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which groups pay group dividends?

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Generally if they do its by accident. Most groups are set up to only pay dividends and charge liabilities to group owners, sometimes to officers. So most of the time the option is just not set up right in the group.

Also if a group pays you dividends you also have to pay your share of liabilities..  You can't get one without the other..  A typical liability would be fees in connection to group owned land. 

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Note that any group pays can also charge - classified and search are paid by groups.

I once charged people in a group I was running 1L each across the whole group. Fortunately small - but very embarrasing sending everyone an apology (I used a card -and- individual IMs) and a whopping 1L. :)



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I am sure this is an innocent and informational post, but it sure sounded creepy to me.  Maybe I am just jaded by my years in SL, but  I got this  feeling this question was asked so someone could find groups to  camp out inthat pay dividends rather than investing and contributing to SL from their RL purse. I know many do not have a lot of money, but the freeloaders in SL these days is just appalling.  Not only do I pay to enjoy SL, now, they want me to pay for them as well!  WRONG!

Most group owners are savvy enough not to pay out Lindens per week nor, CHARGE their members. I says don't drink that mocha every day or whatever,  and invest $10.13 USD and get yourself 2500L to spend.  Not only will you be doing yourself a favor, you will have the satisfaction  of knowing you are contributing to SL.   Will take a lot of time spent in groups making .01 to .03 cents per week.

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Morgaine Christensen wrote:

I am sure this is an innocent and informational post, but it sure sounded creepy to me.  Maybe I am just jaded by my years in SL, but  I got this  feeling this question was asked so someone could find groups to  camp out inthat pay dividends rather than investing and contributing to SL from their RL purse. I know many do not have a lot of money, but the freeloaders in SL these days is just appalling.  Not only do I pay to enjoy SL, now, they want me to pay for them as well!  WRONG!

Most group owners are savvy enough not to pay out Lindens per week nor, CHARGE their members. I says don't drink that mocha every day or whatever,  and invest $10.13 USD and get yourself 2500L to spend.  Not only will you be doing yourself a favor, you will have the satisfaction  of knowing you are contributing to SL.   Will take a lot of time spent in groups making .01 to .03 cents per week.


It's entirely possible you're reading too much into it. In fact it's probable.

Most groups, as already pointed out, that pay dividends also charge and it typically works out as a wash. It's entirely possible the Op didn't realize this, and thought it was only paying dividends.

Personally I don't find people who are looking for a way to make a little linden cash "appalling", nor do I find them as people who aren't contributing to sl in some fashion. It doesn't have to JUST be money brought in to sl to be a contribution. I do find the opinion that anyone can bring money into sl a little odd though. We've no clue who sits behind each screen and not a single person ought to be judging what another can or cannot do in their life-at least when it comes to this. Some choose to not bring money in, some truly can't, and yet plenty of others do. Not everyone who doesn't is some kind of freeloader or something. If I were going to think any opinion is appalling it would be that those who don't bring money in are nothing but freeloaders ;)

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Good call!  I am glad SL is open enough we all can have diverse opinions, and not be afraid to voice them for fear of reprisal or attack. The world would be incredibly boring if everyone held the same opinons about situation.  What is appalling to one, probably isn't to others.  Good open dialog with all opinoins stated  helps shape our experiences and possibly change our opinions. Diversity is the spice of life.

Have a great day! 

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If Abby is looking for Lindens, then it is probably to spend them on something inworld, therefore she is contributing by passing the money from one source to another. 

If Abby were merely looking for groups to join so that she can sit in them for maybe ten years and make a dollar or two, even that would not be reprehensible, because in all that time she will probably have paid it all back if not more in group fees.

I belong to store groups where they often hand out freebies, I don't feel that my doing so is making me a freeloader. Those groups would be giving out gifts whether I was a member or not, so too the ones that accidentally pay out a few lindens to their members.

Being active in Second Life is participation enough, the numbers help the stats and their traffic helps destinations, in theory. 

No one has a right to demand that everyone contribute financially to this platform, it is free for anyone to enjoy, and contributing, while helpful and appreciated, is optional and noncompulsory.

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