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At least this Christian wants peace and friendship

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

where does it say anyone is going to hell rather than just taken out of the book of life to never exist anymore..


Quite a few places actually:

Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire
prepared for the devil and his angels
.' Matthew 25:41

And these will go away into eternal punishment,
but the righteous into eternal life
. Matthew 25:46

But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur,
which is the second death.
Revelation 21:8

But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire. Matthew 5:22

I could go on, but you get the point.

ok but where does it say they will suffer forever other than to not exist..

being taken out of the book of life to not exist is to be punished forever by nonexistance..not burn forever..it's a death..not a life..

those going to eternity are the ones that live forever..

those taken out of the book of life are thrown into an eternal lake of fire..it doesn't mean they have eternal life as well..they die the second death..

Ah, I see. That sounds better. The saved will live forever with God but the wicked will cease to exist. Seems like an all powerful God could have saved a lot of suffering by not making the wicked in the first place.

Oh, and I just saw the first part of Matthew 25:46 again:  
And these will go away into eternal punishment, 
but the righteous into eternal life

ya that is the second death..tossed in the burner to die..no more chances.. end of it all.. game over..

forever..the eternal punishment.. pffft gone lol

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Which Joseph?

The one where his brothers sold him into slavery and then were ruled by him and that explains the 12 tribes of Israel?

Or the 'You are not the father!' of baby Jesus?

ya the one where his brothers put him in the well.. then left him there taking the jacket back to their father saying he had died ..then a slaver found him and he became a slave that made his way up to be someone the pharoh loooked up to..

i just thougth it was a good story is all hehehe


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bejjinks wrote:

Some will accuse me of being a liberal Christian but that is not the case. I study the Bible and truly live by what the Bible says.

Alright, you lost me at the second sentence... how many of your children have you put to death for disrespecting you?


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this is a pretty neat thing about the devil or satan..

it's called the history of the devil..

it goes into how much he has evolved from the angel he was then into the evil that we are told he is today..whch really the name satan only means the accuser..as well as how evil is really man made by our changing  his role over time..it was an interesting watch seeing  the changes made over time from place to place in the world..

The History of the Devil








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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

However, when we start to say that people need to be saved from hell, the first question would be, who is condemning us to hell? The answer is God, because we have sinned against him. Well then, if we are his creations, and he knew we would sin and not accept Christ, then the only bad guy in the whole scenario is God.

If we put the blame on Satan, we must ask, who has given Satan his power to turn us from Christ? The answer again is God.

There can be no good in a God that creates people to hand over to eternal damnation and hellfire.

That is the way some particular branches of Christian -churches- have set out doctrine and dogma. Its not necessarily biblical nor part of the way all of us see things. :)

I have the benefit of following a path that -NEVER- bowed to Rome's sword. The Ethiopian Orthodox went to Nicea, and essentially said "that's nice kids, but your Emporer is not ours, and good luck getting your armies down here. And it took Rome until the 1930s to pull it of. :)

And my particular 'cult' branches away from there as well, and basically goes with the 'well, we're reading it our way.' :P

 The gift of Jah is eternal life. - Romans 6:23

Charolotte Caxton wrote:


Jesus says that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you.

Even the four Gospels are full of inconsistencies and conflicting details. 

Given that it's written by the followers, this only makes sense. That wasn't a problem with early Christians, nor are parables in the Old Testament a problem for Jews - who look at it as parables and analogies to reach the truth, not a literal step-by-step book.


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bejjinks wrote:

To all of you. I'm trying to be friendly here. Why are you making this into an argument. Can't we just lighten up here?

Are you out of your mind?  It's well known that conversations about individual religious beliefs will, at some point, become inflammatory.  You, by even bringing it up, could be called out for instigating an argument in the first place.  There's absolutely nothing worse than a troll who uses religion in order to get a reaction from people.

If your intent was to be friendly, then let me suggest that you drop the religious condensation and post some LOLCATS instead.


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The bible is a propaganda rag, the basics come from an older story of another group of people that died out 5000 years ago, tablets have been found with the original story and original people, but it seems a very war like race defeated them and rewrote to suit only them and no others, in the original story god was from the stars and wanted to trade gold, all the early versions of the story are in fact a trade agreement between this star god and the people of earth, the mambo jumbo stuff was added many years later after this star god stopped coming, the old story don't know why he stopped coming but they waited for him to return, but that didn't stop the gold traders taking over the story and rewriting it to be solely about them.



PS, this star god seemed to have morals, because he would only buy the gold if it was collected fairly, he laid down a set of rules about the cities he would trade with, almost like a fair trade agreement with countries from Africa, but again this was rewritten to include only one group, he even advised us, in the last part of the agreement he said that we should not allow the gold traders to run the show and he advises us to erase them, he found the way the gold traders where collecting gold to be unacceptable.


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There are homosexuals who accept having me as a friend. Am I calling for your death? Am I persecuting you? How come several homosexuals count me as a friend but you assume persecution on my part? Or are you just blaming me for what someone else did?

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

it has 613 commandments not just 10.. which a lot of christians don't even know about.. hehehehe

It has 613 commandments that were part of the Mosaic law that only applied to the Mosaic priesthood. Those commandments were never intended for the whole world.


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Can an innercity black man and an innercity Asian be friends? If the black man lays down his weapons and offers peace, will the Asian assume that the black man is trying to kill him? Will the enmity between the two groups be so great that the Asian seeks revenge on the black man that is offering peace because of what other black men have done to Asians? Will the Asian accuse the black man of being antagonistic just because he is black? Will the Asian insist that the only way he'll accept the black man is if the black man ceases to be black?

We live in a world where hatred reigns supreme. Everyone is full of bitterness and seeks to define a group of people to blame for all their problems. If only we could wipe ____ people off the face of the planet, than we can have peace, right?

See without Jesus, I view this world as a living Hell. War, poverty, greed, slavery, oppression. If the Atheists are right, than we should all commit suicide because oblivion sounds so much more appealing than life on Earth.

You blame me for causing oppression. I'm sick of being oppressed.

Good things do not get done in this world because there is no profit in helping each other out. Bad things are done all the time because there is great profit in theft.

Is there no peace anywhere? Is this Earth Hell already?

What do I have to do to find peace and friendship? Do I have to deny who I am? Why is it so hard for all of you to be friendly?

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