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How do I meet people over 40? New to SL


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Hello I am only 2 weeks old in SL. I did my research prior to joining so my Avatar is updated and I am getting around pretty good. I am over 40 in RL but still love to have fun! It seems I am meeting the younger crowd....I have met a couple of very nice people that have taught me things, but they are few and far between. It seems I spend a lot of time alone and I do not want to.  I am sick of the 1st question being "How old are you in RL?"  I already know I am too old for them if that is the first question.  LOL  

I guess I am looking for clubs, gathering places, ect for an older crowd. Oh and they need to tolerate new people ;)

Any help much appreciated

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We're all over the place.  I do bump into lots of younger people if I decide to visit clubs, but most of the people I know in SL are at least over 40.  To be honest, though, unless you tell people how old you are, nobody knows.  You never have to tell anyone either.  If people are rude enough to ask about RL, tell them only as much as you want them to know and laugh the rest off. 

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Its not always the younger generation asking for age, I meet quite alot older folks who where quite forward when it came to any kind of RL related information. Just go to sims you like, enjoy what you do and maybe look if there are places that may attract older generations....clubs for example which play songs from your youth or which have a more classic setting.

Also its pretty hard to guess someones age just from chat. So, no need to assume you are alone :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

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Heh. I find exactly the opposite; anyone who asks my age is usually significantly older than I am. I just posted a general note on the 1st world tab of my profile that I'm under 30, and they don't need to know more. People still ask; I still don't answer. I don't particularly care how old they are, either.

There might be a group or two inworld for people over 40 in RL. Age is pretty unimportant to me, personally, but I'm sure there are plenty of places and people to talk to. Have you looked for "oldies" clubs? I know 40 isn't old :) But you might find more people in the age range you're looking for in clubs oriented towards that era of music, since oldies can be anywhere from the '60's (or before) to the '80's or even '90's, now!

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Katie, you can be as old or as young as you want to be in SL, and nobody will know, or needs to know, one way or the other.  (Well, as long as you are over 16, and over 18 for Adult places!)

If you get into a relationship and you both are thinking about moving it into Real Life, you both should be up front about things like age, gender, etc.  Other than that, who you are in RL is your own business, and people who demand that information should be told so, firmly and politely.

And of course, you should afford others the same courtesy.  A lot of us use Second Life to...well, to live a second life!

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Hello I tollay understand im right there with you. This is my second time on SL new account so I get that..  I have found a couple of nice places, one being the shelter. They welcome new comers and im around the same as as you, and the AV there are pretty cool.  

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