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Security problem in the cache

leon Bowler

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Over the last few weeks I have been having problems with the cache, the cache seems to have viruses in it, these viruses seem able to read all data in the disk and even destroy the fat table even taking the partition out.

I first noticed it in the beta sims, people appeared and as I looked at them I crashed, so trying to isolate it I moved the cache to another drive, then I found out that instead of crashing I got a PC error message saying that  drive d was corrupt and to run chkdsk, again this only happened when certain people rezzed in the beta sims and I looked at them.

Now the cache was moved to drive d now I only had to run chkdsk, before I was having to do a complete system restore and it would take over an hour to log on, now it was just a restart and running chkdsk on drive d.

Next I got new drive and split it into 3 partitions, I then put the cache on the first partition and came to the beta sims and waited for one of those crashes, what I found is that each partition that only had the cache on was destroyed in total, this only happened using the sl browser, seems that the sl cache is able to not only read the whole disk but able to over write it, but what I found is that it can only do this to the disk it is on and not others, in the test drive I was able to run the partitions while the one with the cache on was destroyed.


Because of this I have had to remove all SL software from my machine, now I needed to know about this group of people visiting the beta sims, most were very old, some were creators, like a small club at first I thought this a cartel of creators making others crash and stop using the beta sims, so I tried to think of a way that would tell me all I needed to know without any form of extended contact, anyway I found a way to upset them enough that it would tip their hand, after watching them for awhile I noticed most were from the USA, so I singled out an important one in the group, and said a small set of words that enraged him down to his soul, within seconds a person rezzed next to me, I told her that I could say words that people never forget, I have a gift for it, she said your in danger of looking a fool, she said do you know that some here are off duty lindens, and what you just said will not make you friends but some very powerful enemies, I said oh realy

lol, lol, lol.

But really I thought, "o thank you dear you have just told me every thing I need to know", I left as I now knew who was at the root of it, now why would they want to do this, maybe times are so hard that every bit of us now has value to strip, all that our PC's hold.

Anyway I suggest you all move the cache to a drive with nothing else on it, I tried using a flash drive but USB 2.0 ports are to slow.

Now I suspect that the girl that rezzed next to me was an linden, she said no but from the UK, I said OK. I can't tell you what I said as I hated saying it and still makes me cringe, but it was the most affect set of words that would shake any American down to their soul and make even brits hate me, but like I said I have a gift for it and I did get to find out what I wanted to find out.

Tell me does my gift give me away as to who I am, lol, it is only words, vibrations in air that are gone in seconds but can last a life time in thought.

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ok i will spell it out, get rid of the sl browser and all linden software and move the cache to a isolated drive, to protect yourself, i did find another reason as to why this may have been done, but to be honest if true then most of you deserve it and i wont help you.

PS: i removed all my card info from sl to. think we might be seeing a world wide meltdown soon, and the stripping of every penny from the cattle, lol, still eat a horse burger.

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leon Bowler wrote:

ok i will spell it out, get rid of the sl browser and all linden software and move the cache to a isolated drive, to protect yourself, i did find another reason as to why this may have been done, but to be honest if true then most of you deserve it and i wont help you.

PS: i removed all my card info from sl to. think we might be seeing a world wide meltdown soon, and the stripping of every penny from the cattle, lol, still eat a horse burger.

It's good of you to spell it out. May I spell something out too?

Since you're the only one to report being affected, I suggest you look elsewhere for the source of your problems.

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i have put my own server system in now, the hard drive i have, with drive P destroyed and and the 2 others ok, but dont want to power it up as my new server system backs up all hard drives on it, when i get the time i may isolate a pc and power up the drive to look in detail, my new server system is linux and the virus stuff on there claimed that all sl software had a worm in it and auto deleted it, so i had little choice, odd cos windows virus stuff never noticed a worm, the linux system also said sculpty93 and the lsl editor had worms and deleted those programs from my system, but the linux virus stuff singled out most sl programs to have the same worm and deleted them.

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Yes, this only happens when you look at some one and does seem to be a texture, chkdsk was deleting all the textures when it was on drive d, but with this new server system I am confused and don't log since I have had it as it seems to have turned my whole system and all PC's into a cloud, which is taking some getting use to, but I now have my own web servers, static IP and mail servers, so I can make my own grid now that anyone can log on to.

