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what do you think of the Ihud 8.0


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First not sure if this is the proper place for this so forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong section of the forums

I recently bought the ihud 8.0 for both myself and a friend and she has had nothing but trouble because of it, today she was in a combot sandbox trying to learn how to use it when she was kicked from the sandbox the owner ended up telling her to delete everything the creator of the ihud gave her (though he could of meant the skybox etc she had started) and told her that the creator scripts bad stuff

Has anyone else used the ihud?what were/are your experiences with it? I'd like your opinions both good and bad on the ihud so I can decide if my friend and i should continue using it or delete it and find another combat hud that the same features etc as the ihud to use

Thanks for you help



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It depends on what you mean by "combat" - to me, that would be some sort of organized wargame-like simulation with rules. If this is what you're after you'd need to see what the sim owner of the combat area will allow.

When I read the description of that HUD it looks to be a griefing tool plain and simple.

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I can see where your coming from about it being a grieding tool though I guess to that depends on the person using it, but I will keep that in concideration when I and my friend decide what to do, I'm relativley new to second life and that is how it is refered to inthe discription, What i was looking for when i found the ihud was something that would put my friend and I on the same footing as the people griefing us, She recently was griefed in a weapons testing sandbox where the managed to grope her and then when she teleported me in animated her avatar in a not good way

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You're probably going to hear this from everyone else on the Forum who posts here. I know you're really ticked off by the actions of whatever idiot griefed your friend, but I have to tell you that responding in kind (responding at ALL, for that matter) is not a good idea. Once you hit back it will never stop. It will just escalate.

And yeah, the description of that thing on MP makes it appear to be designed to grief. You can't reallly blame anyone who sees you using it for thinking you're a griefer, can you?

There really aren't all that many of these whackos. Most of us almost never see them although there are, apparently, some places where they are quite common. If you find such a place don't go there anymore (I'm guessing since you're new you are not trying to protect your own business or anything). If a griefer shows up where you are, wait for them to leave without responding publicly—if you want to learn how to file an AR you can certainly do that—and if they don't leave, you should.

Yes I know, that means you gave in. But there's no way to 'get back' at them in SL, so the best defense is none at all. Think of them as horribly bratty children (which of course is exactly what they are, age notwithstanding). Nothing you can do but ignore them or leave.

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Thats why I asked for peoples opinions on it, if its going to cause my friend and I more trouble then not then we may want to look at something else for protections etc from the griefers in the sandboxes but I can see your point about people thinking we are griefers because of what we are using again its something to think about when we make a decision

You have any thing you can recomend?

Thanks again


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Well, my recommendation is to do nothing, as I suggested. Ignore, mute, de-render and if all else fails leave. Takes a bit of effort to get 'past the mad' and do that but everyone I know that has, myself included, has found that a much better option than retaliation in any form.

I'm glad you decided against that HUD in any case. I think using it would only serve to have strangers assume you to be a griefer. Good luck, whatever direction you take.

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Read Dillon's post again.

The only "protection" from griefers is to ignore them. Never, ever, under any circumstances, engage with them. If for some reason you can't ignore them, pack up whatever you're doing and move to a different sim.

Anything else (especially using any kind of "combat" HUD) only encourages them, squirting monoamines right into their tiny deformed brains. They'll just keep coming after you--and worse, they'll be encouraged to come after others. So do everyone a favor and let their SL experience be boring.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Read Dillon's post again.

The only "protection" from griefers is to ignore them. Never, ever, under any circumstances, engage with them. If for some reason you can't ignore them, pack up whatever you're doing and move to a different sim.

Anything else (
using any kind of "combat" HUD) only encourages them, squirting monoamines right into their tiny deformed brains. They'll just keep coming after you--and worse, they'll be encouraged to come after others. So do everyone a favor and let their SL experience be boring.

I don't know of any one who has ever tried to engage the griefers in either open or in guerrilla warfare who has won.

It's what they live for. It's what gives them a hard on.

We see the people who have tried come here regularly to the Forums crying.

