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Griefers on Orientation Island

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It is sad when you go to a Linden "Safe" area and are griefed by a group of losers and there is no one to help you!  There used to be moderators there that would stop this from happening, but sadly it seems that LL has removed it to most likely save money or is it that they just dont give a damn about thier residents?  


I was pushed, cussed at and threatened in voice and IM's and accused of copy botting because I had a balloon in my hand that if you clicked would give you info on Fish Hunt, Tree Hunt and Gold Hunt.  I was even bounced around by an object that they wore called a Goldy Bounce, and when they ran into me all my local chat erased from my chat window.  They were bragging about using scripts to crash the sim and telling others there was nothing LL would do about their harrassing others, and that they have been doing this on a daily basis and will continue.  There were about 25 people there and the other 22 people would not help me and said that if you do try to go against these people all they would do is mess with them too.  


How sad is it that this is going on and in a safe area that LL has for new comers, and not one Linden will go there and stop this or even look into it.  There is another post from over a year ago that someone had the same problem on Orientation Island and NOTHING was done then either by LL's, how sad is this!  If it was my first time to log into SL and I was treated that way and no one was there to help me, I would log off and NEVER log back in.  No wonder LL's is going down the toilet, because they allow this crap to continue to happen and wont do a damn thing to STOP it!  



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I agree with you, that these so-called welcome areas do seem to get targeted far too often by griefers.  However, it isn't a case of Linden Lab not caring, it is a case of Linden Lab needing to prioritise what problems to go and deal with first, and they do not have unlimited staff.

We are expected to help each other out, and as you are obviously a person with a lot of common sense, and good values, you could do as others do when at these welcome areas when becoming aware of the presence of griefers.

Firstly, sit on something.  A griefer cannot push someone who is seated.

Secondly, ignore anything that is said to you.

Thirdly, urge others (in private IMs rather than open chat) who you see being pushed around to sit on the nearest prim.

Fourthly, but most importantly, ignore and mute as much as possible.  If griefers do not get the attention they so obviously are seeking, they get bored and move on.

Just view it - 20 regular people at a welcome area, and one or two griefers, everyone giving the griefer attention by telling them to stop pushing them, or threatening to report them to LL.  Griefers know very little can be done about them, so they laugh in real life, call people "phaggot" if they are on voice (a popular word it seems as well as the other usual expletives), and continue to get their jollies, and on and on it goes. 

Imagine, anyone experienced with griefers instead of above paragrah, they choose to stay silent with the griefer and sit on the nearest prim, and spread the word via IM to others being griefed.

Eventually the welcome hub becomes quiet and still, with just the griefers running around like the loons they are trying to get attention.  How bored would them become?  And how much the tables are turned and how much fun it is for all who sit quietly to watch the griefers get bored?  Calming, eh? 

I've seen this done at Violet and Bear, although on Orientation Island there are people who just cannot resist saying something to griefers, and they are just stirring the pot, making the situation worse, and that is unfortunately their way of getting attention.

Lead by example, I say.  Linden Lab are not our mum and dad, and I would resent them wasting time on petty schoolyard stuff when they need to be clearing up issues that could potentially undermine the performance of servers or get the whole grid shut down because of something illegal occurring.


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Heh Yea. I went to an Info hub the other day. There was a guy chatting and saying bad stuff . He could have been easily muted. But aT  the same time I hear this other guy yelling and cursing up a storm at the greifer . He was a more of a disturbance than the greifer. He was telling everyone to file abuse report on the guy while using the F word lol. I'm like, dude!. You are feeding this troll, and sounding 10 times worse than the troll. I left. I didn't wait for a comment lol


When everyone starts shouting back at the greifer it tends to cause more chaos than what the greifer is doing to begin with.

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Heh Yea. I went to an Info hub the other day. There was a guy chatting and saying bad stuff . He could have been easily muted. But aT  the same time I hear this other guy yelling and cursing up a storm at the greifer . He was a more of a disturbance than the greifer. He was telling everyone to file abuse report on the guy while using the F word lol. I'm like, dude!. You are feeding this troll, and sounding 10 times worse than the troll. I left. I didn't wait for a comment lol


When everyone starts shouting back at the greifer it tends to cause more chaos than what the greifer is doing to begin with.


Exactly my point.:matte-motes-big-grin:

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I agree LL Needs to do something about the public areas to prevent griefing, I understand that this can be a bit hard but like seriously I have seen the griefing that happens in sims like Korea, Orientation Island, Help Island, SandBox, Etc.

I have quit SL again for awhile because I am currently bored. Every time I login it seems I have to deal with this one griefer or two griefers now because Linden Lab would not do anything about this griefer for quite awhile maybe there wasnt enough evidence I have no clue but either way they are a pain. The only solution honestly, and this did not come from my mouth, but the only solution sometimes is to grief griefers back, and make them beg, sadly when this happens it drags a lot of other people at times into the conflict simply for being there, but sometimes there has to be a war before there is peace. And believe me I Laugh when grieferers get griefed by griefers I think they absolutely have it coming.

Sometimes there are reasons people or spectic sims get griefed in Second Life for a reason, not that I can actually support such because its a TOS violation no matter what, but just in general sometimes there is a reason for it, and I will just sit back and watch. This is why I believe LL should respond faster before one little incident becomes a bigger one which causes more harm to others just standing around.

The most common and most lame excuse I hear for griefers hitting a SandBox is because they want revenge against Linden Lab.

Player Moderation can't really do anything because we don't have the tools to actually do such, however if LL could give us the tools which could not be abused to deal with griefers like this, or if they could respond to Abuse Report faster it would be nice.

