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Copyright Alert System and SL


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None. Period.

Audio stream data doesn't come from peers-of-ill-repute; known IPs where infringing data is known to come from. It also doesn't register as a peer-to-peer network (because it isn't).

Further, according to that article (whose statements I have no way of verifying), only BitTorrent traffic is to be monitored under this Six Strikes thing.

Data coming either from other users (Voice), outside servers (media, audio, MoaP), or Second Life (textures, uploaded sounds) will not affected, monitored or curtailed.

Continue enjoying your Second Life without worry.

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This has nothing to do with SL, other than monitoring if a SL resident is downloading files illegally outside of SL.  The article is pretty clear about how the system works and the consequences.

SL DJ's are required by law to have a license to stream music into SL.  If this system picks up on the fact that a DJ is obtaining music illegally and they check to see if they are also streaming it without a license and they are caught, they can expect to pay heavily for not only downloading music illegally but streaming without a license.  How much of this will actually happen is anyone's guess.

If you want ot protect yourself, only download music from legal sites and obtain a streaming license.  Licenses for streaming music are available and many SL DJ's have them.  Google streaming license and you will get a number of companies that offer them.

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No, nothing to do with SL. Copybots and folks stealing other's ideas will still operate freely here with LL doing nothing. Good content creators will continue to leave in frustration. Our virtual world will continue to be a wasteland of "freebie" stolen content until eventually nothing new exists any longer because no one remains who is willing to make new content.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

This has nothing to do with SL, other than monitoring if a SL resident is downloading files illegally outside of SL.  The article is pretty clear about how the system works and the consequences.

SL DJ's are required by law to have a license to stream music into SL.  If this system picks up on the fact that a DJ is obtaining music illegally and they check to see if they are also streaming it without a license and they are caught, they can expect to pay heavily for not only downloading music illegally but streaming without a license.  How much of this will actually happen is anyone's guess.

If you want ot protect yourself, only download music from legal sites and obtain a streaming license.  Licenses for streaming music are available and many SL DJ's have them.  Google streaming license and you will get a number of companies that offer them.

I can bet you that probably 95% of SL DJ's have no license. Next thing you know, the FCC will be in here busting caps on people and fining them because they are streaming over a private server.




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TristanMercer wrote:


I can bet you that probably 95% of SL DJ's have no license. Next thing you know, the FCC will be in here busting caps on people and fining them because they are streaming over a private server.

What you say may be true, but that doesn't make it 'right'.  Shoutcast and SL are not private servers.  Anytime you stream over the internet to SL anyone with the URL and a media player can hear it.  So even DJ'ing in SL is considered to be running a public internet radio station.

I don't think it is the FCC you have to be worried about,  They aren't the ones that grant the license and their jurisdiction is limited to the public air waves.  It is the music companies and/or musicians that could make an issue of it and file suit against you.  So far they have not.  It could be they have chosen not to because they see the exposure is a benefit, or could mean they haven't gotten around to it yet.

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Leander Philbin wrote:

What effect, if any, will this have on, for example, SL DJs?


this 6 strikes is between us/users and our ISP. it apply to everything we do online. not just SL

like others say will only have affect on SL DJs if they streaming rips. but if get 6 warnings and still doing it then cant really blame anyone else for any troubles they end up in

6 is really generous. where I live we only get 3. then court. fined. and donked off the interwebz

the thing is that if end up in court and fined then is public info. is pretty hard to find another ISP willing to connect you again after you got that on your record

most people get it after the 1st warning. and stop doing it. where I live has been 2 now end up in court. 1 guy blame his 12 year old son. Judge said: he the parent. guilty and fined. donk


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Actually, a while back, I contacted BMI about getting a license for DJ gigs in SL. I was told that it's not needed unless I own the parcel/sim. The venue owners are required to get the license, just like in RL. I don't DJ these days anyway, but it was an interesting response.

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I looked into the broadcasting license thing not too long ago and found nothing about needing a license to DJ in SL. You do however need a licence to broadcast music if you own a terrestial radio station (broadcasting over radio waves) 

Internet streaming is not covered since it is not broadcasted via radio tower. But if you own an internet radio station that also broadcasts over a radio frequency then you need a license to broadcast.


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As much as I hate to say it the FBI in my opinion doesn't care about copyright unless its a big corporate like Sony, MPAA, or RIAA.

I will tell you why I say this, I filed a complaint over the website hosting on United States Servers, illegally copyrighted content from a lot of merchants who filed DMCA. I also filed because the person who Hijacked my SL account came from this site and I know whom it was, and I happen to know these people are also Carders, and identity thieves.

Nothing was done about the site, it has yet to be removed form the internet and copyright all around is one big joke.

I am sorry but as much as I support Original Work & Content in Second Life I can't support a six strike bill here is why.

1. For starters its the companies like Sony, MPAA, and RIAA complaints OHHH COPYRIGHT, but the problem you see is these companies and artists are not even trying to protect their work, take Aliens Colonial Marines, for example I legally purchased the game on steam for $50, but it was avalable for download and cracked on torrent like the same day it was released, so was Devil May Cry, & how about Dead Space 3, yep thats right cracked like the day it was released.

The reason I do not support the Six Strikes act is because music artists could use a new type of player that prevents Ripping of music to any device, sure people could still record it by a tape then record audio through a program and then convert it to music, but you see the reason they don't switch to SD Card Music players is because the ability to rip music and encrypt it even so it cant be illegally copied they would loose money, but they have the nerve to complain about copyright.

Online Games such as Aliens, could require a server connection to verify the game is legit, and encrypted data until it gets an internet connection to decrypt and then require internet access to play the game even in single player, but instead these game companies even with Dead Space 3 for example don't even bother to protect they assets they just scream COPYRIGHT.

So for these reasons I do not support 6 strikes act.

I also do not support it because all it does is hurt legit people take downloading an old game for example such as Z.A.R I bet no one here has even hear of that game before lol its so old, but even downloading a game you legally own off a torrent because you lost your serial key could get you flagged and warned without reason and just harms people who try to use the internet and enjoy it.

Another reason I do not support it is becuase of how the software industry makes people ACCEPT stupid EULA's and yet if I take the game back to gamestop because I do not agree to their EULA I was not required to agree to on purchase they will not take the game back I will have to call a 1800 number and wait days for a refund and even possibly pay to send it back.

In my eyes.

SoftWare Developers, Music Artists, Movie Producers are just Greedy they fail to take any measures to protect their work and scream piracy, even if piracy does exist they still get paid more than what any merchant in SL does so I don't feel bad for them at least not that much am I saying piracy is right no, but I am saying that I feel a lot worse for the devs in SL some who are not professional designers as in didn't take class spend hundreds of hours to have a object CopyBot and ripped more than I do for a stupid .AVI file which is claimed to be copyrighted even after 5 years the movie has been out.

If you want to get rid of Copyright...

Why not take down Synctube, because SyncTube is used to illegally stream movies from netflix with a bunch of others wanting to watch a movie whom do not pay for the service for example lets make everything illegal on the internet, lets kill the internet.

Remember the Hactivisists against sony  I still laugh about it because of what they did to Hotz and can't wait to see the next PS4 Jail Break.

After All we don't agree to any agreement when buying the Ps3, or Ps4.

oh and btw.


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