It would just about take assigning a Linden to be on call 24/7/365 acting as a personal body guard to protect them.

If you are griefed, file your abuse report and move on.

Maybe I am sounding extreme here but it is pretty much how it is.

We all agree that there are places in SL that need better policing by LL.  But sometimes we don't think about the person power needed to do it.




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A legitimate combat HUD is something like DCS, GM, RPS, CCS, and so on. These work -only- on the sims that run a special server to support them.

- You go to a roleplay sim, it tells you "We use the [etc] meter here, get one by the sign over there." - and you get it and it puts you into that sim's system - able to use weapons and other things that fit the local roleplay.

A combat HUD that isn't tied to such a system, but works around and about SL, is almost always -used- as a griefer tool, whether or not it was originally intended as such.

This is also why some people dislike things like Bloodlines so much. On a recent tour of roleplay sims, I've found even the Vampire roleplay sims will ban Bloodlines users most of the time. They use vampire HUDs that only work when in the roleplay, and only on other people using the same HUD (one person wears it and chooses to play a vampire, the other wears it and chooses to config setting to play a human, and off they go into the story).

- But things liek Bloodlines work anywhere, and against anyone, including people who want nothing to do with the roleplay its about. So while it is not meant as a griefer tool, it is often seen that way because it gets misused a lot.


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I saw that other thread too, but this one seems more populated. I think that what the original poster has moved on to now, is whether there is anything to prevent those attacks from affecting him. In other words, defense only, without counter-attacks. A quick search on the mp wil show quite a few results, from mainly novelty items, to the al-out griefing hud that the thread was started about. If I'm reading correctly, all that was wanted in the first place was something that would prevent griefing attacks from even being noticed. I know there are anti-push mechanisms, etc, out there, but I can't direct the original poster to any specific item. Maybe someone else can?

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solstyse wrote:

I saw that other thread too, but this one seems more populated. I think that what the original poster has moved on to now, is whether there is anything to prevent those attacks from affecting him. In other words, defense only, without counter-attacks. A quick search on the mp wil show quite a few results, from mainly novelty items, to the al-out griefing hud that the thread was started about. If I'm reading correctly, all that was wanted in the first place was something that would prevent griefing attacks from even being noticed. I know there are anti-push mechanisms, etc, out there, but I can't direct the original poster to any specific item. Maybe someone else can?

i should have read closer perhaps.  i think your assessment is right.


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I'll do my broken record routine on this. I'm really good at 'broken record', btw: just ask my family. Why use anti-push? If you're being pushed on purpose either back up so you won't be, or leave.

Early in my career I went shopping for something in a big shopping area. I arrived by TP at the store of choice and started to walk inside (was a big place) when I was suddenly thrust back out the door by some kind of flood spell thing. I'd no idea what it was but I could see who was casting the spell since it gave me that info. I waited for the whatever to subside and then went back inside the store. Same thing. Pushed out. I tried once more and got it again. After that I just stood at the entrance. And that would have worked had the idiot girl casting the spells not spoken.

 She of course could see me there and said in public, "Okay, all done". I could not resist suggesting she do something that is anatomically impossible (in RL, anyway). Naturally, this earned me a couple more spell castings. All I had to do was be quiet and she'd have left.

I realize that's a mild example but the form holds true throughout. They can't live unless you feed them, and they feed on your response.

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Thanks to everyone that has answered so far you have given me a lot to think about, yes I also posted this in roleplaying because it might be a better place for it and i figured the more opinions I can get the better so i can make informed decisions and let my friend know to

I may be new to SL but i do know better then to feed the trolls on in this case the griefers but its a little hard to walk away when they are bothering someone you care for

Originally when I saw the ihud its appeal wa and is the deffense capabilitites so if anyone can give me  recomendations fo shields defense huds etc I would appreciate it and it might make it easier to comnvince my friend that the ihud may not be the best thing for us to use

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Dillon asked " Why use anti-push? If you're being pushed on purpose either back up so you won't be, or leave."

