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******Whats your favorite thing about Sl?****

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Mine is all the ceatived .... OMG I am amazed every time I go exploring and seeing what people have done here....all the wonderful people from all over the world  bring their creative to the table called sl..Please tell me what is your favorite part or place in sl.I love all the photographers toooooooooo OMG ((((((Just Awesome)))))):smileyhappy:

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The fact that the combination of all that creativity can give avatars different auras is what amazes me.

You know, the feeling you get from a certain avatar/s when you first see, meet or are attracted to them?

 Or else you encounter an avi who's presence is comforting and they turn out to be wonderful people in real life?

That's just truly amazing.

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About the only thing that continues to amaze me like it did when I first came to SL is, no so much the creativity, but the diversity of that creativity.  I mean where else can you walk around and see a dumpy old run down trailer park right next door to a tropical paradise?  A few years ago I made it a project to walk every single road, railroad and Linden Protected trail on my continent (Heterocera.........one of the older mainland continents).  I would spend hours on end several evenings a week just walking the roads and trails.......so long that I'd get a backache and my right hand will feel like it's about to fall off from holding know the arrow keys on my keyboard.  It took me months to get to all the roads but I saw some of the most amazing stuff......most of which had no rhyme or reason (just pretty or unusual or freaky or ugly.......but all amazing).  I still go on jaunts on occassion........it's an ever changing invironment that is a new venture every time I go for one of my walks.

I live on a sky platform and I spend a lot of time there making stuff (mostly I delete it after doing it since I have too much stuff anyway).  A couple weeks ago I TP'd down to ground level on my plot.  I thought I had TP'd to some place other than my land but the address bar said it was my land.  There was a brand new train station right next to my land that the SLRR folks had built on the Linden Land that runs along side my land.  It was really quite quaint and nice...........and that all happened almost over night (it wasn't there a week before and there was no indication that anything was going to be built there either).  It's that's kind of stuff that continues to amaze me......a surprise around every bend.  :)

I've met some nice people while doing my walk abouts.  One of the regular posters here I met while on one of my walks.  I was walking using my alt and a crashed.  Back in those days a crash often lead to a "stuck presence" (commonly called "ghosted").  I figured out pretty quickly what had happened so I logged in me to request a sim restart to unghost my alt.  I was standing at the edge of the sim that was restarted watching it come back online when Marigold Devon popped up asking if I needed help.  Marigold was a "ghost-buster".........she had some secrete way of finding ghosted avatars and getting them un-stuck.  We are friends to this day............Marigold is a regular on these forums too but she's using a different account (I hope she doesn't mind me saying she famous in SL for her work helping untold numbers of people with ghosted avatars).  It's those moments when you meet such nice people that will always amaze me.

Many things in SL are sort of old hat..........like clubbing.  But some things are new every time I log in.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


I live on a sky platform and I spend a lot of time there making stuff (mostly I delete it after doing it since I have too much stuff anyway).  A couple weeks ago I TP'd down to ground level on my plot.  I thought I had TP'd to some place other than my land but the address bar said it was my land.  There was a brand new train station right next to my land that the SLRR folks had built on the Linden Land that runs along side my land.  It was really quite quaint and nice...........and that all happened almost over night (it wasn't there a week before and there was no indication that anything was going to be built there either).  It's that's kind of stuff that continues to amaze me......a surprise around every bend. 

Many things in SL are sort of old hat..........like clubbing.  But some things are new every time I log in.

I can relate, Peggy.  I've lived in a sky home pretty much my entire time in SL and the vast majority of that on the same sim.  There are a handful of us who are long-time residents of the sim, with the rest of it alternating between new people and being for sale.  I went down to land level on my parcel for the first time in months and WHOA!!!!  The parcel behind me had a new neighbor on it with some nice builds.  (I need to get out of the house more often...lol.)  I'm like you, most of my time these days in SL I'm either in my skyhouse, on my building platform, or in my shop...all on the same parcel.

My first couple of years in SL were such fun and my eyes were wide with wonder.  I wish I could recapture that feeling.  I'm still impressed when I see particularly nice builds, but I'm usually "editing linked parts" to see how they built that.  The hazard of getting interested in building...lol.


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To be able to sit in front of my pc, teleport to some nice place (Chouchou in this case) and just watch how many different visual expressions are there... far more than the whole world in one place. It is similar to rl when you sit on a busy morning and drink coffee watching people go by, just bigger and more interesting outfits, forms and colors:)

Sooo... I like diversity.

