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I have a list a mile long of griefers known to cause problems (crash sims)... when complaints are filed against these people.. how long does it normally take Linden Labs to investigate the report? And why does Linden Labs allow adult content to be used (both text and voice chat) at it's PG rated Welcome Hubs?!  Are there any plans as to how long it may take Linden Labs to gain some sorta control over people generating IP addresses?!  As it stands, Linden labs has lost control of Second Life.

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If you file an AR (Report an Abuse), you will receive an email from LL telling you they have received it.  What they do with it, you may never know however if the griefing is on mainland, they usually deal with it very quickly.  LL does not 'allow' adult content knowingly.  If you see something going on that is considered non-PG in a PG-rated area, you can file an AR.

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The griefers are able to return on alt accounts, on different computers if they get so far as being IP banned. The Welcome areas/infohubs are notorious for attracting griefers, but to be very honest with you, Robert69, people like yourself do not help, because you feed the griefers by saying to them "reported". 

Why is it so difficult to ignore/mute a griefer instead of feeding them?

The reason why it appears LL don't do anything about griefers, is because LL do not just jump directly in. If they are dealing with several abuse reports at the same time, they have to prioritise. If something is likely to be a threat to sims/servers, then of course that issue will take priority, if it is a case of people acting like children, playing at virtual tip taps, or name calling, they are unlikely to rush to stop it.

Aren't we all supposed to be grown-ups who log in to Second Life?  While some people obviously are not acting like grown-ups, neither are the ones who are sticking their virtual tongue out and saying "nah nah, I'm reporting you" (sic).

And if you keep reporting for petty things, that really you could just ignore and move away from, LL are going to become very fed up and eventually may even suspend your account for abusing the system. 

I know this is not the answer you want to hear, and you are likely to start arguing with me, but go away and have a good think about that ridiculous long thread you have made, five pages long now, with you just jabbering away to yourself like a loon.  How can anyone take you seriously?


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Griefers are like school yard bullies.  They do what they do to gain attention.  You are sure giving it to them so its not a suprise that you are a frequet target.  Mute, Eject Ban. Don't even say a word to them.  Starve them of any attention.  When you are not 'fun' to grief they will go away.

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I was griefed tonight at Orientation Island and here is the thread to the forum I started, and I am 99.9% positive that LL's will not do a damn thing to stop this crap!  I have lost all faith (what little I had) in Linden Labs...They only care about getting the money that rolls in and not stopping the abuse!  I dont even know why they have a TOS, maybe we should all do a class action law suit...HAHAHA!



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Aren't we all supposed to be grown-ups who log in to Second Life?  While some people obviously are not acting like grown-ups, neither are the ones who are sticking their virtual tongue out and saying "nah nah, I'm reporting you" (sic).

No not everyone is an adult that logs into SL, especially since LL closed the teen grid and let them come into our server!  Although before that happened teens were in SL, and I know of a mother who let her 2 young boys play is SL rather than the teen grid and one was partnered to a grown woman and she thought he was her age!


So...No not all that log in are Adults!

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BellaRoche wrote:

Aren't we all supposed to be grown-ups who log in to Second Life?  While some people obviously are not acting like grown-ups, neither are the ones who are sticking their virtual tongue out and saying "nah nah, I'm reporting you" (sic).

No not everyone is an adult that logs into SL, especially since LL closed the teen grid and let them come into our server!  Although before that happened teens were in SL, and I know of a mother who let her 2 young boys play is SL rather than the teen grid and one was partnered to a grown woman and she thought he was her age!


So...No not all that log in are Adults!

And that is a whole other issue.  If Linden Lab become aware of underage users being allowed to access Second Life, they act on that.

All the stupid childish stuff that takes place on the welcome areas, we, as adults, are expected to deal with it ourselves. And do you know how stupid it sounds when you talk about taking out lawsuits against LL about this?  The police in RL are not our mum and dad either.

I've had this conversation on other threads.  If certain areas attract griefers, then why go there?  Why continue to go there? Unless you go to seek out the trouble.

Methinks you just want to have an argument with someone, albeit out of the frustration of not being able to get your own way via the official abuse reporting system.  Regardless of what you think about Linden Lab's seeming lack of care, and being all about the money, they do care, some Linden Lab employees care very much indeed.  Of course Linden Lab are out to make money; they are running a business after all.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

've had this conversation on other threads.  If certain areas attract griefers, then why go there?  Why continue to go there? Unless you go to seek out the trouble.

