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Can't Rez Items from my Inventory, Rez in the same spot for a week, Need advice!

Cob Catesby

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Hey there,

I'm  in a very frustrated state! For almost all the past week, I've logged into the same club wearing the same 3 different avatar in the same spot. every time I've relogged, I've taken everything off, gotten myself back to the way I look, Log out, but it still puts me back to where I was, with the same 3 avi's, in the same exact spot. I've tried to log into different spots at the login, but it just tells me that those places are unavailable when they seem to work fine when I log in. On top of that, I can't seem to rez anything from my inventory, I've tried rebaking, I've tried clearing my cache, I've even tried different views...all the same. I would really like to rez my Dj stuff at the clubs I work at X(. Is there anything else I could try?


Specs edit :


Second Life 3.6.0 (277516) Jun 18 2013 18:44:50 (Second Life Release)
Release Notes

You are at 138,334.0, 346,530.0, 2,001.3 in Furnication located at sim10095.agni.lindenlab.com (
Second Life Server
Release Notes

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         920  @ 2.67GHz (2698.81 MHz)
Memory: 12287 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 275/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.1106
OpenGL Version: 3.3.0

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.12
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Built with MSVC version 1600
Packets Lost: 41/815,139 (0.0%)


Ping test: http://www.pingtest.net/result/82972392.png


asked everyone from the same sim and none of them are having the same problems, to be more specific to what I'm seeing, it seems that I can rez maybe less than 10 percent of what my inventory consists, I can try deleting somthing, purge, but when I log back it, it's right back where it was.





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welp...I'm right back to where I've started..still can't rez in anything, still back at the same club. I can't even send a ticket for the issue X(. GRAH, what do I do???


(small edit: I also can't get anything from other players, just the same "failed to rez object" error)

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Not sure if I am seeing the same issue, Cob, but I have seen a few "Cannot rez object" errors this weekend too.  On one remarkable occasion I was attaching an object to my HUD, not rezzing it when I got the error...I could attach it perfectly normally on my home sim...both sims were Main Server.  Sounds like asset server issues again.


Completely off topic...I cannot believe that Linden Lab are about to make one of the biggest changes ever to server operation (conversion to SSAB) while the central servers are in such a dreadful state.

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The issues you described are usually networking related.

Since you tried pretty much everything else, try powercycling your router. Many "home" model routers frankly have trouble with the high number and rate of conections that SL needs. If it's old (more than 3 years) consider replacing it, and get a higher end soho router.

The other cause of issues can be your security software. Most AV software inserts itself into the network stack on your computer, doing network intrusion detection, etc. Done badly, it can cause problems with network intensive games like SL. You could try disabling it, or at LEAST put in exclusions for your viewer, the cache directory, the settings directories, etc. (there are a lot of places SL touches.) How to do that exactly depends on what version of OS you are running, AV software, etc. so I can't give exact steps. McAfee, Symantec, and Kasperky are just friggin horrible with how they screw with your networking.


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This can often be a network issue. Read through this SL specific how to: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection.

Don't think that because you can browse and download that your are able to get a good connection to SL. The article explains how to tell if the problem is you, the net (your ISP), or the Lab.

When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. Help->About... provides all the version numbers we need.  To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

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Sharie Criss wrote:

One other thing to check - do a VOIP test:

Choose the server in the middle of the US and let us know ping time, packet loss and jitter.

That's a nice little test.

Similar to http://pingtest.net/

One advantage of ping test is it allows you to choose Dallas & San Francisco where the SL Servers are hosted.

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Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

Since I changed to optic fibre internet, those speedtests give bogus numbers. Are there any out there that measure bigger packets? Or does anyone know of a very, very fast server to select? One specialized in fibre optics? With all the tests I can find, I get download speeds ranging from 20-400 Mbits, upload a bit lower and pings over 200, even close to home. I have the feeling the tests are just confused because the speed is too high and the packets too small.

When I test with my own ISP I get a very steady 100 up and down, with a 1ms ping. That's the ping a tracert tells me too, everything here in the Netherlands is within 2-3ms, then it jumps to 100ish when I ping the US.

What you get for results when you do a local speedtest really doesnt matter. The results you get when you ping Dallas or San Fran are the ones that count. You will get wild results as there are so may variables in how the data gets to you. Some times i get a very slow connection and the second test a few minutes later is blazing fast.

You may have fiber-optics from your home to the provider, but they still have to get there from the US, not all of the US is fiber optics. You could get a super fast signal from San Fran to Boston and then bg down in Europe or vice versa. It's all guesswork in a white coat.

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Of course, but the ping times just make no sense, more than the up and down.

If I run a tracert to SL I get a ping of 110 or so, in the ctrl-shift-1 menu I get 150-170. That makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is that when I run a speedtest, I always get a ping of over 200, not just to SL, but even close to home. It's so bad that even my ISP which is pretty much around the corner, returns a ping of 205. That is when I have SL open with a 5000 mile ping of 150 ms according to the ctrl-shift-1 thing (and also when SL is not open). How can the ping to my ISP take longer than it does to the US? When I do a direct test to my ISP I get the same results as the tracer gives me, a ping of 1 ms.


