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More Ideas from Lindens Plz+ members

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How ever much I like SL it's has got a little stale and does not have the population it did years ago, I agree resscesion is party to blame and costs and  no new ideas are coming forward. so what could be done to bring back SL to what it use to be. I like to give my ideas and hear yours too. 

PS: would be nice if now and again Linden staff can answer many questions we the members would love to hear 

Drop the tier prices and membership , this would I belive help for new memebers to apply and exsisting members would not be looking to cancel thier membership or drop to a lower level.

Make SL more exciting and easier to use and less problematic , if one spends more time with lag,non rezzing and other comman problems this only frustraits the member and eventually spends less time in SL or feels to quit( I know I come close to this)

I understand LL has to make a profit and run this like a bussiness ,but like any bussiness keep your customers happy and  give them good value for money, I see so much land for sale and massive land\sim owners leave or give up thier land.

Two mistakes I think LL made( could be more but you guys will tell me, or if none were made again please mention)


The building of the maketplace  and the way it was promoted was I belive a huge mistake, on one hand  yes it is easier to shop from and most people I belive use it, but this was at the cost of small shops in SL, which have a knock on effect

on renting land,buying plots of land to create shops and all that, the demise of small shops in SL has driven many members away on the fact many use to enjoy running a shop and selling from it, but now most is done in market place,

( yes I know one can still have a shop and sell within market place, but its not the same as shopping around people like)

I personally hate shopping from a catalue which effectly is what MP is.


Now I come to the viewer ,search engine and the problems we face, althought I use an alternative viewer which I will not mention, with thepowerfull PC I run I still encounter stupid problems within SL, lagging,rezzing,lost inventory and many other problems, I know LL do try and fix these, but it does have to be priortised ,I and many do not want to spend our time fixing bugs rather than playing the game. search engine( still crap) 

I could go on but I be writing pages of stuff.

I love SL and been in here for nearly 5 years, but I am near my end with it as it has become stale and needs an inhjection of something, Prices need to come down or SQ mts needs to go up for the price.


love to hear from you




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I love SL and been in here for nearly 5 years, but I am near my end with it as it has become stale and needs an inhjection of something, Prices need to come down or SQ mts needs to go up for the price.

It would be great for me if tier prices came down, but I don't think that's going to happen. Instead, it seems the idea is to give us more value per square meter, in the form of greater content capacity. I suppose the theory is that this will drive more people to want to own more land because of the more awesome stuff you can do on it.

And to be fair, they've made some progress on the "awesome stuff" front. Mesh is a big deal, and the upcoming normalmaps and spectralmaps will allow us to make everything much more detailed looking without spending a ton of Land Impact to get the effects. Pathfinding is another attempt at enriching the experience, for a modest Land Impact investment and less lag than comparable raw scripts would entail. (Personally, I don't get much of a thrill from Pathfinding characters, but then I'm no kind of gamer at all; I do find use for one of the building blocks of Pathfinding: keyframed motion, which is another efficiency boon for scripting certain smooth-moving objects.)

They've also made a substantial improvement in how many "Plain Old Prims" a unit of land can hold, if those prims make use of mesh-related "physics types."  The way this works is still a little strange--and can be downright disastrous when mixing new and legacy physics in the same linkset--but it's much better than it was when Land Impact was first introduced, and for most normal builds, can free-up nearly half the primcount to use for more content and thus a richer experience.

That's the theory, anyway, as best I can interpret what's been happening. It may be too little, too late, but it's not nothing.

Oh, one other wildcard: Getting SL listed on one of Steam's new non-game content categories... that might turn out to be a very good thing. It would be a major change in SL to see some serious growth in new users again, if some more of them stick around this time. Users are the real "content" of a social platform, and sort of the whole point of owning land -- or logging in at all.

Finally, I completely agree that Marketplace has been the longest-running charlie foxtrot of SL's history. The Lab seems utterly incapable of doing even the basics to make it work properly, and that's for very small values of "work." I had such hope that it would be fully integrated with in-world shopping, a showcase of integrated web and 3D commerce leveraging the strengths of both. Instead, it's an embarrassment that needs to be either divested or shuttered, the sooner the better.

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I wonder where people get the idiotic idea there's no one left in sl, when traffic numbers show that there's as many people online at any given time as ever. Of course those numbers include bots, of which there may be more than in the past.

Most likely we have here another pathological whiner who just threatens to leave unless something changes NOW every few days (under one of many identities) only to complain about the very changes he demands when and if those changes ever do get implemented.

