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Not finding ppl in search

Pamela Galli

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I just tried to contact someone who bought six things on the marketplace from me yesterday, to give them a rebate, and she is not in search.

I tried to find someone else who bought something a few hours ago, not in search either.


Is there a way to completely hide your profile from search?

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Look into your transaction history.
There you have the name of the customer.
Then do this:

Enter in your webbrowser: https://my.secondlife.com/name.surname
name and surname are in lower caps only
e.g. https://my.secondlife.com/pamela.galli

Try resident as a surname if you have one with the first name only.

There you have the profile. To send a message, it might be necessary to be logged in in your Web-Profile.


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The problem is that if you can't find them in search, there's not really any way (that I know of) to open up an IM to them.

I had thought all of these were from folks being banned or deleted. Forgot about the ability to hide oneself from search...


You -CAN- still AR, friend, or mute people, because those have different screens to find people. But finding folks and opening an IM window both seem to come only in search now, unless I'm missing something super obvious. :)


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Do you have "adult" checked in your search preferences?   If a person puts the wrong "naughty" keyword in the text of the main profile tab, the system tags the profile as "A", and the person willl be invisible to people who have not enabled search preferences for adult content.  I use Firestorm, and the profile rating does not even show most of the time, only when I use search to find a person.

Oddly enough, it seems to be no problem having your picks or your 1st life tab stuffed full of steamy adult content., the system will rate you "G" if you avoid the wrong keyword in your main profile.  Oh, and there is no list of keywords to avoid, you just have to guess.. 

As far as I can tell, the only thing the profile rating does it to mask "A" profiles from those who have not enabled "A" in search preference.

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As well as what's already been said, it used to be that, when an avatar hasn't logged in for a specific amount of time (only weeks), then they would be dropped from the database, so they couldn't be found in search. That was when LL still used the Google system. Now that they no longer use the Google system, it could still be that avatars are dropped when not logging in for a while.

It probably doesn't apply to the ones you're looking for, because those people would almost certainly log in after buying something, but you never know.

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Here is a lil tip Pam : If you have a 'sender' something that allow you to send message and items inword to a list of pp , you can just add the person name on the list and only this one and send a nc asking this person to contact you. Artizan Creative studio has one as demo on the mp that allow you to send to 10 person at once.. so in you case it will work great since you need it for only 1 person and you dont need to find the profile but just copy the name in the nc in the sender. 


ETA : since my inworld SL search doestn want to work today, i sent you the MP link via forum private message. 

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On the legacy profile there is an option for the owner not to show their profile in search.  If checked the profile will not be shown on the web at all.  Since the current search uses web profiles, you therefore won't find them.

If you run Firestorm, you can opt to use the legacy search instead of the current search.  Right click your tool bar and you can add the button to it.  You will be able to fine them using legacy search when you are iinworld.

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I think you are fighting a SL problem. I ran into the exact same problem yesterday. Fortunately the customer was in my support group and I was able to pull her up and send her an IM from there.

But I told her about being missing from search and she knew nothing about it. She had not changed her privacy settings in any way, so I am pretty sure LL has dropped a bunch of residents from search.

You probably will want to file a JIRA. I don't spend enough time in SL any more to justify filing one myself.


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Well one of these two customers just bought something else, so I guess she is alive and well.

I am just going to assume that there is in fact a way to hide a profile from all search.  All of the items that can have a rebate come with a notice to IM me for it, so I will wait and see if she does that. 


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Hmmz, yesterday I experienced the same with an alt. This alt has not been online for about half a year or so, so idea was as suggested above, that because of absence the alt was not traceble in search.

Then I went online with the alt. I tried to offer frienship to my main avatar, this was not possible, the friendship button was not clickable. And for my main avatar is was the same, I could not friend my alt either. I could invite her in my group however.

And though I had her in my group, I still could not find her in search, and still could not offer friendship.

I think there is something going wrong in SL, some avatars just don't appear in search anymore.