Well, the simple answer is for the same reason that people use pop-up blockers on the internet, and spam filters in their email. It's so that when this kind of thing does go on, it can't affect you. It makes it a little easier to ignore and get on with what you came here for.

Personally, I like the old fashioned ban. But that's an option that you have to either be an admin on the sim for, or know the admin on staff. And I imagine that the original poster spends his sl time on much more public lands than i do.

*edited to add, Leia, don't you think it would be best to keep the disagreement we had on the other thread in that thread instead of spreading it all over the forums?

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Dillon Levenque wrote:


I'll do my broken record routine on this. I'm really good at 'broken record', btw: just ask my family. Why use anti-push? If you're being pushed on purpose either back up so you won't be, or leave.

Early in my career I went shopping for something in a big shopping area. I arrived by TP at the store of choice and started to walk inside (was a big place) when I was suddenly thrust back out the door by some kind of flood spell thing. I'd no idea what it was but I could see who was casting the spell since it gave me that info. I waited for the whatever to subside and then went back inside the store. Same thing. Pushed out. I tried once more and got it again. After that I just stood at the entrance. And that would have worked had the idiot girl casting the spells not spoken.

 She of course could see me there and said in public, "Okay, all done". I could not resist suggesting she do something that is anatomically impossible (in RL, anyway). Naturally, this earned me a couple more spell castings. All I had to do was be quiet and she'd have left.

I realize that's a mild example but the form holds true throughout. They can't live unless you feed them, and they feed on your response.

That reminds me of an early incident I had.

I was dating a girl from Norway and we were out shopping together when some guy started shouting expletives at us in open chat.

I asked her in PM to give me some juicy things in Norwegian to reply with.  So I just kept doing a copy / paste in Norwegian from PM to local.  After a minute or two the guy gave up on us and just left.

She never did tell me what I said other than it was very juicy.  :D


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solstyse wrote:

Dillon asked "
Why use anti-push? If you're being pushed on purpose either back up so you won't be, or leave.

Well, the simple answer is for the same reason that people use pop-up blockers on the internet, and spam filters in their email. It's so that when this kind of thing does go on, it can't affect you. It makes it a little easier to ignore and get on with what you came here for.


Okay, I can see why that would make sense. I've never used or seen one of those but if it just lets you go on about your business without actually interacting with the 'pusher' then yeah, why not?

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It does kind of pique your curiosity whether an item exists that will just do that... Block the griefing without counter griefing. Doesn't it? :) And if you had such a thing, imagine how satisfying it would feel to know that there is someone trying, but you have protection. lol just imagine the griefer, "Why can't I make this other avi move? Why an't I cage it?" You wouldn't actively be fighting back, but they would get themselves sooo frustrated!

Not just for griefers, but for everyday use in sl, wouldn't it be wonderful if there was something that would prevent crazy graphic effects from overpowering your viewer or your hardware? Sure, griefers like particles, but so do some legit people and items. So, something that would automatically block you from noticing the particles if they reach a certain threshold. And prevent you from seeing other people's bling if you just check an option box. Maybe even automatically turn down your graphics settings, with a prompt that it is doing so, whenever you enter a very vendor heavy area. A spam filter for your inventory that says, "You already have this notecard/landmark/object.... Accept anyway?"

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solstyse wrote:

It does kind of pique your curiosity whether an item exists that will just do that... Block the griefing without counter griefing. Doesn't it?
And if you had such a thing, imagine how satisfying it would feel to know that there is someone trying, but you have protection. lol just imagine the griefer, "Why can't I make this other avi move? Why an't I cage it?" You wouldn't actively be fighting back, but they would get themselves sooo frustrated!

Not just for griefers, but for everyday use in sl, wouldn't it be wonderful if there was something that would prevent crazy graphic effects from overpowering your viewer or your hardware? Sure, griefers like particles, but so do some legit people and items. So, something that would automatically block you from noticing the particles if they reach a certain threshold. And prevent you from seeing other people's bling if you just check an option box. Maybe even automatically turn down your graphics settings, with a prompt that it is doing so, whenever you enter a very vendor heavy area. A spam filter for your inventory that says, "You already have this notecard/landmark/object.... Accept anyway?"

