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Lets Pretend.....

Porky Gorky

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Lets pretend I offer to pay you a decent middle class salary to spend 40 to 60 hours per week in SL. There is no requirement for you to earn a living in SL or RL (as I am paying you) and all reasonable SL related expenses are covered.

How would you choose to spend your days here? 

What would you do in SL given the time, resources and freedom?

Incidentally I will be watching constantly so no slacking off going idle whilst your real self goes out shopping for the day.

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Send the money first, i will see what i may do then...

btw.... 60 hours a week, is almost the doble im doing in my rl job, so i will ask to you a doble middle class salary. And no way to haggle about this :smileywink:

btw2 : for a doble high class salary, i may do almost what you want me to do :smileyvery-happy:......shhhh... i said "almost" ...


edit (gramary)

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Porky Gorky wrote:

Lets pretend I offer to pay you a decent middle class salary to spend 40 to 60 hours per week in SL. There is no requirement for you to earn a living in SL or RL (as I am paying you) and all reasonable SL related expenses are covered.

Waitwut ?! :robotsurprised:


Which Linden do you want me to kill ? :robotindifferent:

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I would immediately enroll in every class I could fit into my schedule. I would finally have time to practice things, learn LSL, and Blender, and other things. In time, I would become either the most gifted scripter or exquisite creator in SL history (probably both, given my astonishing brilliance).

With my newly acquired magnificence I would be raking in so much money selling things I could hand your RL salary over to an alt and set off on a journey to the farthest ends of the grid, never to return.

Thank you.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I would immediately enroll in every class I could fit into my schedule. I would finally have time to practice things, learn LSL, and Blender, and other things. In time, I would become either the most gifted scripter or exquisite creator in SL history (probably both, given my astonishing brilliance).

With my newly acquired magnificence I would be raking in so much money selling things I could hand your RL salary over to an alt and set off on a journey to the farthest ends of the grid, never to return.

Thank you.

You're fired!

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Porky Gorky wrote:

TDD123 wrote:

Waitwut ?! :robotsurprised:

Which Linden do you want me to kill ? :robotindifferent:

I am really fighting the urge to type a name here, but I am afraid it may be admissable as evidence in court. :matte-motes-whistle:

Fine. We'll negotiate by IM.

/me starts checking and polishing his sniper rifle.

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ooooh!  Aren't you a sweetheart!  Well, I think I would do a lot of the things I already do, only more so. 

I would undoubtedly make a blog to record my adventures and stuff. 

I'd take more of the building classes and finally learn how to to do sl-scripting and how to make mesh and sculpties. 

I'd probably join an rp sim, one of the medieval or faery/elven ones. 

I'd get to enjoy more of the entertainment, go see live performances. 

And I would probably post in the forums more often too.

And I'd go back to my first haven, NCI or somewhere like that, and volunteer to be a newbie helper.

And I'd get more involved with the Bay City Community where I live, and attend their meetings.  I'd have the time to take a more active role in the planning stages of events like Burning Life and SL's birthday parties. 





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well, i would take Czari with me and we would visit every fun place in SL... we would practice ice skating, sailing, dancing, well, also visit a lot of art gallery, and every hour we would sit in a coffee shop and enjoy some tea while we will still babbling.... 

i hope she will be ok for a so busy schedule.. and im ok for sharing the salary of course...

and of course, if it happens that  you wont be watching at us, indeed, we wont run in every stores for shopping No no no.... 

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Content creation in overdrive - but not necessarily for the purpose of selling - I just love to build.
I'd love to open up a sim (or several connected regions) and host MMO or arcade style games on a grand scale. Of course, I would need to improve my content creation skills significantly to get there. So another good portion of the time would be spent learning...  Would you allow time out of SL to be spent if it was directly related to content creation? Like for creating sound/texture/mesh assets or even researching techniques and best practices?

Additionally, I would dedicate a good portion of time helping improve SL - attending in world office hours and bug hunting.

Finally, after all that, I'd do more exploration of the grid at large. (something I generally don't do as much as I'd like because I'm usually working on the above items in what time I can devote to SL.)

Edit: Ha, totally forgot to say that with all this time I would go back and resume work on the hundreds of little projects I've started over the years in SL. (many put on hold due to SL related bugs or limitations)

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Porky Gorky wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

I would immediately enroll in every class I could fit into my schedule. I would finally have time to practice things, learn LSL, and Blender, and other things. In time, I would become either the most gifted scripter or exquisite creator in SL history (probably both, given my astonishing brilliance).