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Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

Of course, but the ping times just make no sense, more than the up and down.

If I run a tracert to SL I get a ping of 110 or so, in the ctrl-shift-1 menu I get 150-170. That makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is that when I run a speedtest, I always get a ping of over 200, not just to SL, but even close to home. It's so bad that even my ISP which is pretty much around the corner, returns a ping of 205. That is when I have SL open with a 5000 mile ping of 150 ms according to the ctrl-shift-1 thing (and also when SL is not open). How can the ping to my ISP take longer than it does to the US? When I do a direct test to my ISP I get the same results as the tracer gives me, a ping of 1 ms.


At any given time on any given day my results will vary.

I know what my connection averages.  What I watch for are major changes.  I pay for a 12MB connection but average 7MB.  My providers policy is if I am getting better than 50% of advertised speed it is OK.  My understanding is that is actually the standard Providers in the U.S. go by.  I am at the farthest point from the switch so it hurts me.  If I suddeny find myself getting 5MB, I'm on the phone to them.

But there are so many things that can effect our connections.  Network congestion, a major switch failing somewhere, etc, etc.  One place I lived, any time it was very windy, I knew I'd have problems.  Stupid phone lines!

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The thing is I don't use a phone line :)

I understand how the up and down will vary (slightly) if you take a long enough route, but it's the speedtests that simply give numbers I cannot and do not trust, at all, see the post above your latest. Especially the ping is just incorrect.

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Most "residential" ISP's massively oversubscribe their services. Yes, you can "peak" at a high number, but that bandwidth they are selling is probably highly unreliable.

When you test to your local ISP, sure, you will get fantastic results because you are on the local network. The thing is, that's not enough. Your ISP has connections out to the rest of the world and I'll bet that their connections are overloaded and that they need to increase their capacity. That's why your results are unreliable.

Pinging the US WILL have higher ping times - the speed of light is the limiting factor. Sorry, but it's just the laws of physics, not that the test is bad :)



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I understand all that, but especially the ping times still don't make any sense at all. Like I said, both the windows tracert to the US and SL itself (through the ctrl-shift-1 menu) give me lower ping times than the speedtests give me to my own ISP which is 4800 miles closer to my home. Now that defies the laws of mathematics.

The speed of light doesn't explain a ping of over 200 to my own ISP either, let alone 200 ms to the US. The time it takes light to travel from my home to Texas, 4800 miles away, is around 2.5 ms. All the delay will be in the transfer stations and metal wiring.

It's as if the test is taking a detour or something. I'm sure the number the test gives me is the ping it senses, it's just that it simply doesn't reflect the actual times I get when using the internet.

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Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

I understand all that, but especially the ping times still don't make any sense at all. Like I said, both the windows tracert to the US and SL itself (through the ctrl-shift-1 menu) give me lower ping times than the speedtests give me to my own ISP which is 4800 miles closer to my home. Now that defies the laws of mathematics.

The speed of light doesn't explain a ping of over 200 to my own ISP either, let alone 200 ms to the US. The time it takes light to travel from my home to Texas, 4800 miles away, is around 2.5 ms. All the delay will be in the transfer stations and metal wiring.

It's as if the test is taking a detour or something. I'm sure the number the test gives me is the ping it senses, it's just that it simply doesn't reflect the actual times I get when using the internet.

I am no expert on this subject but you said you ran a Tracert (Traceroute?).

Doesn't it show where your connection to the SL Servers is bogging down?

I believe I have read about people calling there ISP's when they have identified bottle necks and the ISP's doing something about it.

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The thing is, as I said a couple of times, the tracert doesn't show any "bogs", I get a 110 ms ping to the login server. SL doesn't show any either, with a ping sim of 150-180. I'm pretty sure there aren't any bogs, yet those speedtests insist on showing a 200+ ms ping, no matter where to I test.

I appreciate the feedback, but am afraid this one will go in the great book of computer mysteries...

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  • 3 weeks later...

A small necro update as self reminder in case anyone experiences what I experienced.

Today my internet failed completely. After pinpointing the issue to the router and not the network or modem, the computerguys at the store reloaded the firmware. Any speedtest in Western Europe now shows a ping under 50ms and download and upload speeds up to 300 Mbps. As expected nothing changed when running SL, that ran fine before.

Whatever the issue was, it seems it was in the router and for some reason only showed up when running a speedtest..

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NoNoNo... those are to fast servers in Western Europe :)

To Dallas (Frostgaming) I got up to 60/20 with a 115 ping

To SanFran (Monkey Brain) I got up to 9/15 with 145 ping

No idea how to test to the SL servers directly, but the speed would probably be more in the region of the last two.

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