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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Czari, if you want to save your pics from your old computer and be able to get them back on your new comp without using usb storage or CD, and without sharing them on a public server, there is a simple solution : 

send them to you by emails. you can even not send them but just save your emails with the pics as rough copy in your mailbox. 

That way, you open your mailbox from your new comp and can download back all your pics. 

Its simple, quick and you wont share your pics with anyone, except on your mailbox provider server what is normally done for being private. :smileyhappy:

Hi Trinity :)  I subscribe to a service that stores all my files so restoring them to my new PC should be a snap.

What I'm mainly asking - now for my own curiosity - is what method to use within a photo storage program so that the image itself, and not just the link to the image, shows up in a forum post.  In PhotoBucket, for instance, they provide about 5 different types of codes - one for email, HTML, BB code...a couple of others, not looking at the site atm.

I tried a couple of them and only the link posted.  Maybe I need to use Flickr...lol.   I read a particular blog where the author posts photos in the blog that come from her Flickr account.  I just already have a lot of photos on PhotoBucket and would prefer to use that. 

*Lightbulb moment - contact someone at PhotoBucket...lol.  I did read the help info...maybe not well enough.  :matte-motes-bashful:

Edit: Corrected an oopppsy.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

I could have sworn this was the thread where Coby posted a photo of her standing next to one of your kitchens, but now I can't find it.  Anyway...

As a bit of background:  When I began SL in 2007 I wanted my avatar to resemble me RL as far as my height, hair color, eye color, etc.  In RL I am 5'10" (1.778 meters) and wanted my avatar to be tall in SL as well.  I spent some time tweaking my shape and using the measuring tool at The Free Dove, making my avatar the same height I am in RL.  ACK!  I suddenly found myself the Lilliputian in the Land of Amazons.  This wouldn't do!  Thus my introduction to "Why SL measurements don't reflect RL."  I increased my avatar's height.  I was never the tallest female avatar around - those were usually the ones with stick legs, no waist, and watermelon breasts, but at least I felt more like "me."

Over the years this avatar shape worked well for me.  I did create a second shape that was a bit shorter for those handful of times I found myself dancing with a shorter male avatar, but even the "shorter" shape wasn't real short, plus I wear heels 99% of the time.  I was never the tallest avatar in a large group; in fact sometimes I looked a bit on the short side by comparison.  At dance clubs I was often IM'd by men to say it was refreshing to see a female avatar that was proportioned and not stick thin.

Somewhere along the line female avatars seemed to get shorter and no one told me....lol.  I had taken a 6-month break from SL last year and, after returning, stayed primarily on my parcel while building and being a general hermit.  Anytime I did venture out - generally to go dancing - I was still in the "average" range of female avatars.  But then a strange thing happened - individual avatars who came to visit were usually a LOT shorter than mine.  Ok, even in 2007 there were the handful of avatars who preferred to be closer to their RL height, thus being what looked "short" in SL measurements, but the current status seemed to be a trend.  This thread appeared around that time.

Last night I went to a small, family-type club where I know some of the people from years ago.  I switched to my shorter avatar when asked to dance by a male avatar who was on the short side, then began noticing several of the female avatars were shorter as well.  Interestingly, one female avatar who was similar to my height joined SL in 2007 as well.  I asked in general chat if there was some current trend for avatars to be shorter.  One woman responded, "Well yes and no...they are now the right size" which, of course could lead to a whole other discussion on what is "right."  Thus began a discussion about what initially caused the oversized avatars due to camera angle/view with the necessity of oversized builds, etc.  Pretty much the same discussion as on this thread.  Someone even mentioned that 1920's Berlin is scaled closer to real life measurements.

After leaving the club, I headed to your store to see how I "measured up" next to your kitchens after having seen Coby's photo.  I'm apparently the size for whom your kitchens were built:

Cz at Phil

As this thread has demonstrated, people have differing views of "correct" avatar height.  My next "research" into this issue will be to go to my regular jazz club haunt (where a year ago I was generally shorter than most female avatars) to see if that has changed en masse.

I had a great time visiting your store, Phil; it was like a stroll down memory lane.  Yours was one of the very first stores where my former partner and I shopped when looking for furniture for our new home in late 2007. 

Sidenote:  It just dawned on me that when I get a new PC, all photos I have posted from my HD will go poof.  I uploaded this photo to Photo Bucket but couldn't figure out how to get the photo to display rather than a link.  Any help with this is greatly appreciated.

Hi Czari.

First, your photos here won't poof when you change you computer. When you post a picture from you hard drive, it gets uploaded as you can see if you right click the picture, click Properties, and look at its URL.

Next. I'm amazed that you, or anyone, remembers name of people who post things. I remember Coby's picture but I wouldn't have remembered who it was who posted it. It's the same with any picture and usually with any point (text) being made.

Third. You look stunning at the side of my kitchen. Could you please bake a cake for me while you're there?

