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Vampires spamming bite request !

Ed Palletier

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I am so damn sick of this, why does linden labs allow this?

The bite request is harassment TOS 8.2 sec 5

I did not join SL to be hunted by vampires, I refuse to wear the garlic neckles!

I could care less if you want to be a vampire, but why are we force to play there game?

Bloodline is the only game in SL we have to opp out of.

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I cannot remember the last time I even received a vampire bite request, and I certainly have never worn a garlick necklace.

You are not forced to play anyone's game.  When someone requests anything of you, can you not just simply ignore them, mute/block them if they irritate you that much?



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Echo Hermit wrote:

I cannot remember the last time I even received a vampire bite request, and I certainly have never worn a garlick necklace.

You are not forced to play anyone's game.  When someone requests anything of you, can you not just simply ignore them, mute/block them if they irritate you



Actually, you can't.  Every time the Bloodlines hud is rezzed, it has a new UUID and thus blocking it doesn't work.  Next one spams you just the same but this discussion comes up over and over.  The issue is that while it's possible to ignore the dialog, if you happen to be about to buy something in a shop for example or have another dialog that you're about to push a button on, then up comes the Bloodlines thing, you can easily accidentally accept the "bite" and some people don't like that, plus the bite request is usually the first interaction that people have so you wouldn't know they were annoying until after.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

I cannot remember the last time I even received a vampire bite request, and I certainly have never worn a garlick necklace.

You are not forced to play anyone's game.  When someone requests anything of you, can you not just simply ignore them, mute/block them if they irritate you



Actually, you can't.  Every time the Bloodlines hud is rezzed, it has a new UUID and thus blocking it doesn't work.  Next one spams you just the same but this discussion comes up over and over.  The issue is that while it's possible to ignore the dialog, if you happen to be about to buy something in a shop for example or have another dialog that you're about to push a button on, then up comes the Bloodlines thing, you can easily accidentally accept the "bite" and some people don't like that, plus the bite request is usually the first interaction that people have so you wouldn't know they were annoying until after.

Well I'm learning lots of new things today.  I did not know that blocking doesn't work; I assumed if you blocked an avatar, you blocked their HUDs too. 

The OP, though, is still suffering from a trauma he suffered around a year ago, and I realised this after I posted. He has a particular reason for hating vampires, and I am very sorry they seem to be drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

I think I must have garlic built in to my avatar, because the only thing I seem to attract are those driverless vehicles that meander around the mainland.  It doesn't seem to matter if I am on the road or sitting on a wall, I will inevitably find myself under a garbage truck, or being attacked by an ice cream van!

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Ed Palletier wrote:

... I refuse to wear the garlic neckles!

Why not? You only have to wear it once, not forever. Wear it and be done with them.

This^^  The last time there was a flurry of these posts...about 3 years ago or so...I got the garlic necklace, wore it and, iirc, touch it once.  A message is seen in local that says something like you will no longer receive bite requests but if you want to play Bloodlines again you wear it again and touch it.

A friend of mine who is in Bloodlines said that after doing that the person will no longer show up on the Bloodlines HUD.


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Ed Palletier wrote:

I do hang out at newbie areas sometimes when I am bored. Thats where it happends most of the time.

Even if you do wear the neckles they can still send you a bite request if they want to.



Unless something has changed with Bloodlines, and I doubt it...per my last post (a) you don't just "wear" the necklace, you put it on once, touch it, take it off (mine is archived somewhere), at which point (b) you do not show up on the HUD the Bloodlines players are wearing.

This became a nuisance some years ago which prompted the Bloodlines creator to...well, create...the garlic necklace.  Prior to doing the above I was moved to an info hub once when I logged in and my home region was available and was immediately spammed by a bunch of bite requests.   Now, I never get any.


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That is correct. From the Marketplace description:

... it prevents Vampires from spaming you with bite requests so you won't get a bite request ever again

* Also if you were a Bloodlines Player at one point this necklace will take your name off their website ( Like Opt-out ) and shows you as name removed, and when someone scans you with their systems it won't give them any info, just shows that you are wearing the garlic necklace and they shouldn't disturb you


1) Right-click the necklace item in your inventory, and choose "Wear".
2) Once you see the necklace on your body, click it and a blue menu should appear.
3) Choose "Activate" from the options - and you're instantly protected!

