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? for ALL about (BLOODLINES VAMPIRES in NO BITE ZONES) give your input to this?


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I have a ? for all out there ...I’m hoping that you can shed some light on this.


I Love Sl and having the time to bounce around the wonderful sims. The one thing I see the most of when I pop on a Info,Safe hub, Freebee zone are Vampires. I read the rules of each one of those sims and they state “ No Bites , No Bloodlines , No recruiting for Bloodlines, . Each one has it on there different but still the same meaning to what they want on there Sims. A safe place for people to come to with out getting random bite request all the time.


Now mind ya I do like to chat with people and I do find people that are good “ Bloodlines “ players who will ask others “ Do you know about Bloodlines/Vampires “ they will tell you that there coven has strict rules about “spampires” and that you will be booted out of the coven for it. BUT then you got the ones out there who do not care about it. So as I'm standing in a freebee zone writing this I get unwanted bite request form several “Bloodlines “ players. Now my so called soul was in Limbo and I fell in to the money trap of buying the wormwood potion after I lost my So called soul. ( I'm a person who is behind the avatar so I feel I have a soul as my avi is an extension of myself) So wanting my Soul back I fell in to buying the potion (scam from makers of Bloodlines ) . So why are they still hunting in these places ?


Most of the “Bloodlines “ players can not pay the high cost of the things they need to stay alive in the game so they hunt noobie and people who are just trying to have a good SL time . Its also very strange that the maker of Bloodlines Lyle Maeterlinck wrote this “The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life. If there were vampires running around trying to bite everyone in real life, surely there would be some people who were upset. I think it has been an interesting social experiment to see how a curse of this kind can successfully spread through a virtual population. I think it's even more interesting if people think of the vampires as  "despised", as people might despise a real vampire curse. “


Oh yes We have the right to Opt-Out of the Bloodlines game buy getting a FREE Garlic Necklace and yes you too will still be put in a database you never asked to be put on . Now does that still stop the “Bloodlines “ player from asking you ? YES it does as it will tell them they cant ask ...BUT ….I have friends real close to me that they don't get the pop up but instead they get a IM like this. “ take off that necklace so I can bite you “ So another ? Would you like if someone put your name on a list in RL and you are now marked with something you are not aware of ...your name is out there for spammers or griefers to take a poke at you just because they want to ?


So back to the top of this form ….I am asking why is this still going on? Why are there Vampires hanging out in these sims ? We all have the right to free speech and freedom to go were we want n all.....But we also have the right not to be harassed by a game that is only out to make money off us when we wanted nothing to do with it in the first place.


In Closing I really feel that all people coming in to SL need a free Garlic Necklace and have the option to take it off to join the”Bloodlines” game when they want. Now I know you vampires out there will say that humans are the prey and should fear us ...ok I will give you that lil bit ...BUT ….does the “Bloodlines” game make it fair for Us Humans to hunt you down and kill you as in most vampire lore does ? I mean How would it be if there were “Vampire Hunters “ in SL that could take all your souls you have earned hunting people down ? I bet you all would cry “foul” But as we all know LL or BL will not let that happen...SO......All we can do is if you are in one of those “NO BITE ZONES” and you get a unwanted request from a “Bloodlines” player send in a AR on them and hope they don’t come back with a alt ...but …..they do anyway heck I know first hand of one telling me they have alts just to spampire hunt and then pass the souls to there org vampire avi.


Ok im done lets see what this brings up in here .

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Yes, it's a pain in the neck, pardon the pun, to have to wear the necklace to opt out.  And the Bloodlines ghouls hang out at info centers and hubs, along with the freebie places just so they can prey on unsuspecting new residents.  It's unfortunate, but it has been that way forever.

Just tell your friends to file an AR for griefing and send a notecard to the head of whichever Bloodlines clan the offender belongs to.   That should solve the problem.

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Dude .... :robotindifferent: 


.... have a mint instead ? 




 .. but seriously, why be so obsessed by them and not join them ? Just ignore and decline.

And you tried to save your avatars soul ?  Why ? :robotindifferent:  <-- Don't answer.


That's like claiming I would need defibrillation ... :robotfrustrated:

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Thinks its all a bit silly for most residents to worry about the vampire fad(thanks twilight et al) but when i was new it was a pain in the a** when you dont know the unwritten virtual dangers inworld.I know the information is available if one delves into the wiki and this forum,but most arive in SL as if it was a videogame as opposed to what it says on the tin .

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spampires are and should be treated as griefers. And the bloodlines creators IMO should have had their product barred from the grid for the pyramid scam it is when it first appeared, but by now it's gone too far and LL would upset too many if they barred it now.

Sims I police, it's simple: any bite request by anyone, whether you're 1 day old or 10 years, gets you a permanent ban and an AR.

