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Just a thought about LL

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I wondering if LL is going to try to take over the TPE`s like they did the market,, after all the fuss about not getting L$ maybe someone thought up a way to take them over,, why else would they be trying to work it out. I know there a lot of money to be lost if they don't but who know just a thought.

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First everyone screams that it is an evil plot to monopolize the exchanges, when LL closed them for reasons that they had no control over.

LL is attempting to do allow some to reopen if they comply with the law now , proving there was no evil plot to begin with. 

So now your saying its another evil plot to take over the TPE's, which makes absolutely no sense as they could just not allow TPE's at all and add services to the Lindex accomplishing the same thing with out having to pay anyone to buy a company.

facepalm smiley.gif


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I did not say there was a evil plot ,,that my point is why would they allow anyone selling there's L$,, my thinking is that LL wants to control it all (L$) wish they could . why are they even talking to them then if something not up, , see LL don't have to been talking to them in the first place,,, like you said add services to the Lindex accomplishing the same thing with out having to pay anyone to buy a company.  but why are they talking to them that my point  for good of them ?,,, naw something is up .

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Good god, or goddess as the case may be...

The lab is damned if they do, damned if they don't. Now I am far from a fan boy of theirs. I have always been very vocal about the things I dislike as much as the things I like. I would not likely be the first, or even 100,000th person to defend them, on any given day. But for crying out loud, cut them some friggen slack until you actually see something that suggests you ought to do otherwise come directly from them. We haven't, so therefore the assumptions about their motives in this particular case are about as useful as a limp noodle in a sword fight. Sure thye give a laugh here and there, but you'll accomplish nothing of any real value.

They may be money hungry, they may make terrible decisions, they may need a hell of a lot of work to get into tip top shape, but not EVERY move they make is motivated solely by how much they can and do make off it. It does happen, on occasion, their motives aren't even voluntary. Such as when they have to comply with US laws. Regardless of how they, or we, feel about those laws, they have to comply. The same sort of principle applies in other places too. Not every single move they make is to their benefit. You've been around long enough to know that, most people in the forums have really.

What is it with people always trying to make the other shoe drop when sometimes, there really isn't another shoe TO drop. This is why the forums, and occasionally inworld, get all abuzz about nothing. Rumors, whispered secrets of scandals, blahdy blahdy blah. For once, I wish people would stop looking a gift horse in the mouth. I know it's an unreasonable wish of mine, but that won't make it go away.

LL has said, and the third party exchanges have also said, they are trying to find a medium that will, hopefully, make SL still accessible for as many as possible. No matter what decision is made in the end, some will still be pissed off. Some will still either have to find alternative methods, or just not purchase and possibly leave. That is inevitable at this point. It's pretty probable that the reason the lab hasn't said anything about working things out with the TPE owners is because the people that could say it, have been rather busy trying to get it to work. Who knows? None of us, that's for certain.

All the speculation flying about, just makes things worse, though. As with most issues, when we toss in our opinions it slowly becomes less and less about the topic...and more and more about us. We're all guilty of it, but you have to admit some take it a wee bit too far.

I for one am happy for the folks who do need a TPE. I happen to think it's quite awesome both the lab and the TPE owners are doing what they can to allow those folks to continue on as best as possible, or they are trying to anyway. I also happen to think it's pretty commendable on both ends. Regardless of how much, or what, they make or get out of the deal. It's awesome for the folks who have no other way and that is exactly how I intend to look at it. I will look at the benefits because in the end that's really what matters most. Since that was the primary cause for an uproar, one would think people would be a bit more, oh, I dunno...happy, about it.

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madman626 Fall wrote:

I did not say there was a evil plot ,,that my point is why would they allow anyone selling there's L$,, my thinking is that LL wants to control it all (L$) wish they could . why are they even talking to them then if something not up, , see LL don't have to been talking to them in the first place,,, like you said add services to the Lindex accomplishing the same thing with out having to pay anyone to buy a company.  but why are they talking to them that my point  for good of them ?,,, naw something is up .

Maybe to help the residents who really need those TPEs? Or perhaps they do actually care, more than you think. Perhaps they enjoy working with the TPE owners and would rather not kill off that relationship with them. Maybe because in the long run it benefits them as much as us to allow TPE to exist, as long as they're all compliant. There could be any number of reasons.

