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Temporary Texture Upload, Server Side Baking


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I have been in SL for 6 years and have had a an in world business for 5 years. I work with two others and we thorougly enjoy building. We have constructed everything from houses to a custom sim for customers. We aren't in it for the profit, we like to design for the fun of it.

With server side baking about to be implemented, I heard that temporary texture uploads will be disabled. I collaborate with two friends when we build and temporary textures are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for us to get things right, before we pay for the permanent upload. This allows us to tweak and modify the textures until it is exactly the way we want it. I know local uploads are available but that does not allow us to collaborate on projects. Without temporary texture uploads, collaborative building will become extremely expensive and something we probably will have to stop due to sheer cost.

LL will still make money off of us as we have been renting land and doing business in SL for half a decade. We still pay for the final uploads of objects and textures. We just need temporary texture uploads during the building process. It is critically important for us.


Is there a possible way to use temporary texture uploads after server side baking is implemented? 

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Thank you for your reply. From what I know, the official Second Life viewer supports something called "local upload" which means that the texture is visible to you only and not to others. This makes it impossible when you are doing a collaborative build with others and you are each working on different textures that all need to come together for one unified final product.

The original temporary texture upload allows others to see what you have uploaded but the texture dissappears once you log off.

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Yeah, that's true.  The upload is only an apparent upload.  The image never leaves your own computer. It is applied to the object by your own GPU, so you can see it but nobody else can.  It means individual creators can work as they always have (and V3 creators can finally do what Firestorm creators have always been able to do), but it does leave collaborative builders out.  The only way to beat that one is to e-mail textures back and forth between you.  :smileysad:

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When you work for an order and you need to show inworld the outfit to the customer before being sure its what has to be upload, you wont send the original file to your customer, will you ?

what you can send by skype or any other type of sharing you can have via internet, can only be pics.. but really, we all know that seing on a pic or inworld is slightly different..

However server Side baking seems to have a lot of good sides and hopeffuly, viewers's dev will be able to improve soon something equivalent to the currents temporary upoloads.  Local textures cant definitely replace them. 

But first, we must hope that LL wont do with the improving of SSB a big catastroph as they usually do with everything they try to do. And let's hope that TPV's dev will be able to bring us viewers so great that what we have now... All annoying that the tempory texture upload problem can be, really, i think its nothing compared to all that is waiting for us in the next monthes.

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I don't use V3 myself, but here's mikka Luik's response to the same question last month...

version :

Second Life 3.4.4 (268864) Jan 10 2013 04:16:34 (Second Life Release)

in pick texture box, "local" button (bottom right under preview) then browse as required. Yes surprised me too

local texture_001.jpg

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In order to get the "temporary texture upload" feature reinstated, I we builders should ask two groups.


1. Politely ask Linden Labs to allow this feature and explain how this feature is critical to many who collaboratively build as well as for those of us who do custom builds for customers.

2. Politely ask third party viewer groups, such as the Firestorm Group, Singularity Group and Kokua Group to see if they can kindly recreate this feature in their viewers so that temporary texture upload is compative with server side baking.

Perhaps we can even draft an open letter here on the forum stating the IMPORTANCE of temporary texture uploads and send a copy to both Linden Labs as well as the TPV with the signature of other builders who also believe this is a critical feature for us? What do others think?

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It's probably a good idea to read http://modemworld.wordpress.com/2013/02/14/firestorm-where-next-and-early-looks/ to get a feel for the enormity of the challenge and why it's unlikely that we'll ever get the old style of temporary uploads back.  Getting rid of avatar bake fail -- a longstanding serious problem -- has meant some tradeoffs.  This is one of them.

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  • 1 month later...

This is a sad trade off.  I use temp textures like everyone, although, there is an avatar mesh for Photoshop that works good for the clothing textures for alignments. This will not work for mesh. I also make baby clothes and those will be another story. Sometimes I use as many as 10 uploads before I send up the final texture. So... 

I knew this was coming...no surprise at all.

The local uploads are not as good. To me, the texture doesn't look correct.

Most serious builders use their own studios and don't want to go elsewhere and deal with people around us, etc...or have to take the build into inventory before we log out, so going to an open grid is no option for me.

We'll all be spending extra Lindens to get the job done.

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Faye Feldragonne wrote:


The local uploads are not as good. To me, the texture doesn't look correct.

That's strange, I have not noticed that kind of thing.

I even made a comparison recently.  To me local texture looks as good as temp uploaded texture does.  No difference at all between them - both look exactly the same.


One advantage with local texture is that if you have applied local texture to something (prim, mesh or avatar clothing item) and you edit the texture in your texture editing program and save it, the texture updates in the viewer immediately.  So it's quick a way way to see the change inworld.  No need to do texture upload and wait for the upload to finish like with temp upload.  One disadvantage with local texture is that only you can see the applied local texture, others will not see it.

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  • 3 months later...

Well, yes, the 'local' feature when trying textures is faster; however it doesn't replace at all the ability to build with someone else, which, even if you are not a professional, is simply one of the big pleasures SL was able to offer. I don't know to what extend baking was a problem for others before SSB, it was not for me; now I just see that changing clothes, simple thing, takes a much longer time, and that it takes also longer  for others AVs to bake when I arrive in some new place. So far... I just don't see any positive change with SSB, and for sure, the loss of temp textures is a regression. I do hope it will be restored in the near future... I didn't mind much having to relog once in a while for 'cloud' reasons, the ability to collaborate and have fun building together is way more important... Since this one was not advertised much, now I wonder what other regressions SSB will bring ?

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I agree with Alexandra, the new SSb as far as my experience has been horrible, (Firestorm 442)  grey people, no body parts/clothing, slow, crashes, buggy and typical of most changes in SL. I realise it is a daunting task for programmers, it must be, by the looks of the results. I realise it's free,  and maybe shouldn't be, lol, but the loss of temp uploads has caused more grief than a grey avi ocasionaly. I will probably just go out of biz because of it, and other bugs, reverting back texture alignments, sculpty sizes on linking, moving prims ghosting at previous location, ect , ect,  building has become even more frustrating.

Please bring back the temp uploads. 

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