Methinks you just want to have an argument with someone, albeit out of the frustration of not being able to get your own way via the official abuse reporting system.  Regardless of what you think about Linden Lab's seeming lack of care, and being all about the money, they do care, some Linden Lab employees care very much indeed.  Of course Linden Lab are out to make money; they are running a business after all.


I went there ONCE and was abused so badly that I will never go back there and who are you to ASSUME that I keep going back there?  Get your facts straight before saying something that isnt true!  It seems that you are the one constantly on these threads putting in your two cents to start arguments!  I am posting on this thread to make it known that this is a problem that nothing is being done to resolve it, so why even have an "Abuse Report" that we can send in?  Why have a TOS?  LL doesnt seem to hold people accountable that break their TOS!


 I guess you missed the LOL after the class action suit, but then again you most likely seen it and used it as a platform to cut my post to shreds!

You are the only one that has responded to this thread in a negative way, so before you go pointing fingers you might want to look in the mirror!

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BellaRoche wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

've had this conversation on other threads.  If certain areas attract griefers, then why go there?  Why continue to go there? Unless you go to seek out the trouble.

Methinks you just want to have an argument with someone, albeit out of the frustration of not being able to get your own way via the official abuse reporting system.  Regardless of what you think about Linden Lab's seeming lack of care, and being all about the money, they do care, some Linden Lab employees care very much indeed.  Of course Linden Lab are out to make money; they are running a business after all.


I went there ONCE and was abused so badly that I will never go back there and who are you to ASSUME that I keep going back there?  Get your facts straight before saying something that isnt true!  It seems that you are the one constantly on these threads putting in your two cents to start arguments!  I am posting on this thread to make it known that this is a problem that nothing is being done to resolve it, so why even have an "Abuse Report" that we can send in?  Why have a TOS?  LL doesnt seem to hold people accountable that break their TOS!


 I guess you missed the LOL after the class action suit, but then again you most likely seen it and used it as a platform to cut my post to shreds!

You are the only one that has responded to this thread in a negative way, so before you go pointing fingers you might want to look in the mirror!


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OUCH is right!


I can't help but notice that under your name is says "helper", I am guessing that that little tag  means that you are assigned to help "answer" questions in here.  Yet you seem to be negative and argumentative over this issue when you should be more neutral & helpful, so why the hostility?

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BellaRoche wrote:


OUCH is right!


I can't help but notice that under your name is says "helper",
I am guessing that that little tag  means that you are assigned to help "answer" questions in here.  Y
et you seem to be negative and argumentative over this issue when you should be more neutral & helpful, so why the hostility?



I do not believe I am anything but neutral and helpful over on the Answers section, which is where the Helper tag originates, being the place where correct answers, kudos, and post counts all amass. 

Over here, on a general discussion area, I am, like everyone else, entitled to voice my own opinion.  If you do not agree with it, then of course you have the right to voice your own opinion.

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Linden Lab does ban griefers the problem however in my opinion is that they move too slow. I have publically called out 4 CopyBot GRIEFERS on every MMO Site I can think of and they are still in Second Life today, I really dont care about TOS Breaking because offically it isn't if I don't post their names on these forums or in SL. The reason I don't care is because well the Theft is worse.

Ban by IP address good luck a lot of griefers have hundreds and thousands of these along with those MAC/Hard Disk serial changers to avoid Hardware ban, it can be argued that sometimes it doesn't work but most part it does.

The problem with most griefers is the Second Life community however, I find that a lot of people accept griefers into the community with open arms, or just dont care about it. Someone wearing stolen hairs they know it and don't care, or people allowing such users to be in their RP sims, or on their land. I know a community that allows griefers to do this, and I know of a few other small sims that have had this type of stuff going on there, but LL didn't crack down on it. I am talking about well over ($500)  in copied virtual products, not including all the copies given away to others.

I know that LL bans accounts that are found to be griefing, but the problem is there are hundreds and thousands of griefer accounts being used daily to grief they check all of these, and unless the same users griefs the same simulator like 100x and over 100+ abuse reports are filed it usually takes a long time.

Sim Crashing, That is another thing for example if I was given an object and rez it in a sandbox and it crashed the sim or did something stupid chances are I might get suspended, however given the age of my account, and or if LL checked the claim that someone gave me the object I rez nothing would likely be done unless I on purposely rez the object across multiple sims or something. Sometimes a new person or something accidently rez an object in world from another griefer and it does something I know I have a couple of times and it didn't crash but it spammed particles everywhere although I erased it from inventory and deleted in world.

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Why is it so difficult to ignore/mute a griefer instead of feeding them?