The fact that they do not HAVE to let any TPE exist, yet they are trying to do so, speaks volumes about them. But not the sort of volumes you're assuming.

LL has always been in control of the Lindex and nothing will ever change that, until the day sl goes belly up. Which means they will always have some control over who and what, they create a relationship with. This would include any TPE, and it's owner(s). .

I think you're negating your own argument though, lol. Should probably quite while you're behind.


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madman626 Fall wrote:

I did not say there was a evil plot ,,that my point is why would they allow anyone selling there's L$,, my thinking is that LL wants to control it all (L$) wish they could . why are they even talking to them then if something not up, , see LL don't have to been talking to them in the first place,,, like you said add services to the Lindex accomplishing the same thing with out having to pay anyone to buy a company.  but why are they talking to them that my point  for good of them ?,,, naw something is up .

I can think of a tons of reasons why they are talking to TPE"s, none of which involves taking them over.  Here are my top 3

LL can't deal in foreign currency without either charging customers conversion fees or absorbing them  TPE's are already set up to do this  Many buy and sell in foreign currencies so there is no conversion fees involved.  Even if LL did the same thing, they would eventually have to pay hefty conversion fees when converting their income from it to US Dollars.

LL doesn't want to deal with setting up accounts with all the different payment services all over Europe, let alone the world. At best it would be a royal pain in the a$$ at worse it may make them subject to a whole new set of international banking regulations.  In either case it would increase their overhead costs considerably. 

LL doesn't want to assume the risk of fast cash outs.  If someone tries to cash out stolen L's the processing time on the Lindex allows them to stop it if the theft is reported immediately.  If people want fast turn around for cashing out the TPE's offer it but also assume the higher risk.


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well said, which is why Lindex is set up to accept payment methods that handle those currency conversions and banking laws under the hood as it were, credit cards and paypal.

The only reason to be unable to use Lindex is if you are denied a credit card or paypal account, meaning you probably either have a very poor credit rating/record or your country doesn't allow paypal or major credit card companies to operate there (those may exist) or you're too young to be allowed to get a credit card or paypal account (in which case you're likely also too young to open an SL account, and unlikely to have the money to spend on SL anyway).

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One of my early thoughts about it was pretty much the same as yours - that LL wants all the commissions for themselves - just like the unscrupulous thing they did with sales, which resulted in the marketplace. But the consensus of opinion suggest something quite different, and I have to go along with that, especially since LL is talking to some of the external exchanges with a view to finding ways for them to be used.

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I think its all bull**bleep** how am i supose to get lindens now? i dont have a creditcard cause i am dutch and i cant use paypal anymore cause my ex abused it and got closed so what the F am i suppose to do now? i normaly get my lindens of a dutch site by phone...........

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Damien Pawpad wrote:

I think its all bull**bleep** how am i supose to get lindens now
i dont have a creditcard cause i am dutch
and i cant use paypal anymore cause my ex abused it and got closed so what the F am i suppose to do now? i normaly get my lindens of a dutch site by phone...........

I am Dutch too, I live in The Netherlands and have a credit card. Well, more than one actually. Being Dutch is no reason.

I am sorry for your other reasons though, but apparently LL is working/talking with the other exchanges at the moment and they re-opened for now.

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Damien Pawpad wrote:

I think its all bull**bleep** how am i supose to get lindens now? i dont have a creditcard cause i am dutch and i cant use paypal anymore cause my ex abused it and got closed so what the F am i suppose to do now? i normaly get my lindens of a dutch site by phone...........

I'm Dutch, my parents are Dutch, my sister is Dutch, my brother in law is Dutch, we all have credit cards. Heck, I've to throw away spam from banks offering me credit cards if only I open an account there regularly.

If your ex (meaning you, yes you, you gave him the means to do that, meaning you're responsible) perpetrated fraud on your paypal account and paypal closed it, you only have yourself to blam for that.

Maybe you can try to work with paypal to resolve that, which would probably mean paying them back whatever your ex (meaning you, see above) defrauded from them.

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Suspiria Finucane wrote:

madman626 Fall wrote:

I wondering if LL is going to try to take over the TPE`s like they did the market,,

Ummm... who owns the company?

You may not  know that LL bought out two 3rd party shopping sites, closed one down and operated the other, which eventually became the marketplace. In that way, LL took over the market as madman626 said

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