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A new griefers attack: overrunning the Linden Homes - Attack "en masse"


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There is a group of persons that act like this:

one of them come to your Linden home, take pictures and don't talk, simply look at you, then she/he tp friends, these friends tp more friends..... and your home is suddenly crowded of people you don't know.

They take pictures and comment the house, the people and what you are doing. They don't talk to you: they simply stay there and don't go away

When you ban them they stand out of your house.... the same if you set the access to your home for group only.

It happened to me... suddenly I had about ten unknown avatars in my house. They took my landmark and send it to all the members of their griefers group and more strange people came..... avatar with strange names and strange looks and racist or nazi things written in their profiles.

So... could I spend my time with lot of people out of my door... It wouldn't have been good for my neighbours....

Result: I changed my home, I abandoned the land and got a new Linden Home.

I have the name of these persons if someone is interested.


P.S.: A friend told me it just happened to him too.





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Please don't give this kind of crap any attention in the Forum or the feeds. Griefers are best left to be forgotten. If this is going to be one of those threads where everyone joins in to cry over the "attack" on their virtual home, then these types have reached their goal. Because that is *all* they are interested in. If you people can all just shut up about these things, it will be like it never happened. And then there's no "win" for them.

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Sibilla, this couldn't happen if you resricted access to your Linden Home by setting up a group, setting land to Group and ticking the box to restrict access to Group members. Also, you can set the land controls so nobody outside can see anyone inside let alone see what you are doing. Just ignore them, then they will get bored and go away.

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Sibilla Giordano wrote:

I simply shared my experience.


Now thank to the Nyll Bergbahn's reply (more useful than the crap comment of Laetizia Coronet. just to use her elegant style) people knows what to do.

Well, a similar experience happened to me about a year ago in my Linden Home. A group of weird avatars in carnival style costumes appeared outside peering in the windows and saying nothing. They couldn't get in because I had the house set to Group only. We just ignored them, they got bored and left after a while. I hope you won't be troubled again. :)

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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

Sibilla, this couldn't happen if you resricted access to your Linden Home by setting up a group, setting land to Group and ticking the box to restrict access to Group members. Also, you can set the land controls so nobody outside can see anyone inside let alone see what you are doing. Just ignore them, then they will get bored and go away.

Thank you for commenting on this, Nyll. :)  I've always lived on mainland where I can ban access to the entire parcel, but never thought how this would work with the Linden homes.  I knew people could be banned from entering a Linden house, but wasn't sure, given the neighborhood structure, how far out one's surrounding land, if any, was included.

I keep forgetting about the land controls where noone can see avatars on a parcel.  That is a brilliant feature!

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Jadeclaw Denfu wrote:

When you claim a Linden home, you will be set as the land owner.

Just like land you bought directly from LL.The parcel is only minimally bigger than the house on it.


Thanks, Jadeclaw. :)  I didn't think there was much land involved, thus keeping someone off one's "parcel" isn't really possible in the Linden home areas.

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Also, be sure to do an AR (abuse report) with a screen shot and include all the names. LL actually has very little tolerance for griefers, especially ones out to crash sims. Since you are a premium member, you can also get on live chat. Don't be afraid to use the tools that SL has given you, that's what they're there for. If they have Nazi stuff, also AR them for intolerance.

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I use a small whitelist script on a short timer, a few seconds so any flyers can get past a little 512 plot. If they stay after the warning, it teleports them home and bans them. I would think about alternatives to teleport home if I lived near a public road, but that's not a problem on the Linden Homes continents.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Thank you for commenting on this, Nyll.
  I've always lived on mainland where I can ban access to the entire parcel, but never thought how this would work with the Linden homes.  I knew people could be banned from entering a Linden house, but wasn't sure, given the neighborhood structure, how far out one's surrounding land, if any, was included.

I keep forgetting about the land controls where noone can see avatars on a parcel.  That is a brilliant feature!

Yes, it certainly is Czari, especially with Linden Homes. The easiest way to control a Linden Home is to set up a group with the residents who live there as group owners, one being the Premium member but the others don't need to be (Edit: come to think of it, no need for anyone else living there to be a group owner, just need the ability to invite new members). Set the home to group, restrict access to group and then any genuine visitors can be easily added to it. Alternatively, the Premium member can switch to public access for the duration of any visit but it's easy to forget to switch it back later. Orbs are not really suitable here.

Tick the box to prevent people seeing you inside and live happily. Rarely do any strangers come near and any that do can't see you. Potential griefers would rapidly get bored if they can neither access the home or see anyone inside.

Setting your Linden Home up this way also gives protection to those living with you who do not have the ability to eject or ban when you're not there to do it. 

Jadeclaw is slightly incorrect in saying the parcel is minimally bigger than the home unless he means the external patio as the home is the parcel. Governor Linden owns all the land between the homes and the recreational areas.


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Thanks for mentioning the type of griefing incident that occurred. It seems to be that time of year when griefing seems to be on the rise with new and creative ways to try to make life miserable. I know several RP sims were shut down late yesterday evening due to griefer attacks.  The more we know the better prepared each of us are to try to avoid such issues in the future.

Thanks to everyone for their helpful suggestions.  If you you are new to SL or, a new property owner, the amount of information you need to learn just to survive in SL can be daunting.  It is good we have Residents willing to share their experiences, have a place they can asks questions, and in general support one another as we all learn.

Keep up the good work everyone!

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