Awwww..thank you for the compliment. :)

As for remembering, I've always had the ability to remember pretty much verbatim what I read and conversations.  When I was engaged a zillion years ago I introduced my fiance to one of my high school best friends.  She told him, "Be very careful of what you say around Czari.  She has the memory of an elephant."  Until she said that, I thought everyone remembered stuff.

You know, while I was standing there I thought, "I should really bake a cake for Phil and.....ooooooo shiny" and headed off to look at the lamps.  Next time. ;) 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Whew!  Then I don't need to fool with uploading photos to photo sites then posting them here...unless (and I never thought about this) is there any security risk in doing so, like someone being able to find their way onto my HD via a posted pic?

Of course I never worried about it before...lol.

I don't see any way that any one could back track to you from a picture you upload here. 

If I view the image info it shows Second Life / LIthium as the image source.

I don't know if any Meta Data is saved when it is stored here.  (I don't have photoshop to inspect them with).

Even if Meta Data is saved unless you used your cell phone to upload it their would be no information to reveal where you are.  (See
about geotagging with cellular devices.)

If you want to make sure there is no Meta Data in your pictures, you can use a free1 app such as 
  to strip this info.

Thank you for the info, Perrie.  I use Gimp as my photo editing software; hmmmm....wonder if it has the Meta Data stripping feature.  I don't use a cell phone for uploading photos...all are from my PC.  Since I've been posting photos on various forums, websites, etc. in this manner (except when I linked to them on the now defunct FTP), for years I probably have very little to be concerned about.  Great info re: Irfanview. 

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Phil Deakins wrote:

So now that you've seen the lamps, where's my cake?

So I was checking out the lamps and trying to decide if I wanted a table lamp or a floor lamp, Tiffany or more modern; then I saw the ceiling lamps that would work nicely in an Art Deco home.  I got my decision narrowed down to either a Tiffany or the Art Deco style, headed back to the kitchen area and....STATUES and ARTWORK!  They weren't here last time I visited.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

As Lady Czaris official bodyguard, it is one of my duties to defend her from sexist comments as well as physical harm. Please pick  the weapon of your choice and meet me on the common at noon. Please stand on the large X and ignore the crossbow being aimed at your back.

Thank you.

Drake Nightfire


bake me a cake, indeed.

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*Thread hochhol*

Coby foden wrote: "

However,  the only exact accurate way to measure the avatar mesh height is doing it by prim.

Linden Lab is aware of this matter, there is even a JIRA:

Incorrect height information in appearance editor

Status: Aknowledged
Resolution: Unresolved"

Phil Deakins wrote: "That JIRA was created more than 2½ years ago, so it's not something that's likely to be fixed, even though the first response, on the same day, was from linden who said he'd like it to be fixed, and requested discussion for that purpose."

Over two years ago for a simple bug, that could be fixed in the viewer? Oh, my...
Anyway, went through Firestorm, Singularity, the official viewer and pulled up a prim next to me.
Result: Firestorm: 1.79m; Singularity: 1.79m; Official Viewer: 1.60m, Prim: 1.82m including ears.
The avatar came with a default size of 1.80m, only the arms were a tad short.
Interestingly, Dark Spot Designs uses the female shape for the male avatars, which allows for a lean shape,
that in my opinion fits a cheetah quite well.

That's me next to one of Phil's kitchens:


I also took a peek at Imnotgoing Sideways' house in Brown and everything fits perfectly my size,
finally a doorknob, that doesn't poke ones eye out.


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I'd say, judging from the pic, you measure out just about 2m.

However, the kitchen is misconstructed. The worktop is at my chest level, which measures out at 1.3m,
using a prim. recommended RL-height for a worktop is 0.8m to 0.9m. My RL-kitchen worktops measure out at 0.85m.

I have a nice irish cottage, which also suffers from this gigantism, the doorknobs are at eye level,
the doors are three meters high. After changing the camera settings the way Penny Patton suggested,
this gigantism feels unnecessary and unnatural.

Bigger horizontal spaces are necessary, because of the limited movement in SL
(I cannot count the times, I've fallen off a staircase, that would be no problem to navigate in RL),
but three meter high doors? 6 meter ceilings?


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Jadeclaw Denfu wrote:

I'd say, judging from the pic, you measure out just about 2m.

However, the kitchen is misconstructed. The worktop is at my chest level, which measures out at 1.3m,

using a prim. recommended RL-height for a worktop is 0.8m to 0.9m. My RL-kitchen worktops measure out at 0.85m.


I have a nice irish cottage, which also suffers from this gigantism, the doorknobs are at eye level,

the doors are three meters high. After changing the camera settings the way Penny Patton suggested,

this gigantism feels unnecessary and unnatural.

Bigger horizontal spaces are necessary, because of the limited movement in SL

(I cannot count the times, I've fallen off a staircase, that would be no problem to navigate in RL),

but three meter high doors? 6 meter ceilings?


Even at my height, which was actually short compared to the average female avatar of 2007, room dimensions are still huge.  My home has a chair rail that begins above my head to the floor!!