I've seen them too often to be surprised about their behaviour. They're a scourge on any online community, sadly.

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The latest Linden idea is to make people spend less time in sl for the same amount of money by making the place virtually impossible to exist in...unless you can handle the lashing of lag treacle to wade through ..or better yet paying your ISP for all those extra gbs you used over your limit.....





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Iwenting I should be reading your reply in the smallist part of my room then place it behind me,  if my view upsets you then take a couple pills and lay down, I don't care how many join ask yourself how mana become members and spend money it's easy to sign up but if your not spending then al sure LL would not be happy. Yes and I do moan.   You why mr iwenting because I pay $$$$$$$$$$. as member and that as a paying customer give me the right to question value for money.  If you care to pay my subs then I wilrefrain from pointing out my views

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YOU may not enjoy shopping on the marketplace, but I do and many others to.

I have a working searchfunction there, I don't need to wait for rezzing of 102346 prims or whatever, I don't have to do a hunt over a parcel to find what I'm looking for, I can get a view on the prices of many different shops at the same time and I don't need to care about how my avatar looks.

If shopowners would care about making the experiance at their store as good as possible, I would enjoy shopping more, but often I'm frustrated and teleport home.

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Sadly, I think you are correct about the tier prices.  LL will go out of business before they lower tier.  It is great that they are trying to add value to private regions, but the fact remains that even if LL could make private regions sing and dance through new features, that $300 per month is a price point that will remain out of reach for a large majority of people.  

There is certainly room for another product between a full region and a homestead.  I hope they consider something like that in the near future.  It wouldn't be as great as a drop in tier prices, but would give more options for the residents budgets (as long as they don't destroy the value of owning one by forcing people to pay estate barons for them like they did with homesteads).

Steam will be a good thing for SL whether it is listed as a game or a creativity tool.  If they list it as a creativity tool then they will be targeting more builders and sellers.  If they target gamers then they will potentially be targeting more shoppers/consumers.  But, no matter how it is listed on Steam,  that $300 per month price point for private building space is going to be a big turn off for many.   

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greek Wingtips wrote:


Drop the tier prices and membership , this would I belive help for new memebers to apply and exsisting members would not be looking to cancel thier membership or drop to a lower level.


I have been saying this for years on the forums but, in the past, the responses were mostly, "Well it's not going to happen."  I would have to agree since it hasn't lo these many years later but I agree that, imo, this would go a LONG way in encouraging people to buy land and/or add to the land they already own.

I agree with the rest of your post as well, but the tier structure is one of my top concerns about SL.


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Greed is the overriding impulse at Lindens...reduced tiers, increased free land DONT MAKE ME LAUGH we've been asking since the invisible man became CEO ... and recent events have proved to me that when it comes to lindens giving back anything which means delving into linden's coffers there's....


.....NOT A HOPE...

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it's funny because commercial trading in rl is the same as sl, in times of resession when money is hard to come by we all make cuts, LL I think is losing more in tiers $$$$ than new members paying subs, if I am wrong then I stand to be corrected.

an example would be and my partner we both own 4096 sq mts of land next to each other, but costs and hard times in RL have now made it inpossiable for my partner to continue to own that land at the cost of $25.00 per month ,so its up for sale and we both be sharing my land , so question being who is at a loses here?   LL would it not make sence to lower the tiers

cost in these hard times ? 



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Lowering Tier is something everyone would like. But what is LL's overhead on each parcel? When their total costs are divided by the number of sims they rent, how much of your tier goes to profit, and how much to overhead? I'm not asking hypothetically. I really don't know.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is whether the strategy of trying to give more value for the space used is just the option they have chosen to take, or is it the ONLY thing they could do?

Since "land" here is actually server load, and it seems like lately LL has been doing their best to decrease server load, is that an indication that they are running out of space? or that they will not be replacing aging hardware? In other words, we know that demand is limited due to high costs. But is supply just as limited?

It seems to me like the best solution, after these questions are answered is to re-evalutate the way that land ownership works, and perhaps add to the variety of land "products" that LL offers. What if your ideal amount of space falls between two tiers? Then you are left wondering whether to cut down on your assets, or increase them, and make parts of your parcel rentable to be more in line with your budget. Even with rentals, more variety would allow more options for the amount of money you are willing to commit to try to cover your own costs within sl. This may challenge LL in terms of mapping (which seems broken anyway. when you zoom out on the world map everything seems to be very "fragmented") but in terms of storage space, and bandwidth, it seems very simple. I wonder why they aren't doing it. Is there something technical I'm not thinking of?

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