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I did work at a club as a hostess and dancer, but some things changed and so I'm again more the customer and traveler I once was. I love to discover beautiful places and spend most of my time at dance clubs and at the house a friend gave to me. I tried building a while back, but oh good god....my houses were awful :catsurprised:

But yesterday night I finally found something I'm not that bad at: Making tattoos and t-shirts! Maybe I open my own marketplace store soon. (Hope that will help me paying for shopping).

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My Second Life is for purely leisure and pleasure.  Sadly, I learned early on that my building skills were very basic, and the fact is, my concentration span is very short, so I tend to log in with an intention to do one thing, and then usually get distracted and do something completely different.

I do not enjoy shopping, except if it's for pyjamas.  I love to live in pyjamas, which I could not get away with in real life (although once they cart me off to my very own private padded cell, I am sure I will get a bit fed up with wearing pyjamas :matte-motes-wink-tongue:)

Yesterday I was thrilled to bits to find that Linden Lab have given all the premium members something that I have always wanted to have a ride on in real life.  It is slightly less perilous to travel in this way in Second Life.

Ahhh simple toys are often the best fun.

Yes, all things considered, my Second Life has to be about the fun, emptying the head of the real life stressful stuff for a little while at least.

handcar 3.jpg

handcar 10.jpg

handcar 14.jpg

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i have found that my houses are awful as well syo.

and i have also been in the club buisness. not much my style anymore but i would still do a job there.

my fun is in learning to build and begining to pastor a new church that will be put up in a week or so....

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Tracy Redangel wrote:

Ooooh I need to go get mine! Have you seen 'Oh Brother Where Art Thou?" That totally reminds me of that movie LOL I need to go check it out


I haven't yet seen 'Oh Brother Where Art Thou' but I'm going to have to seek that out now.  There was a scene in a recent episode of UK soap Coronation Street though that had part of a wedding party pursuing a train on one of these handcars, plus Laurel & Hardy (I think it was), and I just for so long wanted to have a go.

There were loads of people out on the lines; some slowed down and were very tentative when coming close to another person in a vehicle, but others just pumped away and carried on regardless.  Some of those driverless tanks and cars happened along the railroad track too, just to add a bit more surreal fun to the journey.

I'd almost forgotten SL could be quite so much fun. :matte-motes-big-grin:

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The only house I ever built had no windows or doors, so basically was a box made up of several linked prims, with a black brick texture on it. It was home for a while, the inside was quite nice.

Those people who can build massive 6000+ prim castles that pop out from a rezz faux absolutely amaze me.  Complete with dungeons, moat, gargoyles, fountains, fireplaces, turrets. 

At least it keeps the Linden economy going when we can't build everything ourselves. :matte-motes-smile:

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emmettcullen93 wrote:

what is your second life about tell everyone!


My SL is about the "walking conflict" that is me...

I'm impulsive but crave routine, a very good creator with skills but gets bored using those skills, and a serial shopper who likes new stuff but not shopping for it. I'm a perv who's too picky to score, a showoff who really hates the spotlight, an explorer who's seen it all already. I'm selfish yet I help and fight for others. Love my friends the most yet I seem to talk to them the least. I'm a wily, jaded old vet who still looks at SL through the eyes of a noob. Good at a lot of things I don't particularly care to do, and fairly poor at things I seem to do on a regular basis. Closing in on 6 years now and I'm on reruns here, but it's all still fun and the people make it worth coming back to again and again.

I've learned to laugh at myself because they say it's healthy, but mostly because it hides the sound of everyone else laughing at me :matte-motes-tongue:

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Dana Hickman wrote:

emmettcullen93 wrote:

what is your second life about tell everyone!


My SL is about the "walking conflict" that is me...

I'm impulsive but crave routine, a very good creator with skills but gets bored using those skills, and a serial shopper who likes new stuff but not shopping for it. I'm a perv who's too picky to score, a showoff who really hates the spotlight, an explorer who's seen it all already. I'm selfish yet I help and fight for others. Love my friends the most yet I seem to talk to them the least. I'm a wily, jaded old vet who still looks at SL through the eyes of a noob. Good at a lot of things I don't particularly care to do, and fairly poor at things I seem to do on a regular basis. Closing in on 6 years now and I'm on reruns here, but it's all still fun and the people make it worth coming back to again and again.

I've learned to laugh at myself because they say it's healthy, but mostly because it hides the sound of everyone else laughing at me :matte-motes-tongue:

lol Paradox in its rarest form.

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My SL is pure FUN. My RL boyfriend and I play together and we have so much fun in SL. We actually met and fell in love in SL and two months later became a real life couple living together in RL(going on 2 years) as well. We still love to play because we both individually love gaming and virtual worlds. We've met some pretty good friends in SL too.

My boyfriend & I (he's not always a shark LOL)


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Tracy Redangel wrote:

My SL is pure FUN. My RL boyfriend and I play together and we have so much fun in SL. We actually met and fell in love in SL and two months later became a real life couple living together in RL(going on 2 years) as well. We still love to play because we both individually love gaming and virtual worlds. We've met some pretty good friends in SL too.

