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Am I Seeing a Ghost? Mystery in Axel

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I bought a small piece of abandoned property in Axel.  There is Linden Maintenance Land on three sides and a nice view - also a larger parcel in the neighborhood claimed to be owned by one of the Lindens.

The mystery? Every time I teleport to the place what looks like the avatar of a young lady materializes on the Linden Maintenance Land in front of my property, and then sits down in a yoga position on the other side of the property line facing me. The avatar has a profile that seems to belong to a real person, but the avatar does not respond.

I know I could just put a small structure in front of her materialization site, but I'm curious to know what she is.

Any help would be appreciated.

Dye mon, gen mon. 
Beyond the mountains, more mountains.


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Rufferta wrote:

Thank you. I had seen bots before, but hadn't made the connection. Now, if I sell the property can I describe it as 'haunted'?

Sa ki pa touye ou, li angrese ou.

That which doesn't kill you makes you fat.

Haitian proverb

Quite possibly. There was a thread not to long ago where people on this forum were going a little nuts with amysterious bot on someones land. You should try to find it, it's quite funny. LOADS of pictures were taken with this mysterious woman. Was a highlight to me logging into the forums there for awhile.

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Thanks for the links to the previous threads - they were hilarious! One of the reasons I love SL is that there are so many wonderful and creative people here who are willing to share their talent.

But anyway, someone asked if this was a 'movie star' bot - I'm not sure what that means, but I found another one recently and she(?) and her sister both are wearing Amici hair that belongs to a traffic group. Here are the photos. (Thats me in the blue - or at least the me I was this morning).


On public beach on Garam water access land.



On Linden Land in Axel.

Now the question I would ask them (If they would respond) is "Are you a GOOD bot, or a BAD bot?" It was late at night when I finished reading the threads but I don't remember anyone saying flat out what they are or what their purpose was.

The only commonality I can see with the two are that they are on or near sims with relatively large numbers of abandoned land parcels. Are they real estate bots? (The ones I hear that rush in and buy your land when you inadvertently list it for $0 thinking to transfer it to a friend). 

If they are just going to be sitting somewhere, I can think of a much better placement - you could use them like sandbags or buoys to mark the places near Linden Road or Linden waters where there are ban lines on the property along the borders. While the ban lines can be hard to see, I think most people would swerve to avoid driving over or sailing into a young lady....

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The blonde was still in Garam when I sent my alt to investigate.  Yep, she's a "Movie Star" bot; they're called that because their group tags read "☆Movie Star☆".

I used to encounter them in train stations around the SLRR, but haven't seen them there lately; instead, I hear they've recently become common around the Bay City aeroport in Hau Koda.


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True story, I logged into a well established sim just the other night and a male avatar was wearing the Movie Star group tag when he arrived. He quickly changed it to something else, but it was the first time I saw a sentient moving Movie Star, or a male one for that matter. I didn't have a chance to interrogate him because he left before I could get a hold of him :(  

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What the... :o 

Pffft! (spits coffee @ screen)

IMPOSTER movie star bot! grrrrrrr!

She doesn't even look like ♥ Brokli ♥ ʘ¿ʘ spoiler.gif

Some people will do anything to be pixel famous ^¿^  :matte-motes-sour:

and the male movie star? the living breathing one? is absolute proof these latest ones are copycats.

Wannabes for sure.

Hmmmpphh! :smileyindifferent: not impressed.

umm... where is she located again? :smileytongue: ahehe.gif


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

True story, I logged into a well established sim just the other night and a male avatar was wearing the Movie Star group tag when he arrived. He quickly changed it to something else, but it was the first time I saw a sentient moving Movie Star, or a male one for that matter. I didn't have a chance to interrogate him because he left before I could get a hold of him


It might have been Hrdtop from the other thread. He has a *movie star* group tag.

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

Okay, I lied.  I'm ecstatic.


(Any excuse for a photo.)

I love you Janelle Darkstone

... but I am also quite p****d because I was too tired to stay up and cheer the *movie star* on (growls)

(laughing out loud in real life - great pic :heart: - really great pic)

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"Bangy" wasn't there when I checked earlier or Mari and I would've snuck over and taken another picture.  :smileysad:  But hopefully it's the best way to kickstart another torrent of silly pics, since the parcel with the plywood building to the west(?) is a build zone and you can rez a pose stand and drag it over to where she's sitting.......

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Riiiight! silly pics it is then :smileytongue:

So I set out for Axel.

I'm going to show these fakes a thing or two! :smileymad:

There's only room for one Brokli 'round these ere parts.

and... this :smileysad: 


help sos.gif

I am SO going to throttle those pretenders

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

"Bangy" wasn't there when I checked earlier or Mari and I would've snuck over and taken another picture.  :smileysad:  But hopefully it's the best way to kickstart another torrent of silly pics, since the parcel with the plywood building to the west(?) is a build zone and you can rez a pose stand and drag it over to where she's sitting.......


I'm guessing it's like 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers' - they start off as pods, get placed on Abandoned parcels, and waterlands, and anywhere Gov Linden won't be looking - then they turn into similar-looking beings.

This babe was under the water 3 or 4 days ago; doing yoga or something.

all at sea.jpg

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

silly pics it is then

So I set out for Axel.

I'm going to show these fakes a thing or two! :smileymad:

There's only room for
Brokli 'round these ere parts.

and... this :smileysad: 


help sos.gif

I am
going to throttle those pretenders

/me calculates how many of these *movie star* bots we can load onto that roof rack :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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  • 1 month later...

My ears are burning.........

   I created a group early this year for filming within SL, I just havn't had the time to edit it yet. That's the reason for the tag.

   Oh........ I have nothing to do with the ★Movie Star★'s, I'm just Curiouse like everyone else in SL. However I have seen them walking around twice, I have seen a female ★Movie Star★ AV with a male name change into a male avatar, I've also seen one spam the SL9B group and I keep bumping into a person that is always around when a ★Movie Star★ is being placed on the land.

   I'm actually shocked, I've had the tag for a long time now, I've been at events with people from this thread and the Curiouse thread while I've been wearing the bizzar looking ★Movie Star★ avatar and nobody has ever said anything. :matte-motes-shocked: 





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Interesting Rufferta, I have been down to the site that you speak of and as you say a Ghost. The only thing that turnes up is a name and a tag.

Judging from the profile of your ghosted neighbour it seems to be a ★Movie Star★'s profile with a different tag.

For example

  The Profile Picture: I have seen it before on another ★Movie Star★'s profile.

  The Name: lower case first letter of the first name with an uppercase first letter of the surname.

  The Age: is similar aswell.

The thing that makes me laugh............... The new group tag.

 In another thread http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Curiouser-and-curiouser/td-p/953465

people asked about them being copybots.........

people asked about how much weight they could have on a server.......

people also asked about them being against the TOS as a bot.......


Looks like they have a new group tag now of  "Harmless-Light-Legal"

How bizzar.


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