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Drama Why does no one want to talk about their problems?

Chaeli Eyre

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Drama, what is its definition and why to people abhor it so much? In Hollywood people love it, they get paid millions of dollars to make movies, and people watch them. There are countless magazines with "what happened with Bradd Pit and Angelina". But we are not allowed to talk about what's going on in our own lives. My question is why? And what if someone joins a group and is new to SL and doesn't know what drama means, should they be beaten and banned for their ignorance? Seems to me that's more dramatic. And how can you tell if you will be called dramatic if you do not know what another persons definition of it is? And before someone sends the SL police after me for posting this is it so bad to have discussions like this to empower people's self esteem and give them knowledge. I mean if people didn't talk about their "drama" to their therapists they would be out of a job. And psychologists would not get their paycheck, and people would be worse off with out their ant-depressants wouldn't they?

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Simple answer:

Undesired headache with irrelevant data and wich should be kept between the two persons the gossip is about, if the roles were around and the gossip was about the teller, they`d get angry for sharing personal information of their "lives"

Personally i wouldn`t care even if it was about my RL neighbours, let alone about two avatars in a virtual world

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The title of your post is rather misleading. Most people are just fine talking about their own problems. What they dislike is LISTENING TO OTHER PEOPLE'S PROBLEMS. Especially if they don't know that person. And you said yourself, therapists get paid to listen to other people's problems. I'm sure you'll find my rates quite competitive.

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Simple answer:

Undesired headache with irrelevant data and wich should be kept between the two persons the gossip is about, if the roles were around and the gossip was about the teller, they`d get angry for sharing personal information of their "lives"

Personally i wouldn`t care even if it was about my RL neighbours, let alone about two avatars in a virtual world

This^^  The way I generally hear the term "drama" used in SL is denoting a person who seems to enjoy stirring up some kind of brewhaha between others.  That is not "talking about their problems" unless said problem is people not wanting to be embroiled in a gossip-fest.


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Talking about your "problems" always leads to revelations about personal life.  People who talk about their problems in an open venue (such as SL or SL's forums or any publically accessible forum) are the very same people who wind up getting all up in arms over someone revealing personal information to strangers..........well now, how ironic  :).  On any public accessible forum on the Internet, you have almost zero chance of knowing who it is you are telling your "problems" to (and in that process revealing information or insight into your personal life......your personal RL).  When someone comes stalking you, you shout loudly about LL (or someone else) needing to provide more protection for the individuals.

You are your own worse enemy.  If you value your privacy (and on the Internet, you should....it can even mean your life depends on it) then keep your problems to yourself or to close RL friends, or to licensed shrinks.  I cringe every time I see someone spouting their person problems here on the forums.

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Chaeli Eyre wrote:

Drama, what is its definition and why to people abhor it so much? In Hollywood people love it, they get paid millions of dollars to make movies, and people watch them. There are countless magazines with "what happened with Bradd Pit and Angelina". But we are not allowed to talk about what's going on in our own lives. My question is why? And what if someone joins a group and is new to SL and doesn't know what drama means, should they be beaten and banned for their ignorance? Seems to me that's more dramatic. And how can you tell if you will be called dramatic if you do not know what another persons definition of it is? And before someone sends the SL police after me for posting this is it so bad to have discussions like this to empower people's self esteem and give them knowledge. I mean if people didn't talk about their "drama" to their therapists they would be out of a job. And psychologists would not get their paycheck, and people would be worse off with out their ant-depressants wouldn't they?

ppl dont "abhor" drama .. are you kidding?  ppl LOVE drama .. & thrive on it .. if not for drama ppl would be utterly bored .. i know ppl say they dont like drama .. but theyre lying .. of course they do .. so dont be fooled ;)



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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Low blow to us Americans.......specifically us Americans who happen to live in the area of Hollywood, CA (I assume that's the "Hollywood" you at talking about). 

Stirring up some drama? 

No not attempting to. If i was trying to do that it would be about American distortionsof the English language. That works every time :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

It is not intended to be a low blow as the majority of my SL friends are Americans and always have been.

I am stating loudly and clearly that people in the USA are more used to "entertainment & culture" that people of other nationalities might find boring, tedious or possibly even offensive. But that is what free speech and democracy is all about.

