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Inventory creation on in-world object failed.

Ayako Kaligawa

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it happens again :(

posted it already: on 05-11-2012 04:34 AM, thought it was solved, 

the problem:

moving items nto a box cause this error message and the item is lost, if it is nocopy.


Inventory creation on in-world object failed.


is there any help, or i am cursed to lost payed nocopy items by this bug ?

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This is a common message and it's meaning is actually very direct and simple. I've seen this message many times over the 12 years I've been in SL.

What is happing when this message occurs: You are copying items from your inventory into the inventory of an object rezzed in-world.

What triggers the error: Something did not get copied into the inventory of the object rezzed in-world.

Scenario: You have a new AO, Dance HUD, A bunch of inventory you want to "box up".

You rezz the HUD or Box (or create a prim) and edit it, go to the contents tab. Usually, we will select multiple items from inventory and drag the entire group into the contents (or directly onto) the rezzed item. If you select too many items (for example all 30 or more of those new dance animations you just bought to add to your HUD) - and if even ONE of them fails to copy into the rezzed item then you will get that error. However, everything else is in there. You get the error only at the end of the copy attempt.

This is because of either sim lag or asset-server overload or combination of both. The way to avoid this error is to 1) be in a lag-free sim and 2) don't try to copy more than about 15 or 20 items at a time and verify they have copied before doing the next "batch".

WARNING: if you are copying no-copy items into a rezzed prim and you get this error, those no-copy items are converted into no-existence items. They are lost forever.

Edited by Alyona Su
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This is very puzzling.  I have never seen that error message before.  When you posted your question last week, I was fairly sure that you were having problems because you had been rezzing items while Linden Lab techs were orking on the servers.  They always warn people not to do that, especially with no-copy items, because you can run a risk of losing items completely if they fail to rez.  If you are still having the problem today, though, I doubt that the servers are to blame.  LL has not done any announced maintenance since Thursday.

There are two ways to move items from your inventory to the contents of a prim in world.  The safest way is to open the prim with your Build/Edit tool, click on the Contents page, and drag/drop inventory items directly into it.  That is safest because you are less likely to make the mistake of dropping the inventory item into some other object by mistake, and because the Contents page is a larger target -- important for those of us with clumsy fingers.  The other way is to hold down your CTRL key and drag/drop the inventory item onto the prim.  That method works, but does require a little more manual dexterity.  In my experience, it is also more susceptible to lag.  Half the time when I use that method I get the "Not Allowed" icon around my cursor and need to try again.

I am grasping at straws to explain your problem. It's worth seeing whether your technique is the root of it.  It's also worth your time to check the contents of every single prim in every object near you, just to see whether that's where you have been dropping things.  Of course that still doesn't explain the error message ........

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I've seen that message a few times -- most recently today, in fact.  

Today -- and I honestly can't remember what I was doing the other times -- I was trying to drag a lot of animations over into something, all at once, and, in the event, only about half of them made it before I got that error.

Fortunately, my animations were copyable,  so I was able to drag the missing ones over one at a time, which went smoothly.

I don't know if it's to do with trying to drag too many things over at once -- my experience might have been just a coincidence, of course.   But that's all I can think of.


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A month later, and I am seeing that message FREQUENTLY when trying to pack boxes for my shop.  I have found that porting to a different sim sometimes helps - for instance, moving from my work space to my store to pack or vice versa. Aggrevating, time consuming and random - different times of the day, no correlation to server issues that I have noticed, different locations on the grid, no difference if moving a single item versus a bunch of items, etc.

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Hi I came across this 'Inventory creation on in-world object failed' message today while packing clothing items into a box, I worked out I was wearing a link to that item.  Just check you're not wearing it, or a link to it in 'Worn' tab :)

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15 minutes ago, PixiPretty said:

Hi I came across this 'Inventory creation on in-world object failed' message today while packing clothing items into a box, I worked out I was wearing a link to that item.  Just check you're not wearing it, or a link to it in 'Worn' tab :)

Interesting, but that message has been around a very long while and seems to only show up when the database is having a very bad day. You can also get it simply by trying to rez an item out of inventory.  Happily this doesn't happen all that often. I can't remember seeing it in many months or maybe even a year.  

This is one of many reasons that most items are now copy. A decade or more ago, most things were TRANSFER but not copy. 

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