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Actually I had a very similar several years ago. It did turn out that a few files in my SL cache were not only undeletable but also turned out to be the cause of a partition fault that was unrepairable by any method other than a checkdisk *and* a reformat. It only happened the once and I was not accessing the beta grid when it happened. I put the experience down to corrupt files rather than deliberate maliciousness and continued with my SL life.

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Ignoring all the conspiratorial nonsense in the OP, I think my favourite poster has actually stumbled upon a controversial issue that really exists this time. Although he/she has failed to provide any tangible proof, I have heard this cache virus talked about twice recently, in completely unrelated groups discussions. I've not heard of a partition being taken out entirely, but certainly have heard of AV software pinging virus alerts at files in the V3 cache. To my knowledge it has already been reported to LL.

We should not jump to any conclusions though.

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Well  must say I have investigated it more and it would seem that falls into your conspiracy theory, I can only say if it is right then you all deserve it, seems MF global isn't the only one that plans to clean out accounts should they fail.




I kind of hope its true for all of you, I have removed all financial links to US companies.


so how many lindens are out there, what would happen if every one started to cash them in, seems having a cache switch could be very usfull, lol, good luck, it could not happen to a nicer bunch of people.

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Lay out your whole theory for us then. I know at this point you normally feed us "clues" and tell us to work it out for ourselves and if we can't it's because we all eat too many chips and have fat on the brain and wot not, but I would like to hear what you think is really going on and what the end goal is and how it will be achieved?

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Leon Bowler wrote:

was not the beta grid, it was the beta sims in the main grid, 4 huge sandboxes each running a diff server, so i dont think your that well informed.

Indeed, the beta sims on Agni are very different to the beta grid. The beta sims on Agni are used for pilot rolls for new server versions that have been previously tested on Agni. Each region may host one of 3 different server versions, called LeTigre, Magnum, and Bluesteel. and they use these beta regions for testing and troubleshooting before they do a full or partial rollout to the main grid. Think of the beta sims as stepping stones between the beta grid and the main grid, for server versions.

I have clearly been here too long. I have no interest in anything server related yet I have this sort of rubbish cluttering up my brain. I am clearly not destroying my brain cells at a fast enough rate....must....try.....harder.

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wow, didn't expect that from you, ok lets call it a truce, I don't think it is SL as a company they wont have choice, but I do know lots of viruses have been spreading, not doing harm just spreading and getting settled down, now why would they be doing this if not waiting for a date, the whole ponzi scheme of charging interest on loans without every creating that interest is coming to a head, you will find that in history, that these scam last 200 years before it collapse, so far more than 5 times in the past, well we have been doing this for over 200 years now and the interest is unpayable as it it is more than all the assets and money in existence, so I think soon there will have to be a reset, in the past it meant only those with gold had any money at all and every one else had none, the price of gold has been held low so that the elite can convert to gold and other metals, the copper market is now suffering the same affects of the gold market meaning copper is being used as a hedge against other assets, copper will be needed for any recovery as long as it is cheap and available, well now it is not, so I think the elite expect a collapse and not a recovery, as to when the collapse happens I don't know, but I do know that almost 50% of the worlds copper has been bought up and stashed, the people buying it don't use it to make things, they are putting it in vaults, and that cost, so they must be expecting it soon and copper does not have a price to warrant being stored in vaults.


In other words there is a planned collapse that will leave 99% of the population with no money at all, if they let it happen on its own then the rich will lose out along with the poor, doing it this way it will make sure that the very elite will lose nothing in fact only gain from it, it will cure the old age problem as most will starve to death during the wars that will follow leaving only the young workers eager to take any job for next to nothing when the elite emerge from their bunkers.


The blog will have the history of this and the people behind it going back to the 18th dynasties and the 6 daughters of the living god, which is where the blood line  conspiracy has its roots, and as there was no male so the bloodline is passed down by the female line, while all look at bankers families names they are lost from the truth, the male line only has to last the 200 hundred years needed to asset strip what ever empire they are in charge of, soon all will want to hang them with out realizing a new family name is ready to take over generated though the pure female line, but these same female lines have produced every banking family since 1500 bc, for some reason they realy do believe thse 6 girls are the daughters of the gods, seems they think that nefertiti and akhenaten were the last two living gods on the planet.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

Lay out your whole theory for us then. I know at this point you normally feed us "clues" and tell us to work it out for ourselves and if we can't it's because we all eat too many chips and have fat on the brain and wot not, but I would like to hear what you think is really going on and what the end goal is and how it will be achieved?

You just HAD to ask :smileysurprised:

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