My American friends are well aware of my personal view on these issues, which is why they are my closest friends. They are tolerant, caring, considerate & fun individuals.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

I like drama.........always have. 
  I don't like drama that leads to personal attacks but otherwise I do sort of "thrive" on drama.  I don't start drama threads but I admit to seeking threads out started by others.....it's entertainment.  Sometimes better than reallity shows on TV 

;)  me too ..



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I don't mind talking to true friends privately about their problems as that's one thing real friends are for.  I don't want to hear about the problems other people have that I don't know though, and certainly not from third parties.  That's just gossip and I am not into that in SL or RL.  I also could care less about Hollywood gossip in RL..

But gossip is only one element of drama.  To me drama is also doing things that will deliberately upset people and/or get them mad.  Or its people not minding their own business and jumping into other peoples stuff and choosing sides.  It's blowing things out of proportion and being overly dramatic.  I have no time for this kind of BS either. 

I avoid drama and drama queens like the plague.  Sometimes in SL you can't avoid drama however,  In that case I deal with it as best I can to get it out of my SL as fast as possible.

There is enough drama in RL,  Don't need it in SL.

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Haha.  I can understand what you are saying.......but in my life's experience I've found that there are some people who actually are honest and have a very different view on life.  If Ametthyst says she tries to avoid drama at all costs, I tend to believe her.  My "honesty" is that I seek out drama when the mood strikes.  And then, only the drama I want to participate in.  :)  Everyone has a different view.  I can respect that.....and hope others (such as Amethyst) can respect my stand.  Somehow I think she can.  :)

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Haha.  I can understand what you are saying.......but in my life's experience I've found that there are some people who actually are honest and have a very different view on life.  If Ametthyst says she tries to avoid drama at all costs, I tend to believe her.  My "honesty" is that I seek out drama when the mood strikes.  And then, only the drama I want to participate in. 
  Everyone has a different view.  I can respect that.....and hope others (such as Amethyst) can respect my stand.  Somehow I think she can. 

oh .. i agree w/ you Peggy .. & maybe in Amethys'ts case she truly is as she claims to be .. but all so often its like .. >> I'm not like the rest of you drama queens, I'm above all that gossip .. she said what ?!?! << LoL  im just being cynical tho :cattongue:



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I'll tell you something about drama!

*holds hand up to mouth.. "Moviestar.resident was seen with pssst, whisper, aconfsd.gif gossip gossip.. and then they both went to pssst, gossip, then groupie.resident showed up and they all stayed overnight!  :o
Yes truly! :matte-motes-agape: OMGawd Can you believe that!?!?

*edited to enhance the drama potential :-)

*no avatars fictional or real were intentionally dissed in this post.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

I like drama.........always have. 
  I don't like drama that leads to personal attacks but otherwise I do sort of "thrive" on drama.  I don't start drama threads but I admit to seeking threads out started by others.....it's entertainment.  Sometimes better than reallity shows on TV 

same lol

all ur dramaz blongs tu meh (:

i read somewhere that Eleanor Roosevelt said it best. like: if you got nothing good to say about anyone then come and sit by me

something like that (:

ps. Jerry Springer is the most evil man on TV evah ever. and then Dr Phil

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   1. A play for theater, radio, or television.
   2. Such works as a genre or style of literature.


Definition of DRAMA
1a : a composition in verse or prose intended to portray life or character or to tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions through action and dialogue and typically designed for theatrical performance : play — compare closet drama
b : a movie or television production with characteristics (as conflict) of a serious play; broadly : a play, movie, or television production with a serious tone or subject <a police drama>

2: dramatic art, literature, or affairs

3 : a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces



   1. Of or relating to drama or the performance or study of drama.
   2. (of an event or circumstance) Sudden and striking: "a dramatic increase in recorded crime".


Drama is the act of acting like a character. The dialogue consist of false claims and exaggerations, intended to provoke a sudden, and emotional response. Drama plays upon every emotion, thought, and mood, constantly twisting and contorting the meanings of words, in an attempt to draw the audience in. 

Drama picks, and pry's, pokes and stabs, pushes and pulls, and twist and turns. Drama is a public display, of personal tragedy. A tragedy is when you know something is going horribly wrong, and you are powerless to stop it.

Drama is a  freight train, barreling down the tracks. It tows a barbed line, a chained gang, hooking and snaring, anything along it's path. 


70% of the people on this Planet do not have access to a toilet. The same 70% do not have clean water to drink. One half of the World's population lives in the dark, without electricity. Hundreds of thousands of children on the continent of Africa, do not have enough food to eat.

Now,... tell me about your problems.




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