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Second Life Account on Hold

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My main Second Life account was recently put on hold by the administrative staff of Linden labs. Despite continuous email exchanges between LL and me over the past few weeks, all they did was to send me automated responses via emails or require me to provide my real life documents such as driver's licence/birth certificate.


As shocking as it may be, I googled this up and realised that there are quite a number of innocent Residents whose SL accounts were put on hold all of a sudden. All that LL does is to send an email saying that "Your Second Life account has been successfully cancelled". They will not specify the reasons. I am curious as to why Linden Labs do that to innocent Residents, especially if we hardly engage in any harmful acts in the virtual world.


I sometimes suspect that it is the intention of Linden Labs to take away our virtual dollars - also known as the Lindens-. What is most ridiculous is that one of the Linden Labs staff sent a response accompanied by an automated email telling me to please "Create a new account instead". This Linden Labs staff goes by the name of JonB Scout and in the last email exchange, he rudely mentioned that he wants to close the case and therefore future support tickets WILL NOT BE REPLIED AND WILL BE IGNORED.


Can someone explain to me why the pathetic customer service by Linden Labs as well as why they have "put on hold" innocent people's account?


Thanks for any input. I am getting frustrated to the point that I have to shout this to fellow Residents on this forum!

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You need to realize one thing first There are underage kids passing them self off as adults as a matter fact I just was in a Adult sim on voice and heard a KID so I turned him it for age TOS .

We have to protect both adults and kids on this subject. LL general rule as other virtual site is age checks and if they think some one is under age then they will close that person acct down. Ya got to think about all the abuse that happens to kids and the sicko out there who prey on them.


Yes it is a pain in the arse to prove who you are as we are adults but I belong to another place and before they would even let me play I had to e-mail my copy of ID to them ....This is set up to protect LL as they do not want a law suit from someone about a kid getting molested on there site ..So pain as it is ya got to just do it and be done with it .I would rather them know that I was a adult and not loose all I got in this game.



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Don't know why you are having problems with LL, but three things:

First, in your OP title you say your account has been 'put on hold', something LL does for various reasons (most often, I believe, because there is suspicion that payment information has been misused). Yet in your comment you say your account has been cancelled. The two things are vastly different. Accounts on hold are frequently restored once all the explanations have been made.

Second, whether your account is on hold or cancelled, the rules prohibit you personally from acquiring an alt and either going inworld or posting to this forum. I suppose if your account was cancelled, that wouldn't really matter much to you but if it is actually 'on hold' you are doing yourself no favors.

Third, the suggestion that LL is doing this to steal your Lindens or your inventory is just silly. It's their 'stuff'. It's on their servers. They can make or take all they want. Why would they go after yours?

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Since apparently you aren't willing to send in the information requested and they have apparently given you enough time to do so, they cancelled your account.  They are telling you to create another account because to do so you will have to give your DOB etc.

So why not just send them what they want?  I had to long ago even before age verification because of my work in SL.  Lots of others have too.  It's no big deal,  unless you are trying to hide something from them.  It sure beats losing your account with all the inventory and L's.

I suspect there is more to this story than you have said.  If you are suspected of being underage I am glad they are asking for proof of age to protect not only themselves but other residents on here.  As far as your claim that "that there are quite a number of innocent Residents whose SL accounts were put on hold all of a sudden", its baloney.  LL does not ban or suspend on a whim.  Everyone claims innocence when it happens. I can count on one hand people that actually admitted the real reason.  If they've been banned, then there was a reason for it.  They did something wrong or refused to cooperate with LL in some way that was important, just as you apparently are.

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1) the next person I hear referring to LL as 'Linden Labs' will receive a lovingly applied kick in the nutsack! There is only one Linden Lab not a multitude of labs! Jeeze :smileymad:

2) persons with the surname Scout are not real labbers. They are employees of some outsourced call center, working from a script. They only have a limited range of what they can do to help you.They probably don't even have any avies or accounts in SL.

You should at least know these two little facts, Jarren. So please excuse us for not taking your whiney uninformative post too seriously. :smileyindifferent:

But here's my personal opinion, and please note it's an opinion not a factoid: you were probably ARed by another resident for appearing to be underaged. So your account was cancelled. Now it's on you to prove your personal data to the lab. Right, nobody can force you to do so ... but neither can LL be forced to give you an account. You're probably living in the states, so you're screwed. Easy as that. End of story.