After almost 6 years I've just gotten used to it.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

As Lady Czaris official bodyguard, it is one of my duties to defend her from sexist comments as well as physical harm. Please pick  the weapon of your choice and meet me on the common at noon. Please stand on the large X and ignore the crossbow being aimed at your back.

Thank you.

Drake Nightfire


bake me a cake, indeed.

Mr. Nightfire's tenure as my personal bodyguard has been revoked.  I apologize to Mr. Deakins and will check with my cook to find a suitable cake recipe.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:


Czari Zenovka wrote:


Mr. Nightfire's tenure as my personal bodyguard has been revoked.  I apologize to Mr. Deakins and will check with my cook to find a suitable cake recipe.


It was the sailing, wasn't it? Or maybe the Valentine's thing.:smileywink:

Neither.  Check your IMs, please. :)

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:


Czari Zenovka wrote:


Mr. Nightfire's tenure as my personal bodyguard has been revoked.  I apologize to Mr. Deakins and will check with my cook to find a suitable cake recipe.


It was the sailing, wasn't it? Or maybe the Valentine's thing.:smileywink:

Neither.  Check your IMs, please.

Hold up... what did i do? See if i stop those assassins climbing the walls.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Mr. Nightfire's tenure as my personal bodyguard has been revoked.  I apologize to Mr. Deakins and will check with my cook to find a suitable cake recipe.

No apology is necessary, Czari. Just the cake will do very nicely

Thank you Phil. :)  *Consulting with my food staff*

Oh, and on a slightly different note - that's two of us with good memories (me and Trinity).  Just because something hasn't happened *yet* doesn't mean it won't.  When a group of women are conspiring  quiet, it's just the calm before the nudity...or something like that.  

Coffee & Computer Smiley.gif  Whispering Smileys.gif  Rolling Pin Smiley.gifGroup Hug Smiley.gif

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Czari Zenovka wrote:


Oh, and on a slightly different note - that's two of us with good memories (me and Trinity).  Just because something hasn't happened *yet* doesn't mean it won't.  When a group of women are
 quiet, it's just the calm before the nudity...or something like that.  

Coffee & Computer Smiley.gif

Whispering Smileys.gif
Rolling Pin Smiley.gifGroup Hug Smiley.gif

hehehhehehehhehe.... you say it so better than me lol :smileywink:

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Mr. Nightfire's tenure as my personal bodyguard has been revoked.  I apologize to Mr. Deakins and will check with my cook to find a suitable cake recipe.

No apology is necessary, Czari. Just the cake will do very nicely

Thank you Phil.
  *Consulting with my food staff*

Oh, and on a slightly different note - that's two of us with good memories (me and Trinity).  Just because something hasn't happened *yet* doesn't mean it won't.  When a group of women are
 quiet, it's just the calm before the nudity...or something like that.  

Coffee & Computer Smiley.gif

Whispering Smileys.gif
Rolling Pin Smiley.gifGroup Hug Smiley.gif

I see... I see how it is. What's good fro the goose is not for the gander...

/me joins the revolutuionaries... "DEATH to the tyrants!!!! Long live the fighters!!!!!"

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Et tu, Czari? With all this conspiring against me, I'm going to have nightmares :catfrustrated:

Not conspiring for anything bad....we're just planning your contest.

I just like to add as the appellate judge then I don't have to view the nekky evidence myself firsthand. this is for the other judges to determine in accordance with the law. which in this case they free to make up as they go along. I only get involved if is any dispute on a point of law later on

if there is then any final decision I do have to make then this depends largely on the quality of presents I get. just bc of my busy schedule. like I not have time to hear appeals from just any old nekkid person. but I always got time for presents


ps. I not believe in pre-ordained destiny myself. but Phil. in this case you should

jejejejjeeje (:




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Coby Foden wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

I could have sworn this was the thread where Coby posted a photo of her standing next to one of your kitchens, but now I can't find it.

Funny I cannot find that post either.

Some ghost has eaten it. Anyway, the picture was this one:



I'm 1.78 meters tall (measured by prim) in that picture.

I'm curious.

I just made a set of smaller, more RL realistic sized kitchen units (not the one in the pics), and I'd be interested to know how you, Coby, and other RL-sized avatars measure up against it. If you go to check, it's the wooden kitchen - all individual units - not a kitchen assembly. You can't miss it.

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Phil Deakins wrote:


I'm curious.

I just made a set of smaller, more RL realistic sized kitchen units (not the one in the pics), and I'd be interested to know how you, Coby, and other RL-sized avatars measure up against it.

Ok Phil, here is how the smaller units look compared to my avatar:


I got curious too.  I measured what is the kitchen desk height in my RL kitchen.  I made plywood box to that height and put it next to your kitchen unit.  In the next picture is the result:


The 0.890 meter height for kitchen desks is pretty standard height all over in Finland.

I tried to measure your desk height as closely as I could.

If you wonder how I was able rez a box on your shop floor... I didn't actually.

I made it ready in other place, then wore it in your place, and adjusted the position.


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