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Linden Lab not follow their own TOS?

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We have BIG problem at my SIM's with a avatar that call here self "(Our sim name)Management"

That is violating LL's TOS section 3.2 that say:

You may not select as your Account Name any name that Linden Lab determines may cause deception or confusion; may violate any trademark right, copyright, or other proprietary right or mislead other users regarding your identity or affiliation; or any name that Linden Lab determines in its discretion to be vulgar, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate.

We have done repeated  Abuse Reports to Linden Lab about that but the still allow the avi to continue use that name!

Is there more people that have problem with LL not following their own TOS?

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All merchants and currency exchangers have, since LL didn't follow the 30 days rule about change in TOS.

Aside from the joke, for you particular case, I guess LL would need some more proofs (maybe some chat logs or some screenshots with location and time, to help them to better figure out), especially since there is a difference between account name and display name.



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We have done about 50 AR with logs and screenshoot's and I'm soon giving up!

Section 3.2 of TOS also say this:

You are responsible for all activities conducted through your Account. In the event that fraud, illegality or other conduct that violates this Agreement is discovered or reported (whether by you or someone else) that is connected with your Account, we may suspend or terminate your Account (or Accounts) as described in Section 11.

But do LL do anything? NOO!

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like kahlie said, it is important if it is display name or account name, logic would lead me to asume it is display name and that is not against the TOS, if it realy is account name then there is no point to terminate the account because it is just an alt and they will make a new one to start all over again, you are far from the only one dealing with this problem

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TakSunem wrote:

So you say that LL thinks it's ok to violate TOS as long it's "personal disputes" ??

Grow up man.  LL sets out TOS for the users of their service not for themselves.  Just like you do what ever you want in your own home but might have rules for guests. The guests will likely not cry in the street that you did something in your own house that you said they could not.

Although you did not say so, you must be crying that they are not enforcing a section of the TOS that you interpreted to mean applied to the use of any name that may be the same or similar to your sim.  What you have going on is a personal dispute with an individual and the TOS is very clear about LL not becoming involved in such.  


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TakSunem wrote:

We have BIG problem at my SIM's with a avatar that call here self "(Our sim name)Management"

That is violating LL's TOS section 3.2 that say:

You may not select as your Account Name any name that Linden Lab determines may cause deception or confusion; may violate any trademark right, copyright, or other proprietary right or mislead other users regarding your identity or affiliation; or any name that Linden Lab determines in its discretion to be vulgar, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate.

We have done repeated  Abuse Reports to Linden Lab about that but the still allow the avi to continue use that name!

Is there more people that have problem with LL not following their own TOS?

1.  Enforcement of the TOS is always at Linden Lab's discretion.  It has nothing to do with them following or not following it.

2.  Is this the Avatar's User(Account) Nmae or a Display name?

3.  As someone else pointed out, you can ban them from your SIM.



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Its her account name! And is already banned!

In the actual alts profile she states VERY clear that she is the Manager:

"I am the management avatar for Orgy Island and its affiliated groups. If you need assistance, please IM or send a notecard to the current owners Taksunem Resident or "my partners name."


She is in NO way associated with my sims and are banned from them!



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TakSunem wrote:

Its her account name! And is already banned!

In the actual alts profile she states VERY clear that she is the Manager:

"I am the management avatar for Orgy Island and its affiliated groups. If you need assistance, please IM or send a notecard to the current owners Taksunem Resident or "my partners name."


She is in NO way associated with my sims and are banned from them!



i hope others are joining in on ARing her


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TakSunem wrote:

Its her account name! And is already banned!

In the actual alts profile she states VERY clear that she is the Manager:

"I am the management avatar for Orgy Island and its affiliated groups. If you need assistance, please IM or send a notecard to the current owners Taksunem Resident or "my partners name."


She is in NO way associated with my sims and are banned from them!



Ok, I'm not trying to be mean by this, but I will be blunt. You're blowing this way out of proportion. I am guessing this person can easily see how much she's annoying you. It's also extemely probable that she's enjoying it very much and it's fueling her. So, stop making a huge issue of it, and I bet it'll go away on it's own. You are extremely worked up, and it shows. You're not helping your own self at all in that right.

If you've really sent that many ARs and nothing has been done, it's very likely the lab sees nothing wrong. Well, nothing that breaks TOS, specifically. It's possible they haven't read all the ARs yet too, but it's less likely than they simply don't believe it's a violation.

