile and aggressive meanie. But okay, if it's fun for you so be it. It's your second life. It'sa ll about choice, that's what I tried to express.

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Orca Flotta wrote:


I don't know what I ever said or did that turned you into such a hostile and aggressive meanie. But okay, if it's fun for you so be it. It's your second life. It'sa ll about choice, that's what I tried to express.

I can personally vouch that Trinity is not a "hostile and aggressive meanie."  In fact, she is one of the most generous people I know on SL.  She, like me, is passionate about what she believes in and will, like me, defend her position, but just wanted to clear up the misconception.

Carry on.

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I can personally vouch that Trinity is not a "hostile and aggressive meanie."  In fact, she is one of the most generous people I know on SL.  She, like me, is passionate about what she believes in and will, like me, defend her position, but just wanted to clear up the misconception.

Carry on.


Well, I can personally vouch that I don't know Trinity at all, other than from this forum. And I never really care about who wrote what and why. I view posts as single entries, mostly not even Iooking at the poster's name. I probably wouldn't even notice if she or anyone else would stop posting here. There are just some posts I don't like, the OP for example, or Trinity's harsh and misguided reaction to  mine. That post was indeed aggressive and offensive. I'd hazard a guess and think she did so on purpose. And I still have  no idea what I did so terribly wrong other than trying to understand where the OP is coming from. So forgive me please for being a bit confused and irritated.   

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

  • I can personally vouch that Trinity is not a "hostile and aggressive meanie." 

Affirmative. :robothappy:

  • Carry on.

Negative. The "Yay, SSB/SSA is here and I don't give an inch about other's problems and good riddance to them." - proclamations should cease. The "OMFG .. SSB/SSA will kill all of our viewers and LL has to do everything to keep depricated software running for any machine ever built." - slogans should stop as well.

We all know about this by now. It's a dead end which seems without ending in this thread.  :robotindifferent:

My 2 L spent.

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I was hoping that Orca was being facetious with that statement

Yes, I was facetious (I had to look that term up before I could answer) ... to some degree. But we all know that in every humorous statement is a core of truth, innit?


because the people doing that would be too dang busy with their hookers and blow to be using SL.  But I could be wrong on both points.

Sorry to say but you're wrong on that last point. In fact I couldn't care less than to worry about what other people are busy with. Fact is: if your hardware can  run  any  halfway recent SL viewer it'll be able to run the SSA version as well. It will proabbly even run better and faster than it does now.

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Orca, I will say that Trinity has no mean bone in her body as well. Many people don't want to lose contact with or see the people they have come to care about here lose the ability to come inworld and enjoy the time with them as we have in the past. I am sure there are a lot of people who feel that way.

When people feel passionate about a subject and when that response is text, it's hard to understand the actual feeling.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

And its naive to think that the winners of today wont be perhaps one day the sacrified ones.... That day, the ones who dont understand now, will understand then.. but really its pity.

Good point, Trinity.  I don't know the ages of most people who post some of the "My PC is better than your PC" posts, but I would imagine them to be fairly young, meaning in the 20-30's age group.  Sometimes younger people think they're invulnerable, that things will always be as they are now but, the longer one lives and experiences more of life, it becomes apparent that one second in time, be it a car accident, a bad report from the Dr., a natural disaster, or people losing life savings in a collapsing economy, can change one's life and being able to see ultra-high graphics becomes the very least of one's concerns.

I was looking at the materials viewer video and thought how great everything looked, and then I got up from my computer and examined the wallpaper in real life more closely. My brother favours textured wallpaper. I much prefer plain emulsioned walls. The feel of both is very different. And the smell of the flowers out in the garden, the colours, the textures. Amazing. And I realised I should not be using Second Life during the hours of daylight, when I should be appreciating more of what is truly 3D. The real world.

I'm happy for the people who are happy to be able to appreciate the latest greatest features. I thoroughly enjoy viewing those terrific photographs that my favourite people in SL continue to share in various places. I don't have an artistic bone in my body, and that's probably/possibly why I don't jump for joy when yet another feature is rolled out that puts extra strain on rather a lot of people's computers. I feel I have been extremely lucky to have been able to access Second Life this far, especially considering how I must have been one of the last people to be coaxed onto a computer in the first place (a necessity if I wanted to continue in any form of office work).

I am hoping, though, that when the dust settles on all these added bells and whistles being delivered this year, that everyone will still be able to enjoy a form of Second Life. Its only fair, and only good business sense for LL not to alienate any more of their users/residents.

It becomes personal when it just feels like you've tried to keep up with things, and the goalposts get moved yet again.

In 2008 I was more of a conspiracy theorist; believing LL did certain things to test the residents, to even set us against each other. I don't believe that now, I just think they get carried away in their own geeky world, and going on how easy it appears to be fired from SL, they are all trying to prove to whoever it is that hires and fires, they are worth their wages. 

