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How to deal with Scammers?

DreamCrawler Martin

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This guy wich avatar's name I'm not going to say here have attempted to obtain a free copy of one of the items I sell by this method:

He IMed me saying that his girlfriend accidentally deleted the folder asking me for a copy of the item.

I only sell items on marketplace, and i keep all the records to track and give support to my customers. Hes not on the list. Not as buyer nor as recipient of a gift.

I asked him if he was using an alt, or if someone gave him the item as gift and said that he forgot the name of that "**bleep**" that gave him the werewolf.

The question is: What can i do to report an scammer like this? Is it legal to use the Logs of his scam attempt?

I reported him as fraud but havent got an answer.

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Not much you can do,  this person might not have a bad intention and might really think he can ask for copies without a proof of purchase, although I am sure a lot of people tries to get stuff for free by creating this stories, I guess if you are a seller, you can always put in your Picks something like, all redeliveries required proof of purchase

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This happens to me quite a bit so what I do is direct them to my redelivery terminal in my mainstore. This saves me time trying to find names in my records and it confirms for the customer whether they actually did buy the item in the past or not. The terminal doesn't lie. And it redelivers when it is an actual customer.

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well, firstly, always ask the person who want ta redlivery to provide you a paste of the transaction (they need to copy and paste the transaction from they transaction history). And of course, with the day of transaction etc i still advice you to check in your own transaction history, since a copy/paste can be mod.. but since you ll have already the day and hour of the transaction it will be always easier for you to check. 

If the person has the item bec she/he recieved it as a gift from the MP, she/he still has track about this transaction on the mp in his/her account in the order history. and she/he must have recieved a notification by email too.. so at least she/he can make a copy and paste this one. and im not sure, but i think that it s even displayed in the normal transaction history.

You need to write this in your store policy : smth like "If for some reason you never recieved the item you purchased from me, pls contact me with a copy of the transaction track"... That way, pp will be aware that they cant have a redelivery without a proof of the purchase.

i dont think any report will do anything... Its to the merchants to be carefull and do not send naively to everyone who is asking a redilivery without asking some garenties and checking. Its just common sense.

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Firstly ask him to provide you the transaction record of his purchase. 

If he can't you'll have to apologise him for inconvenience.


Some customers would try to scam creators every once now and then thinking creators wouldn't keep the record. You'll run into several more in the future so reporting every single one of them just wouldn't solve the problem. It's way eaiser to be strict about your products than get into patty arguments and waste your time. 


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Even if they bought the item you are not responsible to replace it if they delete it or lost it from inventory, especially if it were transferable.  If you do replace copyable items, I would explain that you keep all records of sales and who bought the item and who it was delivered to and his name is not shown in your records anywhere.  Period.  I wouldn't apologize, I would not ask for what will obviously be a forged transaction record.  If you are sure your records are complete and accurate, I would tell him you won't send him a copy since he didn't buy one to begin with.  If someone else bought it and gave it to him, it obviously was transferable and there is no way they can prove that that they didn't give it to someone else.

If you are sure of your records, I don't see the point of being polite to someone trying to steal from you.  You don't need to be rude, but call a spade a spade.  It may discourage him from trying to scam someone else.

You can AR him for fraud, but I am not sure what, if anything, LL would do about it.  They may consider it a resident to resident dispute, in which case they will do nothing,  On the other hand if they think the guy was trying to steal  they may.


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I have seen and heard about an uptick in suspicious sounding lost /missing items. Always transfer. I told one guy I have no record of him either buying or rezzing the set; okay, he says, but are you going to give it to me?  When I repeated the bit about no records he screamed that I was cheating him. But it did not really sound like his heart was in it. A bit too perfunctory.

Then the other day was the guy who does what third graders do: tell me one story (the box was empty) and when that doesn't hold up, tell a different one to see if I like it better (copied the box contents to inventory but the folder was empty). 


Some people just don't use the search function of inventory and when a bit of poking about doesn't turn something up, they ask for the transfer item to be "redelivered". 

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You won't get an answer, give up, move on and forget it.

Just hope that he didn't accidentally confuse you with a different merchant because that happens, i've done it myself.  I've asked the wrong merchant for a redelivery.

Frankly, i'm not so quick to label people as SCAMMER and having had my business here for 4 years can state that I can't think of ONE instance of someone trying to "scam", not ONE.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

You won't get an answer, give up, move on and forget it.

Just hope that he didn't accidentally confuse you with a different merchant because that happens, i've done it myself.  I've asked the wrong merchant for a redelivery.

Frankly, i'm not so quick to label people as SCAMMER and having had my business here for 4 years can state that I can't think of ONE instance of someone trying to "scam", not ONE.

That's because you sell copy things. :-)


Just today I got a notice that someone had rezzed the contents of a living room set box. Thirteen minutes later I got a message from her that she had never received it.  I waited a while then went to the location where the living room was rezzed and took a picture of it sitting in her house.


And in my case the person who asked for a second transer item because he lost it, yet there was no record of him buying or rezzing it -- he used the exact name of my product, so there was no mistake about who he meant to contact.  

I do give ppl the benefit of the doubt, always have -- but lately I have seen an uptick in those for whom there is no doubt possible.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Sassy Romano wrote:

You won't get an answer, give up, move on and forget it.

Just hope that he didn't accidentally confuse you with a different merchant because that happens, i've done it myself.  I've asked the wrong merchant for a redelivery.

Frankly, i'm not so quick to label people as SCAMMER and having had my business here for 4 years can state that I can't think of ONE instance of someone trying to "scam", not ONE.

That's because you sell copy things. :-)


Possibly yes but not exclusively. 

I just don't go with the desire to have to "report" someone for trying something either intentionally or by accident as I described.

Move on, people do stuff!

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