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Some riggid mesh start Flickering and Stretching

Kei Niosaki

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over the past few months iv noticed this issues happening a lot more latly for me. I tp to sim with people wearing mesh or someone near me puts on  mesh clothing an suddenly i see mesh lines goin across my screen or flickering. sometimes it effects my mesh clothes sometimes it dont. at 1st i thought it was just on sims with lots of avies wearing mesh. but then it started to happen at my home with only 2 avies on the sim, my freind put on a mesh shirt an suddenly her shirt was flickering but my mesh was fine, then she put on some mesh pants an then my avis mesh sarting flickering. she took it off an my mesh clothes went ack to normal. she put a diffent mesh outfit  an everything was fine also . it seems to be a random issue having a lot latly.  Waht causes this flickering an strecting ? is only some creators mesh that does this ? an my  LOD factor is at 4. Is anyone else having these issues sometimes ? 

computer im running :

CPU: Intel i5  3.10GHz
Memory: 12GB
OS : Windows 7 64-bit
Graphics:  NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 GDDR5

I thought maybe my graphics is to low but then i talked to  many  freinds running on cards ranging from gt530 gtx 560's to even  590's an they have mesh issues as well. but theres usualy result in crashing or not seeing mesh at all not the flickering an strecting liek i get.

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hard to get screen shot as it random. but by flickering i mean the worn mesh flashes on an off, or sometimes it more like wen you have 2 overaping textures an it starts to flash on you, best i can describe it.. as for strecting  you know wen an avi gets deformed an there body is like sticks all strecth out , well the mesh starts to kinda look like that.

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The lines across the screen suggest a graphics driver problem.  How up to date is your driver, and was it properly installed?


Let me take a minute to explain what I mean by "properly" installed, in case anybody doesn't know.  Rule number one is never, ever, ever let Windows Update touch your drivers.  While it's great for keeping Microsoft components up to date, it has never been capable of handling drivers correctly, and likely never will be.

The proper way to update your drivers, the only way that is sure to work, is the following:

1.  If you do not already have it, get DriverCleaner.  It costs $9.99, but it's easily worth at least thirty or forty times that much, in terms of the amount of headaches it prevents, and solves.  It is an absolute must-have.

2.  Go to the manufcaturer's website (nvidia.com or ati.com) and download the installer for latest driver for your card.  Do not run it yet.  Just download it.

3.  Restart your computer in Safe Mode.  To do this, repeatedly tap F8 as the computer is starting (before the Windows logo appears), until Advanced Boot Options screen appears.  When it does, select Safe Mode from the list.

4.  Run DriverCleaner, and follow the prompts to remove all traces of your previous driver.

5.  Restart normally.

6.  Run the installer you downloaded in step 2, and follow the prompts to install your new driver.

Each and every time you update your graphics driver, follow steps 2-6, religiously.  It may seem complicated, all written out like this, but in actual practice, it only takes a couple of minutes. 

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Sounds like the vertex data is getting corrupted. Try disabling vertex buffer objects in preference. If that does fix it then it's a bug in the viewer, a problem with your graphics driver, or your video card is over heating / dying.

Since you say this problem has been getting progressively worse over the last few months, and other people haven't reported this issue I think it's most like one of the latter two.

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Just a bit of info that might be something to think about.

Of late I have noted some flickering just in general. This happens now and then on the same sim (my shop's sim). Comes and goes so not necessarily (or probably not) a viewer thing. There have ALSO been lots of issue with the mesh servers this last week. That is obvious if you go to the realms (something I do to keep the idea of WORK away *wink*) as things are flickering big time there and trees that should not be in a place appear and then are gone. The spire (giant building) appears in sims where it shouldn't be.


So, just sayin' it may not be YOU :D  LOL. That isn't helpful but often times it is true.

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Chic Aeon wrote:


The spire (giant building) appears in sims where it shouldn't be.

There sure is somethign strange going on with the servers.  Lately when sailing I have often seen things (like parts of scenery, rocks, etc) sudenly appearing in front of me when crossing regions.  I know for sure that those things are not there (because I often use the same routes, I know what is there).  I can even sail through them.  It appears as if the parts of scenery which were on my side in the previous region suddenly appear in front of me after the region crossing.  When I cam around a bit after the region crossing, or sail a bit more forward and look back, those things which were not supposed to be there in the first place will vanish.

Also sometimes some of the neigbouring regions flicker, like the whole region is going offline and then coming back online.  I wonder does the region idling thing be the culprit?  I often sail in areas where the regions are totally empty of avatars.

Something is not working "as expected".

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  • 2 months later...

I honestly believe it's a SecondLife issue. I have had the same PC for over 2 years now and I have never had problems viewing Mesh. Now I do understand quite something about computers so I might be able to clear some answer here.

I never saw the glitches you speak of, until 2 or 3 weeks ago it started to happen to me as well. What I tried is to turn of the basic shaders because that seemed to cause the problem and once I did that, the glitches stopped doing what they did.

I can honestly not believe that it's a graphic cards issue if it's purely and only mesh flickering. It would mean that alot of other things would show up "wrong" also.  To back this up: I play the newest video games on high setting and I never have any problem with any graphics glitches showing up. (remember all next generation video games and the games that have been released the last 5  to 10 years, are made with (advanced) Mesh.


So I can safely say that it's a glitch or bug in second life. I myself use the AMD Radeon HD5770 crossfire graphics card on a pc with a Intel i5-750 quad core  processor at 2.67ghz and 12gb of memory (RAM) on a windows 7 64bit home premium.

I use the Firestorm viewer and what might be useful to know is that firestorm only fully work without errors if it's the only viewer installed, but that's my personal experience with it.


So like I said, check if anything changes when you uncheck the box for basic shaders in preferences under graphics.
Mind you, Second Life has been upgrading and working on server issues alot as well. Do not forget that these maintenances and server repairs do have effect on your experience in Second Life as well.


Kind regards,


Archy (Archangel Thor)

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...

HI... I also have a problem recently with mesh bodies stretching out and being deformed. I have shown shots to others and no one else is having the problem. I have been noticing it off and on for a couple of months and since LL has launched the mesh body apps it is everywhere. I did an experiment after doing ALL of the things everyone has said and went to a friends house, logged in and yes... it is the video card. The viewer does not distort the images on their computer which has a little bit better video card in it. So, now I have to buy a better card. It is only my opinion but I think it was very irresponsible to launch a feature that not everyone can use and is so disruptive to the gaming of so many. At least I am able to buy a new card but what about the people who cant? Like I said, just my opinion but I thought I would put it out there. Thank You

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