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Bandwidth Usage Warning

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So now you admit that you don`t even check your bandwidth.

Uhm, lol, calling me an alt... ha ha

I haven`t been a fan of Linden Lab since losing my first account beginning 2007
I have lost a crapload of stuff due to "technical issue`s"
I have had enough "no" to last me here another milenia

You claim to be here 5 years and demand compensation, if you were here actually 5 years, you would have known what the answer would have been the moment it popped into your ignorant brain
Linden Lab has the communication record of, well, non exsisting and from all the people on the grid, do you think your even a full percentage reads the forum? yeah...

This thread is nothing about warning people...
With 512mbit and full cache youc an be in world just fine, tho abit slow on login, loading this forum 100 times a minute takes more bandwidth

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Just go steady, Maelstrom, or you'll do yourself more harm than good.

You're right to make people aware, and people are also allowed their opinion.

My own feeling is that the sh1t will hit the fan when they get their bills for broadband next time, or get a cap notification from their ISP.

You've done what you can to warn people, Maelstrom, and I've informed as many people as I know, and suggest others do that too, so we can all take some damage limitation.

Let's not turn this thread into yet another vehicle for sniping at each other. It's not at all constructive and will only end up with another thread being removed, and possible bans.

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Seriously Maelstrom, you aren't going to achieve anything by randomly hating on anyone who doesn't agree with you 100%, you're just going to piss them off.. and not feel particularly inclined to go out of their way to help you.

I know from personal experience that you get much better results with customer service and complaints if you're polite and avoid projecting all your hate on the poor guy personally, as they probably don't have anything to do with it anyway. The last part goes for people on this forum too. Save your rage and spiffy comments to the people who's responsible and no one else.

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Oh echo thanks for your concern but dont you worry Im already selling my land and then my membership will be cancelled the last few days have taught me that theres no such thing as a valued customer in sl...there are plenty of online games and other virtual worlds and as Ive said I have a stack of pc games I never got round to playing. On top of that Im really looking forward to online sim city which is due out soon. The game will be paid for with a fraction of the next tier I would have been paying to sl. Even my beloved building was becoming a bore.


I think stuffs going to happen with sl I thought something was up when lindens didnt participate in sls recent birthday bash. Rodvik has gone mysteriously quiet in all net communication and now lindens are getting involved in putting sl out via steam.



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Will never hate this guy or dislike for that matter, there`s just a point at wich the "message" gets lost

I can`t say i know how he feels (or others) but i know how it feels to lose stuff and it sucks, so don`t get me wrong Maelstrom

If some of the old timers remember the anchient blogs we had here on the SL website, i wasn`t the quiet type and most likely helped to get the comments disabled/"news feed"
I had arguments with Philly, that whack job of head programmer wich luckily his name i finally forgot (please don`t remind me!), mr. M was a lost case and sent Rodvik a personal message as support department made a gigantic f.up for a friend

I can tell you that in a few rare occasion you could get something done trough the forum
The old timers will definitely remember my fight against the nazi uniform creator, result, Nazi crap banned grid wide and bannable offense shortly after (had some help aswell :)

In the end everything is pointless and just be happy when the grid is online and you still have your stuff, or atleast most of it.
Argueing is pointless, demanding is pointless, communication is pointless, that is the track record unfortunately
Nothing is coverd in the TOS except on how to lose your account (how i see the wall of text)


Looks like the nazi crap didn`t last long, time to pick up an old hobby *grumble*

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Read the whole thread ...

All I saw beyond the initial posting of what could be a serious issue (and no, I'm not talking about the fact that people with greedy ISPs are having to pay more because they ended up using more data than their tny little caps allow them) was one or two people whining about their data caps and now at least one person selling off their tier and canceling their account (won't be missed - get a better ISP) while at the same time one user constantly attacked anyone who disagreed with their end of the world, lazy and entitlement happy attitude.

Data cap breaches are the user's issue - at any given moment, a service you use could have a similar issue to this one and put you over. Your only choice if you have a data cap is to be dilligent. It does not matter how steady your usage is - period. You always check the usage!

The only time these breaches are not the user's issue? When the amount of data you use (and have been monitoring mind you) does not match the amount of data your ISP says you've used. Then it is someone else's issue.

If you can afford both a premium account and a tier beyond the lowest levels each and every month ... you can afford a better ISP.

Anyone wanting to leave SL over this - go right ahead. Just remember that this sort of thing happens far more often out there than you'd think. If this is going to be your reaction here, then you'll eventually have no reason to even use the internet at all. data spikes - no matter the cause or amount - happen.