Herein lays the problem.  For every benefit and feature in SL exists the problem that someone may abuse it.

You can go to Advanced/Rendering Types and turn off a slew of features.  You can go to the Develop menu and turn off more.

But do we want  to go through SL Blind, Deaf, Destitute and Naked?

Some SIM's are heavy on particles?  Walk through any fog at a Halloween SIM?  Fog is particles.  Go to a show by the ChangHigh Trinity Sisters?  Very particle laden.  (Who, if you haven't seen one of their shows, I highly recommend).

So your best action is still AR and Ignore.  Perhaps get an anti push tool.  I did a brief search and found over a dozen free scripts for this.  Otherwise you can begin to go into overload.

And the one other thing, if someone is having that much trouble, I sometimes hate bringing it up, but we have to ask, where are you hanging out and / or what are you doing that is attracting that much trouble?  It's an honest question that needs to be asked.



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It has happened to my friend 3 times and may be the result of using the ihud, The first time was right after we bought the ihud and she went to the cordova sandbox to try and learn how to use it and ended up being put in a cage by someone who decided it was wrong for her to be using ihud there and i'll admit and so will she that she shouldn't of been using it in a non combat sandbox

The second time she and her sister went to a combat sandbox again to try and learn how to use the ihud and were attacked by at least 10 people, they deformed her sister and had her trapped when I got home from work and she tped me to her and they managed to animate her avatar in a not nice way ( I found out later they ahd also groped her) I confronted them asked them nicely to let her go and leave her alone and was promptly pushed from the sim, I tped home and tped her there as well

The last time she had again gone to a combat sandbox and ened up laging it as told to her by the owner who also told her to delete everything related to the ihud or he would report her which is what made me post the 2 threads here and in roleplaying about the ihud to get opinions about it so i caould make an informed decision about it

I'm not sure how much of the problems she had can be blamed on her inexperience with using the ihud but she was just trying to learn how to use it and didn't mean to cause anyone else problems

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if you wear a weps HUD outside a combat sim for which the HUD is designed then you will get attacked

is guarantee that to happen

mostly bc the other person expects that you into combat and you not fussy about where the combat will happen or when


dont wear a all-sims weps HUD if you not into combat

so like others say already. just block and derender and sit and teleport. AR if they not stop. these will stop any greifer

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JoelMahla wrote:


It has happened to my friend 3 times and may be the result of using the ihud, The first time was right after we bought the ihud and she went to the cordova sandbox to try and learn how to use it and ended up being put in a cage by someone who decided it was wrong for her to be using ihud there and i'll admit and so will she that she shouldn't of been using it in a non combat sandbox

The second time she and her sister went to a combat sandbox again to try and learn how to use the ihud and were attacked by at least 10 people, they deformed her sister and had her trapped when I got home from work and she tped me to her and they managed to animate her avatar in a not nice way ( I found out later they ahd also groped her) I confronted them asked them nicely to let her go and leave her alone and was promptly pushed from the sim, I tped home and tped her there as well

The last time she had again gone to a combat sandbox and ened up laging it as told to her by the owner who also told her to delete everything related to the ihud or he would report her which is what made me post the 2 threads here and in roleplaying about the ihud to get opinions about it so i caould make an informed decision about it

I'm not sure how much of the problems she had can be blamed on her inexperience with using the ihud but she was just trying to learn how to use it and didn't mean to cause anyone else problems

I was speaking some what generically when I made my "target" comment. 

Historically speaking based on anecdotal evidence Welcome Hubs and Sandboxes are two of the most common places to get harassed.  But as myself and others have pointed out, it is usually how you respond to the harassment that determines the outcome.

For instance if she had responded, "Hey that's cool.  I'm trying to learn how to use this thing.  Can you help me?"  The harasser may have responded negatively, but then again it may have prompted a positive response.



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