Your right.. I don't like your advice.. this has been going on for YEARS... 100's of live music events shut down and you expect us to just keeping turning the other cheek only to have it happen time and time again without LL taking any actions what-so-ever...and to report "adult content" being used in a LL "PG sim" is nothing but a joke.. that too fails to get any attention from LL.. try visiting the Ahern Welcome Area.. and you'll see what I mean.. guidelines/TOS policys to not apply to these people.... it been this way for YEARS....it's time to STOP ignoring the problems.. it's time to make second life a peaceful place for all to enjoy.

I dare anyone to visit Ahern Welcome Area and then come back to this fourm and post your findings.



While I was there yesterday.. I mentioned the fact it was a PG rated sim.. only to endure abuse.. and I have a video on my Dailymotion channel to prove it.

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Robert69 Little wrote:

Why is it so difficult to ignore/mute a griefer instead of feeding them?

Your right.. I don't like your advice.. this has been going on for YEARS... 100's of live music events shut down and you expect us to just keeping turning the other cheek only to have it happen time and time again without LL taking any actions what-so-ever...and to report "adult content" being used in a LL "PG sim" is nothing but a joke.. that too fails to get any attention from LL.. try visiting the Ahern Welcome Area.. and you'll see what I mean.. guidelines/TOS policys to not apply to these people.... it been this way for YEARS....it's time to STOP ignoring the problems.. it's time to make second life a peaceful place for all to enjoy.

I dare anyone to visit Ahern Welcome Area and then come back to this fourm and post your findings.


While I was there yesterday.. I mentioned the fact it was a PG rated sim.. only to endure abuse.. and I have a video on my Dailymotion channel to prove it.

I know griefers have been accessing Second Life for YEARS, but you are wrong; Linden Lab and individual residents are not ignoring the problem at all. 

Why should anyone here visit Ahern welcome area (and how do you know they don't already on a regular basis)? We believe you, we know there are griefers. We know the griefers target newbies, people at welcome areas, linden-owned sandboxes. Why must you continue to set yourself up as a target? Because this is what you are really doing.  Is this your way of getting attention? 

Why do you not understand that YOU are actually making the problems such a lot worse???? In spite of other people having also advised you to STOP FEEDING GRIEFERS, you continue.  You are adding fuel to a raging fire, instead of letting it burn out to a smouldering stop. 

I have been to many live music events in my 4+ years in Second Life.  Not once have I witnessed griefer attacks, and I have gone to places where there have been furries, child avatars, people with red hair(!).  Why is it that you are so unlucky?  The answer is because you encourage the griefers. YOU ARE ENCOURAGING THE GRIEFERS!!!!!! You speak to the griefers, you tell them you are going to report them, you bellow across the sims that there are griefers there.  How ridiculous.  And this is why you are going to continue to have this problem.

I refuse to give you any more attention.  I have given you enough, in the form of advice, and it is good advice.  I don't get griefed in SL, or in RL. I do not feed griefers, except for you, and you have just had your last meal from me.

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I know this much Mirigold.. for being a "helper" you sure seem to get by with spewing insulting comments at me with "ridiculous long thread", "just jabbering away to yourself like a loon"... and your on the Linden Lab staff?!  I would surely hope not......the thread was about "GRIEFERS"....not about me.. it's very easy to point the finger towards me as though I'm the one thats guilty of wrong doing.. it's all my fault griefers attacked my venue.. abuse me at welcome hubs.. yeah.. it's all my fault.. I am to take the blame... Makes it alot easier and saves Linden Lab some much needed work to solve our concerns.... Thanks for your two cents worth jabber.

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instead of letting it burn out to a smouldering stop?!

There is NO truth in that statement what-so-ever... none.. zreo. zilch.. you need to get off ME lady.... thats what you need to do.. I'm not creating the problems.. I'm like many others in the past trying to get this addressed by Linden Lab.. but I can see my attempt will be in vain.. nothing will change....NOTHING.

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Muting a griefer isn't as simple as you say, I have been there and done that, and beleive me I wish it actually worked.

There are many forums of griefing including some Popular people who own RP sims in Second Life, and without naming these communties because its against the TOS to do such, they are griefers themselves. When drama starts they have these Little Admin Groups Which they use to publically spread Rumors, or False information in about other residents over Drama accusing them of griefing. Ive been there seen and dealt with these type of people.

The sad fact however is from my experience with such people they are the griefers because even if a person is griefing spreading or giving out information in a group or in SL like this aka defaming is a SL Community Standards Violation, and I have reported the owners, and admins for doing it to LL before, but LL did nothing because these people over over 12+ Estates in Second Life, aka Money Talks, that is my opinion and view on it.