You just pasted what she has in her profile, which while it names her own self as the manager, it sends potential sim visitors and whatnot to you, the sim owner. Do you not find that even remotely odd? If it was/is someone hell bent on destroying you and your sims, that's not the route she'd take. It just wouldn't make sense-not worded like that anyway. Now someone who is just messing with you because it clearly gets under your skin, it makes perfect sense. She's thoroughly annoying you, but staying within the boundaries of the TOS(we can only assume, of course) and she's not harming your sim(much as we hate bad words, they do us no harm unless we let them). In fact you could easily turn this around into something good. Think of it as free advertising for your sim, good PR even. Whether her words are positive or negative, is actually pretty irrelevant. You, and your staff know the truth, as will anyone that might by chance ask questions should they be given false information from this person. No one likes being griefed, bashed, belittled, defamed, etc..It's just not very pleasant. But it also doesn't have to be the end of the world. It's entirely possible to turn it around, if you decide. Or, you can sit there, pissed off as all get out, accomplishing nothing even remotely constructive.

It's clear the person isn't going anywhere anytime. It's probably best you stop giving her so much attention. That is, if you want her to stop, or go away. Be the bigger person and you'll soon find the real problem is pretty dang tiny, and shrinking by the minute.

The reason the lab doesn't get involved is because this kind of he said she said, nanny nanny boo boo, you're a poopie head kindergarten crap goes on ALL the dang time. It would be a non-stop uphill battle and would cause nothing else to ever get done. The lab doesn't have time to deal with petty stupid crap. Sorry, but, that's what it is. I know you're thinking "if it was you or your sim you wouldn't think that". You'd be dead wrong. I have had such experiences, more than once. I learned my lesson the first time. And, thus far, this person hasn't done any real damage to you, your sim, or your staff. I am not negating the fact that you feel attacked by them. But, come on. There are real problems out there. You don't need mommy to send this little girl to the timeout chair for you. Use your tools available inworld, mute, ban, ignore(tell your staff to do the same). If need be, get up out of your chair and walk away for a while.

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TakSunem wrote:

Ok! Thanks all that given advice! 

And yes! This **bleep** is overhelming me!

Just wanted to know if it was a common thing in SL!

yes..it happens all the time..

also owning a sim named something..it doesn't make you the owner of that name...

not unless you have intellectual property rights over it..

you won't find two sims named the same thing..but you will find a lot of people that have the same names as sims..as well as the same names and groups as other clubs..

there could be 40 other clubs named after your sim..and without actually owning that name..

you couldn't touch them..let alone people with accounts using that name or groups..

it's not yours until you actually own the name itself..



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The provision you cite is for account names only.  Unless your name is the same as "(Our sim name)Management" or you hold the trademark to the sim name there is nothing you can do.  Sim names don't belong to you , they belong to LL, unless you held the trademark to it prior to the sims existence. If you do then you must notify LL of this and prove it by filing the proper paperwork, not an AR.

I agree that this sounds like a personal dispute of some sort and I doubt you have given the whole story.  Why would someone "use that avatar on other places to defame our sim and me and my staff" unless some drama of some sort has happened?  We are supposed to be mature adults that handle these situations on our own.  There are not enough Linden's in the world to arbitrate all the personal disputes that go on in SL.


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She's going around claiming to be the manager of your sim. If she bad mouths your business while claiming to be the manager, she is badmouthing herself. It's more than likely that  she wants to feel important in SL (now that is a whole other can of worms, wanting an ego boost by claiming to be the manager of a venue in SL is really pathetic). Other than posting on her feed, I would suggest sending out group notices letting people know she's not affiliated with you, putting that in YOUR profile, and putting signs at your landing points stating this. If it still bothers you, heck, rent some billboards and get the message out that way, or just let it go. Why let someone push your buttons that way?

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The problem with all this is that these styles of name can be used for fraud. I've been warned about the method a few times, and this [oursim]Management name is pretty muich essential to the fraud. Stand around in a store with a name like that, tell people the vendor is broken, but you can arrange manual delivery at a discounted price. Some fool pays the money, and takes a while to notice the goods don't get delivered.

Personally, after my experiences of the last couple of months, I'm beginning to doubt whether Linden Labs does anything to act on Abuse Reports. Maybe they still act on reports of underage players, but some of the griefer accounts are apparently still around.

(If there was fraud going on with this account, Linden labs say they have chat and transaction logs. Do they check? I just don't know.)

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no, the TOS do not state you can't call your avatar <whatever>Management. They ONLY refer to impersonating an LL employee or using names that are registered trademarks (so RL companies).

Remember that falsely accusing people of breaking the TOS is a violation of the TOS. Looks like you're guilty of harassment, and of overloading the AR system with deliberate false reports, which could get YOU banned.

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