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Abuse or Not?

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Here's the question for forum members.


Someone, somehow rezzes numerous scripted objects on an abandoned land (owner is now Governor Linden).


These objects are:

a) Assault avatars with physical "tentacles"

b) Visually displeasing

c) Cause incredible lag for those on adjacent parcels


Would you consider this abuse, and thus worthy of an Abuse Report?

If Yes,

What would be a reasonable expectation for by when you would expect LL to take action and remove these objects from LL owned parcel?


Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Loom%20Weaver/168/82/61

Visual: Is this AR worthy?

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I would think is is worthy.

How to file an abuse report

To file an abuse report, do any of the following:

  • Choose Help > Report Abuse from the menus at the top of your Viewer window.
  • To directly report another Resident, right-click their avatar and choose Report 
  • To directly report an object, right-click the object and select Manage > Report Abuse.

report abuse.JPG

The REPORT ABUSE window opens, displaying a snapshot of what is onscreen at that moment and the relevant identifying information if you selected an avatar or object.

  1. If the snapshot helps clarify the issue, check Use this screenshot. Screenshots can be very helpful visual evidence; include them whenever appropriate.
  2. If the report is about an avatar or object , click theabuse btn1.jpg button to fill in the relevant information automatically.
  3. Click Select category and choose a category. If you don't see a category for the particular incident you're reporting, use Select Category > Other and explain in the Details field.
  4. The Location of Abuse field is filled in automatically with your current location. Change to specify a different location.
  5. In the Summary field, write a concise, one-line summary, much like an email subject line. Be brief yet precise.
  6. Use the Details field to give as much pertinent information as possible to help Linden Lab assess the incident.
  7. Click Report Abuse to submit the abuse report.
32px-KBtip.png Tip: If you don't know the offender's name, choose "Governor Linden" as a placeholder and explain in the report details.

What happens when an abuse report is filed

You receive an automated response by email. If you need to add more information after submitting a report, please submit a new report. We try to resolve abuse issues as quickly as possible, but response times vary depending on the number of backlogged abuse reports. For privacy reasons, we are unable to share the details of an investigation into an abuse report.  Once your report has been submitted, we'll take it from there.

Often all it takes to curtail an issue is an official warning. In most cases, a Resident who violates our Terms of Service and/or Community Standards is given several opportunities to rectify his or her behavior before banishment occurs. In all cases, the Resident's discplinary record is reviewed to determine an appropriate response. Serious abuse may result in account suspensions or permanent bans. The length of a suspension is determined by the nature of the abuse, previous violations, and how many people are affected.

32px-KBtip.png Tip: If abusive behavior is persistent, file abuse reports for each incident. The disciplinary process works only if we are made aware of ongoingly abusive behavior.
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Glad to hear confirmation for need to file Abuse Report.  That we weren't over-reacting.


It was done, by me and few other avatars who also thought the abuse report should be filed.


That was Sunday AM.

What is the reasonable amount of time one should expect for action in such case?  

If forum members would share their experience regarding similar incidents, it would be great.

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Did that too, and it was started with that in itself.  In hope that I could get them to act.


Unfortunate that the time lag between AR and action -- would only allow individuals to commit abuse, and torment other avatars for the duration.  If the objects are then not found by the time LL does send someone to take care of it -- does the individual get to repeat the pattern and behavior at another time?

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Unfortunately, yes, once a griefer, always a griefer it seems.  Some people do in fact just go on to create a new alt with the sole purpose of trying to undermine Linden Lab and the residents by finding parcels where there is no auto-return set and the process happens all over again.

Always AR, you did the right thing.

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Abuse report, interesting, I had not thought about that.  If someone does something ugly and says you did it and calls you a griefer and bans you, is that good enough to file an AR about?  And can you file it after the fact?  I have all the logs that as far as I can tell shows I did nothing.

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Rather sad way to live, but more importantly -- the slowness with which LL seems to respond (if it does!), would only encourage more to abuse.  This will increase the abuse report, slow down the process further and more of the normal people will get tired and leave.

One way to reduce the abuse is for LL to act more promptly.  That would, IMO, make people think a few more times before abusing resources, permissions, rights...

Just a thought:

What if LL actually reported aggregate statistics on a regular basis (weekly, daily, ...). Something like:

# of Abuse Reports, # investigated, time to investigation start, time to resolution.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Abuse report, interesting, I had not thought about that.  If someone does something ugly and says you did it and calls you a griefer and bans you, is that good enough to file an AR about?  And can you file it after the fact?  I have all the logs that as far as I can tell shows I did nothing.