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Oh , I had my share of requests and even had the necklace, but I found all in all better to ignore if not to be too much annoyed by them.  Even had friends who were vampires often in SL.

Vampires, on the other hand,  are of course a large community of SL and have contributed a lot to it's environment even before the twilight-saga was 'mainstream' vampirism (roleplay, communities, merchandise).

New SL players might be advised better, but on the other hand are usually adult or old enough to regard  vamps and spamps as fiction and non-hazardous to their real life well being. 

Maybe infohuds could be improved sign wise to warn mildy for vampire-harassment, but that would stigmatise them as much as other fantasy creatures unnecessarily, imho.



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Yes I agree RL to first and it is just as easy to turn off the game or walk away from the sim your in. Yes we can just block them but will it ever stop you or I may move on but the game makers is still wanting people to hunt so he can make more money off the noobies lack of knowledge of the game.....But still I put out a change to the maker ...Make a had for us to hunt them and take away things as they do us ..Its only a game them make it far as of right now it is only one sided ..Just saying


But still I will not let it harden me to SL as I can just go to a dif sim and enjoy some way cooler things in SL

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Tyrath wrote:

.....But still I put out a change to the maker ...Make a had for us to hunt them and take away things as they do us ..Its only a game them make it far as of right now it is only one sided ..Just saying

Ok . I get what you're saying. Maybe you could offer this 'trait' into the game in another thread in the Roleplay-section of the forums. It's an option worth mentioning.


But in General Discussion (here) you'll be advised or commented upon by others who don't care for Bloodlines at all and are generally apathic to it.

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google for Buffybot. is source code to make your own hunter

by default the buffybot sources will eject them from your parcel and ban if you like when they they try bite the buffy

can mod it as you like. can even mod the standard viewer sources to incorporate the buffy

can add other kinds of stuff into the codes. like auto-detect the bite. suppress it so it not display. then go further and autosend them a response message same way. like : press Accept to get a stake in your chest. bucket of slop on your head. or whatever


don't need a special mod viewer to do this kinda thing either really. when they bite with a message then bite back with your own LSL script dialog. is a few that go: xxxxx offers love and bares throat to yyyyy. Accept | Ignore. and all kinda variations on this theme 

when they dumb enough to click Accept then share the buffy love. helsing or whichever


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Tyrath wrote:

Oh yes We have the right to Opt-Out of the Bloodlines game buy getting a FREE Garlic Necklace and yes you too will still be put in a database you never asked to be put on . Now does that still stop the “Bloodlines “ player from asking you ? YES it does as it will tell them they cant ask ...BUT ….I have friends real close to me that they don't get the pop up but instead they get a IM like this. “ take off that necklace so I can bite you “

I agree with you about my SL avatar being an extension of myself; I actually prefer the terms online/offline as opposed to SL/RL because for me all life is "real."  That said, I too detest this whole Bloodlines marketing pyramid because that is exactly what it is.  There have been people who rp vampires in SL who have posted in the forums that they also abhor the Bloodlines "game" - the point most often made that "many/most" of the Bloodline group don't even rp well, they just run around spamming for bites. 

It is unfortunate, to say the least, that the average new person to SL first finds out about Bloodlines after they've been spammed and/or unwittingly "bitten."  There are so many things that have similar drop down boxes that if one receives several at a time and just starts clicking to get them off the screen, an unwary person can easily be "bitten" without realizing it.  I agree that it would be a great idea if LL included a garlic necklace in an avatar's beginning inventory, but I don't see that ever happening.  Iirc, it was pressure from the SL community that caused the creator of Bloodlines to create the necklace in the first place.

As to your question above - someone asked a similar question awhile back (can someone who has worn the garlic necklace still be bitten if the "vampire" ignores the "Do not disturb this person" message.  I have a good friend who used to be in Bloodlines but finally came to the conclusion it was nothing but a money scheme.  I wanted to test this out to know for sure so my friend reactivated his Bloodlines HUD and sent a bite request to me.  I saw absolutely nothing - no drop down, message, nada.  He received the "This person has worn the garlic necklace; do not disturb" (or words to that effect) message but tried to override that to bite me but could not do so.  It sounds like some Bloodlines players have tried to bite the friends you referenced, could not do so, then resorted to IMing which, imo is harrassment.  I would recommend ARing the ones who IM'd as well as contacting the Bloodlines creator.  Also, if bite spams are going on in areas specifically designated as "No Bite Zones" - I would report them to the owner/s of the particular venue as well.

I'm sorry you ran into this; it seems to becoming a SL "Rite of Passage" which annoys me to no end.  Someone else's rp ends when it tries to include me.

Also, just to be aware, afaik, there is another "Vampire" game out there called The Hunger where the "victims" do not even know they've been bitten.  I'm not sure if the names go on a database or not. 