You don't need to constantly wear the necklace - once you've selected "Activate", you'll be impervious to vampire bite requests even if you take it off

All changes that are made by this necklace can be reversed if you wore the necklace again and select Deactivate according to the creator's instructions

Link :


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Why does the new resident who dont know about SL have to be the one that needs to wear the neckles?

They dont know this yet. It would be so much better if all resident already had a neckles on when they create an account.

And then they would need to deacitave the neckles to join the vampires. It seems a better way to go.

No more bite spam this way. And less problums for the vampires.

IMO the garlic neckles is set up backwards. But you know what, nothing will happend, and vampires will always be not like by the residents of SL.  Maybe thats part of the game.

* Also if you were a Bloodlines Player at one point this necklace will take your name off their website ( Like Opt-out ) and shows you as name removed, and when someone scans you with their systems it won't give them any info, just shows that you are wearing the garlic necklace and they shouldn't disturb you

There hud say that they should"nt disturb you. They still can send bite. This is what I was told by a vampire.

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Ed Palletier wrote:

Why does the new resident who dont know about SL have to be the one that needs to wear the neckles?

They dont know this yet. It would be so much better if all resident already had a neckles on when they create an account.

And then they would need to deacitave the neckles to join the vampires. It seems a better way to go.

No more bite spam this way. And less problums for the vampires.

IMO the garlic neckles is set up backwards. But you know what, nothing will happend, and vampires will always be not like by the residents of SL.  Maybe thats part of the game.

* Also if you were a Bloodlines Player at one point this necklace will take your name off their website ( Like Opt-out ) and shows you as name removed, and when someone scans you with their systems it won't give them any info, just shows that you are wearing the garlic necklace and they shouldn't disturb you

There hud say that they should"nt disturb you. They still can send bite. This is what I was told by a vampire.


You've been given the instructions several times as to how not to be further spammed by the Bloodlines players.  I don't mean to be harsh, but it seems as if you just want to complain.

As far as "There hud say that they should"nt disturb you. They still can send bite. This is what I was told by a vampire" then I believe the "vampire" who informed you of this is mistaken.  I have a friend who has been in Bloodlines for years and he said after wearing/touching the garlic necklace one is "invisible" or somehow says one is "protected."  At any rate he cannot send a bite request to me and apparently if someone does I don't see it.

Re: all residents being given necklaces when they start an account, Bloodlines is a game within SL, just as various other games.  They are user-created, therefore, unless there is some huge issue, LL will not and should not, imo, "step in" so to speak.  There *was* a huge brewhaha about Bloodlines bite spam several years ago, to which I previously alluded, which resulted in the Bloodlines creator providing the garlic necklace.  Issue handled.

Along the same line, I wouldn't advise venturing into a Gorean sim just yet (if ever); same for D/s, BDSM sims.  If someone gives a free object to you and a huge yellow drop-down sign asks permission to take funds from you, DON'T click yes.  Let's see....probably not wise to go to Zindra for now.  (Trying to think of other areas you should have been "warned" about.)  Glad I could help. ;)



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Some object to this in principle because in order that they are not added to the database of something they choose not to be part of, they have to wear something, thus unwillingly being forced to participate and this action adds them to guess what?... That same database.


Some don't care, others do, that's all.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Some object to this in principle because in order that they are not added to the database of something they choose not to be part of, they have to wear something, thus unwillingly being forced to participate and this action adds them to guess what?... That same database.


Some don't care, others do, that's all.

which could just as easily have been written the other way around: only people who explicitly consent can be sent bite requests. Much nicer, but of course for the spampires it's "less fun" as instead of 50 newbies in a sim all clicking  "yes" by mistake they now get no clickers at all because none of those newbies will have been consenting yet.

Of course, with temp attachments the potential is created for just bombarding a sim with those, which will force themselves onto everyone in there and would then give consent to everything.

This is a major potential problem with RLV as well, temp attachments forced onto people that then put them under RLV restrictions. Think a griefer in a PG sim forcing something on everyone there that strips them and blocks tp, and ARs all of them for TOS violations...


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I'm pretty sure he just want to complain at this point. Is problem his the places he hang out (newbie places are full of unwanted stuff, not just rows of bite requests, which are often also send by newbies) and that he don't want to wear the necklace and take that as a solution for himself.