With my newly acquired magnificence I would be raking in so much money selling things I could hand your RL salary over to an alt and set off on a journey to the farthest ends of the grid, never to return.

Thank you.

You're fired!


Damn. Fired in two minutes! Maybe I should have left out the part about the journey.....

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After coffee and my morning shower and answering any notes left for me while I slept I'd be off to the Particle Laboratory for some intellectual stimulation.

Afternoons would be spent in physical activities........either hiking  or sailing across all the Mainland SIM's.  I should get a check list to keep track of my progress.

Evenings would be spent either clubbing or attending live music events.

The late late hours, well hopefully I would have met some sweet young thing during the day that I could finish my day pixelating with.

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I think if such an amazing, witty intelligent, dynamic, entrepreneurial adonis such as myself offered me the job in SL I would create a vast army consisting of vampires, furries, overly large breasted glamour models and horse breeders. I would set up a training camp in an undisclosed location and mould them into an effective fighting force. Once they were ready I would launch an invasion on Zindra, driving away all the sleazy lowlifes and declaring my self the king of SL porn. I will change the name from Zindra to Porky's or maybe Porky's 2...I'm undecided. 

After that I will set my sights on Caledonia. I will wipe the smirk off of Shang's face and will take their steampunk bustles, fob watches and monocles and grind them to a fine powder which I shall then snort off of Desmonds naked posterior. I don't like steampunk. 

After that my forces split in to 2, the vampires will invade LInden Homes, biting everyone they see and annoying them to the point of quitting. Meanwhile the horse breeders will descend upon dreamland in a breeding frenzy flooding all the regions with horses that annoy the **bleep** out of everyone.

WIth my primary targets eliminated I shall build a large mesh mountain, create a secret underground lair and plan the rest of my campaign for virtual world domination. Either that or I will go and do a spot of shopping for some new mesh shoes, my plans are up in the air right now.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

TDD123 wrote:



I'll just wait for an offer for your assasination and keep preparing my rifle. :robotindifferent:

It's all your fault man. You've sent me into phsyco megalomaniac mode with all this talk or capping Lindens. 

Well .. you might also like to know I'm contracted by SL Merchants.


I'm their final no-refunds-policy executioner ... :robotvery-happy:

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I would spend all my time making chairs and chatting with nice people, and hire someone to run all the rest of my business for me. 

That does seem like allot less hassle and allot more chilled out than world domination. I shall change my mind and watch Pam make chairs instead whilst constructively critisising when required. :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:

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Although I enjoy SL a lot, if I had spend 40-60 hours a week in it in return for being paid, it would seem like a job and I might get bored.   So, assuming I'll be provided with my own island, I'll build a club and become my own dancebot.  Then in RL I can turn off the sound and monitor and go out for a walk in the sunshine!

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Conifer Dada wrote:

Although I enjoy SL a lot, if I
spend 40-60 hours a week in it in return for being paid, it would seem like a job and I might get bored.  When that happens, I'd go to a club and become an unofficial dancebot, then in RL I'd turn off the sound and monitor and go out for a walk in the sunshine!

I'm surprised by this considering how long you have been here. There are so many things I would like to have done in SL in my time here but havnt had the time or resources.

Given the possibility of doing anything, I think it would only seem like a job if you don't choose something that you are passionate about or that really peaks your interest. Your world your imagination remember? So if you were to imagine an experience that would not seem like a job then it would not seem like a job. Does that make sense. Prolly not. :matte-motes-oh-rly:

btw you can still have a lunch break and go out in the sun.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

well, i would take Czari with me and we would visit every fun place in SL... we would practice ice skating, sailing, dancing, well, also visit a lot of art gallery, and every hour we would sit in a coffee shop and enjoy some tea while we will still babbling.... 

i hope she will be ok for a so busy schedule.. and im ok for sharing the salary of course...

and of course, if it happens that  you wont be watching at us, indeed, we wont run in every stores for shopping No no no.... 

Awwww, thank you for looking out for me, Trinity.  *Hugs*  That sounds absolutely lovely, fun, and relaxing.

@Porky - First I would have to know what your requirements are for my SL duties that would earn a RL salary.  I would address those duties and make sure they are done well. To me it sounded like the 60 hours would be work for pay unless I misunderstood and it was more of a

"You've just won the lottery...what will you do" question.  In that case, I'll go hang with Trinity and perhaps she would teach French to me and we could do a European tour.  I would reciprocate, of course, and take her on a virtual tour of the US. :)

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