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Solar Legion wrote:

... tny little caps ...  get a better ISP ... ... you can afford a better ISP.


i already got the max i can actual get on a domestic fixed line. 80G and thats it. if i want a better ISP i have to get a whole other better country. like move to America maybe. suxs to be me

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i don't have a problem with it happening..

but have a problem after they have set up all these avenues of communication and don't seem to use them in situations like this..

i don't have a problem with the problem because i know nothing is 100%..i just have a problem with not letting us know when there is a problem..and it's not just a few..this is something that is more than a week old..maybe even two and some are just now finding out that they have to be on the lookout..

sure responsability falls on the user to make sure their bandwidth is not going over..but when something goes wrong with a service that is jacking it up..let us have a clue to know that we better give it a check just in case it's doing it to us..

sometimes they can get a good idea of how big a problem is by thier customers..

you sure won't be able to tell how big or small it really is by members of a forum..

so we really don't know how big it is or how small it is..

just that it is..


why have all these channels if they are not gonna use them i guess is what i am getting at..



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if i had not been a regular on this forum then i would maybe not have known to know all by myself. even then i not find out really until about the 15th. was actual report to linden on 11th i think. i check my ISP meter on the website as soon as i find out. O.M.G !!! i use up more in 4 days than i usual use in 2 weeks

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See, while I agree with you, you should have just muttered that under your breath out in RL.  When you aim a personal remark at someone, it makes you look bad, and can get you warned/banned, and as much as you're cheesed off (and you are entitled to be), don't stoop to the level of the idiot.

Ceka, I'm with you - a bit of warning by those in the know (in this case LL) should have been forthcoming.

Alicia - I also report the nazi stuff when I see it, and traffic bots.(Good to have hobbies :matte-motes-wink-tongue: )

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Echo Im not standing by while someone like Legion has his say and clearly expects no come back.... if sl looses paying users who according to him 'wont be missed' whose ultimately going to fund sl...look at the map isnt enough of it abandoned ?? No wonder lindens can do exactly what they want and screw who they want with people like himcontributing to the thread.....

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well from what i gather from what news i had gotten from an outside forum  about a week ago is tht it was on the rollout the week before..

i have no idea where LL put out whatever warining they put out..i just know they have more ways to sunday to let users know..

i mean the whole last couple of years have been about how we can communicate now this way and that way and omg look now we even give you a feed and as you log in we can even tell you things at the loadup bar while you are waiting..

a lot of people don't even know they have a dashboard lol

how in the world would they know there is a glitch in the matrix that could be chowing up bandwith?

i just don't see how they could have not looked at it as not important enough to say something about..


rather than ..lets see how bad it really was when their bills come in..we'll be able to tell when the bitching starts lol

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Can you find exactly where in my response to this thread this supposed "insult" is? No, you cannot.
Gee, I guess it's insulting to be told you have to take a bit of personal responsibility - or to point out how you are acting.

Weren't you leaving SL?

Get to it then instead of coming here to go on the attack every time someone disagrees with you.

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just like to say about the monitoring and is our responsibilty and all that

is true

 is like the electricity tho. we all got meters for that in our houses as well. and is our responsibilty to monitor that as well.

but we dont think to rush out and check it after each time we boil the jug or run a bath or zoom out to check after we watched a TV program. we just kinda expect that it uses up the power at a standard rate. it arcs and spikes and goes brown sometimes as well. but win some lose some we kinda expect it to go as it always has pretty much within the tolerance is designed for

when the power company makes a problem for us about that on some rare extraordinary occasion then they contact us and say what is happening and here is what you need to do until we can fix


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Peggy.  I have replicated this on plenty of sims.  If the sim has contiguous sims to the south and they're in your draw distance, the closer you get to the SE or SW corners of the sim, and the greater your draw distance, you're going to see the bandwidth indicator in the stats panel climb to insane levels and, if you've got the debug console up, you'll see why it's happening.    It's just as described in the jiras.

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Where did I say paying users won't be missed?

I said you, personally won't be missed. You're one person who has consistently gone on the attack in this thread and acted as if this sort of thing doesn't ever happen at any time on any service. You're acting as if going over your data cap is somehow the fault of everyone but yourself.

Is a simulator sending more data to users an issue? Why yes - it is. Is it the end of the world? No - it isn't. Can you place the blame for this extra data pushing you over your cap? No, you can't. You didn't keep an eye out for it like a smart user.

Do yourself a favor Maelstrom - if you're going to respond to me at all, anywhere ... Best to do it from a standpoint of facts. Calling me an "idiot" or a "griefer" simply because I am smart enough to keep an eye on my data usage (despite also having been smart enough to go with a capless plan I could afford) and because I have been around long enough to know that this sort of thing happens often enough elsewhere ...

As another has said: You're not ging to get any sympathy whatsoever with your attitude. And here's my addition: With that attitude, you don't deserve any sympathy either.

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