My boyfriend & I (he's not always a shark LOL)


lol amazing pic. maybe you could go into photography it may make a career and get you some lindens because i love that pic. *you dont have to listen to me my name is twilight based* hehe.

wonderful you found a good relationship is secondlife as well.

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>>The only house I ever built had no windows or doors, so basically was a box made up of several linked prims, with a black brick texture on it. It was home for a while, the inside was quite nice.<<

When I was new to SL ~in like my 1st week~ I built a house at a sandbox. It was very basic, with all 90^o angles & a flat roof. It had rectangular openings for doors & windows, & interior walls tho. I also put a brick texture on it. Since I didn't "own land" I didn't have anyplace to put it so I just saved it to my inv & I guess it's still there. The experience taught me that building isn't difficult but that it would take practice to get fast & good at it. I didn't feel like I had the patience to practice building, tho, so haven't. SL seems so over-built to me anyway, that I didn't see much point in adding to the clutter.


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Perfect! That is exactly what Second Life should be about.  And many congratulations on being a success story, taking your happy SL relationship into real life too.  I raise a glass to your ongoing health and happiness (only diet coke unfortunately, but as fizzy as champagne). :matte-motes-big-grin:

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JeanneAnne wrote:

The only house I ever built had no windows or doors, so basically was a box made up of several linked prims, with a black brick texture on it. It was home for a while, the inside was quite nice.<<

When I was new to SL ~in like my 1st week~ I built a house at a sandbox. It was very basic, with all 90^o angles & a flat roof. It had rectangular openings for doors & windows, & interior walls tho. I also put a brick texture on it. Since I didn't "own land" I didn't have anyplace to put it so I just saved it to my inv & I guess it's still there. The experience taught me that building isn't difficult but that it would take practice to get fast & good at it. I didn't feel like I had the patience to practice building, tho, so haven't. SL seems so over-built to me anyway, that I didn't see much point in adding to the clutter.


Nothing is difficult - if you put your mind to it, and have enough time. I lack patience.  Good point you make about not wishing to add to the clutter.  I wonder if I still have that boxy house I made all those years ago - methinks I must go and have a good ol' rummage in my inventory, empty the inventory out totally. :matte-motes-grin:

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Marigold Devin wrote:

My Second Life is for purely leisure and pleasure.  Sadly, I learned early on that my building skills were very basic, and the fact is, my concentration span is very short, so I tend to log in with an intention to do one thing, and then usually get distracted and do something completely different.

I do not enjoy shopping, except if it's for pyjamas.  I love to live in pyjamas, which I could not get away with in real life (although once they cart me off to my very own private padded cell, I am sure I will get a bit fed up with wearing pyjamas :matte-motes-wink-tongue:)

Yesterday I was thrilled to bits to find that Linden Lab have given all the premium members something that I have always wanted to have a ride on in real life.  It is slightly less perilous to travel in this way in Second Life.

Ahhh simple toys are often the best fun.

Yes, all things considered, my Second Life has to be about the fun, emptying the head of the real life stressful stuff for a little while at least.

handcar 3.jpg

handcar 10.jpg

handcar 14.jpg

Who won, you or the train?

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My sl has morphed over the years.

Currently my sl is pure fun. I come in sl to have fun, to work, to spend time with hubby and to help other folks. I do a lot of builds for various charities which I find very fulfilling because some of these charities I can't help as I'd like to in rl. (rfl being my top priority 4 months out of the year, except this year, making me a very sad panda, people don't like it when you're not on a team apparently, lol) .I used to spend more time with friends but over the years we've pretty much gone our separate ways. Such is life, right? I do spend time chatting with other folks too, don't get me wrong, just not with the people I used to be very close with-family even.

I don't have a really big business, and I'm not so certain I'd want one. I don't even have a specific kind of business, lol. What I have now works fantastic for me, does exactly what I need it to do, makes me money(ie, pays for itself), and serves all kinds of purposes I'd never imagined it could, or would. Even when I'm working, it's still fun. I'm always sharpening my skills on things to. I guess actually liking what I do has a huge impact on how I view my "business side" as it were, lol. I do sometimes wander the grid as well, but not nearly as often as I used to. I'm not into the club scene. Usually my sl hours are spent working on projects for other people more than anything though. There's just something about creating something and knowing the recipient really likes it that gives me goosebumps. I know, it's probably weird, and a bit sappy, but I really do enjoy it a lot. Creating for only myself isn't nearly as much fun. Plus, I really love the challenge. Over time, things get more and more difficult for me and it will only get worse(some days better than others) so being able to do something and have it come out more than just "alright" makes me feel pretty good. I'm legally blind, and have some other issues thanks to scar tissue on my brain so most things get made a LOT before I'd ever let anyone else see them because I make a TON of mistakes while making them, lol. Occasionally, I still screw up and some kind soul helps me out and lets me know something isn't quite aligned, or a texture is a little off, etc... So, always sharpening my skills. If for no other reason, to benefit my own health and well being. It keeps me sharp.