Edit: Clarification


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jwenting wrote:

spampires are and should be treated as griefers. And the bloodlines creators IMO should have had their product barred from the grid for the pyramid scam it is when it first appeared, but by now it's gone too far and LL would upset too many if they barred it now.


QFT!!!  I think that's why the creator came out with the "garlic necklace" due to all the protests at the time, especially from a lot of club owners who were losing patrons due to the spamming, but I agree this scam should have been shut down by LL.

Edit: clarification

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TDD123 wrote:


Maybe infohuds could be improved sign wise to warn mildy for vampire-harassment, but that would stigmatise them as much as other fantasy creatures unnecessarily, imho.



I don't know of another "fantasy creature" rp group in SL who goes into the general populace of  SL and spams people, which I consider harrassment, and tries to draw them into their rp.

People have complained over the years of not wanting to see Gorean "Masters" dragging around chained slaves when they go out shopping, nor have to do business with a child avatar who won't drop the baby talk.  As I stated previously, a person's rp ends when it tries to drag me into it *IF* I have not gone to their sim/rp area.  Now if I show up on their sims...then that's another matter.

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Tyrath wrote:

Yes I agree RL to first and it is just as easy to turn off the game or walk away from the sim your in. Yes we can just block them but will it ever stop you or I may move on but the game makers is still wanting people to hunt so he can make more money off the noobies lack of knowledge of the game.....But still I put out a change to the maker ...Make a had for us to hunt them and take away things as they do us ..Its only a game them make it far as of right now it is only one sided ..Just saying



I've had the thought flit through my mind on occasion of becoming a "Vampire Hunter" in SL.  There are hunter kits sold on the MP, BUT - and this is a big but - to my knowledge there is no Vampire Hunter's game complete with HUD in SL that could do any "damage" (such as perhaps "killing" a vampire, thus rendering the avatar unplayable for X number of days, reduce their blood supply, etc.) so until and if that ever happens, someone rping a hunter would likely get laughed at by the "vampires."

I do have a funny story on this subject - About 5 years ago when the Bloodlines deal was getting so annoying it was the subject of a new forum post almost daily, an animator friend of mine created a Vampire Killing Stake.  It was a silver stake that could either be visible or invisible in one's hand.  While wearing it, one could type in !bite <avatar> and the avatar received a bite request.  If the avatar clicked yes, then the one holding the stake immediately went to that avatar and staked the other in the chest.  The really fun part was the "stakee" actually disappeared underground for a few seconds.

So one day I log in to SL and get the dreaded "Your home location is unavailable.  You have been moved to a nearby location" which translates to "nearest info hub."  I landed in a virtual nest of Bloodlines vamps and began getting spammed left and right. (This was prior to the garlic necklace being introduced.) I thought, "Oooooo...great chance to use my new stake."  I equipped it in non-visible mode, I thought, and for each bite request I got, I clicked NO and then sent my own request, which was not accepted.  This happened with about 8 people and then I noticed that the vamps started moving away.  I said, "What's the matter...you big, bad vamps afraid of a little hug?" (At the time, the creator of the stake said it offered someone a hug...unless I REALLY misunderstood that...lol.)  Finally I was left in the area alone, disappointed I didn't get to use the stake.  I eventually tp home and zoom out a bit to see that the stake was visible.  Opppsss!  Well, it actually did serve its purpose...lol.

The animator who created this stake worked it up quickly and gave it out free to those who wanted it in a class I was taking at the time and I have not had contact with her recently.  I may do so and request the stake changed to wood (silver bullets kill werewolves, not vampires) and have the dropdown message request a hug.  Requesting to bite another vampire seems counter-intuitive...lol.

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Great words you stated here Czari Zenovka I do encourage my friends and New incoming people to report any and all spamming from they type of people we see around SL.


YES there is the "Hunger and another called Prodigy I think" but from talking and reading about those two games you will never know you been bitten un-less your told and you never go on there Off Line database. Kudos to the makers of both of those games.


And yes RPing is one of the greatest thing in SL as you can do al types of them ...Check I play several in one day just to have the chance to use creative writing. Like I said before there are some great Coven out there RP as vampires very well and I see also like with any RP sim there is a very tight bond with all its Members/family....But we all will keep play and interacting in SL as we all do and enjoy making new friends .....

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Oh you Know I read about that before and both my Funny and Myself tried looking for that thinking it would be great thing to have just to be able to have a lil fun with them. So plz if yea ever find the wonderful creator again plz pass me the name I would enjoy having a comical story to tell.:matte-motes-oh-rly:

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I just checked her MP listings and do not see it there.  I'm not sure she ever put it up for sale.  I will check her in world store and if I don't see the item in the store, I will contact her to see if she still gives it free, etc.  It was a hoot watching the vampires all move away from me...lol.