Sometimes Muting a griefer works, but then you got people like me with serious Motto's aka we do not forgive we do not forget. When someone crosses my path I never forget period, that issue will remain open until the person resolves the dispute, and if it is something that I did myself I do take responsibility but if it isn't I won't.

Using the Mute button generally works on Objects that spam residents for example, and also works on griefers who have no Skill, but the type of griefers I deal with are the griefers who get IP Banned, and hardware banned and come back in 30 seconds to laugh at LL. These are the people with serious business. Sometimes it will work, other times it will not.

OverAll, Back in the day I believed that All Griefing was bad, and I still do for the most part such as people who attack Sandboxes, disturb the peace in Second Life, or attack without a reason aka the griefer doing it for the laughs. Now I understand more and why some griefers do what they do, and I really could care less when griefers grief other griefers I will sit back and laugh because karma is a real pain isn't it?

If a community, or person in Second Life is going to support griefers, Don't think that others are not going to grief you back for those actions aka I have seen people cry before because they got griefed after supporting a Copybot who attack a developer I know of for years, and some others I don't know very much. The sad thing however is that the owner of this place is a member of the CCA, and has these type of griefer community/people playing in their little MMORPG, and they are all griefers clearly breaking the TOS with their little admin groups which they defame people in for the laughs.

In my view Second Life is a big disgrace to even have such people in the Community calling themselves a MMORPG when they really are not. See in the real MMO community we frown upon things like Aimbot's, Cheaters, Exploiters, and Hackers, and we will call you out for it outside of the jurisdiction fo the game's EULA/TOS.

For those who have actually played in any RP for the years I have, or even those who have actually done nothing but visit a sim, and get accused of being an alternate account, defamed, harassment by owners, or other people then you might know exactly what I am talking about, and there are many Small Based community sims in Second Life that have people which do this. Personally I don't care anymore, but I will see the Karma, and Revenge one day, I will be there to dance on these peoples RP Graves for what they ahve done until the dispute is resolved and that is how and who I am you see.

So what does Second Life Need?

LL needs to get moving and start enforcing the damn TOS/CS when a person is reported for breaking it even if they are spending $1000 a month on Estate I don't care.

I watched for 30 days as a Creator I know of was CopyBot by some of these RP Griefers, and their items were sent out in a group with no owners, I filed an abuse Report to Linden Lab, the Creator somewhat accused me and said he filed a DMCA, Personally I felt like raging him because he talked to others from this group about me but I didn't go off on him like I felt like. I was and still am pissed because of this crap but then again this creator in the past used the CDS system, and obviously doesn't know much because if he did he would know that the system didn't work. Anyways after some background checking I found that the person this griefer Ripped off was the same person who had builds by this same group in their RP sim, point being it all links back to this person.

My point for saying this is I abuse reported it all, for over 30 days the notice stayed in the group Linden Lab  did not remove the notices spammed by this griefer giving away stolen content from my knowledge across multiple groups, It is currently unclear if they have removed it now because I haven't been logged into SL lately.

LL just needs to act faster on griefers, and put in some new functions to prevent griefing, and use of multiple accounts, and they could start slowing down griefers by requirements of RL Information just like all other MMORPG's require, and things like Email Verification, Telephone Verification possibly, it wouldn't stop people like me because I know ways around all these, but it would stop most common griefers for awhile while more things are put into SL to prevent such. In addition to this they need to simply prevent abuse from residents spreading crap in Second Life about others for example, X user accusing X user of being a griefer in a RP group which is very common it needs to stop, and be a banable offense, and in the most a warning/suspension at first to make them understand it is not tolerated in SL because that is a form of griefing, and something a lot of people I have seen have to put up with.

In general if you search for Admin groups from certain RP community groups you will see where it says this group is to report griefing, or griefers, which is strictly against the TOS to spread such rumors about other residents without consent, but nothing gets done an abuse report, and the notice stays there for like beyond 15/30 days when the notice should be removed, and abusive notices should even lead to removal of the group from Second Life when things happen like this. In addition LL should give owners, and rights to remove/moderate notices so they can be removed.

Second Life, is currently the only MMORPG I know of with the worst griefing in in other than things like Mine Craft, or SandBox titles, but the worst, and something needs to be done about it.


2. LL has indeed in my view lost control over SL and they should start by giving people the old feel of viewer 1 back, because Viewer 2, and 3 just suck. The complaints against people are investigated, but it depends on how big or known the people are for that matter. If for example it is a matter of a griefer spamming a sandbox it could take hours before Linden Lab bans the griefer for that matter 4 hours crashing sims and lagging down like 12 sandbox regions before anything gets done. However if the user griefs a really popular Estate company, or RP sim, or people with LL friends it seems that they responds a lot faster.