Teagan, having people calling you names or even banning you is something entirely different from the OP's issue, which is about griefing objects, on mainland moreover. In your case, even with chat logs, it is highly probable that LL will consider it is a resident to resident dispute, hence they won't interfere. The best advice in this kind of situation is to ignore these people, move on and keep on enjoying your SL. You have an "old" name, I"m sure you know better how to deal with this. :smileyhappy:

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Interestingly, the objects are temp, and being produced by two objects placed on adjacent parcel owned by someone else.  They are littering the entire sim and by way of the permissions settings -- they are able to enter Abandoned Land, as well as execute the scripts.  

Anyone nearby gets assaulted by the objects being produced.


Sadly -- the obects are mod/copy/transfer -- so, this is likely going to be a problem for many others down the road.

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Nobody in the forum can help you with that
Only Linden Lab can and it will if you present it with a full abuse report
Linden Lab also can make the object disappear from Second Life  and all inventories no matter how many there are
(and it can make the abuser disappear as well)


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The Linden-Land is clean, all LL-owned parcels are set to 5 min-Autoreturn,
when these things slowly move onto these parcels, they get killed one by one.

The source are 2 McDonalds Kids-Menu-boxes on a parcel with Build on for everyone and
of course: Autoreturn off. That parcel says 'Abandoned Land' but is NOT owned by LL.

I have AR'd the junk as well.


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I was hoping to draw out on people's experience in these matters.  Especially trying to identify how long it does take for an Abuse Report to be acted upon (since I have never filed one before); and if LL had any mechanisms to prioritize and handle abuse cases.

Now it is only hoping that something does happen within 72 hours.

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1 week?  Seriously?

So, linden support for sales is near instantaneous, but support for satisfaction, action on misuse/etc. is not.

I am sure there is an easily crowd-sourced way to ranking/rating abuses.  It cannot be simply that they are lagging in AR request handling.  If they are -- then the backlog will keep increasing with time.

Only thing I can infer is, they just wait out a period to see if the trouble goes away on its own?  or if more people complain about the same?

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I have had mixed experiences with having things like that taken care of. Really, mixed experiences with any communication with the lab, but that's neither here nor there I guess.

I have had things taken care of in a matter of a couple hours(not common these days, but common years ago), 24-48 hours(a bit more common these days), 72-96 hours(seems most common these days), up to a week or more(less common these days). It's all over the board. I know plenty of others who have said they don't see action from LL for a week+, and in some cases it very well may be true. In others however, I do believe one of two scenarios is taking place. Either the person is exaggerating to make a point because they're not happy with the results or something of that nature, or the objects or problem was taken care of, but replicated again by either the original griefer or someone else in a short time frame. I do think that second one probably happens a lot more often than the other. I'm not one to dismiss others' issues with the lab though. So I wouldn't say it happens a lot. Some people have a really horrid time with getting help from the lab. Some people don't. I don't think there's much rhyme or reason to it though.

Regardless I think you'll find a mixed amount of response times and outcomes. Over the weekend is usually a terrible time to try and get help with something. There's a lot less staff on board. Also, what you deem serious, they probably don't. Annoying, yes, but they might not see it like you do. I know they should, and it's probably because the majority of them have never been inworld, but that's just how it is. Their cs is less than stellar. They could always improve, and should be, by now. But I don't see it changing anytime soon. So just file your ARs as appropriate, use the tools we have to get things done, including live chat if you're premium, and hope for the best. Giving feedback as we're allowed, even if it's futile right now, may eventually prove to be helpful.

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Karna Nirvana wrote:

1 week?  Seriously?

So, linden support for sales is near instantaneous, but support for satisfaction, action on misuse/etc. is not.

I am sure there is an easily crowd-sourced way to ranking/rating abuses.  It cannot be simply that they are lagging in AR request handling.  If they are -- then the backlog will keep increasing with time.

Only thing I can infer is, they just wait out a period to see if the trouble goes away on its own?  or if more people complain about the same?

I would think that they must triage reports.

Two weeks ago they responded within two or three hours to our reporting a griefing attack where I live.  This particular self replicating object had spread out over four SIM's by the time they got there.  And it was doing something that normally you do not see Griefing Objects do.  It was getting in to parcels with no object creation and no object entry set.

This object had maxed out SIM prim capacity, SIM Frame rate had dropped to less than 10FPS, hovering around 7 or 8. 

I suspect that someone had poked a hole in the Server code, though this is something LL never talks about.

This was on a Wednesday.  It wasn't till Friday that LL turned back on all functions on the SIM for us (they disabled scripts, etc) after they restarted the SIM.

So I will tend to agree that things get triaged.

And I will have to add I was very pleasantly surprised by the speed of their response even though it was more than a day before everything was back to normal.



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Thank you all for responding.  


Some of you even went the extra mile to check out the griefing incident yourself, and filed abuse reports.  It certainly seems to have helped.  This morning all the offending objects, and their sources of generation are gone.  Thank you.

Nearly 72 hours since first reported, but in the end -- appears problem has been resolved (fingers crossed)

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