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Email Notifications Have Stopped

Pamela Galli

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I'm glad you posted this, Pamela.  I realized I hadn't made a sale in a couple of days so checked my MP store and....all the listings were unavailable!!  ACK!!!  I went through the physical forced updating of each of my boxes then clicked Synch Marketplace with Magic Boxes and almost passed out when nothing happened...for a few seconds that seemed like minutes.  All looks back to normal again but arrrgggh!!!

The "funny" thing when I checked my store during the time it had "vanished" was the 3 mixed listings remained...lol.

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There is no surprise at all...

the mp is a real mess since they told they will delete the xstreet box soon and all the merchants waiting the last limit are now running for upgrading to the DD.

I guess it will be back to the "normal" after everyone will be updated.. but for now, i m afraid this rush is a lil bit too much for the MP servers...

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Eek that will stop your heart.


The emails seem to be dribbling in now, about 7 hours after the sales were made.

I have and have had the same problem for at least the latest 2 weeks now. There are sales and the emails are sometimes delayed up to several hours after the actual transaction.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

I also want to keep my Magic Box (I haven't migrated to DD).  I don't consider this progress, more like more geekiness for the geeks' sakes.

Agree. I hope Lindens do allow some of their oldest customers to simply have grandfathered magicboxes. Some of us have carefully set up extensive networks of perfectly working magic boxes attached to multiple avatar accounts, totaling in the 1000s of listings,

It simply is not practical for some of us to migrate at this time.

It is a high risk operation to begin, as it might work smoothly, but in many cases it requires attending to each listing individually with several clicks per listing on their crawlingly slow error-ridden website.

1 or 2 minutes X 1000s of listings. You do the math!

There is no harm to allow some of us with special needs to quietly grandfather.


This would be a great chance for Linden to finally show a modicum of respect for their loyal customers!


What's my excuse? I simply don't have time to attend to it. Working to move onto a likely inferior system. Working away to destroy my functional systems of perfectly working boxes with Linden's latest alpha-grade shiny. Meanwhile I have important real-life design projects with several can't-miss deadlines both this month and next.

I am sorry Lindens but I can't fall behind & disappoint my clients because I decided to waste time playing these silly make-work games here.

Do Lindens respect us at all? We'll find out soon enough I guess.

Not happy at all that Lindens are considering nuking our marketplace stores in less than 1 month.


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Leaving people grandfathered in with the use of magic boxes would be nice, but would also pretty much defeat the purpose of implementing DD. Yes, of course because they want to put in newer code, but I'm sure a lot of the reason to force people is so that they can clean out the MP of old listings. That has been a complaint for years and this does the trick. If we let everyone stay on MB who are on MB, all those listings would stay too. That is actually one thing I am really looking forward to. There are just so many people who aren't in SL anymore that still have listings up there and can't support their own product.

I know some people are having some issues with using the direct delivery upload process and we can't fault them for that. Like I know Czari for one can't even use it on her PC yet and some are having trouble uploading. But I'm not sure I get the whole reasoning of not having time to do it. And I don't mean this to offend anyone but seriously, it's been in place for over a year. Everyone knew it would be coming some day soon, in fact it was supposed to be forced in last fall but it got changed. Is a year really not long enough to make the plan to migrate over or did we just get caught putting it off until the last minute and are now freaking out about it?

Don't get me wrong, I do agree, until they can get the merchant upload process working perfectly, they shouldn't put a dead line on it. If people can't upload, that's not their fault. I still occassionally get the failed to upload message...even though it does upload. But the rest of DD seems to be working just fine for most everyone I know who is using it (I know that's not everyone, just saying for most that I network with it's been great). Most of the problems I keep hearing about are MP issues and would happen with either MB or DD delivery. So far with my year of experience using DD, it's been a far superior system than magic boxes are and has kept me from losing quite a bit of money with failed deliveries as I was prior with magic boxes.


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Deja Letov wrote:

Leaving people grandfathered in with the use of magic boxes would be nice, but would also pretty much defeat the purpose of implementing DD. Yes, of course because they want to put in newer code, but I'm sure a lot of the reason to force people is so that they can clean out the MP of old listings. That has been a complaint for years and this does the trick. If we let everyone stay on MB who are on MB, all those listings would stay too. That is actually one thing I am really looking forward to. There are just so many people who aren't in SL anymore that still have listings up there and can't support their own product.


Hi Deja!  Re: clearing out MB listings where the merchant is no longer in SL, someone pointed out in another thread that using DD would eventually get back to this same state and could possibly surpass the current number of stale listings since even a place to put a box in world would no longer be needed.  A merchant could upload items to the MP via DD and never log into SL again.  Yes the initial migration will clear out a lot of inactive merchants, but it's definitely not a long-term solution.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Deja Letov wrote:

Leaving people grandfathered in with the use of magic boxes would be nice, but would also pretty much defeat the purpose of implementing DD. Yes, of course because they want to put in newer code, but I'm sure a lot of the reason to force people is so that they can clean out the MP of old listings. That has been a complaint for years and this does the trick. If we let everyone stay on MB who are on MB, all those listings would stay too. That is actually one thing I am really looking forward to. There are just so many people who aren't in SL anymore that still have listings up there and can't support their own product.


Hi Deja!  Re: clearing out MB listings where the merchant is no longer in SL, someone pointed out in another thread that using DD would eventually get back to this same state and could possibly surpass the current number of stale listings since even a place to put a box in world would no longer be needed.  A merchant could upload items to the MP via DD and never log into SL again.  Yes the initial migration will clear out a lot of inactive merchants, but it's definitely not a long-term solution.

ya I can see that happening in the future. It's a cycle, will always be there. I do understand that. But it would be nice to get a fresh start on it anyway. And with a comined issue of the old magic Box and if it's going to happen to DD anyway...at least it would weed out part of it.

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You know what else I think they should initiate...unlisted items for avatars that haven't logged into their account for say, 1 year. Something reasonable. I don't think it's right to keep listing products for sale when the owner isn't even around to support it anymore.

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Deja Letov wrote:

You know what else I think they should initiate...unlisted items for avatars that haven't logged into their account for say, 1 year. Something reasonable. I don't think it's right to keep listing products for sale when the owner isn't even around to support it anymore.

I agree with that. :)

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yes we wouldn't want to eliminate the idea of clearing out stale unsupported listings. way to set up grandfathering properly is Lindens should let people apply for it, just you write in or fill a short form or something to say it is what you want to do.

everyone who doesn't apply can't be grandfathered.

it is something any other company would do in this situation, even little nothing websites run by amateurs would. :cathappy:

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