If (if) concurrency appears to drop dramatically after this next set of stages, will LL be too concerned?


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Malanya wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Malanya wrote:

I have found that many people are pretty selfish and could care less about others.
If it works for them.. great, if not I am sure they would be singing a different song. I also find blaming those with older machines holding back any advancement here, I would think that would fall in LL and Viewer Devs laps.

(Bolding mine)

In addition to such "kind" comments as - People who can't afford new PCs should find another hobby - other similar comments that come to mind are:

*People who don't build in ultra-graphics mode shouldn't be permitted to be content creators

*Content creators should jump up and down with glee when someone points out how "defective" their creation is

*People who post two many color variations of the same item on the MP should be charged a fee (this is a constraint with the MP software; content creators have been asking since at least 2008 for a feature to be able to show all colors of an item be added to the MP)

*I only create for people with high end PCs because they have the money to buy more items in SL. (This has been debunked by personal examples from various people.)

I could list a lot more such "positive" statements but these are a few that go to your point, Malanya.

Good points Czari, but it seems that caring about others or feeling sad that some of your friends experience will be no longer isn't the way to think
Of course we all know that technology changes quickly, I am sure we know change is good, but I would HOPE that we also know acting like the people that can't afford to upgrade don't belong here is just damn rude.

I pretty much now consider it a weeding out of people I don't want to
spend time with.

Yes, me too. :matte-motes-smile:

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Orca, I will say that Trinity has no mean bone in her body as well.

Okay, but then why did she post such stupid and offensive crap? She had no point at all and was just about offending me. Either she is really THAT stupid or she has some personal problem with me. And that is hard to believe since I don't think I ever met her in world.

Many people don't want to lose contact with or see the people they have come to care about here lose the ability to come inworld and enjoy the time with them as we have in the past.

That's a given ... and yet has nothing to do with the topic. SSA won't kick anyone out of SL, quite the contrary. It will help your PC to cope better with the rendering of other avies. If your PC does well enough to keep you in SL now, there's no reason why you shouldn't be in SL after the implementation of SSA.


I am sure there are a lot of people who feel that way.

Feelings, shmeelings. Everybody has feelings, and in this case they are wrong. For example I felt attacked by Trinity, and rightfully so. Are we talking rendering technology or is this forum a therapy group now?

Let's get this clear: Phoenix is dead and gone. Sing and Cool and some other TPVs and even the official viewer will be enabled for SSA. There will be no change in the respective GUIs or the load on your system. Contrary to the V2 disaster this time it's not a game changer. I almost dropped out of SL when V2 arrived but this time I'm quite confident that all will be good. Well, as far as LL can manage ...

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Perrie Juran wrote:

KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

I've been "Beta Server Side Baked" and am so ready for Mainline Server Side Baking - Bring it on Sunshine!

I truly am sorry for those people who are still utilizing Snowglobe technology. SL has been broken for you for a long time but the past is the past and the old ways are no longer.

I noticed a few comments about the "Selfish" POV of those who are prepared for SSA [sSB] and hints that Linden Research doesn't care about the older PC technology. Well truth be told the whole graphics industry has left the old PCs behind. This is not one of those areas where old graphics technology can be supported. It's not the software that makes the world look real, it's the Graphics Chip sets and the associated firmware with Viewer support using that technology.

I'm looking forward to seeing the world with my new AMD Radeon™ HD 6850 Graphics card.


I'm happy for improvements and know that technology advances.  And when it does some people get left behind.  While I am not advocating for a pity party for the people who due to personal circumstances at this time won't be able to keep up, on the other hand for someone to come gloating like the OP did, that is at least in my opinion, wrong.  And it became doubly wrong when the gloating was based on such bad misconceptions as the ones the OP stated.

I'm hoping that SSB succeeds.  I'm hoping that it not only improves the experience for everyone but that it also makes it available to more people.  LL thinks that it will and has chosen to invest a lot in this project.  It is one that on the surface makes sense, unlike some other things they have given priority to while neglecting other, to use Rodvik's phrase, "low hanging fruit."

Maybe I'm just thinking aloud here, and my post will not be at all relevant, but the only place I have had problems with slow-loading avatars, has been Bondage Ranch, and a couple of the welcome areas (oddly not at all the welcome areas, yet they are all as busy).

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the only place I have had problems with slow-loading avatars, has been Bondage Ranch, and a couple of the welcome areas

That's maybe because people on Bondage Ranch (woah, what shady places you're frequenting, LOL) and welcome areas (who goes there anyway?) carry lots of bad scripts and useless stuffz around with them. I once knew a girl who could bring a sim down just by standing there. She was packed with sexy scripts, so there you have it.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Orca Flotta wrote:

 Maybe they are just too poor to buy a decent PC because they are blowing away all their money on drugs, hookers, sports cars, children, fashion, house, exotic vacations, giant TV screens and nonsense like that.



