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Attempt to rez an object failed & crashing to desktop

Tray Guisse

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Welcome to the forums, Tray ... Personally I've had no issues rezzing objects (I do it all the time) and I've had very few crashes recently. If you want help you need to post your system specs, region where this happened, what viewer you're using and version of the viewer you're using ... and the viewer crash log would be most helpful.

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Despite Cincia's statement you are one of a considerable number of avatars experiencing this issue, although as Dilbert says, your subsequent crash is unusual.  What viewer are you using, and what sort of connection (ie Internet) do you use?

The continued issues around LLCastRay failure have been known for months, but this issue, notably affecting owners of small parcels like Linden Homes, or those rezzing at relatively high altitudes, is a scandal in Secondlife and is long overdue for fixing.  We are told that the fix "is coming soon"...when??

FWIW owners of whole regions and homesteads are on the whole not suffering this bug, but if you are building on a platform at altitude, it is possible that the system sees your rezzing coordinates as outside of a sim, subsequently a "No copy" item may go offworld and be irretrievably lost.


Edit: Peggy...read the JIRA.

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This is not my system or connection this is all on your side LL. When can we hope for any fixes?"


And just what criteria and/or knowledge are you basing that statement on (the "all on your side" part)?  There is no evidence what so ever that that crashes to the desktop are serverside.......quite the contrary, in fact.  If it were serverside (on Linden Lab's end) then the vast majority of users would be experiencing the exact same problem  as you.  It's pretty obvious that such things are not happening.

On the "when can we hope for any fixes" part all I can say is never..........well, never until you start looking for the cause in the proper place anyway.  There are four major points where such a problem might occur (though really only one that makes sense because the other three points don't generally cause a program to crash to desktop).  Your system (almost definitely the area where your problem lays), your ISP, the Internet proper (both of which are highly unlikely to be the cause) and the Linden Lab servers (possible, but unlikely since there is just not enough users experiencing the problem you are experiencing).

If you insist it's not your system as the place to look then you'll never get a fix.    That's like your car won't start and you refuse to check to see if you have any gasoline in the tank........and you're out of gas.  How soon do you think you'll get your car started by changing your battery, spark plugs, fuel filter, tires, or washing it?

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 but for some odd reason you are crashing when the sim sends the error message maybe"


That JIRA is about failure to rezz an object.  Yes the OP is complaining about that but then to crash to desktop.  It's far fetched that an error message from the server would cause the viewer to crash.......unless there is a problem in the system the user is using.  A disconnect from the servers, yeah, I can buy that......but not a crash to desktop.

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I am getting the same error on two different sims and it is driving me nuts. I dont crash but I DID rage quit after I was unable to change AVs after a dozen attempts. So I am now forced to walk around naked. Thanks devs! Good job!

If anyone has any solutions or work-arounds I'd be very grateful.

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Since you're piggybacking on this thread and you are not crashing I'll do the best I can.  Your problems is almost certainly a connection problem.  And those connections seldom originate at the Linden Lab server end (though, occassionally, the servers do puke and cause all kinds of problems.......I don't think this is the case here though because many many more users are not having problems than are having problems).

Check out this:


Nalates is a frequent poster here in the forums.  Her troubleshooting blog is an excellent place to start and will very often lead to the area in your connection  that is causing the issues and allow you to fix it.  LL can't fix something with your connections....only you can do that.


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The fact that we are seeing as many attempts to blame this problem on peoples connection alone is evidence enough to make me think that there is more here than we are seeing.  Peggy if you look closely at the memory use in SL viewer you will find that there is a huge memory leak there and in every other viewer as well, though SL viewer seems to be the largest offender.  There is apmple eveidence that this leak leads to crashes, good reason to suspect that when an object does not rezz repeatedly it is not doing so because the core server is not sending the full procedure out to the viewer and the incomplete procedure is looping and eating up memory waiting for the proper response from the core server.

This, of course, is something neither you nor Linden Labs want to acknowledge but it there for anyone to see that cares to look at memory usage and stands like an 800 pound Gorilla in the corner laughing at you attempts to divert attention from it by blaming isp connections or others computers.  This game has gone on long enough and LL would do better to admit the problem and if they cant fix it either find someone that can or write code that adequately addresses this issue and stops simply making it worse. Blaming these things on connections only makes you look bad and underscores that Linden Labs is intent on avoiding addressing these issue even at the cost of their believablity.


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And this is most definately NOT a connection issue. My friend is on the exact same trunk as the Linden Labs servers are on in Dallas on a fiber optic line and is having the same issue. Conclusion: Not a connection issue.

There are also zero reports of any outages or slow downs within the internet at this time.

I have noticed that my inventory is constanting saying "Loading..." even though it seems as if all of my inventory items are available to me. Not to mention once after a crash where I was unable to fully change AVs and received the same error message, I LOST an inventory item upon logging back in. So I am betting this boils down to a database issue that needs to be fixed ASAP.

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Why is it that no one in the forums ever seems to have an inventory rezzing problem and yet everyone I talk to inworld has been having issues. I'm stumped. I've submitted a ticket to SL to inquire and have heard nothing back. How long does it usually take for them to respond. This has been an ongoing issue since April...yet no one can say why things don't rezz, disappear, etc.

It's not on my end. The connection is fine, computer is fine...etc. Sim has been restarted and I've literally dumped 3/4 of my inventory to lighten the load to no avail.

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Celiwynde Rage wrote:

Why is it that no one in the forums ever seems to have an inventory rezzing problem and yet everyone I talk to inworld has been having issues. I'm stumped. I've submitted a ticket to SL to inquire and have heard nothing back. How long does it usually take for them to respond. This has been an ongoing issue since April...yet no one can say why things don't rezz, disappear, etc.

It's not on my end. The connection is fine, computer is fine...etc. Sim has been restarted and I've literally dumped 3/4 of my inventory to lighten the load to no avail.

I've seen lot's of comments in the Forum about people having some troubles, myself included.  And no one is dismissing the comments.

It's when people come here and make blanket statements like the OP, "It's all on your side Linden Lab,"  that we say, "hold on a minute."

We don't know what the OP has or has not tried.  I am not meaning to pick on the OP here but all we have is the claim "I have a good internet connection."  Did the OP do a ping test?  Did the OP reboot her router? Define "good" for me.

Did the OP just come here to vent or did the OP actually want some help? 

Maybe the OP has tried everything that we can recommend. But to ask us to assume this is unfair to those of us who are trying to help.

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