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I don't go out much, so don't encounter too many vamps other than friends or relatives. But when I did get out more and got asked for bites, I considered it just like I consider a newbie guy telling me I love you baby, want to do the sex? I would just laugh it off and decline. As for people getting suckered (another pun?) into the game, I know for some, they get awful upset about their SL soul being taken or destroyed or whatever. And while yes, the lines between SL and RL blur, my soul is my own, and some moneymaking gimic in a cartoon world is not going to endanger the real thing. I know the BL people tend to take the soul business VERY seriously but thats like taking a SL pregnancy test VERY seriously. Yes, my avatar is an extension of my RL self but no, being knocked up in SL does not make me pregnamt in RL.

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i'm ghouled..so they tell me hehehe

not sure when i was bitten..but it took them a long time..

really if they are the  only ones that can see me as that..then i'm fine with it..

i hope i look like crap to them and make them want to throw up lol


really i never even think about it unless i see someone mention bloodlines..then i kind of giggle about them contacting me to be turned that first time they asked..

my name is on their site..that is all..nothing more..

bloodlines can only bother you if you let it bother you..and from what you said the maker said..it's what he wants..

i don't give them the satisfaction of the time of day of letting it bother me..

it's just a silly name collecting site and nothing more..

they could get those names from a forum if they wanted..

the onyl scam going on is that they make it sound like they took something from you..when really..

it's just a name..they have nothing more than that..

they truly don't have our souls..not unless we give in to the hype..*winks*

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Tyrath wrote:


YES there is the "Hunger and another called Prodigy I think" but from talking and reading about those two games you will never know you been bitten un-less your told and you never go on there Off Line database. Kudos to the makers of both of those games.


well not quite kudos

on the Hunger can get more points if you fly into another avatar at top speed and bump/slam them. more than you get when just go nearby them

if you ever wonder why some random person body slam you for no apparent reason then fly away then that be it. if is not Hunger then is some other game that use the same mechanic to win. is a few different ones


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Lucretia Brandenburg wrote:

I don't go out much, so don't encounter too many vamps other than friends or relatives. But when I did get out more and got asked for bites, I considered it just like I consider a newbie guy telling me I love you baby, want to do the sex? I would just laugh it off and decline.

What I did before I wore the garlic necklace and am now a walking "No Bite Zone."  The difference, though, is the bite request is a blue drop down that one has to click accept/decline or yes/no (whichever it is) to get the dropdown off the screen and that can easily confuse new residents as well as being annoying to anyone vs an IM that one can look at, not look at, mute, answer, etc.

Some people receive bites unaware when they have several drop downs at the same time and are just trying to get them off the screen without reading carefully.  I've heard that quite a few times over the years posted on the forums.

I basically agree with you, just differ that the bite requests and IMs are two dfferent "animals."

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

the onyl scam going on is that they make it sound like they took something from you..when really..

The scam to which I was referring is the "money sucking" the creator is doing/gaining from Bloodlines players.  That was the main reason my friend quit playing it - it got expensive.

Just another thought on the subject that has been mentioned before and not in response to your post, Ceka, just in general....Bloodlines is the only game in SL that one has to deliberately opt out of if they don't want to be continually spammed instead of opting into a game by choice.

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The other problem with the Hunger players is that many seem to feel entitled to fly into sims, do their bite thing and fly out. They use their huds to find players in whatever sim they may be in. Problem is, in the RP sim I'm an admin in, the estate is set as no fly. They have their settings on their viewer as override or always fly, thus going against what the sim owner has set. They also refuse to answer when approached or are arrogant and get the boot and ban treatment.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

the onyl scam going on is that they make it sound like they took something from you..when really..

The scam to which I was referring is the "money sucking" the creator is doing/gaining from Bloodlines players.  That was the main reason my friend quit playing it - it got expensive.

Just another thought on the subject that has been mentioned before and not in response to your post, Ceka, just in general....Bloodlines is the only game in SL that one has to deliberately opt out of if they don't want to be continually spammed instead of opting into a game by choice.

Sorry  for the misunderstanding Czari..

I only read the OP and responded.. they had mentioned scam to where they felt the need for the potion..i was just saying they made people feel they needed it when they really didn't need it..

i wasn't talking about the players..just those that may have gotten bitten..

myself..it may have been when i was clearing off my messeges  after coming online..

that could be the only way i was bitten..i never opted in as in..seeing it..it may have been in my junk mail    when messeges get capped and you just want to clear them fast..

i've seen my name on their site..so i know it was bloodlines..

that's as involved in that game as i will get.. i don't get spammed by them anymore..i did a couple of times  with them saying i was ghould..

i guess whatever was said  was enough to make them not want to IM me anymore hehehe

my name is in a lot of data bases on the net that i didn't know about before and probably don't  know about now..

it's just one more brick in the wall hehehe

the designer of that game wanted us the ones that got bit to look at it as our soul was in limbo and needed to get off their site..

just saying..people don't buy into the hype was all..

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