This sentence is so pathetic and so reactionary, that i prefer to avoid to answer to this. 

We already discussed about this topic, you seem to live in another planet than mine..  I was expecting such post from you in this thread, but with this sentence you went over my expectations... 

I bet all the ppl who cant afford a new pc for keeping their presence will enjoy to  be insulted by your sentence. 

In the UK we have started seeing Food Banks springing up all over the place, and I am sure some people are truly in need of assistance, with the current state of our economy, although when I see people driving up and loading bags into their boot, with professionally set fingernails and hair, latest fashions, I do wonder where logic and commonsense goes. I imagine also that a lot of people who are donating the odd can or packet of food, and even cash, are the ones who don't go for the posh manicures and have experience of cutting back their own expenditure.

People's personal circumstances are and should be their own business. Everyone has opportunities and chances in life, and we should all count our lucky stars if we are able to have anything above the most basic of need.

I am lucky because my brother had a stroke and I became his full-time carer, or I would never have been able to afford a computer of my own. The computer was purchased just so my brother would be able to contact the outside world, his friends via email, order shopping and services via the internet. The fact we came across Second Life and I got hooked and was able to upgrade parts of the computer was down to a certain degree of misfortune enabling an upgrade of parts of the computer, and a backup laptop also.

For a lot of people their car and computer is their "last chance saloon". Some people just do not realise how lucky they are. And the one-upmanship that I hear on a regular basis in a certain group chat, which (someone previously touched on earlier in this thread) shows the immaturity, and possibly young age, of certain residents, or maybe they're just people of any age desperate for validation and having great equipment makes them believe they are better than anyone else (they're not).

As great as SL is, it can all just end very suddenly. For everyone. And I really hope that doesn't happen, because the ones at the top of the food chain will have further to fall and land a lot harder than the ones who have been teetering on the edge of extinction for quite a while now, waiting for their inevitable demise.


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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

If i was one of those who wont be able to upgrade to SSB, as an humoristic protestation, here what i would do :

-- i would create a skin layer all grey (if i cant see my avatar other than grey , there is no reason for i allow others to see me fine) or even better, i have a wireframe skin from meta-body in my inventory, i would wear this one, that way noone would complain about me bec im naked.

-- i would create a tatoo layer with a big "SSB killed me" (of course i will never see the tatoo layer, but others will)

-- and i would hangout everywhere there is a crowd... just for ppl doesnt forget that im still a SL citizen and if possible, would choose the place where are all the ppl who are so happy to see ppl like this leave just to polluate their view... then they will have a real reason to say that ppl with poor computer ruins their SL experience. 

Well, ill be fine with SSB anyway... but i may do it in solidarity if needed :smileywink:

I'm having a flashback to 2008

missing image.jpg

A lot of the traffic bots I used to find back then would show as having a missing image texture all over them, so I made a tee shirt (not a very good one admittedly - and I did have trousers to match) to wear while I hunted, and inevitably people would constantly ask me to rebake.

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Vania Chaplin wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:


-- i would create a skin layer all grey (if i cant see my avatar other than grey , there is no reason for i allow others to see me fine) or even better, i have a wireframe skin from meta-body in my inventory, i would wear this one, that way noone would complain about me bec im naked.


Hehehe. For those who remember of the "missing image skins" days:




I uploaded a imagem of a newspaper and used that as skin, just for fun :-)


[edited to add] Yes I still have that:



Whupps! I should have read the whole thread before I started replying to posts. LOL

Love your photos, Vania. Bring back some fab memories of that Missing Image era.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

the only place I have had problems with slow-loading avatars, has been Bondage Ranch, and a couple of the welcome areas

That's maybe because people on Bondage Ranch (woah, what shady places you're frequenting, LOL) and welcome areas (who goes there anyway?) carry lots of bad scripts and useless stuffz around with them. I once knew a girl who could bring a sim down just by standing there. She was packed with sexy scripts, so there you have it.


I'm laughing in real life too - shady places indeed. Nah, I'm an Enid Blyton kinda girl, really make myself cringe sometimes at how twee I tend to be, butterflies and rainbows, etc.

And yes, undoubtedly its all the extra crappy scripted stuff overloading certain sims - and that definitely isn't worth upgrading a computer for. I shall be happy enough if I can continue on lowest graphics settings. Unhappy to see some of my buddies go if they have to though, a couple of really artistic people, who do wonders with what little they've got.


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No this is not a therapy group, but it is topic related. Some pc's can barely keep ppl in sl now. Just because I have some kind of heart doesn't mean I am trying to save the world, I consider myself to be a decent human being.