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I'm always reminded of the first time I got 'griefed'. I was walking along the sidewalk looking in shops. I had my Premium stipend so I was prepared if need be to really plunge—I had some shoes that cost more than 30L$—but I much preferred free stuff. Some doofus started dropping colored balls out of the sky and they were pushing me all over the place. I had absolutely NO idea what was happening, let alone how to figure out whose they were or anything. I was probably less than three weeks old. I ducked into a store since they didn't seem to be coming through the ceiling and just stood there until they went away, because I didn't know anything else to do.


It was a long time later before I learned that was exactly the right way to handle it.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I'm always reminded of the first time I got 'griefed'. I was walking along the sidewalk looking in shops. I had my Premium stipend so I was prepared if need be to really plunge—I had some shoes that cost more than 30L$—but I much preferred free stuff. Some doofus started dropping colored balls out of the sky and they were pushing me all over the place. I had absolutely NO idea what was happening, let alone how to figure out whose they were or anything. I was probably less than three weeks old. I ducked into a store since they didn't seem to be coming through the ceiling and just stood there until they went away, because I didn't know anything else to do.


It was a long time later before I learned that was
the right way to handle it.

That's your real life instinct coming out.  If you or I were bombarded by water bombs out in real life, or something, we'd probably duck for cover.

And it sounds like you did the best thing.  And the griefer soon went on his merry way I take it.

The first time I was griefed, was probably when I rented an apartment at (appropriately) Noob Island.  Some dude called Donnie decided it would be funny to drive his car and push me and my buddies around the apartment. I must admit, I found it a little intimidating (not helped by the fact I always used to have my volume settings on FULL BLAST, and this dude had got full revs going on his car, and some loud music playing on it.  My mentor/best buddie at the time told me and the others to go to his store, while he stayed to sort the problem out.  Turns out, he caged Donnie, and left him there in my apartment caged. Both him and the cage had gone when I returned later.

On another occasion, in the same apartment, some lads set some particle exploders off, and they turned my screen manic blue orange red. I shouted up to them "is that you dropped crap into my apartment" and they just laughed, called me a noob (I was a noob, and didn't feel offended at the term), and knew I didn't know about the abuse reporting feature.

None of these silly attacks made me want to leave SL.  Daft lads will be daft lads, and some of the griefer tools people use can be quite inventive and fun, if you just play along.  People who push and name call are just boring and lack imagination, are probably very lazy and smelly in real life. 

And what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and all that. 

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O.I. is a dump. It needs to be wiped off the grid. Help island is just as bad for idiots who think they OWN the grid.

I think my first griefing was on avatar island - some cage fell on me.


The thing about "welcome" areas - they are infested with people who think they own SL and tend to be cliques. Just like RL - you get SL'ers who think their crap does not stink. All that pixelated sexiness goes to their heads.


Or they are E-hard thugs. You know, little Jimmy in his acne-ridden stages trying to get even for all the times he got messed with in school that day. When you think of griefers in SL, just remember it is probably people have really pathetic lives. Some guys who could not get laid in a women's prison or women who are still waiting for their "big break" on TV when Jerry Springer finally invites them to the stage.

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You were on Noob Island? The one that was connected with the large clothing mall/store/company? I loved that place! I found it really early on and loved it, it was a perfect place for noobs. In fact that's where that griefing story happened, and they were very good there about getting rid of those guys. The LM was in the Police Station so every visit started there. I hit on that policeman relentlessly :-). He was unmoved, sad to say.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

You were on Noob Island? The one that was connected with the large clothing mall/store/company? I loved that place! I found it really early on and loved it, it was a perfect place for noobs. In fact that's where that griefing story happened, and they were very good there about getting rid of those guys. The LM was in the Police Station so every visit started there. I hit on that policeman relentlessly :-). He was unmoved, sad to say.

Yessss, next door to Alady Island it was.  As well as the rental box apartments, there were houses and apartments you could use as your home base per session. I used to like using a town house on the end of one particular block.

And the sim owner was fabulous, approachable, and dealt with any problems quickly.  Tracey Sassoon. 

I feel really happy with nostalgia in this moment. *sighs*.

18.12.07 first place to live in SL.jpg

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Marigold Devin wrote:

I feel really happy with nostalgia in this moment. *sighs*.

18.12.07 first place to live in SL.jpg


Me too :-). I peeked at your profile and you were here almost a year before me so we weren't co-tenants, but you're the first person I know who actually 'noobed' there. In my time I don't recall real rentals, there were just the session ones, but even that was so nice (since as a noob I didn't know people could see through walls). Plus they had rides to go on and other things so you could kind of learn about how Second Life could work. Bless 'em.

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I think there were four sims together at the time, owned by the Alady lady.  Noob had these houses and some apartments (like New York loft apartments) to use per session, and my old memory failed me a little, because the apartment that I rented was across a sim border in **bleep** Tuck.

Remember the dodgems?  They were fun. I used to take a lot of newbies over to Noob and Alady, because you're right about it being a great place to meet people and to learn the basics of doing stuff in Second Life. 

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BellaRoche wrote:

... I had a balloon in my hand that if you clicked would give you info on Fish Hunt, Tree Hunt and Gold Hunt.  ...



selling/soliciting/advertising at linden welcome areas and infohubs is not allowed. if linden did enforce their rules then you probably get a ban yourself


i know you probably dont think you did anything wrong but thems the rules

can pretty much pick what happened. someone said something to you about it. you said you should be able to or cant see that you doing any harm. then it all went downhill after that 

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Marigold Devin wrote:

{Good sound advice}


Fifthly - never accept gifts from strangers, especially attachments or clothing. You can let yourself in for all sort of things from being bitten by a vampire to being griefed every time you log on if you're not careful about what you accept.

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