3. Welcome Areas, Are always full of Trolls, and griefing, I have my friends and enemies who hang out at welcome areas and it does turn into Trolls Trolling Trolls, and Griefers Griefing Griefers I have seen this. It can actually be a bit hard for LL to moderate voice chat, and that is why when people do illegal things in Second Life they say get on Skype, or Talk on voice so that LL can't prove it, or for that matter just cursing out people at a welcome area its hard to prove.

4. PG Welcome areas I am generally against people walking around naked because for that matter Kids, or Under the age of 18 are now in welcome areas, and can be exposed to this content. Generally anyone 13+ should likely know the anatomy however it becomes more less a form of griefing when people pull out the huds that do the adult things there, or grief, and generally just going around naked and talk trash that should be dealt with. For example a person could walk in naked because they are loading it happens and that can be expected, but to generally just grief is another thing.

5. IP addresses there are thousands of them there is no blocking them all which is why I have multiple Routers, and modems, Plus a call to some of my friends who work at the ISP I get a new modem, new Network card, or new IP any time I need really so doesn't matter besides for that matter I have over 10 Thousand IP addresses I can use across any game or service aka man in the middle it does have its legit uses to use a proxy. I mean if someone actually makes a Real Life threat, or does anything against the Law, and with a valid court order/claim it is possible to find out who the user is most likely if they are at home routing through proxies, however otherwise its Anonymous.

Call me a crazy kitty if you wish, but at least I am not the one remaking the moving RAMPAGE in RL like some people have actually lost it and done recently.

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Robert69 Little wrote:

Why is it so difficult to ignore/mute a griefer instead of feeding them?

Your right.. I don't like your advice.. this has been going on for YEARS... 100's of live music events shut down and you expect us to just keeping turning the other cheek only to have it happen time and time again without LL taking any actions what-so-ever...and to report "adult content" being used in a LL "PG sim" is nothing but a joke.. that too fails to get any attention from LL.. try visiting the Ahern Welcome Area.. and you'll see what I mean.. guidelines/TOS policys to not apply to these people.... it been this way for YEARS....it's time to STOP ignoring the problems.. it's time to make second life a peaceful place for all to enjoy.

I dare anyone to visit Ahern Welcome Area and then come back to this fourm and post your findings.


While I was there yesterday.. I mentioned the fact it was a PG rated sim.. only to endure abuse.. and I have a video on my Dailymotion channel to prove it.

I "dared" to visit Ahern and was there for the best part of an hour. I even went in with voice active (and I rarely have voice switched on). I have never been so bored in my entire SLife, and I will never get that time back.  Did I see any griefers while I was there? No I did not. I saw (and heard) the same sort of crowd that I would have seen in any RL venue; a bunch of people chilling out after their respective work days, or some are in their work place having a skive.  The language was a bit 'fruity' in places, but I hear worse from 11 year old kids on the bus, and as for adult content, I saw no genitalia, no fetish-wear, no masters dragging slaves around, nothing except quite an average assortment of people, some new, some obviously there just hanging with their regular SL mates. 

No one was running around calling anyone else "phaggot", no one was pushing anyone else, in fact over half seemed to be in a coma if anything.

Maybe they just get excited when they see you there.



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oh bull... the griefer who griefed my venue was even there for a few minutes....I don't guess you seen the avatar (horse) masterbateing either... your help is worthless.. as you see nothing wrong when it's in black and white and don't bothing spewing anymore insulting remarks towards me.. I've heard enough for one day outta' you.

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the point is that there is a process for dealing with stuff

abuse report. mute and ban

if your sim is affected then can file a ticket or even get onto live help support to sort that out

if not sure or wants more info before decide what to do then can ask on the Answers section here as well


the other thing we can do is have a rant and a moan. happens all the time that. is ok that people can actual do this. when we do tho then other people can give it back to us. and they do sometimes whether thats in RL or inworld SL. infohub, random shop or club or whereevs. it happens. can kinda chill on it a bit or can escalate as you like


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omg.. I filed a report on TUESDAY JULY 17TH at 2pm slt against the very same griefer who griefed our venue that was at the Ahern Welcome Area just a couple hours ago while whats her name was there (minus her glasses).. one of her many alts.. I may add.... what a justice system we have here eh?  As I said before.. Linden Lab has lost control of Second Life....griefers laughing in their faces while flipping them the bird.  And I'm suppose to be HAPPY?! 

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