Hubby and I don't really do a whole lot on sl anymore. We do build together, dance, and cuddle, but we do that at home and it's pretty much just our avs acting out what we're doing in rl, lol. Hard to explain that one I suppose. But we watch movies and tv, spend time together, cuddle and such every night and while we do our avs are usually logged inworld cuddling on the only furniture in the house-a rug. At least until the region restarts and kicks us off(does once a day, usually, early morning hours while we're still logged in). I really love this aspect a lot, but can't explain why to be honest. I just do. It's not really necessary, obviously, since there's the whole rl aspect, but we both still love it.

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I used to wonder what the point was of RL couples logging into SL together, but over time realised that it was exactly the same point as RL couples going off to sit by a lake for a couple of hours in an afternoon; it feeds the pleasure centres of the brain, as does building for the builders, exploring for the explorers, photographing for the photographers, etc. You just can't put a price on the simplest joys in life, and they are often hard to explain to others with different interests.

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My SL... atm I am making 30 wedding photos for Lady, one vampire themed for Elvira, and one d/s style for my avi. That should be done by the end of this week. Longer projects are 7 deadly sins for Ella and Avatar Photo project that you all could read about in this forum.

I have tons of houses in my inventory and I don't use them, tons of friends but I always chat with strangers, have no home, ho fav sims/shops/clubs, no bf, gf or a lover, no pets lol. 

I guess I'm attracted to the feeling of being all alone in the world, sometimes if I find the right time to login, I can wander around different places and its like the end of the world. Tons of shiny places, beautiful scenes and not a living soul near;)


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Marigold Devin wrote:

My Second Life is for purely leisure and pleasure.  Sadly, I learned early on that my building skills were very basic, and the fact is, my concentration span is very short, so I tend to log in with an intention to do one thing, and then usually get distracted and do something completely different.

I do not enjoy shopping, except if it's for pyjamas.  I love to live in pyjamas, which I could not get away with in real life (although once they cart me off to my very own private padded cell, I am sure I will get a bit fed up with wearing pyjamas :matte-motes-wink-tongue:)

Yesterday I was thrilled to bits to find that Linden Lab have given all the premium members something that I have always wanted to have a ride on in real life.  It is slightly less perilous to travel in this way in Second Life.

Ahhh simple toys are often the best fun.

Yes, all things considered, my Second Life has to be about the fun, emptying the head of the real life stressful stuff for a little while at least.



handcar 14.jpg

I still haven't picked up my handcar but I'll get it one of these days. Never enough time :-(. In addition to "O Brother" there is a really funny short film in which Buster Keaton rides a powered version of a hand car from coast to coast across Canada.


It has some hilarious slapstick moments including at least one like yours. I found what looks like the whole thing (almost 25 minutes) on  youtube:  


My SL: A wonderful place where I explore, create (not that I'm anything to write home about in that department, but knowing how to do some things certainly gives me an appreciation for those that are really good at it), and most of all share experiences with my friends and friends-to-be.

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>>..I can wander around different places and its like the end of the world. Tons of shiny places, beautiful scenes and not a living soul near..<<

Isn't that the truth?!?

Sometimes on weekends I just wander around. Often there will not be a single other person on a sim i stumble across. Or sometimes the map will show someone but they must be up in a skybox or somewhere cuz i dont see them. Some places will have yellow lines around them but most don't. Usually if i 'touch' a door it will open & i go in houses & lounge on furniture or sit on pose balls. It doesn't hurt anything. I don't track in dirt or make messes. LoL I don't steal anything .. Then I move on .. Some of these sims are gorgeous. Depending on the mood im in .. it can make me feel sad that such pretty places are deserted. Other times i feel like a ninja sneaking around .. I wonder why ppl pay to maintain such pretty sims .. or 'property' on sims .. if they arent even going to hang out there. Of course, maybe i just miss them when they're home. But all too often nobody is home .. anywhere! From sim to sim i go w/out running in2 a single avatar. The sim i live on w/ my sisters these days is divided into quarters. There's seldom anyone on the other 3 quarter sims, even tho there's elaborate builds there. Then again .. I'm not inworld these days either .. & wont be til i get my new computer set up .. so maybe it's understandable. Still tho .. SL seems awfully deserted to me .. away from popular clubs or slex places anyway ..


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Haha yes, away from popular and slex places. I don't know why they're deserted, probably I miss the time when there's someone around. On some places!

One thing I can think of is, people are building their dreams, making them as close to reality as they can. Few days ago a friend tells me he rented a new sim and started to work, then later to realize he subconsciously constructed an old dream he used to have, and enjoyed it. So for him and others who build their dreams here, even if they have only an hour daily to go there, its still a pleasure, a relaxing place. 

When I wander around those deserted places it really feels like walking through someones dream. Every sim is a reflection of his builder in a way. 

The other thing, leaving a perfectly built sim/shop or any other item rezzed inworld without the ban lines, is like 'look what I've made!'. 

And I love them all, I guess I'm a perv lol

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