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onewith Slingshot wrote:

Mine is all the ceatived .... OMG I am amazed every time I go exploring and seeing what people have done here....all the wonderful people from all over the world  bring their creative to the table called sl..Please tell me what is your favorite part or place in sl.I love all the photographers toooooooooo OMG ((((((Just Awesome)))))):smileyhappy:

im still amazed at being able to fly !! flying was the very 1st thing that amazed me about SL & it still does .. i like being able to fall hundreds or thousands of meters & not be injured .. i like being able to breathe underwater ..

i like being able to dance all evening & not be worn out .. i LOVE all the music i get to hear in SL .. & the interesting & cool ppl i get to meet & chat with .. from all over the world! i love the parties iv attended .. like HippieStock 2  back in Jan .. thanks Hippie !! .. & the new yrs eve ball .. & other great parties ..

i like that theres no dirt in SL .. no messes .. nothing to clean up ..

i like taking pictures in SL & posting them to facebook .. i like exploring around & seeing different sims ..

i like being able to have sex & not worry a bout stds or pregnancy ~well unless you & your partner has the Mama Allpa hud .. & then an abortion is as easy as clicking the mouse~Haha !! i DO love my Zoobie baby Jaques tho

i like putting outfits 2gether & being blonde 1 day & a redhead the next ..

i love the castle on the Lexicolo sim that has the shrine to my Lady Vanadís .. 

most of all i love my SL sisters who are DJs & have been so very generous & kind to me .. Thanks! CJ & Leslie .. LOVE YOU ~~♥³

@Peggy: great post !!



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I love exploring and seeing what people have created: from one prim, to an avatar, to a continent. After five months I am still amazed every time I am here.

I also feel a great sadness, sometimes, when I have tried to track down the maker of something I saw while I was travelling, and find that the artist has seemingly left Second Life for good. I have followed slurls that landed me in vacant lots; or gotten the message "that location is no longer there". In a way, though, that makes me have a greater appreciation for what still IS here.

You could say that Second Life is like a garden of flowers that bloom and fades. Let us tend our gardens.

Or you could say that "Second Life is the Gateway to the Metaverse". But I am not ready to begin packing. I'm waiting until they get "those other places" both as perfect as Second Life, and cheaper.


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Having fun with RL people as they see SL for the first time. Exploring with them. Unfortunately I do'nt get to do that very often.

I used to think it was the creativity and landscaping but lately, the level of professionalism has left me feeling I will never catch up, so it might as well be a professional video game. I'm impressed but not heartwarmed as I used to be.

So lately it's either RL people, or my meeroos. Trite, but true. Those give back to me the most at the moment.

Honestly I thought I and my place meant more, but when I closed it, I got ONE message saying the person missed hte place...and when I posted here about my birthday - well. One person I knew and two I didn't know, but thanks to those people. :)

It does put it all into perspective. SL is no replacement, at least for me, for RL is what I've learned this year.

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I'm impressed but not heartwarmed as I used to be.

I'm the opposite Melita. I'm heartwarmed by Second Life but not impressed. It's the people, not the builds or pixel stuff that's important. I'm sorry that more people didn't express their appreciation for what all you did. Come & hang out with me & my sisters, if you want. :) There are some caring people in Second Life. But you're right, of course. SL is no replacement for RL. Best wishes!


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Melita Magic wrote:

Having fun with RL people as they see SL for the first time. Exploring with them. Unfortunately I do'nt get to do that very often.

I used to think it was the creativity and landscaping but lately, the level of professionalism has left me feeling I will never catch up, so it might as well be a professional video game. I'm impressed but not heartwarmed as I used to be.

So lately it's either RL people, or my meeroos. Trite, but true. Those give back to me the most at the moment.

Honestly I thought I and my place meant more, but when I closed it, I got ONE message saying the person missed hte place...and when I posted here about my birthday - well. One person I knew and two I didn't know, but thanks to those people.

It does put it all into perspective. SL is no replacement, at least for me, for RL is what I've learned this year.

Wait...you closed down Changing Rooms? Oh gosh...I didn't hear anything about that. :matte-motes-agape:


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Melita Magic wrote:

Yes it has been closed about three weeks now. (I left a few friends on the access list.)

Thank you JeanneAnne for the kind words.

I read your profile in world last night after posting.  We all need breaks from time to time and you definitely deserve one with lots of pampering.  Changing Rooms was such a labor of love; I'd like to personally wring the necks of the people who abused it. 



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