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Requesting connection of two linden waterways? How?

Jenni Darkwatch

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up until recently, it was possible to sail from Corsica down to Nautilus and use much of the waterways without interference. Unfortunately, the eastern channel (Degrand) connecting the two continents now dead-ends on the Nautilus side because someone bought Rollo and Herkja, making them no-object-entry and thus effectively disconnecting the two continents.

Is there _any_ way to contact the Lindens with a request to reconnect the Nautilus coastal waterway back with Corsica? There's a few ways I can see that happen, and considering Linden waterways seems to be basically openspace sims it shouldn't even take many server ressources.

And yes, I did try to contact the owner of the sims with a request to just open a small channel across. No response. It's their sim, so it's their rules. Thus plan B... contact the Lindens.

Edit: This is the area in question: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rollo


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There is a inworld group just dealing with the problem you describe, called the Open Seas Project. The intention is to inform and educate SL users on the need to keep waterways navigable. We have a notecard where we explain why it is important and also suggest some possible solutions. One of the solutions we suggest to "privacy concerned" owners is to split a parcel so to make it a navigable channel for boats and leave the rest of the land inaccessible. Sometimes it works and we had some good results. I can provide to you our info kit or I could send it to the land owner if you wish.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Jenni Darkwatch wrote:

Thank you kindly, I'll try to get in touch with them.

Any luck with this?  It is really annoying that Linden Lab opens some cool waterways and then some resident blocks the waterway.  I often sailed through Rollo and now it's impossible.  I saw that south from Rollo, in Thorlaug there is narrow navigable waterway with opening bridge.  Unfortunately there is an empty land plot surrounded by ban lines (group access only).  So that route is blocked too.

There should be a TOS clause:

"If you own a land with waterways in it, you are not to block the waterways in any way from common acces".


Now, that would be great.  :matte-motes-big-grin:


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Those two sims are the primary reason I've never bought land in the oceans north of there - I've been watching that spot for years thinking that some fool could come in and ruin SL for an entire continent of sailing fans... (been looking at that even before I got into SL sailing - I did originally own landlocked land north of there).

Its a very poor ocean design to have let that squeeze through.

There are a number of places in SL with oceans like this - where there pathway through is privately owned...

Some of them have been blocked, and some are still open.

Personally I think there is no business putting private land there, and the Lindens should seize back some of the land from that person and make a waterway.



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The sim south of the one named in the original post is navigable, though the sim crossing was extremely laggy and I crossed when only I was in the linden sim to its west, and only 2 avatars were in it.

(Crossing flying, haven't tried to sail through yet).

The Hearts on the map for these sims - I see that symbol all over mainland in the continents north and south of this spot.

 EDIT: Rollo sim is also now open, and was not as laggy as its southern neighbor.


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Took my Nessie for a spin, Started in the rezz-zone at the end of Route 12 in Rannvelg,
then through Thorlaug, Arnthrud, Herkja, Rollo, Soncino, Montefalco, Egill, Viterbo, Volterra, Valenza, Thorkell,
only to have Nessie die on me at the Valenza/Thorkell-border, as the Valenza-sim acted up. (lost connection, had to relog).

So, vehicles you sit on seem to be ok through Herkja & Rollo. Run Scripts is set to Everyone, Object entry to Group only.

The Heart symbol is a rental operator for fancy skyplates with mostly empty space on the ground.


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I don't do much in SL in winter (too much RL work), but I tried it this past weekend. You can indeed sail through, _if_ your boat is phantom and _if_ you can reset the camera after passing through. flying through with the LL freebie airplane for example completely hosed the camera view with no way to reset it that I could see/find.

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Jadeclaw Denfu wrote:

The Heart symbol is a rental operator for fancy skyplates with mostly empty space on the ground.

I wonder what that rental operator has been thinking of?  I guess they never sail.

Linden Lab should prohibit using the world map as some advertizing board.  The meaning of the map surely is to show what is there in the regions, not that somebody uses it as a signboard "Hey, here we are!". :smileyindifferent:


It's a disservice to the sailing community to hide the whole sim map under some text or symbol.  When planning a sailing route one would like to see from the world map what's in a sim, are there waterways or is it landblocked.

