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Missing Prims


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I have a Linden Home which I know has a prim count capacity of 117.  My region capacity currently says I am using 112 out of 117, leaving 5 remaining.  However when I count up the prim count of all my objects I only show that I have used 71.  I have done a CTRL ALT T to look for anything I might have dropped, by mistake.   Is there anyway to see where the other 36 prims are either hiding, or why I am short that total.  I have had to remove furniture that was fine at one time, but now it sends me over the limit.

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Highlighting transparent objects is a good step in finding things, but it won't detect ones that are inside other objects, underground, or thrown way up in the sky.  The way to find most of those is to set your Build/Edit tool to let you select only your own object objects by surrounding, and then drag a selection rectangle around a small area to see what gets highlighted.  You'll have to do that over and over and over again, looking at different places from different angles.  To find ones that you may have sent up in the sky by mistake, you'll have to get a scanning tool from Marketplace.  There are many available.


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I agree that setting "only my objects" and lassoing is the first logical step. If that doesn't work, here is another.


Assuming that you ONLY want what you can see in your living room, you could take up all those tables, chairs, rugs etc and then "return items" for the prims remaining. If they are yours they should (no guarantee) come back to you in one or more coalesced object in your Lost and Found.   Depending on your viewer, you may be able to return all the items you picked up to their previous place by right clicking and choosing "restore to last location". Not all viewers have that ability however.

You can also use Area Search (in Firestorm it is World> Area Search and type in your name as owner and let it list things for you. That might work well for underground or TINY things (some things don't lasso well if they are really tiny). If things are lost way up high that gets more problematic and the return to owner option might be your best next step.


Good luck.


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@Chic -- Thank you.  I had momentarily forgotten Firestorm's Area Seacrh, which is a great tool.  Use it sparingly, because it does put  load on the servers, but it works. 

I'd be careful about taking things as coalesced objects and then hoping to put them back with "Restore to Previous Position." -- another cool Firestorm feature.  There is a bug that is messing that strategy up for now >>> "Restore to last position" TPV feature appears broken if you dont have rez rights at <0,0,0> on the region  If you try to use the function and you don't have rezzing rights in the extreme SW corner of the sim -- as on a sim with Linden Homes -- then it fails and tells you that you can't rez because the owner doesn't allow it. Then you have to mess with placing a coalesced object back in your home correctly, which is not an easy trick for a newbie.

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Welcome to Second Life Answers, wstefaniew

Have you got build enabled on your land?  If so, someone else may have rezzed something up in the skies above your home.

To see if anyone else has objects on your land, click on the "i" icon to the left of your land description at the top of the viewer screen (if you are using the official Second Life viewer). This will pull down a window onto your screen giving some land details, and there are menu tabs at the top of that window - look at "objects" to see if anyone else has rezzed on your land.

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Number of prims is now not the absolute thing it used to be.  Today, a parcel's carrying capacity is measured in "Land Impact".  Mostly, this is the same as prim count, but not always.  If you have Mesh objects, or sculpties, or objects with an unusual choice of physics bounding box, or physical objects with scripts, the LI value could be different from the object's prim count.

Or, it could be that you just counted wrong.

Or, someone else may have some objects on your land.  A vehicle that crashed in your parcel (due to the dreaded "parcel is full" message) could be hiding up in the sky or under the ground.

Or, you just missed something.

If, after refreshing the "objects owned by" window of About Land/Objects, you find no stranger's items to return, and you just can't find the Mystery Thing...take all your stuff you CAN find back into inventory.  Then Return all remaining objects on your parcel.  Check your Lost and Found folder, rez whatever you find there, and go, "AHA!  THERE'S that bag of honey roasted almonds!  Must have lost them in the sofa cushions."

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Hello i am wondering which readings to go by i had 390 prim available yesterday logged off came back to 39 so i left it over night then started searching and thanks to this thread i learned about area search on that i have 413 listed 350 pending total = 897 that seems about right to me yet in land search it is showing up as 1778 out of 1879 any ideas i am at a loss which one is correct although i am sure i haven't used 1778 prim as my house isn't even furnished yet any suggestions would be appreciated.

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