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question about double standards

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ello there forum! i'm not gonna' worry about sounding racist cause I'm not, and if you knew me, you would know that!


anyway I'm a curious and open minded person on almost any subject and I thought, what the hell I'm going to look up "white power" to see if theres some place i can go and see what these hate filled peoples views are, i mean even if they are brooding lil hate mills, sometimes they can make some points and i was curius to see what they had to say. I looked it up and i didn't find anything on white power... but what i did find... was an entire page of "black power" infact when i searched anything "white power" related, i found nothing but rather offencive "black power" groups talking about how blacks are beter humans, blacks are the leaders of the world, the one true race, pretty much the flipside of anything hitler said about white people. Now the fact i was looking for white power aside i was wondering if racism against minorities was something that gets you ban whereas racism against whites just gets overlooked seeing as i was unable to even find one profile or group with anything racist on the white side. i figured they were all ban.


now this upset me, not because i'm a fan of any racism, but because i'm a fan of free speech, and if one form is unacceptable why not the other?

i said to my partner today, who happens to be african american! it's like every form of socialism, communism, and racism is aloud, just as long as it's not hitler or whites.. and just so you know i dont have anything against a peaceful form of communism or socialism, i'm just saying i've seen some things quoting.. well lets just say not the nicest of communist dictators.. why is this aloud but nazis ar ban? (if they actually are)

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I don't think very much is actually banned in Second Life, but I do know that Linden Lab are not running the grid like it is the George Orwell novel 1984; they do not have all-seeing eyes all over the place monitoring every conversation, every group, every poster, etc.

The Terms of Service and Community Standards are available for all to see, read, take notice or or ignore, as be their individual will, but if you are anyone else sees anything in Second Life that does not sit right, that takes the form of intolerance or harrassment to another group, then submit an abuse report giving brief but precise details, and including a screenshot where necessary and leave it to Linden Lab to follow it up. 

With a population as high as that of Second Life, and with it being actively populated 24 hours a day, filled with every type of person with every type of opinion and belief possible, it would be impossible for Linden Lab to screen everyone before they set up an account and wandered through the world with their avatar.

I'm not going to get involved in anything to do with specific groups, blacks against whites or whites against blacks or brunettes against redheads; any form of intolerance or harrassment is not permitted.

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You are missing a meme image and some 4chan quote. You also don't understand godwin's law, it isn't just saying "nazi" it's referring to the person that is arguing against You as a nazi to win an argument. When i say something about nazis as a group of people that is not me calling anyone that disagrees with me a nazi... 

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Kitteon Kattun wrote:

an entire page of "black power" infact when i searched anything "white power" related, i found nothing but rather offencive "black power" groups talking about how blacks are beter humans, blacks are the leaders of the world, the one true race,

The difference between these groups and your other examples, is that Nazi-Germany was at the center of one of the largest sources of human 'grief' in recent history. Most often, conjuring this mental image in others is enough to cause distaste; it's used deliberately as a trigger. Godwin's law for example, utilises this to demonstrate that people will quickly jump to extreme positions (usually, with the intent of causing mental revulsion and similar emotions). Griefing (i.e., causing people grief) is banned by Communiy Standards, ergo this imagery has little-to-no place in Second Life.

(TL;DR Most people are upset by Nazi imagery, so it's often banned.)

Fascism and other thought-structures (i.e., the concepts and not the implementation) are safe to explore in Second Life, because the grid laws prevent other users from exerting their will over (or subjugating) other users. Alt+F4 and it all goes away. In fact I recall a few relatively high-publicity occaisions when SL did have users from similar political parties (used as kind of a meeting place, and similar); the content was allowed provided they didn't harass, intimidate or otherwise break LL Community Standards.


Obviously I don't know how Linden Lab police their grid. I can make assumptions, but this is definitely not my area. The ToS is absolute, LL can ban anything they choose, etc.


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Kitteon Kattun wrote:

....anyway I'm a curious and open minded person on almost any subject and I thought, what the hell I'm going to look up
"white power"
to see if theres some place i can go and see what these hate filled peoples views are, i mean even if they are brooding lil hate mills, sometimes they can make some points and i was curius to see what they had to say.

Soon as I see the word "white power" I think of the scene from Arrested Development where "White Power Bill" stabs G.O.B. while saying "White Power".  GOB falls to the ground and replies, "I'm white...".  


So, maybe you don't see "White Power" groups in SL because the people know that they would look like big idiots.  ; )




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When I see people walking around in rl and sl wearing t-shirts emblazoned with the images of Mao, Fidel and Che' (respectively the biggest Mass Murderer in the history of mankind, the enslaver of the Cuba people and a Sociopathic Serial Killer) and that is considered chic, a double stand is obvious.

It just proves that Freedom of speech allows everyone to tout and display their ignorance on an equal basis, regardless of their beliefs.


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From the TOS

"8.2 You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person's rights.

You agree that you will not:....

(v) Post, display or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person's privacy;
(vi) Post, display or transmit Content that is obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;"

So to answer your question, theoretically there is no double standard.  NO person or group regardless of their race, ethnicity or origin can do this.  If they are, they just haven't been caught yet or LL hasn't received enough complaints to force them to decide that it is objectionable and the TOS is being broken.  If you see it go on AR them.  When you do cite specific examples of TOS violations and refer to these provisions.

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It seems my post won me a few nasty IMs,To explain my self......I am a person of faith,understanding and believe me respect to others is high on my priority list..A joke here and there can not hurt and to be honest that show played on a channel that can be gotten with basic cable and the show aired at prime time on a Wednesday when it was active,sorry to have insulted some.

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wrable Amat wrote:

It seems my post won me a few nasty IMs,To explain my self......I am a person of faith,understanding and believe me respect to others is high on my priority list..A joke here and there can not hurt and to be honest that show played on a channel that can be gotten with basic cable and the show aired at prime time on a Wednesday when it was active,sorry to have insulted some.

you have no reason to be sorry..they just don't get what the skit was about..

Dave Chapelle is not so well understood by a lot of people..

they only seen that little part of the clip but were not really looking at it...

i have his dvd's of his seasons and just about anything of his i can find.. he is my favorite comic of all times..plus one of the wisest people around when it comes to the really real world..

he has an amazing outlook on racism and many other things..

the reason he is so good at what he does is because most of his skits are based on real things that happened to him..

and some are just really making fun of things ..like he did with the klan in that skit..black white supremest..

nobody ever met him but followed his every word in his books..

making his word almost like their bible..only to find out one day he was black..and then one day finding out he was black also himself..


all he was saying in that skit is that people will believe anything they read and that racism is based on ignorance and fear of what they don't understand..they were blind to what he was and he was blind to what he was..but they all hated the same thing with a passion..what he was..and they all bought into it even though the words they lived by were written by something they hated the most..


the irony alone should have people rolling on the floor..he hits it on all kinds of levels that i just don't see how anyone could not laugh at that skit


if they had known he was a black man he they would have never read it..and if he knew he was a black man ..he would have never wrote for a white supremest group..


omg it's one of his best skits i swear heheheh..i miss him being in the lime light..


if you haven't seen these..you should look up where he is on the actors studio..that was a good interview with him..


one thing about Dave Chapelle that i think makes him so interesting for me is..he doesn't really go after just one race but racism itself in a way that it  should be attacked..

from it's roots..

being taught and raised with the outlook of generalizations rather than seeing the individuality..

he makes fun of the stereotypes created..and shows just how silly they are..

i'm gonna have to find some clips now hehehe


ETA: Found it!!

Dave Chapelle on The actors Studio..i'm gonna watch it again now hehehhe




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