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need more groups

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i think we need more groups then 42 because it get filled so easy for those who work at djs jobs and keep getting a dj job and plus do other jobs and use stores for vendors and all and each group u join have 2 or 3 groups and time it all said and done the groups are filled i believe it should be increase more we been having this problem for a while now i think it could be increase over 100

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Howard1985 Doghouse wrote:

i think we need more groups then 42 because it get filled so easy for those who work at djs jobs and keep getting a dj job and plus do other jobs and use stores for vendors and all and each group u join have 2 or 3 groups and time it all said and done the groups are filled i believe it should be increase more we been having this problem for a while now i think it could be increase over 100

you must really enjoy being spammed !!

when i was new i joined groups left & right .. once i realized that joining a group meant that the group would spam you .. i started deleting groups .. now i belong to very few .. & i dont play the changing group tags thing either .. even tho it sometimes means missing out on a few $L cuz i dont have the tag activated .. belonging to 100 groups would be a nitemare !! itd result in incessant spam



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well i work in second life first of all i have  4 djs jobs and there plenty of more djs i can get to work for plus i work for 2 live singers and need the groups for that and plus i got some vendors to add to stores and i cannot go to stores and put up and sell when i cannot add there groups because it all full  so i think adding more groups would help those who actual are working and do stuff or they can do something with them subscribers add to club and have us use the subscribers to join to rezz things into there land

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The group limit was raised couple years ago from 25 to 42. I can't think of them increasing it again any time soon.

People shouldn't join SO many groups. 
As a DJ you may need to join like 2 groups per club the public one and the staff one. I do that because all the equiptment at my club is all set to allow group only to use and rez etc.

Stores should really have 1 group. If you DJ at 5 places that's 10 groups... You join the group of 10 venders thats 20 groups filled you still have half.

It's all about group managment and removing those you aren't actively involved in.

the only people who have this complaint are those who roleplay like in 50 different communities *over exageration* And those who don't clear out there list of groups they are less active in than others.

Personally I think 42 is more than enough. But that's because I manage the groups I'm in and the groups I own well enough.

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plus u might figure each place u go and work for crying out loud they do not how to do the groups right where they cannot hand people out only 1 group per land they have to give u 2 to 3 groups per job and that is ridicoulous that just fills ur space up faster and those who are working at a bunch a place and do this and do that and they cannot do much more when they have more free time they cannot because the groups are just filled

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when ur a dj and got more time to keep filling ur full week of djing and things to do plus a manager for 2 live singers to have them sing at venues plus go to people places to sell ur vendors and u fiqure each groups have 2 to 3 groups for each thing the 42 groups are filled sorry to said i do not have a real life job i been laid off and the united states economy is the poorest ever in this world and it just getting worse so i on second life 7 days working my butt of from sunrise to past midnight working my but of doing thing to help earn some money and it hard to have no groups space to do nothing

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First of all I think peopel of Madagascar or Venezuela would be very sickened to hear you think the US economy is worse than theres.

It takes 2 groups per DJ job.. 12 DJ jobs = 24 Groups.
2 Live Venues you said .. that could bring it upto 30 Groups.
Leaving another 12 group slots for your vender selling.

Manage your groups better is all it takes. And your real life issues isn't going to make Linden Labs increase the group capacity. 

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At one time we only were able to join 25 groups.  People had been begging for more group spaces for years before they raised it to 42 a couple of years ago.  I doubt they will increase that anytime soon as the more groups you are able to join the more group data they have to store. 

Many people that rent various shops join the land group to rez their things then leave it afterwards, then ask for an invite when they need to rez other things.  It is not ideal, but it is a way to juggle available slots.

Perhaps the real solution is that group roles should be updated to create groups or levels within a group so that you had the ability to communicate through notices and group chat with only the levels that you wish to receive the information.  Also the ability to create more roles and assign or restrict more rights within roles. Perhaps a owner/senior management level, a staff level, and an 'everyone' level for patrons and vips.  In other words, make group management flexible enough so that only one group was needed to manage a venue.

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Firstly, why the capitals?

Secondly, everyone here has answered your query. It won't be done. And that's why we offer you alternatives. Second Life is a social platform it isn't created or designed to be used as a money making service. Yes people have done it for Second Life but that is a wonderful perk but it isn't what it's based upon.

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I doubt they will raise it anytime soon but I sure wish they would. Or...as mentioned I wish more of the groups I'm required to be in would go to being subscriber based. As a merchant, I'm in around 15 or more groups that are specific to vendor groups...as in i'm in their VIP program or a paid fee group to get discounts on their full perm groups. Plus all the shopper groups like Fable fridays, 60L weekends, etc all I am required to be in if I want to participate. PLUS all the hunt groups. hunt groups are killing me right now because I do so many and of course on the good ones you don't want to leave right after the hunt ends because then you miss notices of their future hunts. I think 42 is actually a good number of groups, I just wish more would start using the subscriber options, especially for merchants who only need to receive updated vendor packages.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Howard1985 Doghouse wrote:

i think we need more groups then 42 because it get filled so easy for those who work at djs jobs and keep getting a dj job and plus do other jobs and use stores for vendors and all and each group u join have 2 or 3 groups and time it all said and done the groups are filled i believe it should be increase more we been having this problem for a while now i think it could be increase over 100

you must really enjoy being spammed !!

