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What are thoughts on server generated precipitation and weather?

Weather effects that are more consistent, or sim wide rain/snow, things like that?

Forget the technical aspects, this one's just opinions. What are opinions on the idea?
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I personally would love to be able to control the weather but only if it worked properly. In other words if it's snowing or raining outside, I don't want those particles falling through my roof and into my house. They would need to be physical so they roll off the roof (which means high processing of course). I think this would probably only be viable on private sims however, since on most mainland sims multiple live on those so you couldn't have one weather God in charge. :)

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This sort of thing has been tried with many 3D engines. Normaly it is done with a weather volume but it can be messy as it can go though houses where sometimes thenj theres other weather volumes in the houses that overide the effects. The only other way to do it is a kind of prim grid effect where the snow and rain shows up as sheets and that would have to be edited. The last was a physics effect i've seen advertised by Nvidia where they managed to have hail falling on rooves and rolling off but the problem with tat is its lots of diffrent objects and though it works in a deathmatch map it wont on a sim that has a completely diffrent setup.

Unfortunatly with weather and prim limits you would be limited massivly by ether filling your house with exclution volumes that have a weather setting already in them to avoid weather getting into a house and that would cost a prim each or you have the weather inside. There are a number of weather mashines you can buy but they are particle based mostly and can be primmy..

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I always enjoy going to locales that either have rain/thunder or snow effects, most likely done by a weather prim/gadget thing.

One of my funniest experiences with this was when Bay City was brand new and land was quickly snatched up by land flippers.  One such flipper had a parcel with a house on it that was perpetually stormy and rainy.  Walking down the sidewalk on a sunny day, then passing by this house being besieged by a storm, which was not affecting neighboring plots, was a bit surreal.  Reminded me of the cartoon character Joe Btfsplk from the Lil'Abner comic strip who always had a dark cloud over his head.

The other amusing thing about this parcel was you heard a "puddle splashing" noise on the dry sidewalk. 

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I think weather in SL would be a great idea.  As mentioned, there would need to be a way to cancel the weather inside buildings.  Also, there should be settings to control what weather you see - region defaults or your own weather (kind of like how you can control the sun position).

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would be way cool this

maybe we will get one day. like once the pathfinding thingy is finished then is client side physics. so maybe will be possible to have client side weather

i would really like real water. like tidal oceans with storms and waves. be way cool for boats. and big surf breakers for board and body surf. and running rivers for kayak/rafting and stuff like that. where you actual get pushed by the water and wind as well

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Yes I would LOVE to have realistic weather, it is SUCH an effort to keep up with the RL weather manually.

Every year I have to put spring leaves on the trees, I have to put snow on the streets and all roofs, need to install snow particle emitters just for one day of snow because they cause so much lag, etc, etc.

More freedom for sim owners please.

We don't want weather if we can't control it 100%, just like we now have 4 hour days, this drives me nuts.

I want 24 hour days, like RL.

Just like I would want to be able to control the weather completely.

What would be ideal is if there is an option to connect the time of day, sunlight, clouds and weather to a RL place.

Let RL control our weather.

Just connect the system to a weather website and when the website says it is raining in RL Berlin, make it rain in my Berlin sim.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I've got perpetual rain/snow falling in front of my lighthouse and nowhere else. I enjoy feeling like Joe Btfsplk  ;-)


That sounds like great atmosphere for a lighthouse. :)  I would enjoy that as well.

The house in the Bay City reference was in a suburban neighborhood with roads and paved sidewalks.  This particular land flipper tended to do things that "prompted" people to purchase his land sooner than later and, at least at that time, Bay City residents wanted a neighborhood feel.  Conversely, the land flipper owner was absolutely within his rights to have the rain storm. 

Gah, now I want to go purchase a weather system for my skyhome. ;)

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