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Jarren Clarence wrote:

" I am curious as to why Linden Labs do that to innocent Residents,
especially if we hardly engage in any harmful acts in the virtual world"


Sorry, Jarren, but it sounds like you are saying:  "I am innocent, I am innocent.  I hardly did any harmful acts, its just not fair to be held responsible for them.".


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Jarren Clarence wrote:

They will not specify the reasons. I am curious as to why Linden Labs do that to innocent Residents, especially if we
hardly engage
in any harmful acts in the virtual world.


"Hardly engage" is not the same as "don't engage."

"Hardly engage" says that you did engage in a harmful act.  And all it takes is one harmful act to find yourself banned from SL.  There are a few what we might call unforgiveable sins in Second Life.

Or was this just a poor choice of words?

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I had that happen to my main account a while back. All over land fees that I didnt know I owed. Fortunantly I was able to pay the fees and got my account back. I learned my leason never to buy land in SL and always have a back up account. just in case.

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Hi guys.

It is me, Jarren. My account has been retrieved. Contrary to other Residents' assumptions that I did something wrong, I did not. Turns out I was the victim of a phishing scam on Second Life. One day I logged out and the next day I couldnt log in anymore and SL put my account on hold.

The perpetrators stole over 35K of lindens from me and the denominations were withdrawn in portions of $500 l, $5000l and $30,000l. After 3 weeks of email exchanges from LL, they finally verified me as the real owner and gave me a new password. LL held my account to prevent the scammers from taking the lindens away. But the move was too little, too late. I got back the account with zero linden in it.


I want to thank those who were not cynical and to those who keep accusing my of doing something wrong, THANKS FOR BEING MEAN AND HOPE YOU GET YOURSELF IN BAD LUCK NEXT TIME. Not everyone whose account gets on hold did wrong things on SL.

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Jayson Gartner wrote:

Hi guys.


It is me, Jarren. My account has been retrieved. Contrary to other Residents' assumptions that I did something wrong, I did not. Turns out I was the victim of a phishing scam on Second Life. One day I logged out and the next day I couldnt log in anymore and SL put my account on hold.


The perpetrators stole over 35K of lindens from me and the denominations were withdrawn in portions of $500 l, $5000l and $30,000l. After 3 weeks of email exchanges from LL, they finally verified me as the real owner and gave me a new password. LL held my account to prevent the scammers from taking the lindens away. But the move was too little, too late. I got back the account with zero linden in it.


I want to thank those who were not cynical and to those who keep accusing my of doing something wrong, THANKS FOR BEING MEAN AND HOPE YOU GET YOURSELF IN BAD LUCK NEXT TIME. Not everyone whose account gets on hold did wrong things on SL.

Very happy to hear that you got your account back.

But as far as your criticism of others here, you were the one who used the phrase:

"I am curious as to why Linden Labs do that to innocent Residents, especially if we hardly engage in any harmful acts in the virtual world."

We includes you, and left open the distinct possibility that you had done something wrong.

I agree that Linden Lab could do a better job of communicating, that being my number one gripe with the Lab.  However, unfortunately and sadly we do get people who post here claiming "no foul" on their part and when we get to digging we find out otherwise.

Also, I can understand why under certain circumstances, primarily for security reasons, LL would not say why they were requesting the information.

Regardless, I do hope you come back and join us participating in the Forum.

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It's very good that you got your account back, and very bad that you lost all your L$. But don't judge those in this thread who suggested that there was more to the story than was posted. All too often, it turns out that that is case, and you did open that particular door by writing that you "hardly engage in any harmful acts", which means that you do sometimes engage in harmful acts. That statement of yours did stick out like a sore thumb, because you stated that you do harmful acts but you didn't say what they were.

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I'm late to this thread, but I was under the impression that if LL used the phrasing "on hold" that always indicated something security related? Hacked or phished account, suspicious transactions, and things of that nature?

If I'm wrong, please tell me what else it could mean. I'm actually very curious now.

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