This, grrr...


headache.gif... the world map is NOT an advertisment board!

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If you think that's bad look at the map for Zindra.

But its been like this as long as I've been around - people have been rezzing prims in shapes at around 200m in the sky (or sadly sometimes lower) to get them to show up on the map.

I too find it distasteful.
At the least, if you have something visible on the map that OCR software can read - your search results should be punished to zero.

- Though this would require 'alt detection' and 'connected lots' detection as people would then just make their 'search based landing point' a tiny exception...

So couple that with an AR category to get some manually knocked out of search for doing this.


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  • 5 months later...

To be honest I never followed up with LL on this. I can't say I have any faith in LL to do anything about this, thus I didn't want to waste my time.

As far as I can see the only sensibe way to resolve the issue would be to add linden water sims from Gubbio east, past Valgerd, then down to Soncino - 5 sims all in all, one physical server at most. Anything else would mean repossessing some land which I can't see happening anytime soon.

And you're right, thanks to the silly security orb it's now impassable.

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Andrea Curtis wrote:

I just had my pleasant day on the water brought to a sharp end by the security orb on the Rollo region. This really is very tiresome.

Rollo is a great PITA.  It was very interesting to start from Blake Sea regions and then via Rollo to the other continent as far as one could go there.  Not possible anymore.  The region owner appears to turn deaf ear for any suggestions to open a route for sailors there.  :smileysad:

I have been dreaming of new water region in one place - connecting Lands End and Havna.  That would enable very interesting round trip route.



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That's exactly who I blame :) And it's not just those two sims either. They did create a few channels and such, some of which inexplicably fizzle out along the way.

The owners have every right to be as assinine as they darn well please, they pay the tier, they can ban and block everything and everyone for any reason whatsoever.

Bad planning. I'd like to think they're going to fix it someday, but I'm not holding my breath.

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This seems to be a situation where one step is taken forward and another back. Some time ago, I sailed from Newport Yacht Club to Saint Helene. At that time, I could pass through Rollo with no problems but was blocked by a no-public-access region at Starstrider, requiring me to backtrack and sail up the waterway that runs North from Chopsaw to Skains.

Nantucket Y.C - Saint Helen.jpg

Since then, Rollo is blocked, but Linden Labs (presumably) has reserved a narrow corridor along the southern boundary of Starstrider, and a number of similar corridors which do allow one to sail round the West coast of the continent. Which is great. Now if we could just persuade them to stop running their corridors diagonally across regions from corner to corner, forcing skippers to brave the dreaded four-corner-sim-crossing...

I too have attempted to contact "the management" of the Rollo region, but have received no reply. I can understand that they might find it annoying to be hassled over what is really not their problem, but it is a great pity that they can't see their way clear to allowing at least a corridor along the northern edge of the region.

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Just for fun I tried to fly using my Nessie through that corridor at the northern edge of Rollo and I had no problems.
If there is a security orb, it seems that the owner has reconfigured it.
I suggest to stay as close to the northern edge (fake mountain wall) and go through quickly in a straight line
to not disturb the tenants of the island there.

Herkja however is a different ball game, the security orb there kicks out anything on ground level. In 5 seconds.
If you need to go down to Arnthrud, there is a small gap at the North-Eastern corner of Holmfrid to squeeze through.
Stay between the first red marker and the fake mountain (Which is phantom), then turn immediately East into Arnthrud.

Btw. there is a 10min. rez-zone at the northern border of Orvieto, it is marked with a white buoy.

 Andrea Curtis wrote: "but Linden Labs (presumably) has reserved a narrow corridor along the southern boundary of Starstrider"
It is. It is marked with red buoys and is owned by Governor Linden (Maintenance). Going further west, it is possible
to follow the coast around down to Lusiana & Milio. Since some of the Linden provided waterways are quite narrow,
use the Minimap (with Property Lines enabled in Firestorm 4.4 and Dolphin) to navigate.


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