This ^^ 

As a merchant joining designer groups to send out notices when the max number of groups was 25, I created a dedicated "advertising alt" that is the same name as my store and used that av to join the groups for my business.  Worked wonderfully.

Since the limit was raised I've joined more designer and hunt groups on my main.  Once in awhile I need to leave a group, at least temporarily, for one that is required.  I make sure I leave a group that is not an invitation-only one so I can rejoin later if I wish.

That being said, there are times I don't want constant "pinging" from group chat.  I turn off the "accept group notices" and "group chat" on various groups when I start getting spam overload.  It's just as easy to turn them back on when I do need to be "connected."

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Yes I need more groups too, I own shops so I need to join some groups for rezzing rights, I am a creator so I need to join a scripts group when I need help, I have some gadgets that help me build stuff (like mesh) and I want to ask those groups for advice now and then as well... but the biggest need for groups takes place in the Roleplay scene.

I think our sim alone has close to 10 groups, and some of those have differet titles, different rights, etc, etc.

We need more groups, OR groups needs to be updated.

From my blog;

One of the first things is that groups need more space for roles, at the moment a group can have just 10 roles, a few of those don’t count because those go to owners, everyone, etc.
That is not a lot of roles for a roleplay sim.
If we had more, we wouldn’t need to create more groups… except for communication.

We even have to use a pay per month service from Hippo to create another 20 groups just to be sure we can communicate with them as well.

So the next improvement would be a very simple one; let us send messages to members inside a group who have a certain role.
For instance, our group could have tenants and police as a role, all within our main group.
When we want to announce a rent decrease we can use the very same main group and send the message or note to JUST the people with the tenant role.
Or when some criminal is wandering around town clearly being planning some evil deed, we could send a note JUST to the people with a police role… to make things even nicer, we could perhaps even start a chat with JUST these people.

A little dropdown menu next to the “chat” or “send notice” buttons is always set to “everyone” but by clicking it you can choose the people who have the role you want to talk to.

All this would cut back on the amount of groups dramatically, it would would make search a lot easier and would give people less groups to manage.

Most of all it would allow people who manage large communities to keep things a little clearer and also save some money by quitting those paid services.

Group lag has been reduced a bit a while back but it is still rather bad at times.
Another important thing that groups REALLY need is the option to ban someone from joining the group.
Right now it is a bit of a hassle, you need to take away someones ability to take part in a group chat if you want to chat them up.
A manual and complicated task.
And even if you remove their group chat ability they will still receive group notices and be able to listen in.
It is odd that as a sim owner and group owner I do not have the power to simply ban someone from a group!

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Yes it is quite shocking that with the regular viewer there is no way to mute certain groups.

I use the official viewer now and then to upload mesh and am astonished to find out how horrible it is, but especially groups can drive you nuts.

One IM after another, group chat all over the place.

I need more or better groups and the option to mute group chat, mute grou messages and be able to ban people permanently.

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Mew mew ma Group a loo :matte-motes-asleep:


I need more groups. Theres are many more paid groups now for stores, plus all the top musicans i need there groups for trackign shows, and i need my land group, and the special friends groups i must be in.


Believe it or not but now i am juggling groups just like i was when it used to be before 42 groups, so yes, i need more


thank you,



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At what point does it become a gigantic blur?

The Group list was created for Residents to share their interest with other Residents. 

It is my opinion, that the primary purpose of the list should be to facilitate social exchange; commercial use should be secondary, and not warrant a cause for action.





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As far as I am concerned, the groups were created as a way for us to communicate with others.

We do this for social reasons but shops clearly need a group, sims need groups, venues need groups, real estate owners need groups, etc, etc.

And to communicate some sims need more then one group, I think my sim has 13 groups, if not more.

If groups were created as I suggested in my earlier post, we would just need one group.

But till then, 13 it is.

If we could do without groups, we would, after all they are laggy like hell.

We even use subscription based mailinglists we're paying for just because groups don't work the way we need them to work.

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There are many factors which need to be taken into consideration.

Allowing additional Groups, will promote the formation of new groups, which will further dilute an already over populated Search, producing an even larger number of irrelevant returns.

Data is data, there's no getting around that. Additional groups showing will be additional data / server load.

As mentioned, increasing the allowed Groups will primarily benefit commercial users.


I agree that how Groups are structured, should be completely overhauled.

A single Group Command page that will allow some edits, to all groups at once.

Allow Group... Grouping; groping is still optional.





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