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Magic Box Hiccup

Amaranthim Talon

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I recently moved my home where I had had my MB rezzed- Now when I log in to my new home where I re-rezzed the box I get an error message that says something about it has not been able to connect to MarketPlace in a while. I am aware of DD of course- as well as how many things have gone wrong with it and am choosing not to make the move until they actually make it work - any ideas what could have happened to my MB? I deleted that one and rezzed a new one but had the same message on the following day.



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Thank you, Rolig I had not.

On your recommendation I went to do that now and I do not see that option. Further- every single one of my items has disappeared! I now have ZERO items listed!!! Nothing- everything is gone... I realize MP hasn't quite been going well lately and that there have been some instances of - misdeliveries? But really? The entire store? Just disappeared... I did not delete these items -

So - does this now mean I have no other choice but to subject myself to the possibility of a DD nightmare?

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Uh-oh.  There should be a button labeled "Sync Marketplace with Magic Boxes" way at the top of the Manage Listings page, above the list of your Unassociated Inventory Items.  I'm not sure what it means if that button is missing. 

FWIW, I know that some people have had headaches with the new Direct Delivery system.  I moved my items over to DD a couple of months ago, however, and have had zero problems (knock on virtual wood).  There have been no failed deliveries, no lost inventory, no listing errors ..... I can't tell whether I am in a tiny minority of lucky merchants or in a huge majority of silent ones who have been untouched by the plague that is cursing the minority.  Sooner or later, of course, everyone will have to abandon the Magic Boxes and move to DD.  Maybe the gods are telling you that this is your time.  :smileytongue:

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Amaranthim Talon wrote:

I am aware of DD of course- as well as how many things have gone wrong with it 


Actually, very little has gone wrong with DD itself.  What do you perceive to be wrong with it?

There's plenty of peripheral problems, none of which are DD related but just so happen to be around at the time.  If you can migrate, i would say do so.  The delivery process is working just fine, the only real issue that cropped up that I recall was LL's failure to correctly handle Unicode characters and that was addressed a long time ago now.

The major problem that seems to affect some is an inability for the merchant outbox to upload but if that doesn't affect you, the actual delivery process is much better than that of magic box.

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Nothing has gone wrong for me personally with DD- as I said in my OP, I had resisted the change. However the forums have been rather peppered with some at times amusing and at times horrifying tales of items misdelivered, merchants not being paid, etc- Rolig apparently has read the same posts since she commented on some things going awry for some folks.

In any case, there doesn't seem to be any other choice for me if I intend to continue using the MP since now apparently my entire store has disappeared.

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Yes, I read the same posts.  Thing is, people post when they have problems.  When they don't have any, they don't post.  So there's a sampling bias in the forums.  That's why I can't tell whether most people are trouble free, like me, or whether I'm leading a charmed life.  Since I've never been particularly charmed in other parts of my life, I suspect that the first possibility is the correct one, though.

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Rolig Loon wrote:

FWIW, I know that some people have had headaches with the new Direct Delivery system.  I moved my items over to DD a couple of months ago, however, and have had zero problems (knock on virtual wood).  There have been no failed deliveries, no lost inventory, no listing errors ..... I can't tell whether I am in a tiny minority of lucky merchants or in a huge majority of silent ones who have been untouched by the plague that is cursing the minority. 

i migrated over to DD pretty much straight away i had one or two teething problems with the merchant outbox but migrating was a painless process so far i've had zero problems 

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Hi Amar :)

I think you're probably just missing a step - I'll contact you and we can go through it together.  I continue to have no problems with my MB at all; just the continuing issues you know about.  I'm pretty sure the MB can be set up, but the old Xstreet page where it needs to be synched does look different than it used to, which confused me at first. ;)

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Hello again everyone- Czari was right - I needed to go to the old MP and also reset my box from where I moved it. I followed her instructions - 1) Reset MB in-world 2) go back to the old MP page and update the box once it shows up 3) Sync with inventory...

In process of the sync now- it is a lot of items!

My thanks again to every one for their help. I guess while eventually I will need to move to DD I don't have to do it from scratch but can do a bit at a time with out disappearing off MP altogether.. hopefully, Talon Faire will be back on line soon. Thanks again!

