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Parts of Building not Rezzing

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- When ever I log in or just TP to this Buildling not all the peices are rezzing in. (does not happen all the time, but enough to be annoying)

- All pieces of the Building are linked and because it is a lot of prims it is linked into 4 sections.

- Different pieces of the building at different times will not show until you right click as if you were going to edit the building.  Regardless of the size or texture of the prim.  

It also doesnt matter if you are inside the bulidling displaying very little of the prims.

- There are NO scripts linked to the actual building itself.

- This is happening to more than one avi, using different viewers, different pc's and all who have cleared their inventory, group caches along with dumping region.

Any clue as to why this is happening and/or what the fix is?



Im finding more things on the sim not rezzing correctly either.  Wondering now if this is a SIM thing?

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Is the building large?

If its over 64m in any given direction - its too large to be seen on most people's camera distance settings.

You can up your camera distance and get more of, but also suffer lag as a result -AND- (because of how SL is coded) cause the people around you to suffer lag as well even if they don't adjust anything themselves.

- But recognize that to avoid causing lag, most visitors will not do this unless the place is empty.

So a smaller building, if possible, is ideal. Or segmenting the design such that people only need to see parts at a time. If its very wide, lots of interior walls to break up the area. If its very tall, floors on the side to break up the space, and maybe even clouds outside to break up the view (64m is after all, about a 25 story building).


Also, any prims which have their -center- far away, won't rez until you're closer to the center - this is one reason to avoid megaprims that are a bit -too- mega.


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No clue at all.  And the fix is exactly the one you have discovered: right click where you know that the missing piece has to be.  It pops right into view.  I have a wall in my garden that has done this for ages, and we've had several people in these forums asking about the same glitch in their own builds. 

I was guessing for a long time that this is a Firestorm problem. Firestorm uses a stepped rezzing algorithm when you TP into a new area to keep your card from trying to rez everything at once, so I was hypothesizing that its algorithm just got stuck sometimes.  Other people have said that it happens for them on V3 too, though, so it can't be unique to Firestorm.

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Thats the thing Pussycat, each section of the building is under 64m. One section of this build is just 20x20 and 10 in height.  This is no skyscraper either just normal height.  Peices that are not rezzing are as small as 3x3x1m. 

Once you click the buildling and the pieces appear there is no other issues.  You can zoom in and out without the bulidilng disappearing at all until you reach your prefference settings for draw distance.  

As far as lag there is none over here.... until we have more than 25+ avatars running their own scripts.

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Rolig... Not every sees this, but more to take notice.   And its not happening all the time, but enough to be annoying.

Just glad it is my own personal buildling and not one that is being sold.  

If others are seeing this on other viewers and other builds then im glad to hear that its not me forgetting the rules of bulidling over night. LOL

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Exactly.  Other people haven't commented about my wall either, and I only see its disappearing act maybe once or twice a month.  I'm sure it's something peculiar to my own setup and that specific prim, but I can't figure it out for the life of me.  It's infrequent enough to be nothing more than a passing annoyance or I'd devote more energy to tracking it down.  We've had enough similar reports from other people, though, that I know it's not just me.

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I notice this also with mesh only and havent found a work around. But I suspect it has something to do with lod of the mesh, the buildings I've made are uploaded in several pieces some have higher loads than others and maybe its confusing the client on rez and when I walk around they show other times I have to right click it and they appear. But for me it seems to be related to mesh only.

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I have had this problem a few times as well, though it was pretty bad yesterday which perhaps the rolling restarts are to blame. I have had this problem with mesh AND prims. Right clicking makes the item pop up right away, but it's still annoying to stand in a nearly barren room and you have to get click happy all over to make things show up =/

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Rolig Loon wrote:

I was guessing for a long time that this is a Firestorm problem. Firestorm uses a stepped rezzing algorithm when you TP into a new area to keep your card from trying to rez everything at once, so I was hypothesizing that its algorithm just got stuck sometimes.  Other people have said that it happens for them on V3 too, though, so it can't be unique to Firestorm.

I don't think it's a rezzing problem, really, but rather a (Firestorm?) rendering issue. I get the same thing sometimes, where an entire linkset appears missing; then right-clicking on where the sctructure is supposed to be immediately causes it to get rendered, after all.

Sloppy, I suppose. But as long as it's effect is only local, and does not affect the 'shared experience,'  I consider this a mere minor glitch.

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kiramanell wrote:

Sloppy, I suppose. But as long as it's effect is only local, and does not affect the 'shared experience,'  I consider this a mere minor glitch.

If anything affects the shared experience it's bugs like this, where one person doesn't see the same as the next.

It's not a firestorm issue as was pointed out before, I've seen it many times myself, often the same linksets, always in either the official viewer or Marine Kelley's RLV.


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  • 5 months later...

okay I just started having this problem two days ago....never had it before AND i am using SL viewer (latest version)!!!  I have to admit, i tried to update my firesorm and did the clean install instructions (deleted old version first) and for some reason that new install doesn't work, it doesn't go beyond "clearing cache".  I have jira'ed this.  But now my SL is not showing buildings (I rent a small island in the sky with huts and rocks) on my island and I didn't build them, my owner did.  So what the heck????  I am stuck using SL viewer until Firestorm gives me a fix.  I completely deleted the new install until they do.  ????  Only prims I have rezzed and some of the items that come with the huts (curtains) rez but nothing else.  Owner (Felixx Shepherd at Da Vinci Gardens, Kalepa) has reported this and he was told it was Firestorm.  But I'm not using Firestorm, I'm using SL Viewer.  ???  :-(

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If Firestorm says "clearing cache" as you are starting it up, then you have not done a clean re-install.  If you do a clean re-install, there will be absolutely no cache to clear because you will have wiped it and all of your user settings files completely off the computer manually before installing the new version.  See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall. 

As for the invisible buildings, you may be seeing a recent bug that has generated quite a bit of discussion in the Technical forums. Some objects, seemingly at random, do not rez until you right-click on the spot where you know that they have to be.  I have a building like that.  For over a month now, I have had to right-click on it every time I re-enter the sim in order to make the floor and one wall appear.  AFAIK, there is no cure yet until LL fixes the server code.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I found this discussion through a search as I was having the exact same issues. I have randomly had them for a while now, but lately it has gotten more and more to the point that it is really very annoying. I was hopeing there might be a work around but I guess from what I am reading here I might have to just wait this one out until it is fixed.

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Yup.  We're all dealing with the same issue.  It's a side effect of the changes for Server Side Appearance coding.  Until LL incorporates a fix in their code, the Third Party Viewers will continue to have the problem too.  One small bright spot:  If you toggle into and out of wireframe mode (CTRL + Shift + R), that takes care of maybe 90% of the problem, and the cure persists until you relog.  Other than that, you'll just have to wait like the rest of us.

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