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Up to 5 hours delay between making a sale and receiving the MP email notification

Lasher Oh

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Over the last  week or so I thought that my sales  had taken one of their regular dips. But they hadn't.  Instead I noticed that I would get notification of sales in now irregular clusters throughout the day. 

Fair enough, storing messages to be sent out in bursts is  quite understandable but then I dug a little bit deeper.  My Marketplace Order and transaction histories report that sales have been made which do not show up on my Main SL transaction history for about an hour or so but I guess that is a bit better than the 5 hours + it is taking for email notifications of the same sales to be sent to me.

It wasn't always this slow in fact I used to get  notices flashing in my inbox within a few minutes of each sale.

Has this become the new standard for others as well or is it just a quirk related to my account?

If I was  to try and pinpoint when this trouble started I'd say it was around the time all the extra email reporting facilities were introduced.

I'm not expecting a fix anytime soon if ever - afterall I have never been able to  get a Marketplace 'top searched' report since day 2 of the launch way back.



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The Top Searched thing takes ages to "compute" now  (no idea why, this used to be almost instant before). I have only a handful of items in my list, and it still takes a good few minutes. So maybe you should let it sit overnight in the background Lasher, and then come morn, you'll have your report. Maybe!

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Vegro Solari wrote:

The Top Searched thing takes ages to "compute" now  (no idea why, this used to be almost instant before). I have only a handful of items in my list, and it still takes a good few minutes. So maybe you should let it sit overnight in the background Lasher, and then come morn, you'll have your report. Maybe!

It's always taken ages for me.

I really don't know why they have to put every single item into the 'top' searched. It should do what it says and only give you the top searched 20 items or so...even 10 would be enough. And then maybe the bottom 10 as these are often your newest items, and you could see what interest they've generated.

Some things seem so easy and yet.....




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Every now and then the incurable optimist residing in my head decides to give it another go. So today I let the gear wheel turn for six hours and still no show :-(

Shame!  - Important  little things like that worked fine on xstreet.



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I'm seeing the same delays as Lasher.  Five to SEVEN hours before I get any emails.  I assume they're showing up in more or less of a timely fashion on my transaction history - although they're not in the same order on my main, dashboard transaction history as they are on my merchant home transaction history, so I really have no way of knowing.  And I saw one "new sale" appear several orders down in the merchant home transaction history when I refreshed the page this afternoon, trying to find a record of the sale a customer was IMming me about.

Has there been any official acknowledgement of this problem yet?


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I keep extensive records of my inworld and Marketplace sales. This week I am having a good week inworld - thank goodness - as this week has also been one of my worst recorded Marketplace in almost a year (wherein I had 230 less products!)


Usually my MP sales scale rather linearly with my inworld ones, but not this week. I am noticing a SEVERE drop in sales. Since I have been releasing new items, and customers have messaged me shortly after buying / receiving them for some Customer Support at times... I have noticed an issue. A 5-8 hour delay in receiving ALL Marketplace emails. This has been consistent for at least a week, and I know not why. I've also seen some sales which were considered FAILED going through - and yet, I am not being paid.


I am very upset by this as last year during Valentines Day we had a similar problem: The solution was that LL told me to go after the customers for the money, and all the customers of course thought they had paid (whether or not they really had.)


I'm sorry, but that isn't a good solution. LL is GIVING them my products, for free, and then telling me to ask them for payment. Isn't this a now outlawed marketing scheme in the US? I can't go after these users for not paying up, nor would I want to potentially lose a customer by doing so. It falls on the shoulders of LL to ensure that THEIR product (SL Marketplace) works accordingly.


Oh, and FYI, I have been using your Direct Delivery since the DAY it came out. I bared through the lag on that first day to get it all on there. No Magic Boxes what so ever.


Furthermore, I am also noticing a severe drop in sales on products which once had 2x more sales (as in, last week and every week before it spanning months. Consistent and reliable products)


I was very worried this was just me, but I am seeing now it must not be. What can we do? What can I do? I fear nothing. I really don't know what to do, but this isn't acceptable to me. 

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Every west coast tech company  takes the same stance - there are never any problems until they have been fixed. Once sorted, they will acknowledge that there were some minor difficulties. As LL have a woeful record of mending MP problems my guess is that it will be  freezing day in hell before anyone from Battery Street actually confirms  there is / was a problem.


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Anke Hatchuk wrote:  

Oh, and FYI, I have been using your Direct Delivery since the DAY it came out. I bared through the lag on that first day to get it all on there. No Magic Boxes what so ever.


I'd been wondering if there was any difference between Magic Boxes and DD re: this issue.  I'm still using Magic Boxes and am receiving my email notifications in a timely manner same as always.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to bump an older thread, but I was wondering if people were still experiencing this. I still am, several hours to get an email and sales have been very slow in SLMP.

I noticed it began about the weekend where LL admitted they had to manually push transactions though and it hasn't stopped yet.

I am on track to have the worst month of sales in a very long time, and traditionally this is my strongest point of the year.

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