The whole bite request issue can't be changed by any of us and complaining about it in the forum is quite useless. The last time I got a bite request was on a beach by a female newbie avatar. (well well...innocent newbies, right?) ;)

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Ed Palletier wrote:

I am so damn sick of this, why does linden labs allow this?

The bite request is harassment TOS 8.2 sec 5

I did not join SL to be hunted by vampires, I refuse to wear the garlic neckles!

I could care less if you want to be a vampire, but why are we force to play there game?

Bloodline is the only game in SL we have to opp out of.

wheni was new i was warned about vampires .. i expected them to be lurking around every corner waiting to attack me !! i was kinduv disappointed that i didnt encounter any .. & then when i finally did they were kinduv wimpy & asked politely if they could bite me & i just said no .. i havent even seen a vampire in quite awhile .. now that you mention it

my housemate tried to play SL but gave it up because her laptop just wouldnt handle it well .. but when she was trying to play SL a vampire tricked her into letting it bite her !! i heard her yelp & ran to see what was the matter .. she was like "a vampire bit me" !!! i almost laughed but caught myself & played along ... "OMG" !! i said ... "now the vampire owns your soul" !! "what should i do" ?? she asked .. i told her that the only way she could get her soul back was by buying this majik potion .. & it was REALLY expensive .. finally i couldnt keep from laffing & she knew i was just **bleep**tin her ... then she bit me :catlol:

lighten up about vamps Ed .. its just a game



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Thank you all for your Replys, I wont do any quotes, not sure how.

I know I am complaining Thats why I started this thread. I just had to many bad experices with vamps.

And to get another bite request just reminds me of those bad experices. I stop counting them at 87. I will put on the dam

necklesand not like doing it.  I think my nephew has the bloodline hudI will ask him to send me a bite request as a test.

And your right Czari, I would not go to places like you mention, (nor would I go to a vamp sim). Aleast they dont force me

to do anything.

For me SL is not really a game, more like a social vitural world. You can play games in SL like Bloodlines. 

there goal to collect souls. 

Just imaging for a moment how mad someone could get If there soul was owned by a vamp that was into stuff like you

mentioned Czari. I would be banned for life from SL !


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Echo Hermit wrote: the only thing I seem to attract are those driverless vehicles that meander around the mainland.  It doesn't seem to matter if I am on the road or sitting on a wall, I will inevitably find myself under a garbage truck, or being attacked by an ice cream van!

You are not the only one. I don't know why those things are allowed. Some have advertising on them, which seems a misuse of Gov. Linden land. (The ice cream truck goes to a website selling something.)

I get little silver pods zooming past my house several times a minute. I contacted their creator only to be told that's impossible; that there cannot be that many going by. Nothing I said would convince the person. I'm forced to live high in the sky to avoid the lag and eyesore of it all.

I don't think non Linden built driveless vehicles should be allowed, but they just seem to be harder to get rid of than cockroaches or Cher.


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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

Probably cause you are maybe new?

Once you get old and crusty like me and my girls, vamps don't even bother. Even if they did, I would just arm up with one of my fine weapons and go to town on them.


"But Erin that would be griefing!" Yep, it sure would

When the Bloodlines vamp thing got really annoying years ago a friend who is an animator created a silver stake (I think she got vampire/werewolf lore mixed up..or combined).  It could be worn in visible or invisible state.  How it works is you send a bite or hug request (trying to recall now) to a vamp rp'er.  They get the same drop down request box as their bite requests send.  If the person says yes, the person wearing the stake drives it into their heart and the victim goes underground temporarily.  Really a cool little gadget.  I tried it out on a friend and it surprised us both when he went underground.

So the one time I land in a nest of Bloodline types (my home sim was unavailable when I logged in) and got the vampire spam I quickly put on my stake and each vampire that sent a bite request to me, I declined and sent a request to them.  Not one of about 15 people accepted my "request."  Even stranger, they began moving away from me.  I was really disappointed I didn't get a chance to use my nifty vampire killer.  When I arrived back home and looked at my avatar I realized I had been wearing the stake in visible mode.   Ooopppsss!


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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Next month is Halloween.

Be Afraid.

Be Very Afraid.

They will be out in droves hunting the Grid for victims and the Forums will be over run by them.

I fear for SL-kinds future.

Does that mean that there will be another ill-advised and even-less-well-executed promotion?

I am holding my breathe on this one.

I truly hope not but it's probably a false hope.

I remember all to well the previous fiasco.


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