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Rolig Loon wrote:

Yes, I read the same posts.  Thing is, people post when they have problems.  When they don't have any, they don't post.  So there's a sampling bias in the forums.  That's why I can't tell whether most people are trouble free, like me, or whether I'm leading a charmed life.  Since I've never been particularly charmed in other parts of my life, I suspect that the first possibility is the correct one, though.

I migrated over on the day that Direct Delivery rolled out, Miss Rolig.  Aside from having terrible trouble deleting the old Magic Box items (I think that prob still exists), migrating went just fine.  I, too, have had no miss deliveries, never NOT gotten paid, don't have any cross-linked listings, and my Merchant Outbox operates flawlessly. 

So I think you are absolutely correct.  Where someone is having a problem...here's a post for you!  When everything is going smoothly and perfectly...everybody shuts up. 

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1. All orders in my store transaction record are complete.... no "Delivery Pending" or "Failed Delivery" notes

2. Each matches a L$ entry in my Transaction History.

3. I've had no requests for redelivery and no angry or confused notes from customers.

4. In the absence of trouble signs, I assume things are OK.  I am a card-carrying optimist.  :smileywink:

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Spica Inventor wrote:

"The delivery process is working just fine, the only real issue...."

Linden Lab agent alert! hehe ;-)


I choose my phrases to be accurate and I will happily challenge anyone to say that the Direct Delivery process, the part where it actually delivers is not working correctly and I still maintain that the only other key issue was that where Unicode characters were present in the listing such that the payment reconcilliation didn't happen but this was a very early issue and fixed.

The parts of the Direct Delivery procedure that have caused issues and this isn't the complete list but some popular ones:-

Outbox not working

Payment messages/emails not arriving until much later or not at all (this process doesn't appear to have changed since MB anyway, the underlying architecture of non atomic transaction processing, discontiguous processing queues for order, delivery, reconcilliation still exist.  i.e. the rest is still flawed.

Claimed wrong products delivering, i've seen a JIRA where a customer purchased a product and most of the merchants products were delivered along with it.  Easy to reproduce, create a folder in the outbox and then drag your products into this and upload.  You've just created one "item" with all your product folders in it.  I know, I did this but noticed in time.

Issues with displaced listings during migration, other migration issues but still not a delivery issue itself.  You cannot have more than 100 DD listings that are unassociated, you have to clear some so repeated attempts at migration, re-migration, editing and more updating can fill this up.  This is how it's designed, it's NOT a fault of DD.

No support for objects for which are (no copy) to the merchant but not a delivery issue as such.

There's probably a couple of others that I've forgotten but NONE about actual Direct Delivery process where the delivery is in question.  Maybe some heresay but nothing quoted in a JIRA with reproduction steps and any software developer is going to treat those with anything other than an "oh?" without reproduction steps or other evidence.

The passion around changing from Magic Box, the rumours, huge amount of mis information really doesn't help.  Magic Boxes are going away, I see little point in advising anyone to spend time with a Magic Box issue, LL certainly won't help as the answer will be "migrate to DD".  If anything, not migrating is not helping their customers by increasing the likelihood of a delivery issue.  (Obviously those for whom the outbox doesn't work or who sell products for which DD doesn't support the permissions are excluded).

With regard to rumours, there are still those who believe that DD is evil because it delivers your inventory, it doesn't and it never did and was never going to but even a year later, that rumour still does the rounds and is sometimes quoted by merchants as a reason to not migrate.

Anyway, each of us can form our own assessment, I will stick with facts instead of hearsay. :)



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Sassy Romano wrote:

...I see little point in advising anyone to spend time with a Magic Box issue...


As it turned out, Amaranthim wasn't having a MB issue per se; it's  just a long time since she's listed on the MP.  She did not know to go to the old Xstreet site to update her MB there, THEN synch it on the MP website. It appears her MP store is now up and running. ;)

As for MB vs DD, while MB is still around some people prefer to continue using them.  As I've said exhaustively, I cannot at this time, use DD due to an older PC.  Trust me, if I *could* update/get a new PC, I would every two years...I used to teach application software as an adjunct professor in a Jr. College so I'm a semi-geekette. ;)  Life situations change - health issues can change how one was used to living in the blink of an eye.  To blithely tell someone "You need to keep up with the times"  with no knowledge of what a person is living with is a bit presumptious and hurtful.  (I'm not addressing you, Sassy, but anyone who might feel "led" to offer that bit of very unhelpful "advice.")

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