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There may be some bug, but if a bug report is to be filed, it needs to be filed by someone who is left out of search, and can verify that the omission is not intentional.

Of course, there is no way now to check and see if anyone has reported it already or not, as I would have done if the JIRAs were not hidden now.

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You cannot hide yourself from the in world search, at all. I have actually asked this question in the Firestorm group support. LL does move names from database to database and search is probably not able to access them all.

And again I will state Pamela...in order to use legacy search, you MUST install Firestorm

Once that is done, log in and click CONTENT on the top title bar. Then click LEGACY SEARCH. Put the dot in whatever thing you are looking for and type away. Using legacy search this way is tons better as I have actually grown use to web search and only use legacy for other things.

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TristanMercer wrote:

You cannot hide yourself from the in world search, at all. I have actually asked this question in the Firestorm group support. LL does move names from database to database and search is probably not able to access them all.

And again I will state Pamela...in order to use legacy search, you MUST install Firestorm


Once that is done, log in and click CONTENT on the top title bar. Then click LEGACY SEARCH. Put the dot in whatever thing you are looking for and type away. Using legacy search this way is tons better as I have actually grown use to web search and only use legacy for other things.

I will think about it but with my computer and graphics card configuration if I find a Firestorm that does not crash every 20 min, I like not to take any chances by changing. 

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Did you tried my suggestion Pam ? 

you dont need to use the search at all... you just need to fill the nc inside the 'sender"'s contents and write the name of the avi, since you have this one from your market place transaction history.

Not yet Trinity, although now at least I am sure she is in fact still around, so pretty sure that sending a notecard that way will get through to her.


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Pamela Galli wrote

I will think about it but with my computer and graphics card configuration if I find a Firestorm that does not crash every 20 min, I like not to take any chances by changing. 

I see the point you are trying to make, and I am in no way trying to be offensive.


With each new version of Firestorm, there are bugs that are fixed, hundreds actually. The viewer becomes more and more streamlined. I admit that Firestorm for some is a royal pain in the hiney. A lot of problems I had were directly related to not having HTTP Textures disabled. My computer hated it. Turned it off, tweaked my Nvidia card in the Nvidia Control Panel to take work away from the viewer and my problems have disappeared. I can be online all day usually without an issue, that is, unless LL decides to deploy server upgrades that have not been thoroughly tested....

/me coughs

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TristanMercer wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote

I will think about it but with my computer and graphics card configuration if I find a Firestorm that does not crash every 20 min, I like not to take any chances by changing. 

I see the point you are trying to make, and I am in no way trying to be offensive.


With each new version of Firestorm, there are bugs that are fixed, hundreds actually. The viewer becomes more and more streamlined. I admit that Firestorm for some is a royal pain in the hiney. A lot of problems I had were directly related to not having HTTP Textures disabled. My computer hated it. Turned it off, tweaked my Nvidia card in the Nvidia Control Panel to take work away from the viewer and my problems have disappeared. I can be online all day usually without an issue, that is, unless LL decides to deploy server upgrades that have not been thoroughly tested....

/me coughs

It's not really FS per se -- I have a powerful card that nevertheless does not play well at all with SL -- ATI 6970, and there is no way to tweak anything with Mac, as all that stuff is part of the OS.  And when I say I was crashing, I mean sometimes I had to unplug the computer; I could not even turn it off.  No one else I knew of was having problems like this. But this FS I am using now is pretty stable; I just have the occasional normal crash of the viewer.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

  And when I say I was crashing, I mean sometimes I had to unplug the computer; I could not even turn it off.  No one else I knew of was having problems like this. 

well, you will may say now that someone else has the same problem :smileywink:

im using a laptop running on window, with a good graphic card,and im using Firestorm and yes, it happens to me several times a day, that my SL window freeze, and i have to reboot my laptop bec i cant even turn it off.... This happened also when i was with using Phoenix (and ive been using it since its first day)...So in the end, im used with this. :smileywink:

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