I understand how the viewers work. Anyways I didn't say you didn't have a right to post your feelings. I tried to explain Trinity is not a mean person, whatsoever.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

If i was one of those who wont be able to upgrade to SSB, as an humoristic protestation, here what i would do :

-- i would create a skin layer all grey (if i cant see my avatar other than grey , there is no reason for i allow others to see me fine) or even better, i have a wireframe skin from meta-body in my inventory, i would wear this one, that way noone would complain about me bec im naked.

-- i would create a tatoo layer with a big "SSB killed me" (of course i will never see the tatoo layer, but others will)

-- and i would hangout everywhere there is a crowd... just for ppl doesnt forget that im still a SL citizen and if possible, would choose the place where are all the ppl who are so happy to see ppl like this leave just to polluate their view... then they will have a real reason to say that ppl with poor computer ruins their SL experience. 

Well, ill be fine with SSB anyway... but i may do it in solidarity if needed :smileywink:

I'm having a flashback to 2008

missing image.jpg

A lot of the traffic bots I used to find back then would show as having a missing image texture all over them, so I made a tee shirt (not a very good one admittedly - and I did have trousers to match) to wear while I hunted, and inevitably people would constantly ask me to rebake.

Here's a T-shirt that was offered by a regular forumite when we were getting a bunch of 503 Errors in SL.  Now I can't even recall what they were, but apparently annoying enough we were protesting it.  This was also in 2008 - must have been the year for protesting. ;)

503 shirts closeup.jpg

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Orca Flotta wrote:

Orca, I will say that Trinity has no mean bone in her body as well.

Okay, but then why did she post such stupid and offensive crap? She had no point at all and was just about offending me. Either she is really THAT stupid or she has some personal problem with me. And that is hard to believe since I don't think I ever met her in world.



So some lil things for you....

--1/ i didnt insulted you, saying your sentence is pathetic is not saying YOU are a pathetic person. You say im maybe stupid, so i guess you are wanting to step on another lever of cordiality, that, im sorry, i refuse to go... 

--2/ i wont go either in the "victim-aggressor" game with you... Stop playing to be the victim here , you are not. and i wont play your aggressor role.. Im sorry for you... Maybe we can take all the history of your posts and mines and look who is the usual harsh one. 

--3/ i may assure i dont "give a fart" (your words) about you. So please stop this paranoia... but at the contrary of you, i pay attention to who is writing the post i m reading. For the main raison, it helps me to get a better understanding knowing more about the point of view the post is said. In the writen communication we dont have the look expression, face expression, body language etc.. so we are missing a lot of important factors for communication. Knowing who wrote the post, give me some pieces of information about what wrote this person about the topic in the past (if i happened to read these ones of course), about other topics, sometimes some infos about rl (gender, age range, nationality.... ), what likes or does this person in SL etc..... Of course, im not doing an investigation about who is writing.. but sometimes knowing a lil more about the point of view exposed, give me a better understanding of what is said in the post... You seem to have a big lack about this and this may explain why you often seem to get wrong what ppl say.


Now, since, you seem to have on your side (contrary to me) a firm idea about what i am.. and so you seems to think im rude with you or stupid, let me remind you some lil facts.... (ive already mentioned i have a gooooood memory, obviously contrarily to you)

you think im rude ? 

So let me quote this words from YOU. :


Oh, Trinity, you got me so wrong.

My post wasn't aggressive at all. It was just straightforward, not dancing around the pudding. It's pretty normal speech behaviour where I come from (northern europe)."

Now, just change Trinity by Orca and change the (nothern europe) by (south europe). You'll get my answer to you..

if this is your normal speech behaviour for you and where you come from, there is no reason for you feel offended when someone use the same speech beahaviour than yours, eh ?

Or are you just the only one allowed to feel offended by other, while you think its normal to answer everyone with rude answers as you do ..?

This was quoted from here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Not-sure-you-want-to-read-this-its-pitiful/m-p/1998321#M105421

A great example of your usual empathy and how you care other feelings....

So as i said, i wont play your poor lil game victim/agressor, i usually neither enjoy to be the victim, neither the agressor...  but i want to make some things clear here....

considering the posts without the poster is IMHO a big mistake and gives you only the half of the meaning... You probably missed also the parts where i say im really happy to see the SSB coming, ive been one of the first one applauding the project... 

But yes, i cant be totally happy bec this party will exclude some of us.. and i dont think its correct to come here in the forum singing happily about this or, like you did, insult the persons who will have to leave SL... 

Your paranoia seems to display a hybris... really i may assure you dont have enough importance for me for i "have some personal problem with you".  I just had a problem with what you said in your post and the way you said it.... There is a big difference.


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